8 research outputs found

    Non-Formal Education: Theoretical Aspects and Scientific Approaches

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    У статті досліджуються теоретичні підходи до визначення поняття «неформальна освіта», наведено різні дефініції, а також розглянуто особливості та детермінуючі риси неформальної освіти, як чинника інноваційних перетворень у суспільстві. Виокремлене електронне навчання як різновид неформального навчання в системі неформальної освіти. Визначено, що подальше дослідження неформальної освіти дасть можливість використовувати її з метою прискорення переходу України до інноваційно орієнтованої економічної моделі та забезпечить сталий розвиток національної економіки. The aim of article is the researching and generalization of theoretical approaches to the definition of “non-formal education” and its essence. Non-formal education is an important part of “lifelong learning“concept. Thereby it attracts attention of international organizations, international and domestic scientists. Non-formal education definition means the process of individual acquiring of knowledge and skills out of formal educational system. Non-formal education has some specific features – it is organized, planned, supported and as a rule doesn’t qualify, etc. It should be noted that non-formal education development is closely connected with innovational model of society development forming. Only complex system, which combines different forms of training, can ensure acquiring experts knowledge and qualification. Further investigation and development of non-formal education as well as its integration in formal education will allow Ukraine the opportunity to increase the efficiency of national economy under conditions to innovational model development transfer

    Efficiency forecasting for municipal solid waste recycling in the context on sustainable development of economy

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    Ukraine’s further economic growth should be directed by Government Sustainable Development Strategy for harmonization of economy, environmental and social protection. One of the important modern problems is pollution by waste. The feasibility of introducing an eco-project for the municipal solid waste recycling is substantiated at the present research. The complex mathematical model of profit forecast is developed, which shows the tariffs influence on profitability of eco-project on construction of the plant for municipal solid waste recycling in Poltava region of Ukraine. The authors determine and analyse the dependences of the expected eco-project revenue from the change in tariffs for waste management services for each of the consumer categories. Two scenarios of economic development (inertial and innovative) are compared and resulted that the both scenarios have environmental and economic effect, so they are investment attractive. Emphasis is placed on the shortcomings and gaps of the existing tariff policy. The paper demonstrates lack of incentives for the development of business recycling under the existing tariff policy, so to establish a single tariff is proposed uniting the services cost for the removal, sorting, processing and disposal of the waste and also without dividing by consumer categories

    Non-Formal Education: Theoretical Aspects and Scientific Approaches

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    У статті досліджуються теоретичні підходи до визначення поняття «неформальна освіта», наведено різні дефініції, а також розглянуто особливості та детермінуючі риси неформальної освіти, як чинника інноваційних перетворень у суспільстві. Виокремлене електронне навчання як різновид неформального навчання в системі неформальної освіти. Визначено, що подальше дослідження неформальної освіти дасть можливість використовувати її з метою прискорення переходу України до інноваційно орієнтованої економічної моделі та забезпечить сталий розвиток національної економіки. The aim of article is the researching and generalization of theoretical approaches to the definition of “non-formal education” and its essence. Non-formal education is an important part of “lifelong learning“concept. Thereby it attracts attention of international organizations, international and domestic scientists. Non-formal education definition means the process of individual acquiring of knowledge and skills out of formal educational system. Non-formal education has some specific features – it is organized, planned, supported and as a rule doesn’t qualify, etc. It should be noted that non-formal education development is closely connected with innovational model of society development forming. Only complex system, which combines different forms of training, can ensure acquiring experts knowledge and qualification. Further investigation and development of non-formal education as well as its integration in formal education will allow Ukraine the opportunity to increase the efficiency of national economy under conditions to innovational model development transfer

    Transformation of the Higher Education System of Ukraine and Algeria in the Context of The Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

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    The paper focuses on the presence of a strong relationship between the level of education and unemployment in the EU and the OECD countries. A graphic confirmation of the change in the relative wages of employees depending on the level of education is given. The authors noted that in recent years there has been an expansion of the mass character of higher education, however, the latter has undergone transformations, in particular, the emergence of universities of a new format - University 21, School 35 and others. The author identifies the key features inherent in the field of higher education under the influence of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Of particular importance are the results on the existing imbalances in the field of higher education in the context of the transition to the new stage in the development of society - the 4th Industrial Revolution and the existing strategic gaps in the economies of the countries of the world depending on the level of development. The most optimal strategy for eliminating the existing imbalances in the field of higher education in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution for the transition countries is proposed

    Human Capital as a Factor of Innovative Development of National Economy of Ukrain

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    У статті розглянуто питання трансформації ролі людського капіталу як чинника інноваційного розвитку національної економіки. Досліджено диференціацію показників індексу людського капіталу за групами країн світу з різним рівнем доходу та залежність відносних заробітків працівників від освітнього рівня. Виявлено дисбаланс між наявним в Україні людським потенціалом та ефективністю його використання, включаючи територіальну специфіку. Розроблено пропозиції щодо основних напрямів інноваційного впливу на процеси формування та розвитку людського капіталу в Україні. The questions of the human capital role transformation as a factor of innovative development of national economy have been investigated. The differentiation of indicators of human capital index by the groups of countries with different income level and the relative earnings of workers dependent on the educational level have been analyzed. The imbalance between available human potential in Ukraine and efficiency of its using, including the territorial specificity, has been defined. The key areas of innovation impact on the formation and development of human capital in Ukraine have been worked out. For this purpose it was suggested to implement the innovative measures of modernizing the content and methods of system of higher education, the modern approaches of total quality management (TQM), the spread of information and communication technologies, transfer of modern knowledge, to establish an actual system of continuous education, through the formation of national qualifications, the innovation infrastructure, to develop the market of intellectual property