6 research outputs found

    Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of force active muscle fibers under the influence of diazinon

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    Показано, що пригнічення динамічних характеристик м’язового скорочення відбувалось, починаючи з концентрації 1•10-6моль/л. Використання концентрації діазинону 10-5 моль/л, майже повністю інгібувало активність скелетно-м’язових препаратів. Показана зміна структури динамічного компоненту м’язової відповіді та перехід до утримання нових рівнів утримання стаціонарного стану скорочення в міру збільшення концентрації досліджуваного пестициду.It was shown that depression of muscle contraction dynamical characteristics take place starting from diazinon concentration 1•10-6 mol/l. Usage of diazinon in concentration 1•10-6mol/l almost inhibited activity of muscle samples. The change of the dynamical component of muscle responce and transition to retention of a new levels of contraction stationary state during increade of pesticide concentration was shown

    The change of the length of the muscle shortening m. tibialis anterior, frog Rana temporaria under the influence of diazynon.

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    Вплив розчинів діазинону в концентраціях 1•10-6, 2,5•10-6, 5•10-6, 7,5•10-6, 1•10-5 моль/л, показав, що пригнічення динамічних характеристик м’язового скорочення відбувалось, в усіх випадках, починаючи вже з 2-ї хвилини дії пестициду. Проведений в роботі аналіз динамічних властивостей скорочення пучків м’язових волокон свідчить про те, що динаміка зміни їх довжини багато в чому визначається не лише концентрацією, але і часом дії вказаного пестициду. Показано, що збільшення часу досягнення максимального вкорочення в динамічному компоненті призводило не лише до часової затримки встановлення нового стаціонарного рівня, але і до зменшення амплітуди руху.The influence of solutions of diazinon is in the concentrations of 1•10-6, 2,5•10-6, 5•10-6, 7,5•10-6, 1•10-5 mol/l, showed that oppression of dynamic descriptions of muscular reduction had taken place, in all cases, starting already on the 2nd minute of action of pesticide. The analysis of dynamic properties of reduction of bunches of muscle fibres conducted in-process under the action of diazinon testifies that the dynamics of change of their length is in a great deal determined not only by concentration, but also sometimes by actions of the indicated pesticide. It was shown that increasing the time to achieve the maximal shortening in a dynamic component resulted not only in the sentinel delay of establishment of new stationary level but also to diminishing of amplitude to motion

    Vlijanie C60-fullerena na dinamiku ustalostnych processov v kambalovidnoj myšce krysy posle išemii-reperfuzii

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    Effect of pristine C60 fullerene aqueous colloid solution (C60FAS; 1 mg/kg dose) on the dynamics of fatigue processes in rat soleus muscle after ischemia-reperfusion injury using the tensiometric method was studied. Experiments were conducted during the first 5 h and for 5 days after ischemia. The changes in maximal strength of muscle contraction and its level of generation between the beginning and end of stimulated irritation after intravenous and intramuscular administration of C60FAS unmodified fullerene aqueous colloid solution were analyzed. The pronounced protective effect of this drug on the dynamics of skeletal muscle contraction was first determined. Protective effect of C60FAS unmodified fullerene aqueous colloid solution relative to changes in the levels of muscle contraction strength generation between the beginning and end of stimulated irritation was 15% in the first 5 h after ischemia and increased to 92% on the 5th day of the experiment. In such a case, the intravenous therapeutic administration of C60 fullerene aqueous colloid solution was the most optimal: the protective effect was 67% versus 49% under intramuscular administration. Thus, the development of biomedical nanotechnology with the application of pristine C60 unmodified fullerene as a strong antioxidant opens up new possibilities in prevention and treatment of ischemic injury in the skeletal muscles

    C60 fullerenes diminish muscle fatigue in rats comparable to N-acetylcysteine or β-Alanine

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    The aim of this study is to detect the effects of C60 fullerenes, which possess pronounced antioxidant properties, in comparison with the actions of the known exogenous antioxidants N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and β-Alanine in terms of exercise tolerance and contractile property changes of the m. triceps surae (TS) during development of the muscle fatigue in rats. The electrical stimulation of the TS muscle during four 30 min series in control rats led to total reduction of the muscle contraction force. Furthermore, the effects of prior intraperitoneal (i.p.) or oral C60FAS application and preliminary i.p. injection of NAC or β-Alanine on muscle contraction force under fatigue development conditions is studied. In contrast to control rats, animals with C60FAS, NAC, or β-Alanine administration could maintain a constant level of muscle effort over five stimulation series. The accumulation of secondary products and changes in antioxidant levels in the muscle tissues were also determined after the fatigue tests. The increased levels of lactic acid, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and H2O2 after stimulation were statistically significant with respect to intact muscles. In the working muscle, there was a significant (p < 0.05) increase in the activity of endogenous antioxidants: reduced glutathione, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase. Treated animal groups showed a decrease in endogenous antioxidant activity relative to the fatigue-induced animals (P < 0.05). Oral C60FAS administration clearly demonstrated an action on skeletal muscle fatigue development similar to the effects of i.p. injections of the exogenous antioxidants NAC or β-Alanine. This creates opportunities to oral use of C60FAS as a potential therapeutic agent. Due to the membranotropic activity of C60 fullerenes, non-toxic C60FAS has a more pronounced effect on the prooxidant-antioxidant homeostasis of muscle tissues in rats

    Influence of etanol on dynamics of the contraction of skeletal muscle fiders in the isotonic regime

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    Було досліджено динамічні параметри скорочення пучків волокон скелетного м’язу жаби Rana temporaria у ізотонічному режимі під впливом двокомпонентної модульованої стимуляції та етилового спирту. Показано, що концентрації спирту нижчі 1% не викликають помітних змін протікання скоротливих процесів. При концентрації спирту 1% спостерігалися незначні прояви втомлюваності м’язових волокон. При збільшенні концентрації спирту до 3% відбувалося значне пригнічення скоротливої діяльності пучків м’язових волокон.This work is devoted to investigation of the influence of etanol on dynamics of the contraction of skeletal muscle fiders of the frog Rana temporaria. The research was carried out by means of tensometry. The experiments were carried out in the isotonic regime under the constant control of dynamic parameters of the contraction. The use of the etanol leads to inhibition of the muscle contraction