47 research outputs found

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of haematological malignancies in residents living near petrochemical facilities

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    Background The petrochemical industry is a major source of hazardous and toxic air pollutants that are recognised to have mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. A wealth of occupational epidemiology literature exists around the petrochemical industry, with adverse haematological effects identified in employees exposed to ‘low’ concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene). Releases from the petrochemical industry are also thought to increase the risk of cancer incidence in fenceline communities. However, this emerging and at times inconclusive evidence base remains fragmented. The present study’s aim was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological studies investigating the association between incidences of haematological malignancy and residential exposure to the petrochemical industry. Methods Epidemiological studies reporting the risk of haematological malignancies (Leukaemia, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and Multiple myeloma) were included where the following criteria were met: (i) Cancer incidence is diagnosed by a medical professional and coded in accordance to the International Classification of Diseases; (ii) A clear definition of fenceline communities is provided, indicating the proximity between exposed residents and petrochemical activities; and (iii) Exposure is representative of normal operating conditions, not emergency events. Two investigators independently extracted information on study characteristics and outcomes in accordance with PRISMA and MOOSE guidelines. Relative risks and their 95% confidence intervals were pooled across studies for the four categories of haematological malignancy, using a random effects meta-analysis. Results The systematic review identified 16 unique studies, which collectively record the incidence of haematological malignancies across 187,585 residents living close to a petrochemical operation. Residents from fenceline communities, less than 5 km from a petrochemical facility (refinery or manufacturer of commercial chemicals), had a 30% higher risk of developing Leukaemia than residents from communities with no petrochemical activity. Meanwhile, the association between exposure and rarer forms of haematological malignancy remains uncertain, with further research required. Conclusions The risk of developing Leukaemia appears higher in individuals living near a petrochemical facility. This highlights the need for further policy to regulate the release of carcinogens by industry

    Rupture process of large earthquakes in the northern Mexico subduction zone

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    The Cocos plate subducts beneath North America at the Mexico trench. The northernmost segment of this trench, between the Orozco and Rivera fracture zones, has ruptured in a sequence of five large earthquakes from 1973 to 1985; the Jan. 30, 1973 Colima event ( M s 7.5) at the northern end of the segment near Rivera fracture zone; the Mar. 14, 1979 Petatlan event ( M s 7.6) at the southern end of the segment on the Orozco fracture zone; the Oct. 25, 1981 Playa Azul event ( M s 7.3) in the middle of the Michoacan “gap”; the Sept. 19, 1985 Michoacan mainshock ( M s 8.1); and the Sept. 21, 1985 Michoacan aftershock ( M s 7.6) that reruptured part of the Petatlan zone. Body wave inversion for the rupture process of these earthquakes finds the best: earthquake depth; focal mechanism; overall source time function; and seismic moment, for each earthquake. In addition, we have determined spatial concentrations of seismic moment release for the Colima earthquake, and the Michoacan mainshock and aftershock. These spatial concentrations of slip are interpreted as asperities; and the resultant asperity distribution for Mexico is compared to other subduction zones. The body wave inversion technique also determines the Moment Tensor Rate Functions ; but there is no evidence for statistically significant changes in the moment tensor during rupture for any of the five earthquakes. An appendix describes the Moment Tensor Rate Functions methodology in detail.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43169/1/24_2004_Article_BF00875970.pd

    Zespoly nicieni w glebach hydrogenicznych

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    The studies were carried out on two areas being party of complex meadows established on drained fens. The soil in both areas originated from tall sedge peats was classified to semi arid complex ВС. The soil of these areas differed in some thermal and hydrous properties. One area was three years old meadow while the second was partly overgrown by one- year meadow and partly by stable fifteen-year meadow. On meadow one-year and three-year patches without seedlings were observed. The soil samples were taken in autumn and spring from five sites: one-year meadow turfed places, one-year meadow non-turfed, three-year turfed, three year non-turfed and fifteen-year meadow turfed. Hydrous and thermal properties affected the number of nematode communities to a greater degree than the age of meadow itself. Phytoeuparasites and parasaprobionts visibly were more numerous on turfed places in comparison to non-turfed. In almost all autumn samples parasaprobionts dominated. Percentage participation of phytoeuparasites was higher in autumn than in spring. The studied communities differed in species composition, Morisita index of similarity calculated for pairs was low. The withering of seedlings was not related to the occurrence of parasitic nematodes. The growth of grass was not inhibited even at high number of parasitic nematodes Paratylenchus nanus and Tylechorhynchus dubius.Badania prowadzono przez dwa lata na łąkach założonych na osuszonym bagnie Kuwasy położonym na terenie ZD IMUZ Biebrza. Jednym z celów tych badań było poznanie wpływu wieku łąki na takie parametry zespołów nicieni glebowych jak: liczebność, udział grup ekologicznych i skład gatunkowy. Drugim celem badań było sprawdzenie czy zjawisko placowatego wypadania siewek na łąkach założonych na glebach hydrogenicznych jest związane z występowaniemwglebie nicieni pasożytów roślin. Do badań wytypowano dwie powierzchnie A i B, których gleba była pochodzenia turzycowo-drzewnego zaliczana do kompleksu glebowo-wilgotnościowego okresowo posusznego ВС o średnim stopniu zmurszenia MTII. Gleba pow.A miała bardziej ustabilizowane warunki wilgotnośiowo-termiczne i mniejszą tendencję przesuszania niż gleba pow.B. W roku rozpoczęcia badań pow.A stanowiła łąka trzyletnia, natomiast jedna część pow.B była porośnięta łąką jednoroczną druga łąką piętnastoletnią. Na łące I (trzyletniej) i na łące (jednorocznej) obserwowano miejsca niezadarnione powstałe na skutek wypadnięcia siewek traw. Natomiast a III (piętnastoletnia) była równomiernie porośnięta trawą. Próby pobierano wiosną i jesienią z pięciu stanowisk: na łąkach I i II z miejsc zadarnionych i niezadarnionych oraz na łące III z miejsc zadarnionych. Nicienie ekstrahowane zmodyfikowaną metodą Baermanna liczono, oznaczano i dzielono na następujące grupy ekolo- giczne: pasożyty roślin, pasożyty potencjalne,grzybożerne, eusaprobionty, parasaprobionty, wszystkoożerne i drapieżne. Analiza liczebności badanych zgrupowań wykazała że właściwości fizyko-wodne i termiczne gleby mają większy wpływ na liczebność zespołów nicieni niż wiek łąki. Ponadto w miejscach zadarnionych obserwowano znacznie więcej nicieni niż w niezadarnionych.(Rys.l).W miejscach zadarnionych stwierdzono istotnie więcej nicieni z grupy pasożytów roślin i parasaprobiontów niż w miejscach niezadarnionych. Na wszystkich stanowiskach dominującymi grupami były pasożyty roślin i parasaprobionty przy czym w próbach wiosennych było mniej pasożytów niż w próbach jesiennych. W badanych zgrupowaniach stwierdzono bardzo mały udział nicieni wszystkożernych i drapieżnych. Wskaźnik Morisita uwzględniający podobieństwo składu gatunkowego zespołów był stosunkowo niski dla par analizowanych zgrupowań co świadczy o małym podobieństwie badanych zespołów. Na podstawie uzyskanych wartości współczynnika Morisita trudno jest jednak ocenić który z czynników, wiek łąki czy zadarnienie, bardziej różnicują zgrupowania nicieni glebowych. Na podstawie otrzymanych wyników trudno jest powiedzieć czy wypadanie siewek traw było związane z występowaniem w glebie nicieni pasożytniczych. W miejscach zadarnionych, gdzie nie obserwowano wypadania siewek stwierdzono występowanie w dużych liczebnościach dwóch gatunków pasożytujących na trawach: Paratylenchus nanus i Tylenchorhynchus dubius

    Ocena trwałości murów monolitycznych z ziemi ubijanej

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    One of the main threats to constructions made from rammed earth is destruction due to exposure to water. The way to limit this dangerous phenomenon is to supplement the local soil mixtures with stabilizing agents. The main component used is Portland cement. This article analyses the results of research which focused on the resistance of rammed earth to water erosion. Because of the lack of national standards regarding the method of examining the durability of rammed earth, the research was based on the New Zealand standard NZS 4298: 1998. The results confirm the possibility of using rammed earth stabilized by cement in a temperate climate.Jednym z głównych zagrożeń dla konstrukcji wykonywanych w technologii ziemi ubijanej jest destrukcja pod wpływem wody. Sposobem na ograniczenie tego niebezpiecznego zjawiska jest uzupełnienie mieszanki lokalnie dostępnych gruntów o składniki stabilizujące. Najczęściej stosowanym składnikiem jest cement portlandzki. W niniejszym artykule przeanalizowano wyniki badań odporności ziemi ubijanej na erozję wodną. Ze względu na brak krajowych norm dotyczących sposobu badania trwałości ziemi ubijanej, badania zostały wykonane w oparciu o normę nowozelandzką NZS 4298: 1998. Uzyskane wyniki pozytywnie weryfikują możliwość stonowania ziemi ubijanej stabilizowanej cementem w klimacie umiarkowanym

    Faults of designing and using metal-glass structures

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    The aim of the article is taking a closer look at the problems concerning technical condition assessment with regard to correctness of project goals of structures metal-glass facade. Made is reference to the manner of their execution and proper functioning. The issue of accordance to good engineering practice of adapting changes in the system and adjusting the fitted solutions as reccomended by the producers. Above mentioned issues were dealt with given an example of high-rise building with applied curtain wall and a residential building where a filling structure is mounted

    Nowa metoda sieciowania kauczuku butadienowo-styrenowego za pomocą kwasów Lewisa generowanych in situ

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    Heating of blends composed of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) and chlorosulphonated polyethylene (CSM) at T = 453 K in the presence of fine powdered Zn leads to curing of the elastomers involving interelastomer reactions of the blend components. Analysis of IR spectra leads to the conclusion that the curing in the studied blends is a result of the interelastomer Friedel-Crafts alkylation of the SBR phenyl rings with the elastomeric polyhalide. This reaction is catalyzed with a Lewis acid (ZnCl2) generated in situ by the reaction of CSM with the Zn powder. This new, unconventional method can be used for the curing of the SBR/CSM blends containing selected fillers.Ogrzewanie w T = 453 K mieszanin zawierających kauczuk butadienowo-styrenowy (SBR) i chlorosulfonowany polietylen (CSM) w obecności rozdrobnionego Zn prowadzi do usieciowania składników. Na podstawie widm w podczerwieni (IR) stwierdzono, że sieciowanie składników mieszanki jest wynikiem interelastomerowego alkilowania w reakcji Friedela-Craftsa pierścieni fenylowych makrocząsteczek SBR elastomerycznym polihalogenkiem. Reakcje te są katalizowane kwasem Lewisa (ZnCl2) generowanym in situ w reakcji CSM ze sproszkowanym Zn. Nowa, niekonwencjonalna metoda może być wykorzystana do sieciowania mieszanin SBR/CSM zawierających wybrane napełniacze

    Life course health development outcomes after prematurity: Developing a community, clinical, and translational research agenda to optimize health, behavior, and functioning

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    Long-term survival for infants born extremely prematurely (\u3c28 weeks of gestation) and extremely low birth weight (\u3c1000 g) has increased dramatically due to obstetrical and neonatal advances. However, poverty, inequality, and resulting health disparities are significant contributors to women who give birth to preterm infants and also impact their children’s healthy development and education. While the vast majority of survivors of extreme prematurity do not have the most severe forms of neurodevelopmental disability (i.e., cerebral palsy, blindness, sensorineural hearing loss \u3e55 dB, and intellectual disability), half of survivors can be expected to require special education services at kindergarten entry and during their school years. In addition, there are also high rates of health disparities in the prevalence of preterm birth across the spectrum of gestations including very preterm (28-31 weeks), moderate preterm (32-33 weeks), and late preterm births (34-36 weeks). Life course health development offers a valuable framework for examining how complex medical and social adversities that impact a mother’s health can also impact their child’s health and developmental trajectories. A better understanding of the cumulative impact of protective factors and other buffers that can support prenatal and postnatal parental and child health will provide important insights into how to promote greater resiliency and optimal health development. This population-based information can provide ongoing data for thriving developmental health trajectories for vulnerable preterm survivors with respect to physical, behavioral, and social health outcomes. Though premature infants who receive comprehensive early intervention and preschool educational supportive services have improved outcomes at kindergarten entry, school-age survivors, even those escaping major neurodevelopmental diagnoses, have challenges which impact attention, behavioral regulation, academic achievement, and social skills compared to their full-term peers. Unfortunately, many essential services that can contribute to better outcomes are unnecessarily fragmented and not systematically implemented to provide preventive interventions that optimize health, learning, executive function, social, and adaptive competencies. These cumulative medical, developmental, and social risks among preterm survivors adversely impact long-term adult physical and behavioral health, educational attainment, and social participation. In order to address these disparities, more precise, population-based, health development interventions aimed at optimizing physical and behavioral health, educational achievement, and adaptive competencies will be required. We recommend research strategies to inform our efforts for improving life course outcomes