167 research outputs found


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    In this year, the Chimica Techno Acta journal (CTA) celebrates its 10th anniversary. A tenth of a century is a long time, during which about 350 papers have been published. In the beginning, the journal has been edited in two formats (electronic and print) and in two languages (Russian and English), but then considerable efforts have been made to ensure the rapid consideration of manuscripts while maintaining high peer-review standards at the same time. CTA has become an exclusively English-language and online journal. As a result, authors currently receive a first decision on their manuscripts within 17 days of submission, while the total time from submission to publication of a final version does not exceed 50 days. Along with providing good conditions for our authors, the journal seeks all possible ways to improve the quality of its content by considering well-designed manuscripts for their publication. Therefore, the rejection rate is increased from 10–20% in 2014–2015 to almost 50% in 2022.Another point consists in the support of the published items by visual facilities that have online journals. To avoid boredom, we changed the layout from grayscale to color and then to different colors for each year. The current (10th) volume is published in an orange-based design, symbolizing sunrise, warm sand, and juicy peach. We believe that visual content has a strong focus on the readers' attention. Even though the color perception may not impress someone, we will definitely change the coloristics in next year.The CTA Editorial Board is constantly updated with new scientists to ensure a more accurate review of incoming manuscripts. Within the current editorial, we are pleased to welcome a new editor, Dr. Pavel Padnya from Kazan Federal University (Russia). A short interview with him can be found below

    Acknowledgment of Chimica Techno Acta’s reviewers for 2023

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    We thank the scientists and experts in various fields represented in Chimica Techno Acta (CTA) for dedicating their time and effort to review the papers that we have sent them. Their assistance ensures that the CTA journal maintains a high-quality peer-review process, which is of paramount importance for the published articles. The CTA editorial office appreciates the contributions of the following reviewers and looks forward to future collaboration

    Introducing our new Editorial Board Members

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    The Chimica Techno Acta (CTA) journal was established in 2014. Since then, CTA has grown into a recognized platform for reporting recent advances in engineering chemistry. We would like to express our deep appreciation to all our authors, reviewers and readers, whose valuable participation has contributed greatly to the current level of CTA.One year ago, in a desire to further enhance the journal’s visibility and impact, a number of important changes were initiated, such as visual redesigning of the journal’s website, updating editorial policies and clarifying the Aims Scope. More importantly, we undertook a step towards expanding our Editorial Board team. As a result of this initiative, we are glad to welcome Prof. Ekaterina Kozlova from the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis and Dr. Farid Orudzhev from the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University as our new Editorial Board Members

    Seasonal Water "Pump" in the Atmosphere of Mars: Vertical Transport to the Thermosphere

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    We present results of simulations with the Max Planck Institute general circulation model (MPI-MGCM) implementing a hydrological cycle scheme. The simulations reveal a seasonal water "pump" mechanism responsible for the upward transport of water vapor. This mechanism occurs in high latitudes above 60^\circ of the southern hemisphere at perihelion, when the upward branch of the meridional circulation is particularly strong. A combination of the mean vertical flux with variations induced by solar tides facilitates penetration of water across the "bottleneck" at approximately 60 km. The meridional circulation then transports water across the globe to the northern hemisphere. Since the intensity of the meridional cell is tightly controlled by airborne dust, the water abundance in the thermosphere strongly increases during dust storms.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Interstitial characteristic of the Popular Scientific Legal Internet Discourse (PSLID)

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    Popular Scientific Legal Internet Discourse (PSLID) is a modern linguistic phenomenon, which appeared due to penetration of juristic terminology into the Internet. Discourse of law is an institutional discourse for it embraces the diversity of relations developing in the field of legal institutions and using their textual sources. Modern Internet formats, such as blogs, vlogs and posts (including tweets), contribute to the popularization of legal discourse and PSLID in online media and social networks. Author analyzes relation between scientific, official, journalistic and colloquial styles via examples of texts from a legal column "Pravo znat" from data portal Tomsk.ru. The analysis leads to the conclusion that PSLID combines element of different functional style