1,544 research outputs found

    Determination of resistance Candida spp. to antifungal agents with systemic action epsilometric method (E-test) with the species-specific characteristics of Candida

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    Evaluation of susceptibility of systemic antifungal agents against Candida spp. in recent years has been standardized and refined based on species-specific characteristics of Candida. In addition to new values clinical breakpoints were introduced epidemiological cutoff value. This value can serve as a sensitive marker of reduced susceptibility to the systemic antifungal agents. In our study was tested the resistance of fluconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, anidulafungin, caspofungin, micafungin for 294 clinical strains of Candida spp. (2012–2014) from specimens of cancer patients. Definition of MIC was performed by epsilometric method (Е-test). The resistance to azoles in the average observed in 47.4%, to echinocandins – in 4.2%

    Isoperiodic deformations of the acoustic operator and periodic solutions of the Harry Dym equation

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    We consider the problem of describing the possible spectra of an acoustic operator with a periodic finite-gap density. We construct flows on the moduli space of algebraic Riemann surfaces that preserve the periods of the corresponding operator. By a suitable extension of the phase space, these equations can be written with quadratic irrationalities.Comment: 15 page

    Tariffs Formation on oil transportation

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    Oil transportation via trunk pipelines is an important part of the oil industry's activity. The main instrument of tariff regulation is the method of tariffs formation. Three methods of tariffs formation such as the method of economically justified costs (the Cost plus method), the method of economically justified return on investment capital (the RAB method), and the method of tariffs indexation were considered

    Solvent effect on the spectra of methylene green and methylene blue

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    This investigation focuses on dyes that differ only in the nitro substituent. The NO2 group leads to a strong hardening of the fluorescence at 298 K. In methylene green (MG) the excitation energy migrates to the system of triplet states. This nonradiative process causes the MG fuorescence absent or too low compared to methylene blue (MB). Moreover, laser-induced fluorescence is completely absent for MG in the investigated solvents. However, at liquid nitrogen temperature, we recorded fluorescence for MG in ethanol 250 times higher than at room temperature and phosphorescence too. The intensity of the MB fluorescence band in ethanol at 77 K is 6 times higher than at room temperature. According to the results of this study, the lifetime in the excited state decreases in the following order: isopropanol > acetonitrile≈ethanol≈dimethyl sulfoxide > > water for MG and chloroform > acetonitrile≈ethanol≈dimethyl sulfoxide > > water≈isopropanol for MB. In addition, MG has phosphorescence in ethanol at 780 nm and in chloroform at 810 nm

    Microcotyle omanae n. sp. (Monogenea: Microcotylidae), a parasite of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Sparidae) from the Arabian Sea

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    Microcotyle omanae n. sp. (Monogenea: Microcotylidae) is described from the gills of Cheimerius nufar (Valenciennes) (Sparidae) from the Arabian Sea. The new species closely resembles Microcotyle arripis Sandars, 1945, M. helotes Sandars, 1944, M. caudata Goto, 1984 and M. sebastis Goto, 1984, which have also been found in the Indo-Pacific. Microcotyle omanae n. sp. differs from M. arripis, M. helotes and M. caudata by its greater number of testes, from M. arripis, M. helotes by its greater length of the genital atrium, length/width ratio of the genital atrium and length of the eggs, and from M. helotes also in greater width of the clamps, from M. caudata and M. sebastis in its greater number of clamps and additionally from M. sebastis by its smaller genital atrial spines and clamps and by the ratio between length and width of the genital atrium. Moreover, the mature specimens of the new species have greater average body length than all above mentioned species. Correlations between 15 morphometric characters and body length are analysed in the new species, and their significance for species differentiation is discussed

    Treatment of petroleum-contaminated water resources: modern techniques

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    The article deals with the issue of petroleum-contaminated water resources. The authors have analyzed the dynamics of oil spills, including the world's largest ones, and claimed the issue to be global. The modern methods of mitigating oil spill effects have been studied, as well as the modern techniques of water resource treatment. The particular attention is paid to peat sorbent production, which is considered a promising trend of petroleum- contaminated water treatment

    Immunologic reactivity of an organism in patients with coxarthrosis in the assessment of risk of development of postoperative complications at the endoprosthesis replacement

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    It is known that research of immune system using separate parameters doesn't allow to estimate it as one. The aim of the work was to find new approaches to the estimation of immune system state for the determination of character and intensity of immunopathological manifestations in patients with hip joint pathology. We examined immune status in 73 patients with degenerative-dystrophic injuries and in 18 patients with posttraumatic hip joint injuries. We found the most significant immunological indices that allow to determine the state of immune reactivity of the patient before the operation. We identified two groups of patients: with presumably "compensated" and "subcompensated" form of immunodeficient state. It was shown that infectious infectious complications in the area of endoprosthesis appear in patients with low immune reactivity on the basis of calculation of equations of linear function in patients with posttraumatic coxarthrosis. The results of the research showed that it's not necessary to analyze many immunological indices to estimate the state of immune reactivity of an organism. Using discriminant analysis allows to reveal the determinant factors that characterize distinctness of Junctional state of immune system of a certain patient and to determine the risk of development of postoperative complications

    Intellectual Information and Training System for Software and Hardware Complexes of Morphological Diagnostics of Esophageal Tumors

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    The aim of the work is to create a system of formalizing knowledge in the histological diagnosis of esophageal tumors and systematic transfer of knowledge to less experienced specialists. It is also a system that will provide support in making a decision in a histological diagnosis. Keywords: esophagus, morphological, automatic work place, system of support for the solutio

    Development of an Intellectual Educational and Diagnostic Complex for the Histological Analysis of Thyroid Tumors

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    The purpose of this project is the creation of an interactive intellectual training system based on the DBMS, which allows to organize and store information, transfer and copy data for employees. The already existing images and their characteristics are structured, a decision support system is developed for the recognition of tumors and suspicious cells, which saves time for an already experienced oncologist. This system allows to increase the accuracy of diagnosis. Educational and diagnostic complexes help to accumulate experience for young specialists in the field of image analysis, carry out comparative research, which speeds up the learning process, promotes professional development of the specialist. Keywords: diagnostic,thyroid, oncological, aspiration biopsy