60 research outputs found


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    Characteristics of productivity and growth (yield per tree, trunk cross-sectional area, yield efficiency and fruit weight) were studied in 40 apricot cultivars of early and medium early maturity in the Belgrade area during the six-year period (2009 – 2014). The cultivar ‘Hungarian Best’ was used as a control for comparison. The period of study was divided to initial bearing (age of trees three and four years) and full bearing (age of trees from five to eight years). Significant differences in yield between cultivars and years were found. Average yield in the period of initial bearing ranged from 0.3 to 11.3 kg per tree, and in the period of full bearing from 5.6 to 24.8 kg per tree. Compared with the control cultivar, significantly higher yield was obtained in 17 cultivars. Adverse weatherconditions resulted in significant reduction of yield in two out of six years of study. Cumulative yield efficiency varied from 0.17 to 0.87 kg/cm2 and in 19 cultivars it was significantly higher compared with the control cultivar. Fruit weight ranged from 27.7 to 80.1 g. Compared with control, fruit weight was significantly higher in nine cultivars, and significantly lower in 11 cultivars


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    Morphological characteristics of fruiting shoots: length, diameter, internode length, length of the basal part without flower buds, number of flower buds (per shoot, node and 1 m of shoot length) were studied in 12 peach and 12 nectarine cultivars. The study was conducted at the Experimental farm “Radmilovac” of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade during the two–year period (2016-2017). Control cultivar for peaches was ‘Redhaven’, and for nectarines ‘Stark Redgold’. For all studied traits statistically significant differences between cultivars were found. The average length of shoots varied from 62.4 to 76.8 cm, diameter from 5.9 to 8.0 mm, and internode length from 2.45 to 3.00 cm. The length of basal part of a shoot without flower buds was on average lower in nectarines (3.9 cm) than in peaches (9.1 cm). Peach cultivar ‘Tardibelle’ is characterized by the longest basal part of a shoot without flower buds (22.2 cm). All studied peach cultivars are characterized by lower flower bud density compared to control (‘Redhaven’). In nectarines, most of the studied cultivars had flower bud density similar to control (‘Stark Redgold’). Cultivars with higher flower bud density such as peaches: ‘Redhaven’, ‘Maria Marta’, ‘Autumn Glo’, and nectarines ‘Rita Star’, ‘Maria Carla’, ‘Orion’ require severe pruning in order to obtain better fruit size. On the other hand, cultivars with lower flower bud density e.g. ‘Tardibelle’, ‘Flavorcrest’, ‘Royal Glory’, ‘Bolero’, ‘Maria Lucia’ should be pruned slightly in order to obtain higher yield


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    The main goal of breeding and testing of rootstocks for sweet cherry is to obtain small and productive trees and to improve precocity. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of six rootstocks on vigor and productive characteristics of young sweet cherry trees. The experimental orchard is situated at the Experimental farm “Radmilovac”, of the Faculty of Agriculture (near Belgrade). Three sweet cherry cultivars: ‘Kordia’, ‘Karmen’ and ‘Regina’ were grafted on six rootstocks: Prunus mahaleb L. seedlings, ‘Colt’, ‘Ma×Ma 14’, ‘Gisela 6’, ‘Gisela 5’ and ‘Oblačinska’ sour cherry. During a two-year period (2015-2016) the following characteristics were studied: scion diameter above the grafting union, rootstock diameter under the grafting union, length and diameter of shoots, height of the tree and the number of spurs per tree. The resultsshowed different influence of rootstocks on the tree vigor, spur formation and precocity. The average diameter of the scion in all tested cultivars was the largest on the Mahaleb rootstock. The largest average number of spurs per tree in the second year was recorded on cherry trees grafted on the rootstocks ‘Gisela 6’ and ‘Oblačinska’ sour cherry (28 and 23 respectively). The lowest average number of spurs (6) was found on trees grafted on the rootstock ‘Colt’

    Prinos sorti žutog zvezdana na zemljištu bazne reakcije

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the forage and seed yield of birdsfoot trefoil cultivars on the soil base reaction. The field trial was set 2014th in Čačak on soil type fluvisol (pHH2O 7.8). The experiment was set a randomized complete block design with three replications with a plot size of 6x1m. The birdsfoot trefoil cultivars K-37, Zora and Bull were planted at a row spacing of 12.5 cm and a seeding rate of 10 kg ha-1. Cultivars among themselves, did not differ significantly in terms of forage yield, hay yield and dry matter content. The average forage yield in the first cut in the second year of cultivation was 26.53 t ha-1. The forage yield in the first cut in the third year of cultivation was 26.56 t ha-1 and in the second cut 11.77 t ha-1. The average seed yield of cultivars in the second growth in the second year of cultivation was 472.3 kg ha-1. Birdsfoot trefoil cultivars among themselves, did not differ significantly in terms of seed yield components. However, Zora cultivar had significantly higher seed yield potential, compared to other cultivars. These results do not differ from results obtained under similar conditions on acid soil.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se analizira prinos krme i semena sorti žutog zvezdana na zemljištu bazne reakcije. Ogled je postavljen 2014. godine u Čačku na zemljištu tipa fluvisol (pHH2O 7,8). Poljski eksperiment je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja, sa veličinom elementarne parcele 6x1m. Sorte žutog zvezdana K-37, zora i Bull su zasejane na rastojanju 12,5 cm međuredno, sa količinom semena 10 kg ha-1. Sorte se među sobom nisu značajno razlikovale u pogledu prinosa krme, prinosa sena i sadržaja suve materije. Prosečan prinos krme u prvom otkosu u drugoj godini proizvodnje je bio 26,53 t ha-1. Prinos krme u prvom otkosu u trećoj godini proizvodnje je bio 26,56 t ha-1, a u drugom otkosu 11,77 t ha-1. Prosečan prinos semena sorti u drugom porastu u drugoj godini gajenja je bio 472,3 kg ha-1. Sorte žutog zvezdana se među sobom nisu značajno razlikovale u pogledu komponenti prinosa semena. Međutim, sorta zora je imala značajno veći potencijalni prinos semena u odnosu na ostale sorte. Navedeni rezultati se ne razlikuju od rezultata dobijenih u sličnim uslovima na kiselom zemljišu

    Prinos i komponente prinosa zrna ozimog dvoredog ječma gajenog na kiselom zemljištu

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    A field trial was set up to analyse the effect of mineral fertilisation and liming on grain yield and yield components of barley on an acidic soil. Research was conducted over a period of two years at the experimental field of the Secondary School of Agriculture, Kraljevo. The trial involved three cultivars of two-row winter barley and four fertilisation treatments (no fertilisation, different ratios of N:P:K, with or without liming). Mineral fertilisation and liming led to a significant increase in the number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike, thereby resulting in significantly higher grain yields under fertilised treatments. Grain yield increased more significantly by liming than by increased rates of P, which was likely due to greater availability of macro- and micronutrients at increased soil pH. If economically worthwhile, liming should be used in barley production on very acidic soils to increase pH above suboptimal levels (pH 5.0). This would facilitate and enhance the realisation of grain yield potential in barley.Poljski ogled postavljen je sa ciljem da se analizira uticaj mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacije na prinos i komponente prinosa zrna ječma na kiselom zemljištu. Istraživanja su obavljena u dvogodišnjem periodu na oglednom polju Srednje poljoprivredne škole u Kraljevu. Za ogled su odabrane tri sorte ozimog dvoredog ječma i četiri varijante đubrenja (bez đubrenja, različiti odnosi N:P:K, sa ili bez kalcizacije). Primena mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacija uticali su na značajno povećanje broja i mase zrna po klasu, tako da je i prinos zrna svih sorti bio značajno veći na đubrenim varijantama. Na povećanje prinosa zrna ječma u većoj meri je uticala primena kalcizacije zemljišta u odnosu na povećane količine P, što se može povezati sa većom dostupnošću xmakro i mikroelemenata pri povećanju pH vrednosti zemljišta. Ukoliko je ekonomski prihvatljiva kalcizaciju bi trebalo primenjivati u gajenju ječma na jako kiselim zemljištima kako bi se pH vrednost povećala iznad nivoa suboptimalne (pH 5,0). Na taj način bi se u većoj meri realizovao njegov potencijal za prinos zrna

    Uticaj mineralnih hraniva i kalcizacije na prinos i komponente prinosa zrna ječma

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    Field trials involving barley varieties were established to analyse the effect of mineral fertilisation and liming on grain yield and yield components on an acidic soil. The research was conducted at the experimental field of the Secondary School of Agriculture, Kraljevo in 2012/13 on a pseudogley with an acidic reaction (pH H2O 4.8). The trial included two two-row winter barley cultivars (’Record’ and ’Jagodinac’) and four fertilisation treatments (unfertilised control, different N:P:K ratios, with or without liming). The use of mineral fertilisers and liming led to a significant increase in grain yield components, particularly number of spikes m-2 , number of kernels per spike and kernel weight per spike, thus resulting in a significantly higher grain yield in fertilised treatments. Liming had a significant effect on grain yield compared to increased P rates, which may be attributable to increased availability of macro- and microelements at increasing soil pH i.e. P immobilisation in a very acidic environment. When growing barley on very acidic soils, liming should be used, if it is economically feasible, to increase pH above the suboptimal value (pH 5.0) and, accordingly, largely contribute to the realisation of its grain yield potential.Poljski ogledi sa sortama ječma postavljeni su sa ciljem da se analizira uticaj mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacije na prinos zrna i komponente prinosa na kiselom zemljištu. Istraživanja su obavljena na oglednom polju Srednje poljoprivredne škole u Kraljevu tokom 2012/13. godine, na zemljištu tipa pseudoglej, kisele reakcije (pHH2O 4,8). Za ogled su odabrane dve sorte ozimog dvoredog ječma (rekord i jagodinac) i četiri varijante đubrenja (bez đubrenja, različiti odnosi N:P:K, sa ili bez kalcizacije). Primena mineralnih đubriva i kalcizacija uticali su na značajno povećanje vrednosti komponenti prinosa zrna, naročito broja klasova m-2 i broja i mase zrna po klasu, tako da je i prinos zrna bio značajno veći na đubrenim varijantama. Kalcizacija zemljišta uticala je na značajno povećanje prinosa zrna u odnosu na povećane doze P, što se može povezati sa većom dostupnošću makro i mikroelemenata pri povećanju pH vrednosti zemljišta, odnosno imobilizacijom P u jako kiseloj sredini. U gajenju ječma na jako kiselim zemljištima kalcizaciju bi, ukoliko je ekonomski prihvatljiva, trebalo primenjivati kako bi se pH vrednost povećala iznad nivoa suboptimalne (pH 5,0) i time u većoj meri realizovao njegov potencijal za prinos zrna

    Uticaj kalcizacije zemljišta na prinos krme i semena Žutog zvezdana (Lotus corniculatus L.)

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    A prerequisite for improving birdsfoot trefoil cultivation is the production of sufficient quantities of quality seeds. The field experiment was set 2012th in Čačak on alluvium soil type, acid reaction (pHH2O 4.8). Varieties birdsfoot trefoil (K-37 and Rocco) were sown at a interrow spacing of 20 cm and 10 kg ha-1 seed. The aim of the experiment was to analyze the impact of the application of limestone soil (without CaO and treatment with 3 t ha-1 CaO) on forage yield, seed yield and yield components of birdsfoot trefoil. The results indicate that birdsfoot trefoil was largely tolerant on acidity. The positive influence of liming on number of stems m-2 and number of seeds per pod in the variety Rocco contributed to its greater seed yield in relation to the variety of K-37.Preduslov za unapređenje gajenja žutog zvezdana je proizvodnja dovoljne količine kvalitetnog semena. Poljski ekseriment je postavljen 2012. godine u Čačku na zemljištu tipa aluvijum, kisele reakcije (pHH2O 4,8). Sorte žutog zvezdana (K-37 i Rocco) posejane su na rastojanju 20 cm međuredno sa 10 kg ha-1 semena. Cilj ogleda bio je da se analizira uticaj kalcizacije zemljišta (kontrola - bez CaO i tretman sa 3 t ha-1 CaO) na kiselom zemljištu na prinos krme, prinos i komponente prinosa semena sorti žutog zvezdana. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je žuti zvezdan u velikoj meri tolerantan na uslove kiselog zemljišta. Kalcizacija zemljišta je ispoljila jači uticaj na broj izdanaka m-2 i broj zrna po mahuni kod sorte Rocco, što se odrazilo i na njen značajno veći prinos semena u odnosu na sortu K-37

    Uticaj kalcizacije na proizvodnju krme crvene deteline i italijanskog ljulja gajenih u smeši

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    This paper examines the influence of liming (control - without CaO; 3t ha-1 CaO) on acidic soil pH of 4.8 to forage, hay yield, the share of red clover, Italian ryegrass and weeds in the total hay yield of mixture crop. The experiment was a set up by randomized complete block design with three replications, with the size of the experimental plots of 5m2 (5x1m). Sowing was done on 20 cm interrow. Soil liming was resulted in a significant increase of yields forage and hay of crops only the first cut in 2012. In all growth during 2011 and 2012, liming is influenced significantly increase the share of Italian ryegrass at the expense of reduction of red clover share, while the share of weeds was not significantly changed. In the third year of production, there was only one growth of red clover, which was very sparse and exhausted, and Italian ryegrass was not. In such conditions, liming is influenced significantly increase the share of red clover at the expense of a significant reduction in the share of weeds.U radu je ispitivan uticaj primene kalcizacije (kontrola – bez CaO; 3t ha-1 CaO) na kiselom zemljištu pH 4,8 na prinos krme, prinos sena, udeo crvene deteline, italijanskog ljulja i korova u ukupnom prinosu sena zdrzuženog useva. Ogled je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja, sa veličinom eksperimentalne parcele od 5m2 (5x1m). Setva je obavljena na međurednom rastojanju od 20cm. Primena kalcizacije značajno je uticala na povećanje prinosa krme i prinosa sena združenog useva jedino u prvom porastu 2012. godine. U svim porastima tokom 2011. i 2012. godine, kalcizacija je uticala na značajno povećanje udela italijanskog ljulja na račun smanjenja udela crvene deteline, dok se udeo korova nije značajno menjao. U trećoj godini proizvodnje, postojao je samo jedan porast crvene deteline, koji je bio jako proređen i iscrpljen, a italijanskog ljulja nije bilo. U takvim uslovima kalcizacija je uticala na značajno povećanje udela crvene deteline na račun značajnog smanjenja udela korova

    Uticaj kalcizacije zemljišta na prinos sorti žutog zvezdana u trećoj godini proizvodnje

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    In less favorable growing conditions, especially in terms of climate and soil to produce sufficient quantities of qality animal feed, special attention should be paid to the cultivation of birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of liming (control - without CaO and treatment with 3 t ha-1 CaO) on forage yield, hay yield and dry matter content in the forage of birdsfoot trefoil cultivars (K-37 and Rocco) on acid soil. The field trial was set up in 2012 in Čačak on the loessivized vertisol soil type (pHH2O 4.8). Sowing was done at a row spacing of 20 cm and a seeding rate of 18 kg seed ha-1. The results indicate that was birdsfoot trefoil to a great extent tolerant to acid soil. Soil liming had a positive effect on forage yield and hay yield of birdsfoot trefoil, only in the cultivar K-37.U manje pogodnim uslovima uspevanja, pre svega u pogledu klime i zemljišta, u cilju proizvodnje dovoljnih količina kvalitetne kabaste stočne hrane, posebnu pažnju treba posvetiti gajenju žutog zvezdana (Lotus corniculatus L.). Cilj rada bio je da se na kiselom zemljištu analizira uticaj kalcizacije (kontrola - bez CaO i tretman sa 3 t ha-1 CaO) na prinos krme, prinos sena i sadržaj suve materije u krmi sorti žutog zvezdana (K-37 i Rocco). Poljski ekseriment je postavljen 2012. godine u Čačku na zemljištu tipa lesivirana smonica (pHH2O 4,8). Setva je obavljena na rastojanju od 20 cm međuredno sa 10 kg ha-1 semena. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je žuti zvezdan u velikoj meri tolerantan na uslove kiselog zemljišta. Kalcizacija zemljišta je imala pozitivan uticaj na prinos krme i sena žutog zvezdana jedino kod sorte K-37

    Masa zrna po klasu linija dvoredog ječma (HordeumVulgare l. ) u zavisnosti od đubrenja azotom

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    Kernel weight per spike in two-rowed barley is the main determinant of grain yield. Variability of kernel weight spike-1 was studied in three barley genotypes: G-3033, G-3021 and G-3070, grown over two years under four mineral nitrogen fertilization treatments, 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg N ha-1. The experiment was set up as a randomized block design in three replications. Kernel weight per spike significantly differed across the lines in both years regardless of N application rate. Increased nitrogen rates led to an increase in kernel weight per spike up to 40 kg N ha-1 in the first year, whereas the highest values for kernel weight per spike in the second year were obtained at 60 kg ha-1 N. The proportion of total phenotypic variability for kernel weight per spike was largely attributed to mineral nitrogen fertilization, considerably less to line and negligibly to the line x nitrogen interaction, suggesting that the value of the trait is significantly dependent on the cultural operations used.Masa zrna po klasu kod dvoredog ječma je komponenta prinosa koja u najvećoj meri određuje prinos zrna. U dvogodišnjem periodu analizirana je varijabilnost mase zrna po klasu kod tri linije ozimog dvoredog ječma: G-3033, G-3021 i G-3070, pri četiri nivoa ishrane mineralnim azotom: 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg N ha-1. Masa zrna po klasu se značajno razlikovala kod linija u obe godine nezavisno od nivoa primenjenog N. Povećane doze azota delovale su na povećanje mase zrna po klasu do nivoa 40 kg ha-1 N , dok je u drugoj godini najveća masa zrna po klasu zabeležena na tretmanu 60 kg ha-1 N. U ukupnoj fenotipskoj variajbilnosti za masu zrna po klasu najveći udeo pripadao je mineralnoj ishrani azotom, znatno manji liniji i neznatan interakciji linija x azot, što ukazuje da vrednost ove osobine u najvećoj meri zavisi od primenjene agrotehnike