16 research outputs found

    Towards Numerical Architectural Order Identification: Expressing Capital Morphology by Using Dynamics of Its Parameters

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    Previous subject-related research, that describes stylistic peculiarities of artefacts by taking into account their morphometric/geometric characteristics, explicates the results (used to differentiate them in terms of style they belong to) mainly descriptively ā€“ by evaluating the obtained data visually. The narrower aim of this Paper is to explicate the mentioned characteristics numerically/quantitatively by transposing stylistic-wise parameters (descriptors of fractal and non-fractal nature), previously investigated by the actual authors, into the form of dynamics of their values namely explicators. Therefore, the main research questions of this study are both how to express artefact morphology by using dynamics of its parameters and, thus, how to numerically/quantitatively identify architectural style concrete artefact belongs to. To achieve that scientifically, a triplet of capital samples (as the most distinctive elements among artefacts), namely their digital 3D models, are employed per each fundamental classical architectural order (Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian). The subject of this Paper is to establish relevant morphometric/geometric indicators not only in the form of explicators mentioned above, but qualifiers too, enabling so: to numerically express capital morphology, namely to quantitatively estimate levels of intra-similarity of capitals assumed to belong to the same order, and inter-dissimilarity of those assumed to belong to different ones. Both types of the established indicators refer to capital contours which are positioned in mutually equidistant transverse section planes (defined per each chosen capital sample of each of the analysed orders). The wider research aim refers to both: (a) a possibility to numerically/quantitatively identify order a concrete fragment of capital/artefact belongs to in terms of recognising it computationally (as confidently as possible from the mathematical probability point of view), and (b) to perform morphology-wise capital/artefact segmentation. Presented innovative methodology brings up a more reliable possibility to identify architectural order ā€œstylistically unknown capitalā€ belongs to ā€“ by using a newly introduced indicator (in the form of dynamics) to express its morphology numerically/quantitatively. Future research will be dealt with software-wise automation of stylistic decoding steps (rough capital classification and order-belonging estimation)

    Produktivnost ozime raži u organskom i konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja

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    Rye is a cereal which is very much demanded at the market, for making a special kind of bread, but it is little grown in Serbia. The aim of this paper is to investigate possibilities of organic growing of winter rye, comparing with the conventional one, in agroecological conditions of Valjevo hilly region during 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 cropping seasons. The trial was set up in a village of KoteÅ”ica, on soil which had not been used for agriculture for 7 years. In organic cropping system three combinations of microbiological fertiliser baktofil with zeolite and hydrogel were used prior to sowing. Half of each plot was treated with foliar microbiological fertiliser Slavol during crop growing period. In conventional cropping system three variants with mineral fertilisers were included: NPK, NPK+zeolite, NPK+hydrogel. Results of the yield obtained in the experiment showed a significant difference between two seasons, 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. In comparison with the control, the treatments in an organic cropping system resulted with statistically insignificant differences for mean values in both years, while the mean in conventional cropping system has significantly higher yield of winter rye. Organic cropping system under conditions of Valjevo hilly region did not give significantly lower rye yield compared with the conventional one in a moderate growing season such was 2008/2009. The combination of soil microbiological fertiliser (Baktofil) with foliar fertiliser (Slavol) and zeolite gave the highest winter rye grain yield in all other treatments in the second year of investigation. In a very wet season (2009/2010) mineral fertiliser NPK showed an advantage, especially in combinations with zeolite, and this treatment can be recommended.Raž je žito, koje je veoma traženo, naročito za spravljanje specijalnih vrsta hleba, ali se malo gaji u Srbiji. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita mogućnost organskog gajenja ove biljne vrste, u odnosu na konvencionalni u konkretnim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima valjevskog pobrđa 2008/2009. i 2009/2010. godine. Ogled je postavljen u selu KoteÅ”ica, na zemljiÅ”tu koje nije koriŔćeno u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji 7 godina. U organskom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje, koriŔćene su kombinacije mikrobioloÅ”kog đubriva baktofila sa dva poboljÅ”ivača zemljiÅ”ta zeolita i hidrogela, kojima je tretirano zemljiÅ”te neposredno pred setvu. Polovina svake elementarne parcele je prihranjena folijarno, takođe mikrobioloÅ”kim đubrivom, slavolom u toku vegetacionog perioda biljaka. U konvencionalnom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje uključene su tri varijante sa kompleksnim mineralnim NPK đubrivom i kombinacija sa zeolitom i hidrogelom, kojima je tretirano zemljiÅ”te neposredno pred setvu. Dobijeni rezultati prosečnih prinosa ozime raži pokazuju značajne razlike između vegetacionih sezona 2008/2009. i 2009/2010. U poređenju sa kontrolom, tretmani u organskom sistemu gajenja nisu dali značajne razlike prosečnih vrednosti prinosa u obe godine istraživanja, dok je prosečan prinos dobijen u konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja bio značajno veći. U uslovima umerene vegetacione sezone 2008/2009. godine u regionu valjevskog pobrđa u organskom sistemu gajenja nije ustanovljeno smanjenje prinosa u odnosu na konvencionalni. Kombinacija zemljiÅ”nog sa folijarnim mikrobioloÅ”kim đubrivom i zeolitom je dala najbolji rezultat i najveći prinos ozime raži u drugoj godini istraživanja, pa se preporučuje kao najbolja kombinacija u organskom sistemu gajenja. U veoma vlažnoj godini, kao Å”to je bila 2009/2010. mineralna đubriva su pokazala prednost, naročito u kombinaciji sa zeolitom i ovaj tretman se može preporučiti u sličnim uslovima

    Technical and Environmental Aspects of Infrastructure Restoration after Destruction of Bridges in the City of Novi Sad

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    This paper deals with the riverbed morphological and environmental changes induced by destruction of bridges in the city of Novi Sad. Different aspects of infrastructure restoration are discussed. The problem of gas pipeline restoration is presented in detail.Rad je saopŔten na konferenciji o oporavku od posledica NATO bombardovanja koji je organizovala naŔa dijaspora

    On the Other Side of Mirror ā€“ A Workshop on Incorporating Geometry of Mirroring in Architectural Practice and Applied Arts

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    The magic world of mirrors, their application, integration in interiors and exposure in exteriors, intrigues architectural designers and artists for a long time. Inspired with wide recent usages of mirrors in innovative architectural designs practice, as well as in arts, and grounded our understanding on well-known geometric/optic principles of mirroring, the authors conceptualized a Workshop that was offered to students of architecture, forestry and applied arts, as an extracurricular two-weeks activity. After briefly introducing a historical/chronological overview of mirrors application in architectural design practice and applied art, relevant theoretical aspects of mirroring were demonstrated on the Workshop. The participating students were offered two possibilities for integration of mirrors in their design-outcomes: to experiment with analogue models and digital/computing ones. For that reason, a large amount of small glass mirror parts was provided. Also, functional parametric families of digital mirrors (planar, concave and convex) were developed especially for the workshop and offered on-line. Particular foci of this paper are on both: the teaching methodology that was exclusively prepared for the Workshop, and specific usage of experimentation (to trigger unusual ideas and to utilize relevant familiar methods and procedural activities in the new ā€“ this context). In the discussion part of this study, a systematized overview of the Workshop results and its analysis from geometric and semantic point of view are given. The results are divided into: first interim critique, second interim critique and final submission. Through a generalization of conclusions, the lessons learned, namely, the level of subject-related geometric knowledge acquired from this unique teaching experience are reviewed, and an analysis of their possible applications in other pedagogic contexts related to geometry-teaching is presented

    Enriching Architectural Education with Extracurricular Activities - the Case of the Geometry Adventure Workshop

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    In this study, we present and analyse the case of the Workshop titled ā€œA Geometric Adven ture in the World of Grasshopperā€, realised in September 2023, at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, within the manifestation called ā€œThe Week with Architectureā€. The content of the Workshop has been derived from the elective course ā€œParametric Modellingā€, offered to the first year master students. After briefly explaining the teaching context in which the Workshop occurred, we present the content structure divided into four working days, three of which dedicated to introducing various programming techniques in the Rhino software and its well-known plug-in Grasshop per, and the fourth day left for the Workshop exhibition completing. Aimed at introducing programming beginners into basic techniques of algorithmic creation of architectural form, this Workshop started with an in-house developed Grasshopper definition producing various 2D geometric patterns. Based on this simple definition the students learned the fundamental elements of the visual algorithmic systems. As a result of first day they produced a range of different geometric patterns based on the p1 symmetry repetition of circles and polygons on a predefined rectangular grid. The second day of the Workshop was dedicated to the geometry of spatial curves, and required from the participating students considerably more programming understanding and an additional research of the field. The third Workshop day was character ized by an integration of the techniques of the first and the second Workshop day. In this final programming exercise the participants had to use the geometric grid, in terms of distribution of a chosen spatial curve. This teaching activity resulted in excellent geometric models created by participating stu dents, exhibited in the form of prints, the last day of the Workshop. All the Workshop commu nication and information exchange was supported and saved in the specially created TEAMS learning environment. A catalogue of student submissions is in the process of creation. The Workshop influenced the teaching of the Elective course ā€œParametric modellingā€ in terms of introducing new topics and rearranging selected teaching activities

    Photovoltaics on Landmark Buildings with Distinctive Geometries

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    This review study, framed in the Work group 4 ā€œPhotovoltaic in built environmentā€ within the COST Action PEARL PV, CA16235, aims to examine applications of integrated and applied photovoltaic technologies on ten landmark buildings characterised by distinctive geometries, highlighting the aesthetics of their architecture and quality of PV integration based on a proposed set of seven criteria. The selected building samples cover a large design diversity related to the quality of PV systems integration into building envelope that could serve as a basis for general guidelines of best architectural and technological practice. After introducing the problem and defining the research methodology, an analysis of ten landmark buildings is presented, as representative models of aesthetics of their architecture, photovoltaic integration and implementation and energy performance. The study concludes with the main characteristics of photovoltaic integration on landmark buildings. The paper is intended to support both engineers and architects in comprehending the convergent development of contemporary architecture and photovoltaic technology, as well as the need for a closer collaboration, sometimes resulting in architectural masterworks that promote the diffusion of photovoltaics to the public

    Digitalization of the AECO Sector ā€“ Accomplishments in BIM Application and Development in Serbia

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    Focusing proposed paper on the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and recently included Operation (AECO) sector, we start from a statement that this sector is a step behind other manufacturing domains in overall application of digital technologies and artiļ¬cial intelligence. With the main motivation to examine ways of bridging the digital gap, we consider adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) as one of reliable indications of the state of digitalization in the sector. After brieļ¬‚y introducing general features of BIM technology, this study focuses on the actual situation in Serbia, searching for examples of the most advanced applications and developments in practice. Methodologically the study is qualitative and the research is based on examination of cases, where the observed sample has been created from the application examples presented within the series of online sessions titled ā€œBIM in Practice Serbiaā€, organized by the Group for BIM Technology of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia. Consisting of twenty examples of various advanced applications of BIM in Serbian practice, this sample is formed ā€œby differenceā€, looking for various cutting-edge applications. The selected examples of BIM application in Serbia are ļ¬rstly structured by area of application (design, infrastructure, scan-to-BIM, investorsā€™ adoptions, etc.), then analysed in detail. The results obtained indicate that within the Serbian market we could identify advanced BIM usages, and especially valuable development results, represented by the BEXEL Manager software, developed in Serbia and spread and localized worldwide. Based on the obtained results, we could predict the future of BIM application in Serbia, but also could highlight the contribution of Serbian development efforts to the global AECO sector


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    Abstract. DYNET Project has greatly contributed to the development of high engineering education at the University of NiÅ”, since year 2000. This project has been financed by the German DAAD program, in the framework of the South East Europe Stability Pact, and the goal of the project is primarily development of high education in the region, and education of young engineers. The project began at the Ruhr University of Bochum (RUB) in cooperation with the Universities of NiÅ” (UN), Skopje and Sarajevo, and later expanded to other universities. The basis of cooperation is a very successful long term cooperation of two universities of RUB and UN, that dates back to 1975 and which has been managed by professor Guenther Schmid of the University of Bochum. A reform of the Curriculum was initiated at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of NiÅ” in 2000 and it has been officially underway for three years. The programs have been organized along the principles of the Bologna process. The studies are divided into three levels: Bachelor Studies, Master Studies, and Doctoral Studies. The programs of the studies comprise study fields such as bridges, tunnels, hydraulic engineering, road and rail networks or residential, commercial and industrial buildings. The paper promotes the benefits of the participation of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of NiÅ” in the DYNET project, as well as the analysis and challenges which were present in the process of engineering education


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    The paper presents the results of empirical research on the effects of some criteria of the EFQM excellence model on satisfaction and loyalty of the employees in the banking sector in Serbia. All but one of the hypotheses in the defined model were proven by statistical evaluation of empirical results. The one which could not be proven is the hypothesis of a positive impact of the organization's relationship toward security and society on the business result, which makes specificity of transitional economic conditions in which the studied banking sector operates. Statistical analysis was performed using V.16 LISREL software package where statistical significances of the studied set were defined together with b and t values of the defined paths in the defined model. Researches have shown that criteria of EFQM excellence model can be used to develop and improve the functioning of the banking system in Serbia and develop the TQM practice

    Produktivnost golozrnog ječma u organskom i konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja

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    There is rising interest for hulless barley use in human nutrition and industrial processing. Hulless barley is a relatively new cereal crop; the hulls of it can be separated from grain during threshing. This cereal has been recognized as being more valuable and economic in food industry than covered barley. Several studies show the positive influence of hulless barley food products on human health; it can be utilized in many different food products. Aim of this paper is to investigate possibilities of organic growing of hulless barley, comparing with conventional one, in agroecological conditions of Valjevo hilly region during 2008/2009. Trial was set up in KoteÅ”ica village on soil which was not used for agriculture for 7 years. In organic cropping system three combinations of microbiological fertilizer baktofil with zeolite and hydrogel were used prior to sowing. Half of each plot was treated with foliar microbiological fertilizer (Slavol) during crop growing period. In conventional cropping system three variants with mineral fertilizers were included: NPK, NPK+zeolite, NPK+hydrogel. Results of the yield obtained in the experiment showed no significant differences between control and treatments. Yield average in organic cropping system (4,54 t/ha) was slightly higher than in conventional one (4,48 t/ha), but both of them were lower than in control with no fertilizer (4,65 t/ha). According to yield obtained in separate plots, the highest value gave the treatment NPK+zeolit+slavol. Different microbiological fertilizers combined with NPK fertilizer and zeolite give the maximum results in hulles barly production.Poslednjih desetak godina u svetu raste interes za upotrebom golozrnog ječma u direktnoj ljudskoj ishrani i industrijskoj preradi. Razlog za to je pre svega Å”to golozrni ječam predstavlja bogat izvor rastvorljivih biljnih vlakana, koji povoljno utiču na ljudsko zdravlje. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita mogućnost organskog gajenja ove biljne vrste, u odnosu na konvencionalni u konkretnim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima Valjevskog pobrđa 2008/2009 godine. Ogled je postavljen u selu KoteÅ”ica, na zemljiÅ”tu koje nije koriŔćeno u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji 7 godina. U organskom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje, koriŔćene su kombinacije mikrobioloÅ”kog đubriva baktofila sa dva poboljÅ”ivača zemljiÅ”ta zeolita i hidrogela, kojima je tretirano zemljiÅ”te neposredno pred setvu, a u toku vegetacionog perioda neke varijante ogleda su folijarno tretirane mikrobioloÅ”kim đubrivom (slavol). U konvencionalnom sistemu poljoprivredne proizvodnje uključene su tri varijante sa kompleksnim mineralnim NPK đubrivom i kombinacija sa zeolitom i hidrogelom, kojima je tretirano zemljiÅ”te neposredno pred setvu. Dobijeni rezultati prosečnih prinosa golozrnog ječma pokazuju da na parceli, koja nije koriŔćena dugi niz godina, nisu dobijene značajne razlike između kontrole, bez đubrenja i tretmana sa mikrobioloÅ”kim ili mineralnim đubrivima. Prosečni prinos u organskom sistemu gajenja (4,54 t/ha) je bio neÅ”to viÅ”i od konvencionalnog (4,48 t/ha), a oba su bila neÅ”to niža od kontrole bez đubrenja (4,65 t/ha). Posmatrajući prinose po pojedinačnim varijantama najveći prinos je postignut u tretmanu NPK+zeolit+slavol. U ovoj varijanti ogleda mikrobioloÅ”ka đubriva su u kombinaciji sa NPK i poboljÅ”ivačem zemljiÅ”ta dala maksimalne rezultate u gajenju golozrnog ječma