28 research outputs found

    Korelacija morfoloških i proizvodnih osobina društava medonosne pčele sa područja Srbije

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    State of mutual or reciprocal relationship between traits is determined by the correlation coefficients. Correlation of morphological and production traits was determined in two generations of honey bee colonies. In the first generation, mother queen bees were studied, and in the second generation, their offspring. The study of one generation lasted two years. Morphological traits were determined in the beginning of the study and production traits were determined in the spring and autumn inspections of every year. In the first generation, the positive and mostly high correlation between morphological traits, and honey yield and hygienic behavior was determined. Correlation of morphological traits, colony strength and food supplies per colony ranged from highly positive to slightly negative values. It was found that there was a high correlation between some production traits (colony strength in the spring and autumn inspections and honey yield per colony). In the analysis of offspring (second generation), most traits that were positively correlated in mother generation now, also, showed a similar relationship. The only difference, in contrast to mother generation, was that, for most traits, the intensity of interaction increased.Stanje uzajamne ili recipročne povezanosti jedne osobine od druge utvrđuje se na osnovu koeficijenta korelacije. Korelacija morfoloških i proizvodnih osobina utvrđivana je kroz dve generacije društava medonosne pčele. U prvoj generaciji praćene su majke matice, a u drugoj njihovo potomstvo. Ispitivanje po jednoj generaciji trajalo je dve godine. Morfološke osobine su utvrđene na početku praćenja generacija, a proizvodne na prolećnom i jesenjem pregledu svake godine. U prvoj generaciji utvrđena je pozitivna i mahom visoka korelacija između morfoloških osobina, prinosa meda i higijenskog ponašanja. Stepen korelacije morfoloških osobina, snage društva i zaliha hrane po društvu bio je od visoko pozitivne do slabo negativne vrednosti. Ustanovljeno je da postoji i visok stepen korelacije između pojedinih proizvodnih osobina (snaga društava na prolećnom i jesenjem pregledu i prinosa meda po društvu). Prilikom testiranja potomstva (II generacija) većina osobina koje su bile u pozitivnoj korelaciji kod roditelja i sada su pokazivala uzajamni odnos. Jedina razlika u odnosu na roditelje je u tome da se, za većinu osobina, intezitet međusobnog uticaja povećao


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    Abstract: State of mutual or reciprocal relationship between traits is determined by the correlation coefficients. Correlation of morphological and production traits was determined in two generations of honey bee colonies. In the first generation, mother queen bees were studied, and in the second generation, their offspring. The study of one generation lasted two years. Morphological traits were determined in the beginning of the study and production traits were determined in the spring and autumn inspections of every year. In the first generation, the positive and mostly high correlation between morphological traits, and honey yield and hygienic behaviour was determined. Correlation of morphological traits, colony strength and food supplies per colony ranged from highly positive to slightly negative values. It was found that there was a high correlation between some production traits (colony strength in the spring and autumn inspections and honey yield per colony). In the analysis of offspring (second generation), most traits that were positively correlated in mother generation now, also, showed a similar relationship. The only difference, in contrast to mother generation, was that, for most traits, the intensity of interaction increased

    Die Reversibilität der Fruchtfarbe der Birnensorte Max Red Bartlett

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    Effect of the Deposition of Vanadium-Oxide on the Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Nanotubes and Its Photodiode Performance Interfaced with CH3NH3PbI3 Single Crystal

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    In this study, we report the influence of vanadium oxide (VO), as a photosensitive component, on the photoactivity of TiO2 nanotubes (TNTs). A series of TNTs of varying tube diameter were synthesized by the anodization of titanium foils at different voltages, while vanadium oxide was deposited on TNTs by wet chemical deposition. An improvement in the optical properties of nanotubes was observed after the deposition of vanadium oxide. An improvement in the optical properties (redshift in UV-Vis spectra) of TNTs and TNT/VO was noted. The photocatalytic activity was improved with increasing tube diameter, while it was weakened after the deposition of VO. Furthermore, photoactivity was investigated in photodiodes based on TNTs or TNT/VO and single crystals of CH3NH3PbI3. The photoelectric measurement revealed that different TNT diameters did not influence the I-V characteristic of the photodiodes, while the deposition of VO improved the photocurrent for smaller TNTs

    Effect of the Deposition of Vanadium-Oxide on the Photocatalytic Activity of TiO<sub>2</sub> Nanotubes and Its Photodiode Performance Interfaced with CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3</sub> Single Crystal

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    In this study, we report the influence of vanadium oxide (VO), as a photosensitive component, on the photoactivity of TiO2 nanotubes (TNTs). A series of TNTs of varying tube diameter were synthesized by the anodization of titanium foils at different voltages, while vanadium oxide was deposited on TNTs by wet chemical deposition. An improvement in the optical properties of nanotubes was observed after the deposition of vanadium oxide. An improvement in the optical properties (redshift in UV-Vis spectra) of TNTs and TNT/VO was noted. The photocatalytic activity was improved with increasing tube diameter, while it was weakened after the deposition of VO. Furthermore, photoactivity was investigated in photodiodes based on TNTs or TNT/VO and single crystals of CH3NH3PbI3. The photoelectric measurement revealed that different TNT diameters did not influence the I-V characteristic of the photodiodes, while the deposition of VO improved the photocurrent for smaller TNTs