6 research outputs found

    Database System for Land Suitability Analysis and Cultivation Information System of National Valuable Fruits

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    A database system has been developed to prodict land suitability and cultivation information of national valuable fruits. The database system covers commodity of fruits database, agro-ecological database, and salaccia and mango information database. "A computer program for determining the best of land suitability was designed based on fruits database and agroecological database

    The Setup Model Farm Machinery and Uquipment for Up Land Sugar Cane Industry

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    The objective of the research is to build the setup model of farmmachinery and equipment for zip land sugar cane indzlstry. From this model can be determined: (I) selection of farm machinery/equipment, (2)number farm machinery/equipment, and (3) optitnun? longevrty of ratoon.The result shows that the technolog?, consideration hus been the priniary consideration on farm tnachinery and eqztipnzent selection. The next is econonzy consideration. The attention for social and environment consideration is poor

    Desain Sistem Penunjang Keputusan untuk Produksi Buah-Buahan Unggulan Nasional

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    The objectives of the study are : (1) to design  land  suitability database for cultivation of the national valuable fruits, (2) to design the activation information of  fruits production, including land preparation until primary postharvest handling, and (3) to design the decision support system for valuable fruits on people’s orchads to produce fresh fruits. The study was conducted in Yogyakarta Special Region, from November 1999 until March 2000.  Two kinds of data used in this study were: (a) primary data, from the direct discussion with the experts, and direct observation in the fruits production center, and (b) secondary data were collected from library studies and Agriculture Agency Offices in each regency or municipality of the Yogyakarta Special Region.  The data in the salaccias production center was established from farmers which owned orchad more than one hectare. The results of  the study were : (1) land suitability database for national valuable fruits cultivation based on relational data, (2) computerize information system, namely Salaccia (Pondoh cultivar) and Mango (Arumanis, Manalagi, Golek, and Gedong cultivar) included : land preparation, planting, fertilizing, cultivating, pest and disease control, pruning, irrigating, harvesting, cleaning of fruits, sorting of fruits, grading of fruits, ripening (specially for mango), and storage of fruits, and (3) the system has been done to determine land suitability for fruits in Yogyakarta Special Region, and the result showed that 62.39 % was suitable between output system designed and the fruits produced by the farmer, namely manggistas, pineapples, mangoes, rambutans, durians, salaccias, and lawzons

    Desain Sistem Penunjang Keputusan untuk Produksi Buah-Buahan Unggulan Nasional

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    The objectives of the study are : (1) to design land suitability database for cultivation of the national valuable fruits, (2) to design the activation information of fruits production, including land preparation until primary postharvest handling, and (3) to design the decision support system for valuable fruits on people's orchads to produce fresh fruits. The study was conducted in Yogyakarta Special Region, from November 1999 until March 2000. Two kinds of data used in this study were: (a) primary data, from the direct discussion with the experts, and direct observation in the fruits production center, and (b) secondary data were collected from library studies and Agriculture Agency Offices in each regency or municipality of the Yogyakarta Special Region. The data in the salaccias production center was established from farmers which owned orchad more than one hectare. The results of the study were : (1) land suitability database for national valuable fruits cultivation based on relational data, (2) computerize information system, namely Salaccia (Pondoh cultivar) and Mango (Arumanis, Manalagi, Golek, and Gedong cultivar) included : land preparation, planting, fertilizing, cultivating, pest and disease control, pruning, irrigating, harvesting, cleaning of fruits, sorting of fruits, grading of fruits, ripening (specially for mango), and storage of fruits, and (3) the system has been done to determine land suitability for fruits in Yogyakarta Special Region, and the result showed that 62.39 % was suitable between output system designed and the fruits produced by the farmer, namely manggistas, pineapples, mangoes, rambutans, durians, salaccias, and lawzons