39 research outputs found

    Odgajivačka strategija u malim i zatvorenim populacijama domaćih životinja

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    This paper reviews the main characteristics of small and/or closed livestock populations. Although the emphasis during the realization of the genetic improvement in animal breeding is put on commercial breeding programmes, autochthonous breeds, races, strains, even herds of domestic animas, at the same time represent a potentially important segment for achieving the maintenance of the overall livestock production. These programmes are particularly important for the improvement of populations of animal genetic resources, as well as for the improvement of production in rural marginal areas. One of the main parameters for determining the size, and also the potential danger of a population is a so called effective size of the population (Ne). This parameter is determined according to the available number of male and female head of breeding stock in the population or in the herd and it varies under the influence of the sexes, changes in the size of the families, changes in the size of the population during time, as well as overlapping of the generations. Apart from the improvement of the economically important traits, the breeding programmes in small populations first of all must provide the increase of the effective size of the population aiming to limit or decrease the inbreeding, as well as the decrease of the variance in the size of the family. This is mainly achieved with so called "circular breeding plans" the sires being replaced by sons in the reproduction, and dams by daughters. The shortage of the generation interval by the change of the presence of some age categories i.e. larger number of young animals and animals that are at the peak of production comparing to a small number of older animals, can additionally influence on the genetic improvement of the traits.U radu su prikazane osnovne karakteristike malih i/ili zatvorenih populacija domaćih i gajenih životinja. Iako se akcenat prilikom realizacije genetskog unapređenja u stočarstvu stavlja na komercijalne odgajivačke programe, autohtone vrste, rase, sojevi, pa i zapati domaćih životinja, takođe predstavljaju potencijalno važan segment za dostizanje održivosti celokupne stočarske proizvodnje. Ovi programi su naročito značajni za unapređenje populacija animalnih genetskih resursa, kao i za unapređenje proizvodnje u ruralnim marginalnim oblastima. Jedan od osnovnih parametara za određivanje veličine, pa samim tim i potencijalne ugroženosti jedne populacije jeste tzv. efektivna veličina populacije (Ne). Ovaj parametar se određuje na osnovu raspoloživog broja priplodnjaka i plotkinja u populaciji ili zapatu i varira pod uticajem odnosa polova, promena u veličini familija, promena u veličini populacije tokom vremena, kao i preklapanja generacija. Pored unapređenja ekonomski važnih osobina, odgajivački programi u malim populacijama na prvom mestu moraju obezbediti povećanje efektivne veličine populacije sa ciljem ograničavanja ili smanjivanja inbreeding-a, kao i smanjivanja varijanse u veličini familije. To se uglavnom postiže tzv. "cirkularnim odgajivačkim planovima" u kojima očeve u reprodukciji zamenjuju sinovi, a majke kćeri. Skraćenje generacijskog intervala promenom zastupljenosti pojedinih starosnih kategorija u smislu veće zastupljenosti mladih grla i grla koja su u vrhu proizvodnje, a na račun starijih grla, može dodatno uticati na genetsko unapređenje osobina

    Ocena oplemenjivačke vrednosti bikova za broj somatskih ćelija u mleku

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    The incidence of subclinical and clinical mastitis in the mammary gland produces variety of defensive factors were nuclear leukocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages play an important role and they are marked as somatic cells. Somatic cell count depends on the type of pathogen and stage of infection. Increased number of somatic cells in milk occurs as a result of lesions in the mammary gland. Studies have shown that the somatic cells count is genetically predisposed. Although the heritability of this trait is low, using modern methods and the proper selection of work it is possible to achieve some progress. Therefore it is necessary to the selection of bulls for somatic cells, on the basis of somatic cells in milk of daughters. Data on milk yield and somatic cell count in milk of 247 cows Holstein Friesian and Simmental breed from Vojvodina province, were used to analyze the evaluation of breeding values for somatic cells in milk Average values and variability of somatic cells, milk yield, milk fat yield and protein and content of milk fat and protein were determined. The average number of somatic cells was 317 000 per ml of milk, with high variability. Average milk yield of 7 634kg with an average content and yield of milk fat from 3.74% to 285.69 kg and the average protein content and yield of 3.15% and 237.15 kg were determined. Assessment of breeding values was calculated using BLUP model of father, high variability in the assessment of bulls was found. Getting more accurate breeding values is possible using the Animal Model.Kod pojave subkliničkog i kliničkog mastitisa mlečna žlezda produkuje mnoÅ”tvo odbrambenih faktora od kojih značajnu ulogu imaju polimorfo nuklearni leukociti, limfociti i makrofage koje označavamo kao somatske ćelije. Broj somatskih ćelija zavisi od vrste uzročnika i stadijuma infekcije. Povećan broj somatskih ćelija u mleku javlja se kao posledica lezija na mlečnoj žlezdi. Istraživanja su pokazala da je broj somatskih ćelija genetski predisponiran. Iako je heritabilnost za ovu osobinu niska, uz pomoć savremenih metoda i pravilnog selekcijskog rada moguće je postići određeni genetski napredak. Zbog toga je potrebno vrÅ”iti selekciju bikova za broj somatskih ćelija i to na osnovu broja somatskih ćelija u mleku ćerki. Podaci o mlečnosti i broju somatskih ćelija u mleku kod 247 krava holÅ”tajn-frizijske i simentalske rase sa teritorije Vojvodine, koriŔćeni su za analizu ocene oplemenjivačke vrednosti za broj somatskih ćelija u mleku krava. Izračunate su prosečne vrednosti i varijabilnost broja somatskih ćelija, prinosa mleka, prinosa mlečne masti i proteina i sadržaja mlečne masti i proteina. Prosečan broj somatskih ćelija u ml iznosio je 317 000, sa velikom varijabilnoŔću. Utvrđen je prosečan prinos mleka od 7634 kg uz prosečan sadržaj i prinos mlečne masti od 3,74% i 285,69kg i prosečan sadržaj i prinos proteina od 3,15% i 237,15 kg. Ocena oplemenjivačke vrednosti je izračunata primenom BLUP modela oca, utvrđena je velika varijabilnost u oceni priplodnjaka. Dobijanje preciznije oplemenjivačke vrednosti moguće je primenom Animal Modela

    Sistemi držanja goveda

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    In intensive milk production particular attention is given to genetic improvement of cattle for high milk production and high quality of milk. Such trend should be followed by improvement of non genetic factors through technology and management. This is related to up to date solutions for high milk production, better cow reproduction, increase of productivity, better working conditions, better housing, efficient health protection and hygienic conditions, better technology of cow feeding, etc. It is known that two systems of cattle housing are present: free stalls and station barn with a number of modifications, among which the frequently mentioned one is semi-free stall as a combination of the two basic ones. Some variations within two systems are due to farm, climate and other differences. Based on a number of investigations, it is found that station barns have some advantage when milk yield is considered, while free stalls have preference when the reproduction of cows, productivity of labor, health protection and longevity of cows are considered.Prema postojećim saznanjima o vezanom (tradicionalnom) i slobodnom (savremenom) sistemu držanja ne raspolaže se u dovoljnoj meri sa rezultatima na osnovu kojih bi se dobio potpuniji odgovor na određeni broj pitanja vezanih za ovu problematiku. Ovakva istraživanja karakteriÅ”e nemogućnost ujednačavanja genetskog potencijala grla, nedovoljno usaglaÅ”avanje metodologija rada, kao ni stepen primenjene tehnologije, različit nivo radne discipline, starosna struktura zapata, način ishrane i slično. Analiziranjem rezultata o prinosu mleka uočavaju se velike razlike, gde upravo iz navedenih razloga se ne mogu u potpunosti dati valjana objaÅ”njenja. Upravo zbog toga, do sada postignute rezultate ne možemo na određeni način smatrati konačnim. Koji će se od navedena dva osnovna sistema držanja krava u konkretnim uslovima primeniti, zavisi od niza okolnosti, kao i od visine ulaganja sredstava. S obzirom na ispoljenu tendenciju povećanja broja grla u stadu i specijalizacije proizvodnje, za očekivati je da će se broj farmi sa slobodnim kretanjem krava i mužom u izmuziÅ”tu povećati, odnosno da je budućnost u govedarskoj proizvodnji na strani slobodnog sistema držanja

    Relationship between genetic polymorphism of k- casein and quantitative milk yield traits in cattle breeds and crossbreds in Serbia

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    The quality and yield of milk, and therefore of dairy products as well, depends directly on their protein composition. Milk gene proteins represent structural locuses that are functionally associated with milk production. In cattle selection a special importance is attached to the variability of kappa casein (kappa-CN) as one of the four casein milk proteins. Genotypes of 21 Simmental breed cows, 20 crossbred cows obtained by crossing of Simmental and Red Holstein breed, and 25 cows of autochthonous Busha breed were determined for kappa casein by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (PCR-RFLP) of amplified DNA. The kappa-CN genotype frequencies for Simmental breed were: 42.8; 47.6 and 9.6 % for AA, AB and BB genotype, for crossbreds: 75.0; 25.0 and 0.0% and for Busha individuals: 41.7; 50.0 and 8.3 %, respectively. Frequencies of A and B alleles, assessed on the basis of genotypic frequencies were 0.667 and 0.333 for Simmental breed, 0.875 and 0.125 for crossbreds and 0.667 and 0.333 for autochthonous Busha cattle breed, respectively. For confirming the phenotypic variability of milk yield in standard lactation, yield of milk fat and the content of milk fat per kappa-CN genotypes within breeds observed the fixed model which included the breed effect, lactation in order and effect of kappa-CN genotype (AA, AB and BB) was used. The kappa-CN genotype statistically significantly (p lt = 0.05) influenced milk yield and highly significantly (p lt = 0.01) milk fat yield, while the content of milk fat was not statistically significantly (p >0.05) influenced in examined animals

    Određivanje genetičke strukture potočne pastrmke (Salmo trutta) iz ribnjaka "Braduljica", Srbija

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    Due to the ecological concerns and preservation of genetic resources, the characterization of genetic structure of the brown trout (Salmo trutta) was carried out on the "Braduljica" fish farm. DNA was isolated from fin clips of 10 individuals, and after that molecular PCR-RFLP methods were used for distinguishing between Atlantic and Danubian lineages based on control region of the mitochondrial DNA (CR mtDNA) and lactate dehydrogenase gene of the nuclear DNA (LDH nDNA). Based on phenotypic characteristics it was estimated that out of 10 individuals included in this study five belonged to the allochtonous Atlantic lineage and remaining five belonged to the native Danubian lineage of brown trout. However, results of molecular analyses showed a high percentage of allochthonous genes among the individuals, which confirms the hybridization between these two lineages. Also, the results showed that the selection based on the phenotype is not adequate. In order to continue with proper broodstock management, it is necessary to eliminate allochtonous individuals of the Atlantic lineage from the broodstock.U cilju zaÅ”tite Å£ivotne sredine i genetiĉkih resursa potoĉne pastrmke (Salmo trutta) u radu je ispitivana genetiĉka struktura ove vrste na ribnjaku ā€•Braduljicaā€– u blizini Ivanjice. DNK je izolovana iz odseĉaka peraja 10 jedinki, a nakon toga molekularne PCR-RFLP metode su koriŔćene za razlikovanje izmeĊu atlantske i dunavske linije na bazi kontrolnog regiona mitohondrijalne DNK (KR mtDNK) i jedarnog gena za laktat dehidrogenazu (LDH nDNK). Na osnovu fenotipskih karakteristika procenjeno je da je pet jedinki pripadalo alohtonoj atlantskoj liniji, a preostalih pet autohtonoj dunavskoj liniji potoĉne pastrmke. MeĊutim, rezultati molekularnih analiza pokazali su prisustvo visokog procenta alohtonih gena u analiziranom uzorku, Å”to potvrĊuje hibridizaciju izmeĊu ove dve linije. TakoĊe, rezultati ukazuju na to da selekcija na osnovu fenotipa nije adekvatna. Kako bi ribnjak nastavio da se bavi gajenjem potoĉne pastrmke za potrebe poribljavanja okolnih reka, neophodno je da se eliminiÅ”u jedinke atlantske linije iz matiĉnog fonda

    Involuntary reduction in vigour of calves born from sexed semen

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    The objective of this study was to compare the reproductive traits of heifers and the development characteristics of their calves following artificial insemination (AI) with sexed and non-sexed semen. The analysed characteristics included conception rate, gestation length, calf birth weight, calf vigour, stillbirth rate, and twinning rate. Data of 530 calves produced with sexed and 1,163 calves produced with non-sexed semen were analysed. The General Linear Model (GLM) was applied to assess the influence of semen type, farm, season of insemination, the calfā€™s sex and the inseminating sire on gestation length and calf birth weight. With the exception of gestation length (P > 0.05), all other traits studied were significantly (P 0.05); however, artificial insemination with X-sorted sexed semen significantly altered the sex ratio of calves (85.1:14.9%, P < 0.01). The results obtained in this investigation are in agreement with the majority of studies which compared the fertility traits, sex ratio and calf characteristics depending on the application of artificial insemination with sexed or conventional semen

    Koncept dobrobiti farmskih životinja - od začetaka do integracije u savremene sisteme proizvodnje

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    The farm animal welfare science has undergone a thorny path of development, often disputed because of its lack of measurability and the purpose of existence. At the very beginning, primarily based on moral and ethical attitudes, over time it pointed to the importance of meeting the needs of animals and the consequences of their neglect and exhaustion in the conditions of intensive livestock production. An important segment of its development was the definition and development of methodologies for the assessment of welfare indicators, which made it measurable and accepted as a scientific discipline with the knowledge applicable and useful in modern production systems. This paper is a concise review of the evolution of the animal welfare science, but also an indication of its future in the context of the development of "symbiotic" connections with the concepts of sustainable agriculture and food safety as integral parts of the modern ecological movement arose from a unified concern for the welfare of people and animals, a care for planetary welfare in general.Nauka o dobrobiti farmskih životinja proÅ”la je trnovit put razvoja, često osporavana zbog svoje nemerljivosti i svrsishodnosti postojanja. U samom začetku prvenstveno zasnovana na moralnim i etičkim stavovima, tokom vremena ukazala je na značaj zadovoljenja potreba životinja i posledice njihovog zanemarivanja i iscrpljivanja u uslovima intenzivne stočarske proizvodnje. Važan segment njenog razvoja bili su definisanje i razvoj metodologija za ocenu indikatora dobrobiti, čime je ona postala merljiva i prihvaćena kao naučna disciplina sa saznanjima primenljivim i korisnim u savremenim sistemima proizvodnje. Ovaj rad predstavlja sažet prikaz evolucije nauke o dobrobiti, ali i nagoveÅ”taj njene budućnosti u smislu razvoja "simbiotičkih" veza sa konceptima održive poljoprivrede i bezbednosti hrane kao integralnih delova savremenog ekoloÅ”kog pokreta proisteklog iz objedinjene brige o dobrobiti ljudi i životinja, brige o dobrobiti planete generalno

    Genetic trend of functional productive life in the population of black and white cattle in Serbia

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    This research was conducted with the aim of estimating genetic trend for a functional length of productive life (FLPL) in the population of Black and White cattle in Serbia. Research and bulls genetic evaluation for functional longevity were performed on a set of data provided by Agricultural Corporation Belgrade AD (PKB) which contained data on longevity and origin of 22109 cows out of which 26% records were right-censored. Functional length of productive life (FPLP) represents a time period from the first calving to culling or censoring corrected for milk production. Breeding values were estimated using Weibull method of proportional risks within survival analysis a genetic trend for FLPL was calculated using of a regression analysis. The cows included in the analysis were on average first calved in the age of 809 days and had an average share of 81.9% genes of Holstein Friesian breed. An average length of productive life was 1267 days (41.6 months). Distribution of bull standardised breeding values did not statistically significantly differ from normal distribution. An average standardised breeding value was 99. A slightly positive genetic trend was determined, that is, the length of functional productive life was by selection increased by 0.021 day at an annual level while a reliability of estimated breeding values showed a negative trend

    Uticaj sistematskih faktora na osobine dugovečnosti kod krava simentalske rase

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    The effects of fixed non-genetic factors (farm, season of birth, year of birth, total number of lactations) and a continuous non-genetic factor (age at first conception) on the expression and variability of longevity traits such as age at culling, length of productive life, days in milk and cow efficiency index were investigated in 2548 Simmental cows in three farming areas. Based on the model used for the analysis of the effects of non-genetic factors, including the environment and cow age at first conception, on the expression and variability of longevity traits, the overall means for age at culling, length of productive life, days in milk and cow efficiency index were 2445.21Ā±17.49 days, 1562.55Ā±17.71 days, 1094.17Ā±12.28 days and 58.68Ā±0.32%, respectively. The effect of farming area, year of birth and lactation group on longevity traits was very significant (P lt 0.01), whereas the effect of season of birth was significant (P lt 0.05). Age at first conception had a highly significant (P lt 0.01) effect on age at culling, length of productive life and cow efficiency index, and no significant effect on days in milk (P>0.05). Based on the model used, the coefficients of determination (R2 ) were very significant (P lt 0.01) for all longevity traits, and ranged from 0.898 for age at culling to 0.959 for days in milk.Uticaj fiksnih (farma, sezona i godina rođenja, ukupan broj laktacija) i kontinuelnih (uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji) sistematskih faktora na ispoljenost i varijabilnost osobina dugovečnosti kao Å”to su uzrast pri izlučenju, dužina produktivnog života, ukupan broj muznih dana i indeks iskoriŔćavanja krava proučavan je na uzorku od 2548 simentalskih krava raspoređenih na tri odgajivačka područja. Na osnovu primenjenog modela za analizu uticaja sistematskih faktora okoline i uzrasta krava pri prvoj oplodnji na ispoljenost i varijabilnost osobina dugovečnosti opÅ”ti prosek za uzrast pri izlučenju, dužinu produktivnog života, ukupan broj muznih dana i indeks iskoriŔćavanja krava iznosio je 2445,21Ā±17,49 dana, 1562,55Ā±17,71 dana, 1094,17Ā±12,28 dana i 58,68Ā±0,32%. Uticaj odgajivačkog područja, godine rođenja i grupe laktacija na osobine dugovečnosti bio je vrlo značajan (P lt 0.01), dok je uticaj sezone rođenja krava bio značajan (P lt 0.05). Uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji visoko značajno (P lt 0.01) je uticao na uzrast pri izlučenju, dužinu produktivnog života i indeks iskoriŔćavanja krava, dok na ukupan broj muznih dana nije imao značajan uticaj (P>0.05). Dobijeni koeficijenti determinacije (R2 ), na osnovu primenjenog modela, za sve osobine dugovečnosti bili su vrlo značajni (P lt 0.01) i kretali su se od 0,898 kod uzrasta pri izlučenju do 0,959 kod ukupnog broja muznih dana

    Primena metoda molekularne genetike u selekciji domaćih životinja

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    Molecular genetics made available genetic markers as a powerful tool for genetic improvement of animal selection and production. Genetic markers are used to estimate the association with economically important trait loci. Traits of economic interest include milk protein genetic variants, milk production, disease and stress resistance etc.U poslednjim decenijama dvadesetog veka, primenom metoda molekularne genetike omogućena je identifikacija gena koji utiču na variranje kvantitativnih osobina, kao i selekcija vezana za markere (MAS) koja se koristi za mapiranje genoma i procenu vezanosti gena koji utiču na ekonomski važne osobine domaćih životinja. Ovim metodama omogućeno je da se otkriju i potvrde genetske varijante proteina mleka, utvrdi otpornost organizma na bolesti i stres, odredi kvalitet mesa, izvrÅ”i determinacija pedigrea i pola utvrdi biodiverzitet i filogenetski stadijum organizma i dr. Primenom DNK testova metodom lančanog umnožavanja DNK (PCR) i PCRRFLP metodom koja se zasniva na polimorfizmu restrikcionih fragmenata u mogućnosti smo da identifikujemo varijante gena koji su odgovorni za varijabilnost kvantitativnih i drugih osobina koje želimo da unapredimo selekcijom. Selekciju, koja se bazira na ovim metodama, neophodno je uključiti u već tradicionalne odgajivačke programe kako bi se efekat selekcije i ekonomska vrednost stočarske proizvodnje povećala