11 research outputs found

    Perilaku ibu dalam pemanfaatan persalinan penundaan pemotongan tali pusat sampai 24 jam

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    The method of delaying cutting the umbilical cord after the baby is born and letting the cord out completely and then cut after 24 hours has not been implemented in all health facilities. Klinik Utama Anny Rahardjo has been implementing since 2012. The purpose of this research is to know the mother's behavior in the utilization of delivery delay cutting of the umbilical cord up to 24 hours at Klinik Utama Anny Rahardjo East Jakarta in 2017. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method of describing mothers who have utilized this delivery at Klinik Utama Anny Rahardjo. This study amounted to 13 people consisting of 7 informants and 6 key informants. The result of research that mother's behavior is good enough, age, job, distance, and cost don't influence mother's behavior, while education, knowledge, attitude, family support, and health worker influence mother's behavior, in the utilization of delivery delay cord cutting up to 24 hours. It is suggested for Klinik Utama Anny Rahardjo to provide more information so that the mother's knowledge is better, for other researchers it is suggested that the research method use quantitative to get more samples, and for health service to follow up the development of science in the field of this method of delivery

    Faktor perilaku meningkatkan resiko keputihan

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    Reproductive health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being. Cleanliness of the female area for women is very important because it can make women feel comfortable and can prevent infectious diseases and infections. This research to determine the relationship of behavioral factors (urinary habits, use of irritants, habits during menstruation, use of underwear), and environmental factors (toilet hygiene) with the occurrence of vaginal discharge in students of the Great Achievement Midwifery Academy. This research uses analytic type with cross sectional approach. The sample of this research is 190 students of the Great Achievement Midwifery Academy, bivariate analysis using chi square. It was found that 134 (70.5%) respondents experienced vaginal discharge, there was a significant relationship between the use of irritants and vaginal discharge (p value = 0,000 and OR = 27.7), there was a significant relationship between the habit of urination and vaginal discharge (p value = 0,000 and OR = 34) , there is a significant correlation between the use of underwear with vaginal discharge (p value = 0.002 and OR = 36), there is a significant relationship between menstrual habits and vaginal discharge (p value = 0.006 and OR = 2.9). The use of irritants, urinary habits, underwear and voiding habits are risk factors for vaginal discharge


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    Obat memiliki kebermanfaatan yang penting dalam pelayanan kesehatan yang dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Namun, industri farmasi di Indonesia masih sangat tergantung dengan bahan baku impor. Pemanfaatan buah jeruk baby java masih sangat minim. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari limbah jeruk yang hanya dibuang, yang terdiri dari kulit dan biji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan mikrokristalin selulosa dari limbah Kulit Jeruk Baby (MCCKJB), kemudian dilakukan karakterisasi dengan Avicel PH 101 sebagai bahan baku pembanding. Karakterisasi dari MCCKJB terdiri dari uji kualitatif (pemeriksaan organoleptis, identifikasi menggunakan iodinate zinc chloride, pengujian kelarutan, uji pH) dan uji sifat fisik, antara lain: penetapan titik lebur, uji sudut diam, uji laju alir, uji kerapatan, susut pengeringan, & kompresibilitas, dimana setiap uji pada karakterisasi tersebut (uji kualitatif dan uji sifat fisik) akan dibandingkan dengan senyawa pembanding komersial yaitu Avicel PH 101. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian rendemen α-selulosa sebesar 66,75% terhadap serbuk simplisia, rendemen MCCKJB sebesar 82,53% terhadap α-selulosa dan karakterisasi serbuk MCCKJB meliputi reaksi warna, organoleptis, kelarutan, dan pH menunjukkan kemiripan karakteristik dengan Avicel® PH 101 sebagai pembanding, titik lebur 270° C, sudut diam 28,86°, laju alir 1,52 g/s, kerapatan curah 0,349 g/cm3, kerapatan mampat 0,466 g/cm3, susut pengeringan 10,3%, & kompresibilitas 25%. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, karakteristik serbuk MCCKJB memiliki kemiripan dengan Avicel® PH 101


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    Objectives: Complications in the kidneys (nephropathy) are one of the chronic complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) most common microvascular and estimated to reach 30–40% of all sufferers of DM. Until now there is no cure drug that can prevent diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, the handling of this issue should be done seriously, one of them through an exploration of drug discovery and drug material. Ristoja in 2015 in the ethnic Javanese Banyumasan successfully explores the types of plants, herb, and traditional medicine culture. One is conducted by the Kaliputih Traditional Medicine, Batur, Banjarnegara, Central Java. Based on the results of the interview, traditional medicine has herb for disease therapy kidney failure which consists of 11 species of plants.Methods: The herbs were extracted by infundation method. Sprague Dawley albino male rats were divided into 3 groups (normal, positive, and negative) and 3 sample test groups with 3 different doses (18, 36, and 54 mL/kg body weight [BW]) previously induced streptozotocin. Observations were carried on the levels blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, uric acid, and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) kidney immunohistochemically and histology analysis.Results: Statistical results showed a significant increase of BUN levels in all dose variation groups after being given herbs, compared to the negative control group. The result of the examination of biochemical parameters of creatinine levels statistic showed significant (p<0.05) decrease in the dose 18 and 36 mL/kg BW compare with the negative group. The result of the study on histopathology kidney organs there are are damages to each test in each organ that is necrosis. The result of NF-κB, COX-2, and TGF-β expression no significant decrease compared with the negative controls.Conclusion: The herbs are not capable of nephropathy diabetic and need more research to know that activity as nephroprotective

    Efek Ramuan Tradisional Kaliputih terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Puasa, SOD, HbA1c, dan Histopatologi Pankreas pada Tikus Diabetes yang Diinduksi Streptozotocin)

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    Prevention of DM by controlling sugar and lipid levels is the main therapy. The traditional medicine diabetes herb from Kaliputih Batur, Banjarnegara, Central Java consists of 11 kinds of medicinal plants that are empirically proven to be efficacious for diabetes mellitus. The potion is prepared by the infundation method. Three control groups (normal, positive, and negative) and three test groups with different doses (18, 36, and 54 mL/kg BW) that had previously been induced by streptozotocin were created using Sprague Dawley (SD) albino rats. Using HE staining, observations were obtained on fasting blood glucose (FBG), superoxide dismutase (SOD), HbA1c, and pancreatic organs. At doses of 36 and 54 mL/kg bw, results analysis of biochemical parameters of FBG levels revealed a substantial decline (P<0.05). At all dosages of the herb, there was a significant change in SOD activity (P<0.05), and at a dose of 18 mL/kg BW compared to negative control, there was a significant difference in HbA1c levels (P<0.05). HE staining results revealed no distinctpathological alterations in pancreatic organ at the test dose compared to negative control with necrosis in the Langerhans insula. Herbal medicine for diabetes traditional medicine from Kaliputih Batur, Banjarnegara, Central Java has decreased blood glucose.Pencegahan diabetes mellitus (DM) dengan mengontrol kadar gula dan lipid adalah terapi utama. Ramuantradisional dari Kaliputih Batur, Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah terdiri dari 11 macam tanaman obat terbukti secara empiris berkhasiat untuk penyakit diabetes melitus. Tujuan penelitian untuk menentukan efek ramuan tradisional Kaliputih pada kadar gula darah, SOD, HbA1c, dan gambaran histopatologi pankreas pada tikus. Ramuan disiapkan dengan metode infundasi. Tikus jantan albino Sprague Dawley (SD) dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok kontrol (normal, positif dan negatif) dan 3 kelompok uji dengan 3 dosis berbeda (18, 36, dan 54 mL/kg BB) yang sebelumnya diinduksi streptozotocin. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kadar glukosa darah puasa (GDP), superoksida dismutase (SOD), HbA1c, dan organ pankreas secara histopatologi dengan pewarnaan HE. Hasil pemeriksaan parameter biokimia kadar GDP menunjukkan adanya penurunan yang bermakna (P<0,05) pada dosis 36 dan 54 mL/kg BB. Aktivitas SOD terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (P<0,05) pada semua dosis ramuan, dan kadar HbA1c menunjukan perbedaan bermakna (P<0,05) pada dosis 18 mL/kg BB dibandingkan kontrol negatif. Hasil pewarnaan HE menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan patologi yang spesifik pada organ pankreas dosis uji dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif yang mengalami nekrosis di insula Langerhans. Ramuan tradisional untuk diabetes dari Kaliputih Batur, Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah tikus diabetes


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    Objectives: Complications in the kidneys (nephropathy) are one of the chronic complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) most common microvascular and estimated to reach 30–40% of all sufferers of DM. Until now there is no cure drug that can prevent diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, the handling of this issue should be done seriously, one of them through an exploration of drug discovery and drug material. Ristoja in 2015 in the ethnic Javanese Banyumasan successfully explores the types of plants, herb, and traditional medicine culture. One is conducted by the Kaliputih Traditional Medicine, Batur, Banjarnegara, Central Java. Based on the results of the interview, traditional medicine has herb for disease therapy kidney failure which consists of 11 species of plants. Methods: The herbs were extracted by infundation method. Sprague Dawley albino male rats were divided into 3 groups (normal, positive, and negative) and 3 sample test groups with 3 different doses (18, 36, and 54 mL/kg body weight [BW]) previously induced streptozotocin. Observations were carried on the levels blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, uric acid, and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) kidney immunohistochemically and histology analysis. Results: Statistical results showed a significant increase of BUN levels in all dose variation groups after being given herbs, compared to the negative control group. The result of the examination of biochemical parameters of creatinine levels statistic showed significant (p<0.05) decrease in the dose 18 and 36 mL/kg BW compare with the negative group. The result of the study on histopathology kidney organs there are are damages to each test in each organ that is necrosis. The result of NF-κB, COX-2, and TGF-β expression no significant decrease compared with the negative controls. Conclusion: The herbs are not capable of nephropathy diabetic and need more research to know that activity as nephroprotective

    Hasil Review artikel" Efek Ramuan Obat Tradisional (Batra) Kaliputih Jawa Tengah, Terhadap Kolesterol, Trigliserida Dan Hdl Tikus Sprague Dawley Yang Diinduksi Streptozotosin"

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    Ramuan Batra asli Kaliputih adalah ramuan tradisional yang secara empiris berkhasiat untuk mengobati penyakit diabetes dengan komplikasi gagal ginjal yang terdiri dari tumbuhan obat yaitu, daun keji beling, daun kumis kucing, biji kopi arabika mentah, tunas bambu kuning, cokol tebu ireng, ganyong merah, rimpang temulawak, rimpang kunir putih, rimpang kunyit, buah belimbing wuluh dan srintil hutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Ramuan Batra terhadap kadar kolesterol, trigliserid dan HDL. Penelitian ini menggunakan 30 ekor tikus jantan galur Sprague Dawley yang diinduksi dengan Streptozotosin (dosis 40 mg/dl) secara intra peritonial dengan dosis tunggal. Pemberian ramuan dilakukan selama 15 hari sesuai dengan terapi yang dilakukan oleh Batra kepada pasien. Parameter yang diamati meliputi kadar kolesterol, trigiserid dan HDL menggunakan metode enzimatik–kalorimetri secara CHOD– PAP. Hasil Pengukuran kadar kolesterol dan trigliserida menunjukan penurunan dibandingkan kontrol negatif pada dosis 36 mL/kg BB dan dosis 54 mL/kg BB untuk kolesterol dan dosis 18 mL/kg BB, 36 mL/kg BB 54 mL/kg BB untuk trigliserida.Sedangkan pemeriksaan terhadap kadar HDL menunjukkan kenaikan dibandingkan kontrol negatif pada dosis 18 mL/kg BB, 36 mL/kg BB , 54 mL/kg BB. Sehingga ramuan Batra pada ketiga dosis,mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol, trigliserida dan meningkatkan HDL


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    Objectives: Complications in the kidneys (nephropathy) are one of the chronic complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) most common microvascular and estimated to reach 30–40% of all sufferers of DM. Until now there is no cure drug that can prevent diabetic nephropathy. Therefore, the handling of this issue should be done seriously, one of them through an exploration of drug discovery and drug material. Ristoja in 2015 in the ethnic Javanese Banyumasan successfully explores the types of plants, herb, and traditional medicine culture. One is conducted by the Kaliputih Traditional Medicine, Batur, Banjarnegara, Central Java. Based on the results of the interview, traditional medicine has herb for disease therapy kidney failure which consists of 11 species of plants. Methods: The herbs were extracted by infundation method. Sprague Dawley albino male rats were divided into 3 groups (normal, positive, and negative) and 3 sample test groups with 3 different doses (18, 36, and 54 mL/kg body weight [BW]) previously induced streptozotocin. Observations were carried on the levels blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, uric acid, and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) kidney immunohistochemically and histology analysis. Results: Statistical results showed a significant increase of BUN levels in all dose variation groups after being given herbs, compared to the negative control group. The result of the examination of biochemical parameters of creatinine levels statistic showed significant (p<0.05) decrease in the dose 18 and 36 mL/kg BW compare with the negative group. The result of the study on histopathology kidney organs there are are damages to each test in each organ that is necrosis. The result of NF-κB, COX-2, and TGF-β expression no significant decrease compared with the negative controls. Conclusion: The herbs are not capable of nephropathy diabetic and need more research to know that activity as nephroprotectiv