5 research outputs found

    Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup melalui Ecoprint pada Siswa Madrasah Aliyah Al Azhar Asy Syarif Indonesia

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    Masalah lingkungan hidup merupakan masalah global yang semakin kompleks dan serius, karenanya perlu segera dicarikan solusi alternatif guna menyelamatkan kehidupan manusia di bumi ini. Salah satu solusi yang tepat untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat yaitu melalui pendidikan. Madrasah Aliyah Al Azhar Asy Syarif merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang menerapkan kurikulum dari dua negara (Indonesia dan Arab Mesir) dan berada diwilayah hijau DKI Jakarta. Kurikulum yang diterapkan akan lebih baik bila terdapat pendidikan berwawasan lingkungan hidup yang terintegrasi dalam kokurikuler sehingga dihasilkan generasi yang memiliki wawasasan lingkungan hidup yang baik dan berkelanjutan. Beberapa masalah yang dijumpai di Madrasah Aliyah Al Azhar Asy Syarif Indonesia antara lain: 1) Belum terintegrasinya kurikulum pendidikan yang digunakan dengan pendidikan lingkungan hidup, 2) Kurangnya pengetahuan siswa dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam dilingkungan sekolah (seperti pemanfaatan dedaunan dan bunga) menjadi produk kreatif, 3) belum ada siswa yang dapat mengaplikasikan ecoprinting dalam berbagai produk. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah mengadakan penyuluhan/edukasi mengenai pelestarian lingkungan hidup dalam kegiatan kokurikuler, penyuluhan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam yang ramah lingkungan dan pelatihan ecoprint untuk menghasilkan produk produk yang kreatif dan inovatif. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah para siswa Madrasah Aliyah Al Azhar Asy Syarif Indonesia. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu penyuluhan mengenai pelestarian lingkungan dan pelatihan ecoprint. Hasil yang didapat adalah seluruh siswa memahami dan mampu menerapkan kegiata pelestarian lingkungan hidup dan mampu menerapkan keterampilan ecoprint dalam beragam produk. Kata Kunci: Ecoprint, Pendidikan, Lingkunga

    Co-cultivation of microalgae growing on palm oil mill effluent under outdoor condition for lipid production

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    POME is an excellent cultivation medium for the production of microalgae because it includes high macro and micronutrients. Nevertheless, microalga cultivation is laborious to maintain under outdoor condition. The aim of this reseasch was to evaluate the potency of co-cultivation strategy to improve growth and lipid production of mixed algae when growing on POME under dynamic outdoor condition. Cultivation was done in outdoor condition by comparing synthetic medium and POME medium, and optimizing the enviromental and nutritional conditions by using Box-behnken response surface methodology (RSM). Results showed that high growth rate (0.35/d) and lipid (40%) were achieved when 75% POME fraction, 30 PSU salinity, and 450 mg/L urea were used. The increasing POME fraction and urea addition enhanced SFA formation to MUFA and PUFA in the fatty acid profiles. We conclude that co-cultivation strategy on POME could promote growth rate and lipid production of mixed algae under outdoor condition


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    Pengolahan gambir di Sumatera Barat pada awalnya menggunakan peralatan Kampo dalam mengekstrak gambir, peralatan kampo banyak menguras tenaga pekerja, pengolahan dalam sehari maksimum 4 kali, dengan rendemen gambir 8-9 %, dalam sehari hanya mampu produksi gambir sebesar 14 kg-16 kg. Rekayasa peralatan hidrolik pres gambir bertujuan agar pekerja tidak terlalu menguras tenaga, pengolahan dapat dilakukan lebih dari 20 kali, dengan rendeman di atas 10 %. Peralatan hidrolik pres gambir dirancang menggunakan bahan plat H Frame dari bahan baja merupakan hasil inovasi untuk meringankan tenaga kerja, mempercepat proses pengolahan, menghasilkan produk gambir yang konstan mutunya dan meningkatkan produksi gambir. Peralatan hidrolik pres mampu melakukan proses pengolahan sebanyak 42 kali perhari dengan hasil perhari 210 kg-252 kg, dalam sebulan menghasilkan produksi gambir sebesar  6,3 ton-7,56 ton dengan nilai ekonomi sebesar Rp  277.200.000 sampai Rp  332.640.000 ,-/bulan

    Social-life cycle assessment of oil palm plantation smallholders in Bengkulu province, Indonesia

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    Smallholders are often seen as a weak point in the development of oil palm plantation production. The quality and yield of their production are considered low according to world market standards; the continuity of their production is irregular; and finally, improving the welfare of farmers is difficult to achieve. However, smallholder plantations have an important and strategic role in achieving sustainable development. This study aims to assess the social life cycle assessment of smallholder oil palm plantations in Bengkulu Province by involving stakeholders consisting of workers, local communities, farm owners, and value chain actors. A total of 600 respondents were selected using quota sampling and interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using social-life cycle assessment, involving various social issues and relevant social indicators for each stakeholder. The findings in our research show that smallholder oil palm plantations still do not meet the minimum wage for workers, and the equipment used by workers is still very minimal in terms of security and safety guarantees. The price of palm oil continues to fluctuate, and plantation policies are constantly changing, making it difficult for oil palm owners to meet the standards and various rules that are set for managing oil palm plantations. In addition, oil palm plantations are no longer a guarantee for the fulfillment of food security conditions for household owners, workers, communities, and actors involved in the oil palm institutional chain. Our finding is that, surprisingly, there is a low level of commitment by smallholders and the government to sustainability in oil palm plantations. The Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil as standards for sustainable oil palm plantations, as well as global standards for oil palm plantations to demonstrate environmentally friendly production processes, have not been able to compel smallholders to implement sustainable development in oil palm. Various policies formulated by the Indonesian government are perceived to have not addressed the core issues faced by small-scale farmers. Policies supporting small-scale farmers, particularly those related to increasing productivity, fostering and monitoring the environmental management of palm oil plantation activities, and ensuring ownership of plantation, are necessary for the achievement of sustainable smallholder palm oil plantation development

    Co-cultivation of microalgae growing on palm oil mill effluent under outdoor condition for lipid production

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    POME is an excellent cultivation medium for the production of microalgae because it includes high macro and micronutrients. Nevertheless, microalga cultivation is laborious to maintain under outdoor condition. The aim of this reseasch was to evaluate the potency of co-cultivation strategy to improve growth and lipid production of mixed algae when growing on POME under dynamic outdoor condition. Cultivation was done in outdoor condition by comparing synthetic medium and POME medium, and optimizing the enviromental and nutritional conditions by using Box-behnken response surface methodology (RSM). Results showed that high growth rate (0.35/d) and lipid (40%) were achieved when 75% POME fraction, 30 PSU salinity, and 450 mg/L urea were used. The increasing POME fraction and urea addition enhanced SFA formation to MUFA and PUFA in the fatty acid profiles. We conclude that co-cultivation strategy on POME could promote growth rate and lipid production of mixed algae under outdoor condition