232 research outputs found

    White Turmeric Rhizome Protection Effect of against Lung Tissue Damage in Copper Sulfate-Induced Wistar Rats

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    One of common heavy metals that pollute rivers in Indonesia is copper, which can damage various organs, including the lungs. As a potential natural herbal medicine, white turmeric rhizome has antioxidant properties that potentially protect the body from copper pollution. This study aimed to explore the potential of the white turmeric rhizome (Curcuma zedoaria) to provide a protective effect on the lungs against copper contamination. This study was an experimental study performed in June 2020 on 25 copper-induced Wistar rats which were divided into five groups: negative group that received 1 ml of copper sulfate suspension at the 12th to 14th day; positive group that received 10 mg/200 g BW of ethanol extract from white turmeric without copper sulfate suspension; and three experimental groups that received 10 mg/200 gBW, 20 mg/200 gBW, and 40 mg/200 gBW of ethanol extract from white turmeric every day, respectively, followed by copper sulfate suspension at the 12th–14th day. After 14 days, the rats were sacrificed by chloroform inhalation and the lung was excised and processed for histopathology preparation. The edema, hemorrhage, leukocyte infiltration, and alveolar septal thickness were evaluated from the lung tissue perparation. The score of tissue damage was express as median (Range) and analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The result of this study shows that there was a significant difference in lung tissue score among all groups of treatment (p-Value=0.001). The experimental group with highest dosage extract presented a good protection effect as well as the positive group. Hence, white turmeric has a good protective property for the lung against damages caused by copper contamination

    Pengujian Kinerja Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya

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    In order to investigate the behavior of the solar home systems, 10 data loggers have been installed in three different villages in Kolaka district in Southeast Sulawesi in March 2001. The solar home systems installed in Kolaka consists of a 50 Wp Solarex MSX 50 modules, 70 Ah battery, 10A/12volt battery charge regulator (BCR) and three 6W fluorescent lights. This paper will present and elaborate the performance of solar home systems, which includes Vbattery, VLoad, ILoad, Imodule and comparison between theoretical calculation and field measurement. Results of monitoring nine solar home systems in Kolaka district in Indonesia are presented. Data logger information shows typical load patterns, and differences between users. The information allows for break-down of a number of different energy loss categories. Some of these losses can be reduced by the user

    Penelitian Penerapan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Lingkungan

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    Indonesia through government programmes and private sector activities. An assessment on performance of photovoltaic systems and study of their impacts was established in Kolaka, South-east Sulawesi. At the moment there are 2270 solar home systems (SHS) in this location. During the research and study, there are 9 data loggers have been installed in nine solar home systems in 4 villages of Kolaka. These data loggers were used to monitor and measure some parameters such as solar insolation , VBattery,VLoad, ILoad, IModule, and room temperature. Besides performance data collection above, a quantitative research method was done to explore the quality of life of rural and remotepeoples. 175 questionnaires were used to collect the data from households in 4 villages Polinggona, Popalia, Petudua dan Pewisoa Jaya. This paper will discuss resuts of the measurement of solar home systems, the impact on daily life of villagers and global and local environmental impact of the use of solar home systems

    Pengaruh Antara Motivasi Kerja dan Kompensasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Riau Andalan Nusantara Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh antara motivasi kerja dan kompensasi kerja terhadap  kinerja karyawan pada PT. Riau Andalan Nusantara Pekanbaru baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan.Populasi dan Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah karyawan PT  Riau Andalan Nusantara Pekanbaru yang berjumlah 32 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan metode Sensus dimana seluruh populasi menjadi Sampel dan  Jenis data menggunakan data primer, metode pengumpulan data menggunakan cara kuesioner dan wawancara dan metode analisis data adalah dengan menggunakan Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas, uji Hipotesa, Analisis Regresi Berganda, Koefesien Korelasi dan Koefesien Determinasi. Pada uji validitas dan reliabilitas dapat diketahui bahwa hasil adalah valid dan reliabel. Pada uji parsial (uji t) dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara X1 (motivasi kerja)  dengan Y (kinerja karyawan), X2 (kompensasi kerja) terhadap Y (kinerja karyawan), uji simultan (uji F) dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan yang simultan antara X1 (motivasi kerja) dan X2 (kompensasi kerja) terhadap Y (kinerja karyawan). dan Uji Determinasi (adj R2) bahwa X1 (motivasi kerja) dan X2 (kompensasi kerja) akan memberikan pengaruh positif sebesar 97,1% terhadap kinerja karyawan sedangkan sisanya 2,9% dipengaruhi variabel-variabel lain yang tidak diteliti pada penelitian ini                                                  &nbsp

    Pemukiman sebagai kesatuan ekosistem daerah Kalimantan Tengah

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    Berdasarkan evaluasi perkembangan desa yang dilaksanakan secara berkala setiap tahun cukup menggembirakan. Sejak tahun 1974 sampai dengan 1978, jumlah desa swadaya makin berkurang. Sementara itu , proporsi desa swakarya dan desa swasembada makin besar. Perkembangan ini nampaknya sejalan dengan makin terbukanya isolasi daerah terpencil karena masuknya transmigrasi ke daerah ini. Pada tahun 1974 di Propinsi Kalimantan Tengah terdapat 883 buah desa swadaya, sedangkan pada 1978 berkurang menjadi 706. Desa swakarya yang pada tahun 1974 berjumlah 199 buah, pada tahun 1978 meningkat menjadi 341. Desa swasembada yang pada tahun 1974 berjumlah 25 buah, pada tahun 1978 meningkat menjadi 61 buah

    The Effects of Long-term Macrolide Therapy in COPD Patients with Frequent Exacerbations

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    Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have a major impact on lung function, morbidity and mortality. Macrolide antibiotics have been successfully used as maintenance treatment in several chronic inflammatory pulmonary diseases. We demonstrated that a regimen of azithromycin treatment 500 mg three times a week during one year compared to placebo, leads to a larger reduction in exacerbation frequency in COPD patients with a minimum of three exacerbations in the previous year. We investigated the role of viral infections. We found a viral infection in a quarter of exacerbations. It was found that human rhinovirus (HRV) was most prevalent with a peak in July. COPD patients with frequent exacerbations showed the best response to maintenance treatment with azithromycin in patients with the following characteristics: baseline blood eosinophil count ≥ 2.0% (compared to an eosinophil count < 2.0%), GOLD stage 1-2 (versus GOLD stage 4) and GOLD group C (compared to group D). We determined the effect of azithromycin maintenance therapy on the dynamics of macrolide resistance genes in the pharyngeal microbiota. It was shown that the acquisition of macrolide resistance genes was limited but the relative abundance of macrolide resistance genes increased significantly over time compared to placebo

    KRL Lightning Protection System Network of Catenary Electricity Units Top Flow at The UPT Resort Region of Pasar Senen, Jakarta

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    The modes of transportation are currently very diverse with the development of an area and mass transportation is an absolute solution to the problem of congestion in urban areas. In metropolitan Jakarta, the Electric Rail Train (KRL) moves through several stages, starting from the supply of a 20 kV AC PLN distribution substation adjacent to the KAI traction substation and then being lowered through the KAI traction substation stepdown transformer to 1200 V AC. The AC power is then converted to DC using a silicon rectifier, and finally generates a voltage of 1500 V DC which supplies the KRL from the traction substation via Overflow Electricity (LAA) with a catenary network transmission that runs across the top along the KRL route. LAA technical problems, called equipment malfunctions, causes train travel disruptions resulting in crossing and overcoming transfers, trip cancellations or delays of 10 minutes or more. This is due to damage to the catenary network, so certain sections of the road cannot be finally passed by KRL. The catenary network must then be safeguarded with protective facilities to secure other catenary network equipment from damage due to lightning strikes and induction. This study maximizes the protection system on the catenary network in the area of the Technical Service Unit (UPT) Resort LAA 1.7 Pasar Senen PT KAI (Persero) Operation Area 1 Jakarta and is expected to be a reference for railway infrastructure employees of the LAA unit. There are, 3 methods used, namely the method of observation, interviews, and literature study. The results showed that the optimum OHGW (overhead ground wire) angle of protection for the concrete/pole type was 67.45˚, while the iron pole was 65.95˚ and both met the requirements for the protection angle of 65˚-68˚. However, the distance for grounding the catenary network poles on existing poles that are installed every 5 poles and is 250 m apart needs to be renovated to avoid induced voltage disturbances and high lightning strikes and hence endangering humans and surrounding equipment. Finally, to avoid cases of theft of the copper grounding rod and its down conductor, it is necessary to install a new grounding rod made of iron. Keywords: Traction substation, catenary network, lightning protection system


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    Latar Belakang: Sepsis merupakan suatu kondisi klinis disfungsi organ yang berpotensi mengancam nyawa, yang disebabkan oleh respons pejamu terhadap infeksi. Diagnosis dan penanganan yang tertunda dari sepsis menyebabkan perburukan penyakit yang dapat menyebabkan kolapsnya sirkulasi, gagal organ multipel dan kematian. Peningkatan mean platelet volume (MPV) disebabkan peningkatan aktivasi trombosit oleh karena peningkatan pemakaian trombosit akibat sepsis. Penelitian menunjukkan nilai MPV dapat dijadikan salah satu parameter untuk menilai prognosis pasien sepsis. Prokalsitonin (PCT) adalah penanda diagnosis sepsis yang paling menjanjikan, paling banyak digunakan dan diteliti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi MPV dengan prokalsitonin pada pasien sepsis. Metode: Penelitian analitik dengan rancangan potong lintang dilakukan terhadap 21 pasien sepsis di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang mulai Januari 2020 hingga April 2021. Pemeriksaan nilai MPV dilakukan menggunakan alat hematologi otomati s berdasarkan rumus oleh alat. Pemeriksaan prokalsitonin menggunakan metode Enzym-linked immunofluorescent Assay. Data dianalisis dengan uji kolerasi Pearson, bermakna jika p <0,05. Hasil: Rerata umur subjek penelitian 54 tahun, rentang 22-77 tahun. Subjek penelitian hampir sama banyak antara laki-laki 10 orang (48%) dan perempuan 11 orang (52%). Rerata MPV adalah 10,59(0,56) fL dan median prokalsitonin adalah 9,35(2,08-200) ng/mL. Uji korelasi Pearson menunjukkan MPV berkorelasi positif sedang dengan prokalsitonin (r= 0,435, p= 0,049). Simpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif sedang antara MPV dengan prokalsitonin pada pasien sepsis