7 research outputs found

    Correlation and path analysis of grain yield and morphological traits in test–cross populations of maize

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    One of the goals of this paper was to determine correlation between grain yield, like the most important agronomic trait, and traits of the plant and ear that are influencing on the grain yield, in two test-cross populations, which are formed by crossing progenies of NSU(1) population after 17 cycles of phenotypic recurrent selection and two testers, 568/II NS and B73. At 568/II NS testcrosses, grain yield had the highest value of genotypic coefficient of correlations with kernel row number. In second studied population the highest value of coefficient of correlations also was found between grain yield and kernel row number, but that relation was negative. Path coefficient analysis provides more information among variables than do correlation coefficients. Because of that goal of this study also was founding the direct and indirect effects of morphological traits on grain yield. Desirable, high significant influence on grain yield, in path coefficient analysis, was found for ear height, in both studied populations. Plant height, in both testcross populations, kernel row number and oil content, at B73 testcrosses, has high significant undesirable effect on grain yield

    Drought and High Temperature Stress in Sorghum: Physiological, Genetic, and Molecular Insights and Breeding Approaches

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    Sorghum is one of the staple crops for millions of people in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and South Asia (SA). The future climate in these sorghum production regions is likely to have unexpected short or long episodes of drought and/or high temperature (HT), which can cause significant yield losses. Therefore, to achieve food and nutritional security, drought and HT stress tolerance ability in sorghum must be genetically improved. Drought tolerance mechanism, stay green, and grain yield under stress has been widely studied. However, novel traits associated with drought (restricted transpiration and root architecture) need to be explored and utilized in breeding. In sorghum, knowledge on the traits associated with HT tolerance is limited. Heat shock transcription factors, dehydrins, and genes associated with hormones such as auxin, ethylene, and abscisic acid and compatible solutes are involved in drought stress modulation. In contrast, our understanding of HT tolerance at the omic level is limited and needs attention. Breeding programs have exploited limited traits with narrow genetic and genomic resources to develop drought or heat tolerant lines. Reproductive stages of sorghum are relatively more sensitive to stress compared to vegetative stages. Therefore, breeding should incorporate appropriate pre-flowering and post-flowering tolerance in a broad genetic base population and in heterotic hybrid breeding pipelines. Currently, more than 240 QTLs are reported for drought tolerance-associated traits in sorghum prospecting discovery of trait markers. Identifying traits and better understanding of physiological and genetic mechanisms and quantification of genetic variability for these traits may enhance HT tolerance. Drought and HT tolerance can be improved by better understanding mechanisms associated with tolerance and screening large germplasm collections to identify tolerant lines and incorporation of those traits into elite breeding lines. Systems approaches help in identifying the best donors of tolerance to be incorporated in the SSA and SA sorghum breeding programs. Integrated breeding with use of highthroughput precision phenomics and genomics can deliver a range of drought and HT tolerant genotypes that can improve yield and resilience of sorghum under drought and HT stresses

    Structural and functional insights into the candidate genes associated with different developmental stages of flag leaf in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Grain yield is one of the most important aims for combating the needs of the growing world population. The role of development and nutrient transfer in flag leaf for higher yields at the grain level is well known. It is a great challenge to properly exploit this knowledge because all the processes, starting from the emergence of the flag leaf to the grain filling stages of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), are very complex biochemical and physiological processes to address. This study was conducted with the primary goal of functionally and structurally annotating the candidate genes associated with different developmental stages of flag leaf in a comprehensive manner using a plethora of in silico tools. Flag leaf-associated genes were analyzed for their structural and functional impacts using a set of bioinformatics tools and algorithms. The results revealed the association of 17 candidate genes with different stages of flag leaf development in wheat crop. Of these 17 candidate genes, the expression analysis results revealed the upregulation of genes such as TaSRT1-5D, TaPNH1-7B, and TaNfl1-2B and the downregulation of genes such as TaNAP1-7B, TaNOL-4D, and TaOsl2-2B can be utilized for the generation of high-yielding wheat varieties. Through MD simulation and other in silico analyses, all these proteins were found to be stable. Based on the outcome of bioinformatics and molecular analysis, the identified candidate genes were found to play principal roles in the flag leaf development process and can be utilized for higher-yield wheat production. Copyright © 2022 Mehla, Kumar, Kapoor, Singh, Sihag, Sagwal, Balyan, Kumar, Ahalawat, Lakra, Singh, Pesic, Djalovic, Mir and Dhankher

    Floristic Composition as a Parameter of the Quality of the Grassland Type \u3cem\u3eFestucetum Vallesacae\u3c/em\u3e in Thestara Planina Hilly-Mountainous Region of Serbia

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    With the increase of sea level and changes of climatic conditions, the possibilities for growing cultivated forages decreases. Therefore natural grasslands will become more important in relation to livestock nutrition. This will increase the importance of the nutritive value of these natural grasslands that have very diverse and dynamic floristic composition. The quality of the grassland depends on species categorised as grasses, legumes and other species. Other species were often regarded as harmful in regard to quality, however, they often contain many medicinal and stimulating substances that may have beneficial effects on animals and on the quality of animal products (Djordjevic-Milosevic, 1997). Conversely, there are also weed and harmful species among grasses and legumes. however, among species from other families there are also useful species. To provide nutrition of livestock from quality grasslands melioration measures are necessary. This paper reports on the composition of grasslands in Stara Planina and provides information on the proportion of useful species

    Delineating Marker-Trait Associations for Fusarium Wilt in Chickpea Using the Axiom® CicerSNP Array

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    Fusarium wilt (FW) caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri is a devastating disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum). To identify promising resistant genotypes and genomic loci for FW resistance, a core set of 179 genotypes of chickpea was tested for FW reactions at the seedling and reproductive stages under field conditions and controlled conditions in the greenhouse. Our results revealed that at the seedling stage, most of the genotypes were resistant, whereas at the reproductive stage, most of the genotypes were susceptible. Genotyping using a 50K Axiom® CicerSNP Array and trait data of FW together led to the identification of 26 significant (P ≤ E-05) marker-trait associations (MTAs) for FW resistance. Among the 26 MTAs, 12 were identified using trait data recorded in the field (three at the seedling and nine at the reproductive stage), and 14 were identified using trait data recorded under controlled conditions in the greenhouse (six at the seedling and eight at the reproductive stage). The phenotypic variation explained by these MTAs varied from 11.75 to 15.86%, with an average of 13.77%. Five MTAs were classified as major, explaining more than 15% of the phenotypic variation for FW, and two were declared stable, being identified in two environments. One of the promising stable and major MTAs (Affx_123280060) detected in field conditions at the reproductive stage was also detected in greenhouse conditions at the seedling and reproductive stages. The stable and major (>15% PVE) MTAs can be used in chickpea breeding programs