6 research outputs found

    Keharmonisan Keluarga, Konsep Diri dan Interaksi Sosial Remaja

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    Abstract. This study aims to examine the relationship between family harmony and self-concept of the adolescent social interaction in vocational students. The population in this study were students of SMK PGRI 3 Madiun class XII, 173 students and tested answers after totaling 157 eligible students. Collecting data using a scale of family harmony, self-concept scale and social interaction made by researchers. Data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis techniques to be treated with the help of computer statistical program SPSS 18 series. Testing multiple regression analysis obtained R = 0.103 and F of 8.841 to p = 0.000 (P < 0.05), which means that family harmony and self-concept has a significant relationship with adolescent social interaction. The results of the analysis of the correlation between family harmony with social interaction indicates t = 3.541 and p = 0.001 (p < 0.05), which means there is a significant positive correlation between family harmony with social interaction. The result of the analysisof correlation between self-concept and social interaction showed t = 1.187 and p = 0.237 (p > 0.05), which means there is no significant correlation betweenself-concept and social interaction. R square = 0.103 shows that the two independent variables self-concept and family harmony together to contribute effectively to the social interactions of adolescents are 10.299% and 89.701% of orther variables influence adolescent social interaction dependent variable in this study.Keywords : harmony family, self-concept, social interaction

    Hubungan Antara Kematangan Emosi Dan Percaya Diri Dengan Penyesuaian Sosial

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    Intisari, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kematangan emosi dan percaya diri dengan penyesuaian sosial. Subyek penelitian siswa kelas V SD Kristen Petra 5 sebanyak 106 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara kematangan emosi dan percaya diri terhadap penyesuaian sosial  (F = 37,310 pada p = 0,000); Secara parsial diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara kematangan emosi dengan penyesuaian sosial (t = 5,715 pada p = 0,000) dan percaya diri mempunyai hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan penyesuaian sosial (t = 2,053 pada p = 0,043).Kata kunci      : penyesuaian sosial, kematangan emosi, dan  percaya dir

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Task Oriented, Manajemen Reward Non Finansial dan Motivasi Kerja

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    Abstract. This study examined  the relationship between task oriented leadership style and management of non financial rewards to work motivation at PT.XYZ  Surabaya. Variables measured by the scale of the study variables 4 choices. Research subjects were 62 employees were taken random sampling. Data collected were analyzed using multiple regression analysis techniques. The results of multiple regression analysis showed variable task oriented leadership style and management on non financial   rewards   associated   significantly  with work motivation (F = 20,911; p = 0,000). Both variables contributed 41,50% of the work motivation. Separately, task oriented leadership style has a highly significant correlation with motivation to work at t = 5,565 amd   p=0,000 ( p< 0,01), non financial rewards management while  significantly    correlated   with   motivation  to  work  with t = 3,997  and  p = 0,000 ( p< 0,01 ).Keywords : task oriented leadership style, management of non financial rewards, work motivation   Â

    Pola Asuh Otoriter, Intensitas Menonton Tayangan Kekerasan dan Kecenderungan Agresif Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Abstract. There are a lot of films are screened andvarious games which one liked by children nowadays. Those movies and games which are usually contain a lot of challenges , however  not all of them positive influence. The films and games which contain negative influence can stimulate the child agrgressively, especially the ones which contain violence. Authoritarian parenting is also a factor that affects the aggressiveness of the child. Parental upbringing violent without any compromise can lead to rebellion and an aggressive stance on the aggressive behavior of a child, then the child will be more visible on the child's social relationships . The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between authoritarian parenting and watching intensity level of aggressiveness of violence against children . The theory used is the social learning theory (social learning theory ) . The approach is using  quantitative research methods . The population was grade 5 of elementary school students . The results showed that there is no  absence relationship between authoritarian parenting and watching intensity level of aggressiveness towards children .  Keywords : authoritarian parenting, watching intensity of violence; child's level of aggressivenes