2 research outputs found

    Utilisation des lambeaux dans les pertes de substances maxillo-faciales: à propos de 32 cas au Niger

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    Diverses lésions peuvent rompre l’harmonie anatomique, esthétique et fonctionnelle de la face, parmi lesquelles les pertes de substances (PDS) qui peuvent être d’origine traumatique, infectieuse ou tumorale. L’objectif de ce travail est de dĂ©crire les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, cliniques et thĂ©rapeutiques des patients ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ©s de prise en charge par lambeaux dans les pertes de substances (PDS) maxillo-faciales. Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective (du 1er janvier 2016 au 15 juillet 2019) et prospective (du 16 juillet 2019 au 31 octobre 2020), soit une période de 4 ans 10 mois (58mois) rĂ©alisĂ©e dans les services de Stomatologie et Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale de l’hĂŽpital national et l’hĂŽpital général de référence de Niamey. Pendant la durée de l’étude, 32 patients de tout âge et des deux sexes ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© dans le service. La moyenne d’âge Ă©tait de 34 ans avec des Ăąges infĂ©rieur et supĂ©rieur de 02 ans et 65 ans. Le sexe féminin était prédominant de 59% des cas. la tranche d’âge de 31-45 ans est la plus touchĂ©e avec 31,25% des cas. L’étiologie tumorale Ă©tait la plus fréquente dans 43,75% suivi des (PDS) post- traumatique dans 34,38% des cas. la région parotidienne représentait la partie la plus atteinte avec 21,88% des cas. Les lambeaux régionaux et ceux à distance Ă©taient les plus utilisés dans 35,29% des cas chacun, et les locaux dans 29,42%. Les nécroses partielles Ă©taient les complications les plus fréquentes soit 15,63% des cas. Les PDS maxillo-faciale sont souvent responsables de certains prĂ©judice fonctionnel et esthĂ©tique qui peuvent altĂ©rer la personnalitĂ©. Ces PDS font appel Ă  des techniques de reconstruction par lambeaux locorĂ©gionaux et Ă  distance avec des indications bien prĂ©cises.   Various lesions can disrupt the anatomical, aesthetic and functional harmony of the face, including loss of substances that can be of traumatic, infectious or tumor origin. The objective of this work is to describe the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of patients who have benefited from flap management in maxillofacial loss of substances. This is a retrospective (from January 1, 2016 to July 15, 2019) and prospective (from July 16, 2019 to October 31, 2020), i.e. 4 years 10 months (58 months) carried out in the departments of Stomatology and Maxillofacial surgery at the national hospital and the general reference hospital of Niamey. During the study period, 32 patients of all ages and two sexes were registered in the department. The average age was 34 years with lower and upper ages of 02 years and 65 years. The female sex was predominant in 59% of cases. the 31- 45 age group is the most affected with 31.25% of cases. Tumor etiology was the most frequent in 43.75% followed by post-traumatic (PDS) in 34.38% of cases. the parotid region represented the most affected part with 21.88% of cases. Regional and remote flaps were used the most in 35.29% of cases each, and local ones in 29.42%. Partial necrosis was the most frequent complication, i.e. 15.63% of cases. Maxillofacial loss of substance is often responsible for certain functional and aesthetic damage that can alter the personality. These losses of substance use locoregional and remote flap reconstruction techniques with very precise indications

    Antioxidant Properties of Lapachol and Its Derivatives and Their Ability to Chelate Iron (II) Cation: DFT and QTAIM Studies

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    The elucidation of the complexation of lapachol and its derivatives to Fe2+ cation has been done using the density functional theory (DFT). This complexation has been limited to bidentate and tridentate to Fe2+ cation. Geometry optimizations have been implemented in gas and solution phase (water, acetonitrile, chlorobenzene, benzene, and toluene) for ligands at B3LYP/6-311++G (d,p) level of theory using B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) optimized data as starting point. But, the geometrical optimizations in solution phase of the 22 complexes analyzed of lapachol and its derivatives to Fe2+ cation were restricted to acetonitrile and benzene. The complexation energy and the metal ion affinity (MIA) have also been calculated using the B3LYP method. The results obtained indicated a proportionality between the MIA values and the retained charge on Fe2+ cation for k2-(O1,O2) modes. But, an inverse proportionality has been yielded between these two parameters for k3-(O2, C=C) tridentate modes. For k3-(O3,C=C) tridentate mode coordination, the higher stability has been obtained. In this latter tridentate coordination in gas phase, the topological analysis of complexes exhibits the fact that the electron density is concentrated between the O3 oxygen atom of the ligand attached to Fe2+ and this metal cation. Moreover, the hydrogen bond strength calculated for isolated ligands (situated between 23.92 and 30.15 kJ/mol) is in the range of normal HBs. Collectively, all the complexation processes have shown to be highly exothermic. Our results have also shown that the electron extraction from Fe2+...Lai complexes is more difficult compared to that from free ligands