24,971 research outputs found

    Okun's Law and Movements over Time in the Unemployment Rate in Australia.

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    This article explains how movements in the unemployment rate reflect the relative rates of growth of employment and the labour force and are related to the participation rate, labour productivity growth and output growth. A framework is provided in which to analyse the determinants of movements in the unemployment rate. We look at the unemployment rate and its relationship to labour force and employment growth in the next section. In section 3 we define the participation rate and discuss how it relates to labour force growth. Then in Section 4, we consider Verdoon's Law and the relationship between output growth and employment growth. In Section 5 we combine the results in the previous section to determine the relationship between the unemployment rate and output growth. Finally, in Section 6, we summarise the findings. We begin looking at these questions by considering the way in which we measure the unemployment rate.UNEMPLOYMENT ; ECONOMIC THEORY ; MACROECONOMICS

    Higher Spin BRS Cohomology of Supersymmetric Chiral Matter in D=4

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    We examine the BRS cohomology of chiral matter in N=1N=1, D=4D=4 supersymmetry to determine a general form of composite superfield operators which can suffer from supersymmetry anomalies. Composite superfield operators \Y_{(a,b)} are products of the elementary chiral superfields SS and \ov S and the derivative operators D_\a, \ov D_{\dot \b} and \pa_{\a \dot \b}. Such superfields \Y_{(a,b)} can be chosen to have `aa' symmetrized undotted indices \a_i and `bb' symmetrized dotted indices \dot \b_j. The result derived here is that each composite superfield \Y_{(a,b)} is subject to potential supersymmetry anomalies if aba-b is an odd number, which means that \Y_{(a,b)} is a fermionic superfield.Comment: 15 pages, CPT-TAMU-20/9

    Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM): Interpretation of imagery over Canada

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    Visual analysis of HCMM images acquired over two sites in Canada and supporting aircraft and ground data obtained at a smaller subsite in Alberta show that nightime surface temperature distribution is primarily related to the near-surface air temperature; the effects of topography, wind, and land cover were low or indirect through air temperature. Surface cover and large altitudinal differences were important parameters influencing daytime apparent temperature values. A quantitative analysis of the relationship between the antecedent precipitation index and the satellite thermal IR measurements did not yield statistically significant correlation coefficients, but the correlations had a definite temporal trend which could be related to the increasing uniformity of vegetation cover. The large pixel size (resulting in a mixture of cover types and soil/canopy temperatures measured by the satellite) and high cloud cover frequency found in images covering both Canadian sites and northern U.S. were considered the main deficiencies of the thermal satellite data

    Regional Unemployment Disparities.

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    In this paper we examine the nature of disparities in regional (State) unemployment rates in Australia over the period 1978-1999 and their relationship to the national unemployment rate. As a measure of dispersion we use the sum of the (weighted) deviations of regional unemployment rates from the national rate. We show that this figure may be interpreted as the number of new jobs or labour force movements that would be needed to even out unemployment rates between regions, expressed as a proportion of the total number currently employed in all regions. Using co-integration analysis, we find that there is a (long-run) relationship between the degree of dispersion in the regional unemployment rates and the level of the national unemployment rate. The relationship between the two is negative implying that, as the national unemployment rate falls, micro and/or differentiated labour markets policies need to bite harder (and affect proportionately more people) if equity in unemployment across regions is to be maintained. We also find that the trade-off between dispersion and unemployment has become steeper in the period following significant deregulation of the Australian economy in the early Nineteen-Eighties. It would appear likely that this reflects an increase in differences in the Natural Rate of Unemployment between the regions since that time.UNEMPLOYMENT ; REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT

    Technical innovation changes standard radiographic protocols in veterinary medicine: is it necessary to obtain two dorsoproximal-palmarodistal oblique views of the equine foot when using computerised radiography systems?

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    Since the 1950s, veterinary practitioners have included two separate dorsoproximal–palmarodistal oblique (DPr–PaDiO) radiographs as part of a standard series of the equine foot. One image is obtained to visualise the distal phalanx and the other to visualise the navicular bone. However, rapid development of computed radiography and digital radiography and their post-processing capabilities could mean that this practice is no longer required. The aim of this study was to determine differences in perceived image quality between DPr–PaDiO radiographs that were acquired with a computerised radiography system with exposures, centring and collimation recommended for the navicular bone versus images acquired for the distal phalanx but were subsequently manipulated post-acquisition to highlight the navicular bone. Thirty images were presented to four clinicians for quality assessment and graded using a 1–3 scale (1=textbook quality, 2=diagnostic quality, 3=non-diagnostic image). No significant difference in diagnostic quality was found between the original navicular bone images and the manipulated distal phalanx images. This finding suggests that a single DPr–PaDiO image of the distal phalanx is sufficient for an equine foot radiographic series, with appropriate post-processing and manipulation. This change in protocol will result in reduced radiographic study time and decreased patient/personnel radiation exposure

    Swimming in curved space or The Baron and the cat

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    We study the swimming of non-relativistic deformable bodies in (empty) static curved spaces. We focus on the case where the ambient geometry allows for rigid body motions. In this case the swimming equations turn out to be geometric. For a small swimmer, the swimming distance in one stroke is determined by the Riemann curvature times certain moments of the swimmer.Comment: 19 pages 6 figure

    Device and method for frictionally testing materials for ignitability

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    Test apparatus for determining ignition characteristics of various metal in oxidizer environments simulating operating conditions for materials is invented. The test apparatus has a chamber through which the oxidizing agent flows, and means for mounting a stationary test sample therein, a powered, rotating shaft in the chamber rigidly mounts a second test sample. The shaft is axially movable to bring the samples into frictional engagement and heated to the ignition point. Instrumentation connected to the apparatus provides for observation of temperatures, pressures, loads on and speeds of the rotating shaft, and torques whereby components of stressed oxygen systems can be selected which will avoid accidental fires under working conditions

    BRS Cohomology of the Supertranslations in D=4

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    Supersymmetry transformations are a kind of square root of spacetime translations. The corresponding Lie superalgebra always contains the supertranslation operator δ=cασαβ˙μcβ˙(ϵμ) \delta = c^{\alpha} \sigma^{\mu}_{\alpha \dot \beta} {\overline c}^{\dot \beta} (\epsilon^{\mu})^{\dag} . We find that the cohomology of this operator depends on a spin-orbit coupling in an SU(2) group and has a quite complicated structure. This spin-orbit type coupling will turn out to be basic in the cohomology of supersymmetric field theories in general.Comment: 14 pages, CTP-TAMU-13/9

    Computer-aided Melody Note Transcription Using the Tony Software: Accuracy and Efficiency

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    accepteddate-added: 2015-05-24 19:18:46 +0000 date-modified: 2017-12-28 10:36:36 +0000 keywords: Tony, melody, note, transcription, open source software bdsk-url-1: https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/attachments/download/1423/tony-paper_preprint.pdfdate-added: 2015-05-24 19:18:46 +0000 date-modified: 2017-12-28 10:36:36 +0000 keywords: Tony, melody, note, transcription, open source software bdsk-url-1: https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/attachments/download/1423/tony-paper_preprint.pdfWe present Tony, a software tool for the interactive an- notation of melodies from monophonic audio recordings, and evaluate its usability and the accuracy of its note extraction method. The scientific study of acoustic performances of melodies, whether sung or played, requires the accurate transcription of notes and pitches. To achieve the desired transcription accuracy for a particular application, researchers manually correct results obtained by automatic methods. Tony is an interactive tool directly aimed at making this correction task efficient. It provides (a) state-of-the art algorithms for pitch and note estimation, (b) visual and auditory feedback for easy error-spotting, (c) an intelligent graphical user interface through which the user can rapidly correct estimation errors, (d) extensive export functions enabling further processing in other applications. We show that Tony’s built in automatic note transcription method compares favourably with existing tools. We report how long it takes to annotate recordings on a set of 96 solo vocal recordings and study the effect of piece, the number of edits made and the annotator’s increasing mastery of the software. Tony is Open Source software, with source code and compiled binaries for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux available from https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/projects/tony/