611 research outputs found

    Clinical study of the teeth in cleft palate

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    The first responsibility of the dental surgeon is for the patients teeth, and observations made at the Cleft Palate Clinic revealed many features relating to the teeth that required further investigation. This study was undertaken as an investigation into the abnormalities of number, form, and structure of the teeth in a group of children with cleft palate. As a result of this study it was hoped that a more complete picture would emerge of the abnormalities of the teeth in children with cleft palate, including the relationship of such abnormalities with the development defects and environmental upsets found in these patients. The study is not concerned with the skeletal and occlusal deformities which may frequently be associated with cleft palate

    Chiral rings and GSO projection in Orbifolds

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    The GSO projection in the twisted sector of orbifold background is sometimes subtle and incompatible descriptions are found in literatures. Here, from the equivalence of partition functions in NSR and GS formalisms, we give a simple rule of GSO projection for the chiral rings of string theory in \C^r/\Z_n, r=1,2,3r=1,2,3. Necessary constructions of chiral rings are given by explicit mode analysis.Comment: 24 page

    Towards a Stringy Resolution of the Cosmological Singularity

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    We study cosmological solutions to the low-energy effective action of heterotic string theory including possible leading order αâ€Č\alpha' corrections and a potential for the dilaton. We consider the possibility that including such stringy corrections can resolve the initial cosmological singularity. Since the exact form of these corrections is not known the higher-derivative terms are constructed so that they vanish when the metric is de Sitter spacetime. The constructed terms are compatible with known restrictions from scattering amplitude and string worldsheet beta-function calculations. Analytic and numerical techniques are used to construct a singularity-free cosmological solution. At late times and low-curvatures the metric is asymptotically Minkowski and the dilaton is frozen. In the high-curvature regime the universe enters a de Sitter phase.Comment: 6 pages, 2 Figures; minor revisions; references added; REVTeX 4; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Next-to-leading order diphoton+2-jet production at the LHC

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    We present results from a recent calculation of prompt photon-pair production in association with two jets to next-to-leading order (NLO) at the LHC. The virtual contribution is evaluated using the BlackHat library, a numerical implementation of on-shell methods for one-loop amplitudes, in conjunction with SHERPA. We study four sets of cuts: standard jet cuts, a set of Higgs-related cuts suggested by ATLAS, and corresponding sets which isolate the kinematic region where the process becomes the largest background to Higgs production via vector-boson fusion.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, Presented at 11th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR 2013), 22-27 September 2013, Lumley Castle Hotel, Durham, U

    Subtraction terms for one-loop amplitudes with one unresolved parton

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    Fully differential next-to-next-to-leading order calculations require a method to cancel infrared singularities. In a previous publication, I discussed the general setup for the subtraction method at NNLO. In this paper I give all subtraction terms for electron-positron annihilation associated with one-loop amplitudes with one unresolved parton. These subtraction terms are integrated within dimensional regularization over the unresolved one-particle phase space. The results can be used with all variants of dimensional regularization (conventional dimensional regularization, the 't Hooft-Veltman scheme and the four-dimensional scheme).Comment: 27 page

    Next-to-Leading Order W + 5-Jet Production at the LHC

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    We present next-to-leading order QCD predictions for the total cross section and for a comprehensive set of transverse-momentum distributions in W + 5-jet production at the Large Hadron Collider. We neglect the small contributions from subleading-color virtual terms, top quarks and some terms containing four quark pairs. We also present ratios of total cross sections, and use them to obtain an extrapolation formula to an even larger number of jets. We include the decay of the WW boson into leptons. This is the first such computation with six final-state vector bosons or jets. We use BlackHat together with SHERPA to carry out the computation.Comment: RevTex, 27 pages, 7 figures, v2 minor corrections and corrected reference

    Structures and Heats of Formation of Simple Alkaline Earth Metal Compounds II: Fluorides, Chlorides, Oxides, and Hydroxides for Ba, Sr, and Ra

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    Geometry parameters, vibrational frequencies, heats of formation, bond dissociation energies, cohesive energies, and selected fluoride affinities (difluorides) are predicted for the late alkaline earth (Sr, Ba and Ra) oxides, fluorides, chlorides, and hydroxides at the coupled cluster theory [CCSD(T)] level. Additional corrections (scalar relativistic and pseudopotential corrections, vibrational zero-point energies, and atomic spin-orbit effects) were included to accurately calculate the total atomization energies and heats of formation following the Feller-Peterson-Dixon methodology. The calculated values are compared to the experimental data where available. In some cases, especially for Ra compounds, there are no experimental results or the experimental energetics and geometries are not reliable or have very large error bars. All of the Sr, Ba and Ra difluorides, dichlorides and dihydroxides are bent structures with the OMO bond angles decreasing going down the group. The cohesive energy of bulk Be dihalides are predicted to be quite low while those of Ra are relatively large. The fluoride affinities show that the difluorides are moderately strong Lewis acids and that such trifluorides may form under the appropriate experimental conditions

    THE AMUNDSEN SEA LOW Variability, Change, and Impact on Antarctic Climate

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    The Amundsen Sea low (ASL) is a climatological low pressure center that exerts considerable influence on the climate of West Antarctica. Its potential to explain important recent changes in Antarctic climate, for example, in temperature and sea ice extent, means that it has become the focus of an increasing number of studies. Here, the authors summarize the current understanding of the ASL, using reanalysis datasets to analyze recent variability and trends, as well as ice-core chemistry and climate model projections, to examine past and future changes in the ASL, respectively. The ASL has deepened in recent decades, affecting the climate through its influence on the regional meridional wind field, which controls the advection of moisture and heat into the continent. Deepening of the ASL in spring is consistent with observed West Antarctic warming and greater sea ice extent in the Ross Sea. Climate model simulations for recent decades indicate that this deepening is mediated by tropical variability while climate model projections through the twenty-first century suggest that the ASL will deepen in some seasons in response to greenhouse gas concentration increases

    3D ground model development for an active landslide in Lias mudrocks using geophysical, remote sensing and geotechnical methods

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    A ground model of an active and complex landslide system in instability prone Lias mudrocks of North Yorkshire, UK is developed through an integrated approach, utilising geophysical, geotechnical and remote sensing investigative methods. Surface geomorphology is mapped and interpreted using immersive 3D visualisation software to interpret airborne light detection and ranging data and aerial photographs. Subsurface structure is determined by core logging and 3D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), which is deployed at two scales of resolution to provide a means of volumetrically characterising the subsurface expression of both site scale (tens of metres) geological structure, and finer (metre to sub-metre) scale earth-flow related structures. Petrophysical analysis of the borehole core samples is used to develop relationships between the electrical and physical formation properties, to aid calibration and interpretation of 3D ERT images. Results of the landslide investigation reveal that an integrated approach centred on volumetric geophysical imaging successfully achieves a detailed understanding of structure and lithology of a complex landslide system, which cannot be achieved through the use of remotely sensed data or discrete intrusive sampling alone
