7,645 research outputs found

    FUSE, STIS, and Keck spectroscopic analysis of the UV-bright star vZ 1128 in M3 (NGC 5272)

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    We present a spectral analysis of the UV-bright star vZ 1128 in M3 based on observations with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), and the Keck HIRES echelle spectrograph. By fitting the H I, He I, and He II lines in the Keck spectrum with non-LTE H-He models, we obtain Teff = 36,600 K, log g = 3.95, and log N(He)/N(H) = -0.84. The star's FUSE and STIS spectra show photospheric absorption from C, N, O, Al, Si, P, S, Fe, and Ni. No stellar features from elements beyond the iron peak are observed. Both components of the N V 1240 doublet exhibit P~Cygni profiles, indicating a weak stellar wind, but no other wind features are seen. The star's photospheric abundances appear to have changed little since it left the red giant branch (RGB). Its C, N, O, Al, Si, Fe, and Ni abundances are consistent with published values for the red-giant stars in M3, and the relative abundances of C, N, and O follow the trends seen on the cluster RGB. In particular, its low C abundance suggests that the star left the asymptotic giant branch before the onset of third dredge-up.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, to be published in MNRA

    Post-Newtonian corrections to the motion of spinning bodies in NRGR

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    In this paper we include spin and multipole moment effects in the formalism used to describe the motion of extended objects recently introduced in hep-th/0409156. A suitable description for spinning bodies is developed and spin-orbit, spin-spin and quadrupole-spin Hamiltonians are found at leading order. The existence of tidal, as well as self induced finite size effects is shown, and the contribution to the Hamiltonian is calculated in the latter. It is shown that tidal deformations start formally at O(v^6) and O(v^10) for maximally rotating general and compact objects respectively, whereas self induced effects can show up at leading order. Agreement is found for the cases where the results are known.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. Typos corrected, to appear in Physical Review

    On the Significance of Absorption Features in HST/COS Data

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    We present empirical scaling relations for the significance of absorption features detected in medium resolution, far-UV spectra obtained with the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). These relations properly account for both the extended wings of the COS line spread function and the non-Poissonian noise properties of the data, which we characterize for the first time, and predict limiting equivalent widths that deviate from the empirical behavior by \leq 5% when the wavelength and Doppler parameter are in the ranges \lambda = 1150-1750 A and b > 10 km/s. We have tested a number of coaddition algorithms and find the noise properties of individual exposures to be closer to the Poissonian ideal than coadded data in all cases. For unresolved absorption lines, limiting equivalent widths for coadded data are 6% larger than limiting equivalent widths derived from individual exposures with the same signal-to-noise. This ratio scales with b-value for resolved absorption lines, with coadded data having a limiting equivalent width that is 25% larger than individual exposures when b \approx 150 km/s.Comment: 25 pages, 3 tables, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Scattering of Spinning Test Particles by Plane Gravitational and Electromagnetic Waves

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    The Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon (MPD) equations for the motion of electrically neutral massive spinning particles are analysed, in the pole-dipole approximation, in an Einstein-Maxwell plane-wave background spacetime. By exploiting the high symmetry of such spacetimes these equations are reduced to a system of tractable ordinary differential equations. Classes of exact solutions are given, corresponding to particular initial conditions for the directions of the particle spin relative to the direction of the propagating background fields. For Einstein-Maxwell pulses a scattering cross section is defined that reduces in certain limits to those associated with the scattering of scalar and Dirac particles based on classical and quantum field theoretic techniques. The relative simplicity of the MPD approach and its use of macroscopic spin distributions suggests that it may have advantages in those astrophysical situations that involve strong classical gravitational and electromagnetic environments.Comment: Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity. 12 page

    Twisting the N=2 String

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    The most general homogeneous monodromy conditions in N=2N{=}2 string theory are classified in terms of the conjugacy classes of the global symmetry group U(1,1)⊗Z2U(1,1)\otimes{\bf Z}_2. For classes which generate a discrete subgroup \G, the corresponding target space backgrounds {\bf C}^{1,1}/\G include half spaces, complex orbifolds and tori. We propose a generalization of the intercept formula to matrix-valued twists, but find massless physical states only for Γ=1\Gamma{=}{\bf 1} (untwisted) and Γ=Z2\Gamma{=}{\bf Z}_2 (\`a la Mathur and Mukhi), as well as for Γ\Gamma being a parabolic element of U(1,1)U(1,1). In particular, the sixteen Z2{\bf Z}_2-twisted sectors of the N=2N{=}2 string are investigated, and the corresponding ground states are identified via bosonization and BRST cohomology. We find enough room for an extended multiplet of `spacetime' supersymmetry, with the number of supersymmetries being dependent on global `spacetime' topology. However, world-sheet locality for the chiral vertex operators does not permit interactions among all massless `spacetime' fermions.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX, no figures, 120 kb, ITP-UH-24/93, DESY 93-191 (abstract and introduction clarified, minor corrections added
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