15,460 research outputs found

    Atmospheric effects on remote sensing of non-uniform temperature sources

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    The effects are considered of an absorbing, emitting, and scattering atmosphere upon the remote sensing of surface areas having non-uniform intensity. These atmospheric effects may be significant in determination, by remote sensing, of non-uniform surface temperature distributions, and the results of the investigation are applicable in such cases. Analytical methods and a digital computational program are presented, expressing the results in terms of contrast and contrast transmittance between two adjacent emitting areas having unequal intensities, in the presence of a additional disturbing emitters. In the computational procedure, emitting areas are replaced by point-source emitters, each assigned and effective intensity based upon the intensity of the area it replaces. Absorbing, emitting, and scattering behavior of the atmosphere may be specified in the computational procedure either by means of analytical atmospheric models or by means of calibrating ground level emitters

    Atmospheric effects on remote sensing of non-uniform temperature sources

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    The equations of transfer, for a plane-parallel scattering atmosphere with a point source of energy on the lower bounding surface, were solved for various values of sensor/point source orientation and optical depths. Applications of this analysis to Skylab and ERTS mission are discussed, and requirements for atmospheric property data and radiation transfer properties are considered

    High-precision radiocarbon dating of the construction phase of Oakbank Crannog, Loch Tay, Perthshire

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    Many of the Loch Tay crannogs were built in the Early Iron Age and so calibration of the radiocarbon ages produces very broad calendar age ranges due to the well-documented Hallstatt plateau in the calibration curve. However, the large oak timbers that were used in the construction of some of the crannogs potentially provide a means of improving the precision of the dating through subdividing them into decadal or subdecadal increments, dating them to high precision and wiggle-matching the resulting data to the master <sup>14</sup>C calibration curve. We obtained a sample from 1 oak timber from Oakbank Crannog comprising 70 rings (Sample OB06 WMS 1, T103) including sapwood that was complete to the bark edge. The timber is situated on the northeast edge of the main living area of the crannog and as a large and strong oak pile would have been a useful support in more than 1 phase of occupation and may be related to the earliest construction phase of the site. This was sectioned into 5-yr increments and dated to a precision of approximately ±8–16 <sup>14</sup>C yr (1 σ). The wiggle-match predicts that the last ring dated was formed around 500 BC (maximum range of 520–465 BC) and should be taken as indicative of the likely time of construction of Oakbank Crannog. This is a considerable improvement on the estimates based on single <sup>14</sup>C ages made on oak samples, which typically encompassed the period from around 800–400 BC

    Speckle-visibility spectroscopy: A tool to study time-varying dynamics

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    We describe a multispeckle dynamic light scattering technique capable of resolving the motion of scattering sites in cases that this motion changes systematically with time. The method is based on the visibility of the speckle pattern formed by the scattered light as detected by a single exposure of a digital camera. Whereas previous multispeckle methods rely on correlations between images, here the connection with scattering site dynamics is made more simply in terms of the variance of intensity among the pixels of the camera for the specified exposure duration. The essence is that the speckle pattern is more visible, i.e. the variance of detected intensity levels is greater, when the dynamics of the scattering site motion is slow compared to the exposure time of the camera. The theory for analyzing the moments of the spatial intensity distribution in terms of the electric field autocorrelation is presented. It is demonstrated for two well-understood samples, a colloidal suspension of Brownian particles and a coarsening foam, where the dynamics can be treated as stationary. However, the method is particularly appropriate for samples in which the dynamics vary with time, either slowly or rapidly, limited only by the exposure time fidelity of the camera. Potential applications range from soft-glassy materials, to granular avalanches, to flowmetry of living tissue.Comment: review - theory and experimen

    The orbifold transform and its applications

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    We discuss the notion of the orbifold transform, and illustrate it on simple examples. The basic properties of the transform are presented, including transitivity and the exponential formula for symmetric products. The connection with the theory of permutation orbifolds is addressed, and the general results illustrated on the example of torus partition functions

    What do implicit measures measure?

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    We identify several ongoing debates related to implicit measures, surveying prominent views and considerations in each debate. First, we summarize the debate regarding whether performance on implicit measures is explained by conscious or unconscious representations. Second, we discuss the cognitive structure of the operative constructs: are they associatively or propositionally structured? Third, we review debates whether performance on implicit measures reflects traits or states. Fourth, we discuss the question of whether a person’s performance on an implicit measure reflects characteristics of the person who is taking the test or characteristics of the situation in which the person is taking the test. Finally, we survey the debate about the relationship between implicit measures and (other kinds of) behavior

    Equational reasoning with context-free families of string diagrams

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    String diagrams provide an intuitive language for expressing networks of interacting processes graphically. A discrete representation of string diagrams, called string graphs, allows for mechanised equational reasoning by double-pushout rewriting. However, one often wishes to express not just single equations, but entire families of equations between diagrams of arbitrary size. To do this we define a class of context-free grammars, called B-ESG grammars, that are suitable for defining entire families of string graphs, and crucially, of string graph rewrite rules. We show that the language-membership and match-enumeration problems are decidable for these grammars, and hence that there is an algorithm for rewriting string graphs according to B-ESG rewrite patterns. We also show that it is possible to reason at the level of grammars by providing a simple method for transforming a grammar by string graph rewriting, and showing admissibility of the induced B-ESG rewrite pattern.Comment: International Conference on Graph Transformation, ICGT 2015. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21145-9_

    The GHZ/W-calculus contains rational arithmetic

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    Graphical calculi for representing interacting quantum systems serve a number of purposes: compositionally, intuitive graphical reasoning, and a logical underpinning for automation. The power of these calculi stems from the fact that they embody generalized symmetries of the structure of quantum operations, which, for example, stretch well beyond the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism. One such calculus takes the GHZ and W states as its basic generators. Here we show that this language allows one to encode standard rational calculus, with the GHZ state as multiplication, the W state as addition, the Pauli X gate as multiplicative inversion, and the Pauli Z gate as additive inversion.Comment: In Proceedings HPC 2010, arXiv:1103.226

    Spinning test particles and clock effect in Schwarzschild spacetime

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    We study the behaviour of spinning test particles in the Schwarzschild spacetime. Using Mathisson-Papapetrou equations of motion we confine our attention to spatially circular orbits and search for observable effects which could eventually discriminate among the standard supplementary conditions namely the Corinaldesi-Papapetrou, Pirani and Tulczyjew. We find that if the world line chosen for the multipole reduction and whose unit tangent we denote as UU is a circular orbit then also the generalized momentum PP of the spinning test particle is tangent to a circular orbit even though PP and UU are not parallel four-vectors. These orbits are shown to exist because the spin induced tidal forces provide the required acceleration no matter what supplementary condition we select. Of course, in the limit of a small spin the particle's orbit is close of being a circular geodesic and the (small) deviation of the angular velocities from the geodesic values can be of an arbitrary sign, corresponding to the possible spin-up and spin-down alignment to the z-axis. When two spinning particles orbit around a gravitating source in opposite directions, they make one loop with respect to a given static observer with different arrival times. This difference is termed clock effect. We find that a nonzero gravitomagnetic clock effect appears for oppositely orbiting both spin-up or spin-down particles even in the Schwarzschild spacetime. This allows us to establish a formal analogy with the case of (spin-less) geodesics on the equatorial plane of the Kerr spacetime. This result can be verified experimentally.Comment: IOP macros, eps figures n. 2, to appear on Classical and Quantum gravity, 200

    Fuels treatment and wildfire effects on runoff from Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests

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    We applied an eco-hydrologic model (Regional Hydro-Ecologic Simulation System [RHESSys]), constrained with spatially distributed field measurements, to assess the impacts of forest-fuel treatments and wildfire on hydrologic fluxes in two Sierra Nevada firesheds. Strategically placed fuels treatments were implemented during 2011–2012 in the upper American River in the central Sierra Nevada (43 km2) and in the upper Fresno River in the southern Sierra Nevada (24 km2). This study used the measured vegetation changes from mechanical treatments and modelled vegetation change from wildfire to determine impacts on the water balance. The well-constrained headwater model was transferred to larger catchments based on geologic and hydrologic similarities. Fuels treatments covered 18% of the American and 29% of the Lewis catchment. Averaged over the entire catchment, treatments in the wetter central Sierra Nevada resulted in a relatively light vegetation decrease (8%), leading to a 12% runoff increase, averaged over wet and dry years. Wildfire with and without forest treatments reduced vegetation by 38% and 50% and increased runoff by 55% and 67%, respectively. Treatments in the drier southern Sierra Nevada also reduced the spatially averaged vegetation by 8%, but the runoff response was limited to an increase of less than 3% compared with no treatment. Wildfire following treatments reduced vegetation by 40%, increasing runoff by 13%. Changes to catchment-scale water-balance simulations were more sensitive to canopy cover than to leaf area index, indicating that the pattern as well as amount of vegetation treatment is important to hydrologic response