34 research outputs found

    Clinical Feature of Neonatal Sepsis: Role of Variation in Platelate Indices and Thrombocytopenia

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    Diagnosis of neonatal septicemia may be difficult as the early signs of sepsis may be subtle and different at different gestational ages. Platelet indices are helpful in the diagnosis as well as follow-up of sepsis including assessing the response of antimicrobial treatment if interpreted cautiously. However, these platelet indices are not appropriate always. The important platelet indices available for clinical utility include mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width and plateletcrit that are related to morphology and proliferation kinetics of platelets. Thrombocytopenia is a common hematological abnormality in neonates with sepsis. Abnormal MPV can aid diagnosing the cause of thrombocytopenia. Low MPV associated with thrombocytopenia has been found to result in clinical bleeding. Until recently, the mechanism of neonatal thrombocytopenias are unclear. As a result, classifications based on mechanism have proved of little practical help to neonatal paediatricians because of overemphasis of rare conditions of known mechanism. The studies addressing the importance of these platelet indices and thrombocytopenia may provide insights for the early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis and therapy that would reduce the mortality rate. This review presents the details about the thrombocytopenia and its mechanism as a diagnostic measure for neonatal sepsis

    Exploring Self-Silencing in Workplace Relationships: A Qualitative Study of Female Software Engineers

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    Self-silencing has been extensively studied in the context of the relational aspect of the female psyche. The previous research on self-silencing mostly emphasized on intimate partner relationships and not much is explored in the context of workplace relationships, that is, relationships with colleagues, team managers etc. The present study aims to explore the self-silencing phenomenon in workplace relationships among a sample of female software engineers (N=21) in India. A purposive sampling strategy was used to select the participants of the study. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted to collect the data for the thematic analysis. At first, theoretical thematic analysis was done where Dana C. Jack’s (1991) self-silencing theory has been used as the theoretical lens. Then, inductive thematic analysis has been used for unravelling the mechanisms, antecedents, consequences involved in self-silencing inside the organization. The result revealed that the need to maintain relationships, need to conform to the traditional feminine roles, a sense of powerlessness, and some factors inherent to the culture of the organization functioned as the antecedents of self-silencing in the organizational setting. Self-silencing inside an organization is also found to affect the female software engineers’ psychological wellbeing and their growth in career. Moreover, it hampers the growth of the organization since negative experiences inside organizations go unreported and women self-silence their views and opinions in group meetings leading to organizational ignorance

    Perceived Stigma among Family Members of Persons Suffering from Mental Illness: A Narrative Exploration from West Bengal, India

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    In this paper, we report the findings of a qualitative study that, aims to understand the family members’ subjective experiences with perceived stigma of mental illness. The theoretical standpoint and the research method for the study employed are social constructivist theory and narrative inquiry respectively. We conducted semi-structured and in-depth interviews with family members and others accompanying patients to an outpatient unit of a psychiatric clinic. The professionals and the administrative staff at the clinic gave additional interviews. The constant comparative method was employed for the analysis of the narratives. The findings suggest the existence of perceived and direct stigma among family members. Family members shared their concerns relating to the disclosure of illness, its receptions, its interpretation by others, and the possible impact of the disclosure on the family. Professionals and staff at the clinic shared their perceptions regarding the manifestations of perceived stigma among families. In this study, we gathered an emic understanding of family stigma in the context of West Bengal, India. The findings are discussed in the context of current literature on stigma in India

    Lower Socio-economic Status and Cardiovascular Disease: Role of Healthcare Facility and Policy in India

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    Background: Cardio-vascular disease (CVD) is one of the main cause of mortality Worldwide and India is no exception. Unlike developed countries, where both CVD prevalence and mortality has been established to affect lower socio-economic status (SES), in India there is no consensus among researchers over socio-economic patterning of CVD prevalence but the mortality rate has been reported to disproportionately affect the economically weaker sections. Aims & Objectives: This article, focuses at the issue of how lack of good healthcare facilities and non-supportive health policies are affecting CVD mortality positively among lower SES of India. Challenges of the Indian healthcare system in context of lower SES can be described in terms of the issue of availability, accessibility and affordability. Inadequate policy and public healthcare system either leads to the problem of high Out-of-Pocket Payments (OPP) or opting out of the treatment, which further increases poverty and mortality among them. Moreover, limited insurance coverage and inadequate regulatory policies for alcohol and tobacco-leading CVD risk factors among lower SES groups – do little to discourage its use among them. Conclusion: Since, lower SES people in India are already under the burden of communicable diseases, government should take immediate steps to control the mortality among them by creating a supportive environment through pro-poor health policies and healthcare facilities

    Gendered Processes and Women’s Stunted Career Growth: An Exploratory Study of Female Software Engineers

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    In the present qualitative study, we explored to what extent gender has been an integral part of workplace experience and career growth among female software engineers in Indian Information and Technology sector. Following a purposive sampling strategy, data were drawn from twenty-one female software engineers. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted. A hybrid of theoretical and inductive thematic analysis was done to answer the research questions. For analyzing the data through theoretical thematic analysis, Acker\u27s (1990) “Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies: A Theory of Gendered Organizations” was used as the theoretical lens. The result revealed that four features of gendered processes in the organization, that is, the gendered division of labour, gendered symbols and images, gendered interactions, and gendered effects on individual identity are experienced by female technology professionals. The impacts of these gendered processes in the career-growth and job-experience has been discussed. Moreover, gender-based stereotype, discrimination, the gendered division of labour inside the family, and self-silencing inside organization are found to be the gender-related aspects which function as inhibitors of women\u27s growth in career


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    ABSTRACTCancer is a hereditary disease and is caused due to the abnormal growth of the cells. Cancer can be of many forms but the most prevalent is the breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common among women and can be treated by radiation therapy, surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy and natural therapy. The present review presents an overview about the role of flavonoids in curing cancer. This review gives a detailed account of classification of flavonoids. The in vivo and in vitro studies show the action of flavonoids on cancer. Various natural flavonoids can be extracted and can be used for various therapeutic effects apart from cancer.Keywords: Flavonoids, Cancer, Breast Cancer, Classification of flavonoids.Ă‚


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    Pomegranate has been found to have ethnomedical history and is a rich reservoir of phytochemicals. The present study was carried out for phytochemical analysis in the hydroalcoholic pomegranate peel extracts. Presently phytochemical analysis and analysis of bioactive compounds are done, the pomegranate peel extracts are found to have carbohydrates, alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, tannic acids and phenolic compounds. The antioxidant activity, DPPH free radical scavenging activity, nitric oxide radical scavenging activity was analyzed. For good health the quality of blood should be maintained and for this antioxidants may be the key so as to protect the blood from oxidative stress. Thus from the present study it is concluded that pomegranate peel is a rich source of phytochemicals and bioactive compounds such as antioxidants and so can be used for various pharmaceutical and therapeutic purposes like increase in hemoglobin count. Keywords: pomegranate peel, antioxidant activity, DPPH free radical scavenging, nitric oxide radical scavenging, hemoglobin booster


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    Cancer is a hereditary disease and is caused due to the abnormal growth of the cells. Cancer can be of many forms but the most prevalent is the breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common among women and can be treated by radiation therapy, surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy and natural therapy. The present review presents an overview about the role of flavonoids in curing cancer. This review gives a detailed account of classification of flavonoids. The in vivo and in vitro studies show the action of flavonoids on cancer. Various natural flavonoids can be extracted and can be used for various therapeutic effects apart from cancer.Keywords: Flavanoids , Cancer, Breast Cancer, Classification of flavanoid


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    Cancer is a hereditary disease and is caused due to the abnormal growth of the cells. Cancer can be of many forms but the most prevalent is the breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common among women and can be treated by radiation therapy, surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy and natural therapy. The present review presents an overview about the role of flavonoids in curing cancer. This review gives a detailed account of classification of flavonoids. The in vivo and in vitro studies show the action of flavonoids on cancer. Various natural flavonoids can be extracted and can be used for various therapeutic effects apart from cancer.Keywords: Flavanoids , Cancer, Breast Cancer, Classification of flavanoid

    Efficacy and safety of various drugs used for the treatment of nonneurogenic lower urinary tract symptoms in tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are common in elder men. Previously surgical treatment was mainstay of treatment of BPH. But now number of drugs alone or combined are clinically used for this disorder. Primary aim was to study the prescribing pattern of different drug therapies and their role in treating LUTS/BPH by evaluating their efficacy and safety in tertiary health care centre.Methods: An observational study including 78 male patients ≥45 years, newly diagnosed with LUTS from April 2014 to May 2015. Patients were followed up every 4 weeks for 3 months after the drug has been prescribed. Efficacy assessment was done on basis of change in IPSS score over 12 weeks. Data was expressed in percentage and Mean ±SD.Results: Mean age of Patients was 64.94 years. Alpha blockers are mainstay prescribed drug either as monotherapy (48.7%) or with 5 alpha reductase inhibitor-dutasteride (38.4%) and with antimuscarinic –Tolterodene (12.8%). Among alpha blockers Tamsulosin (58.97%) was most commonly prescribed, followed by Silodosin (20.5%) and Alfuzosin (20.5%). All drug treatment results in significant improvement with dizziness being the most common adverse event. A subgroup analysis in symptoms was done comparing alpha blockers. All alpha blockers have near about similar efficacy with no significant difference.Conclusions: Alpha blockers are main drugs prescribed in management of LUTS/BPH with near about similar efficacy of all alpha blockers