1,450 research outputs found

    Non-descent vaginal hysterectomy in previous cesarean section: a retrospective study

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    Background: Non-descent vaginal hysterectomy (NDVH) is removal of uterus through vagina in non-prolapsed uterus. As there is an increase in caesarean section, hysterectomy in women with previous caesarean section is also increasing. The objective of this study is to assess the feasibility and safety of non-descent vaginal hysterectomy in patients with previous caesarean section.Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Government Medical College, Thrissur from January 2017 to December 2018. Non-descent vaginal hysterectomy in 24women with previous caesarean section was studied. Details regarding age, parity, number of caesarean sections, indication of surgery, intraoperative and postoperative complications were evaluated.Results: All 24 women underwent non-descent vaginal hysterectomy successfully. 10 women (41.7%) were between 46-49 years. Commonest indication of hysterectomy was fibroid uterus (41.7%) and most common complaint was heavy menstrual bleeding (79%). There was bladder injury in one woman with history of previous 2 caesarean section. 3 women developed UTI in postoperative period.Conclusions: Vaginal hysterectomy is associated with lower complications and more rapid recovery. A successful NDVH in previous caesarean section depends on the expertise and experience of the surgeon. NDVH in previous caesarean is safe in expert hands


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    Objective: The present study on garlic cloves (Allium sativum) belongs to family Amaryllidaceae has been focused. This is a natural medicinal plant used for disease preventions against all kinds of internal infections. Preliminary screening of phytochemicals has found plenty of secondary metabolites which are present in garlic cloves. Their functional groups and mineral compositions, the potential of trace elements have been evaluated using FTIR and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICPOES).Methods: The screening of phytochemicals, FTIR and ICPOES. All the methods were performed by standard protocols.Results: The phytochemical screening of plant extracts of hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and water revealed the presence of steroids, saponin, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, phenolic compounds, terpenoids and carbohydrates. The results of the methanolic extract of A. sativum analysis showed rich bioactive compounds. The FTIR spectroscopic studies revealed characteristic peak values from 3500-1000 cm-1 for various functional compounds like hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxylic and organosulfur and aromatic compounds in the garlic methanolic extract. The elements present in the garlic play an important role in the treatment of various diseases described in the traditional medicinal system. The elemental analysis was carried out on garlic methanolic extract using the ICP-OES technique and it showed the order of abundance as K>P>Mg>Ca>Zn>Al that could enhance the curative process of ill health and the potentially toxic elements were not detected.Conclusion: Thus our data on garlic shows a great importance to understand the pharmacological actions and therapeutic efficacy possessed by majority of active compounds

    Biosynthesis and Role of N-Linked Glycosylation in Cell Surface Structures of Archaea with a Focus on Flagella and S Layers

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    The genetics and biochemistry of the N-linked glycosylation system of Archaea have been investigated over the past 5 years using flagellins and S layers as reporter proteins in the model organisms, Methanococcus voltae, Methanococcus maripaludis, and Haloferax volcanii. Structures of archaeal N-linked glycans have indicated a variety of linking sugars as well as unique sugar components. In M. voltae, M. maripaludis, and H. volcanii, a number of archaeal glycosylation genes (agl) have been identified by deletion and complementation studies. These include many of the glycosyltransferases and the oligosaccharyltransferase needed to assemble the glycans as well as some of the genes encoding enzymes required for the biosynthesis of the sugars themselves. The N-linked glycosylation system is not essential for any of M. voltae, M. maripaludis, or H. volcanii, as demonstrated by the successful isolation of mutants carrying deletions in the oligosaccharyltransferase gene aglB (a homologue of the eukaryotic Stt3 subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex). However, mutations that affect the glycan structure have serious effects on both flagellation and S layer function

    Fetomaternal outcome in women with hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome: a retrospective study

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    Background: HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count) syndrome which is a variant form of severe preeclampsia is an important cause of maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. The importance lies in the early diagnosis and timely intervention for better fetal and maternal outcome. The objective of this study was to assess the maternal and fetal outcome in pregnancies complicated with HELLP syndrome.Methods: This is a retrospective study analyzing fetomaternal outcome in 63 women diagnosed with HELLP syndrome in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Government Medical College, Thrissur from 1st January 2014 to 31st December 2016. Details were collected from data records library.Results: Among 7,566 deliveries, 63 women (0.83%) had HELLP syndrome. Mean age was 29.5 years. 47.6% (n=30) women developed HELLP syndrome at gestational age less than 34 weeks. Maternal complications were abruption (27.78%), acute kidney injury (16.67%), DIC (16.67%), sepsis (11.11%) and postpartum hemorrhage (11.11%). In this study, HELLP syndrome lead to one maternal death (1.58%). The perinatal mortality was 25.75%.Conclusions: HELLP syndrome is an alarming complication, which brings high maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality

    Vegetative vigour, yield and field tolerance to leaf rust in four F1 hybrids of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in India

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    Four F1 hybrids of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) developed with the primary objective of pyramiding the SH3 gene for leaf rust resistance in a commercial variety ‘Chandragiri’ for achieving the long-lasting resistance to leaf rust, have been evaluated in field. Two hybrids (S.5083 and S.5084) were derived from a donor heterozygous to SH3, while the other two hybrids (S.5085 and S.5086) were developed from donor homozygous to SH3. Among the hybrids, S.5086 recorded superior yield performance during individual years with a maximum yield of 1611 kg/ha during 2020-21 and the four year mean yield of 1313 kg/ha. The hybrid exhibited maximum heterosis over mid parent (29.10%) and better parent (17.12%) and S.5086 progeny also manifested high field tolerance to leaf rust pathogen as the entire plant population was free from the disease incidence throughout the study period. The findings of the present study established the efficiency of F1 breeding strategy with simultaneous pyramiding of rust resistance genes for development of vigorous, high yielding and durable rust resistant F1 hybrids in arabica. The F1 hybrid, S.5086 with promising performance in terms of crop yield and high field tolerance to leaf rust has potential implications for commercial exploitation

    Garden Pea Improvement in India

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    Garden pea (Pisum sativum L. var. hortense) is an important legume vegetable grown for its fresh, shelled green seeds rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. At present over 1000 germplasm lines are available in India. Improvement of garden pea in the country was initiated during the 1940s in IARI and later in several other agricultural universities/ ICAR institutes. Currently, 27 early-varieties and 59 mid-season varieties are under cultivation in india. Initially, focus was on developing early-maturing varieties with high yield and quality. Subsequently, emphasis was laid on developing mid-season varieties having resistance to powdery mildew and other major diseases like Fusarium wilt and rust. Besides, varieties with resistance to bruchids and the leaf miner are also available. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to review current status of improvement of garden pea in India, covering its genetic resources, variability, heritability, genetic advance, heterosis and combining ability, G x E interaction, male sterility, breeding for biotic and abiotic stresses, mutation breeding and biotechnological applications. In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for varieties suited to kharif and early summer seasons, with resistance to powdery mildew, rust, Fusarium root wilt/rot and stemfly and also for processing and export. Therefore, future thrust in the improvement of garden pea would be on developing varieties tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses (mainly high temperature), and also for processing and export

    Development and validation of new analytical method for the simultaneous estimation of amitriptyline and perphenazine in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form by RP-HPLC

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    A new, simple, precise, accurate and reproducible RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of Amitriptyline and Perphenazine in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations was developed. Separation of Amitriptyline and Perphenazine was successfully achieved on Inertsil ODS (250x4.6mm) 5µm column in an isocratic mode utilizing Methanol: ACN: Water (50:30:20) at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and eluents were monitored at 253nm with a retention time of 2.440 and 5.503 minutes for Amitriptyline and Perphenazine respectively. The method was validated and it was found to be linear. The values of the correlation coefficient were found to 0.992 for Amitriptyline and 0.9992 for Perphenazine respectively. The LOD for Perphenazine and Amitriptyline were found to be and 33.8µg/ml and 4.2 µg/ml. The LOQ for Perphenazine and Amitriptyline were found to be 20.88µg/ml and 12.12µg/ml respectively. The percentage recoveries for Amitriptyline and Perphenazine were found to be within the limit indicates that the proposed method is highly accurate. The method was extensively validated according to ICH guidelines

    S-Layer Glycoproteins and Flagellins: Reporters of Archaeal Posttranslational Modifications

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    Many archaeal proteins undergo posttranslational modifications. S-layer proteins and flagellins have been used successfully to study a variety of these modifications, including N-linked glycosylation, signal peptide removal and lipid modification. Use of these well-characterized reporter proteins in the genetically tractable model organisms, Haloferax volcanii, Methanococcus voltae and Methanococcus maripaludis, has allowed dissection of the pathways and characterization of many of the enzymes responsible for these modifications. Such studies have identified archaeal-specific variations in signal peptidase activity not found in the other domains of life, as well as the enzymes responsible for assembly and biosynthesis of novel N-linked glycans. In vitro assays for some of these enzymes have already been developed. N-linked glycosylation is not essential for either Hfx. volcanii or the Methanococcus species, an observation that allowed researchers to analyze the role played by glycosylation in the function of both S-layers and flagellins, by generating mutants possessing these reporters with only partial attached glycans or lacking glycan altogether. In future studies, it will be possible to consider questions related to the heterogeneity associated with given modifications, such as differential or modulated glycosylation

    Three years follow up of open medial sub-talar dislocation of ankle: a case report

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    Open medial sub-talar dislocation is a rare lesion in traumatology. Even after early treatment, these injuries progress to sub-talar arthrosis. Here we describe a case of 24 years male with open type 3B medial sub-talar dislocation with calcaneum sustentaculum tali fracture following road traffic accident. He underwent emergency wound debridement and internal fixation with K-wires and VAC application. He was on regular monthly follow-up for 6 months and then 6 monthly follow-ups till date. K-wires were removed 8 weeks after surgery and gradual range of movement was started. Partial weight bearing was started at 12 weeks. He was pain free and returned to work after 8 months. At 3 years follow up patient is able to walk without pain, normal painless ROM at ankle. To the best of our knowledge, long term follow-up of patient with these lesions is not reported. Here we present a case with 3 years follow-up showing good results in patient with open sub-talar dislocation after early management with internal fixation with K-wires and VAC dressing

    Investigation on wear and corrosion behavior of equal channel angular pressed aluminium 2014 alloy

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    Aluminium 2014 alloy solutionized at 495°C, aged at 195°C was subjected to Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). Dry sliding wear tests were conducted using pin on disc tribometer system under nominal loads of 10N and 30N with constant speed 2m/s for 2000m in order to investigate their wear behavior after ECAP. The Co-efficient of friction and loss in volume were decreased after ECAP. The dominant wear mechanism observed was adhesion, delamination in addition to these wear mechanisms, oxidation and transfer of Fe from the counter surface to the Al 2014 pin were observed at higher loading condition. The corrosion behavior was evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization (PDP) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in 3.5% NaCl solution. The results obtained from PDP showed higher corrosion potential and lower corrosion density after ECAP than base. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) showed higher charge transfer resistance after ECAP. Surface morphology showed decreased pit size and increased oxygen content in ECAP sample than base after PDP