7 research outputs found

    Diversity Plan

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    The Diversity Plan that was produced out of BOR led strive towards improving various aspects of university functions and programs to increase the success of minority student populations in the university

    The Diversity Council

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    A screenshot from the DEI website concerning the Diversity Council, a university body first formed in 2011 with a charge to “review historical documents addressing diversity at UNM and study campus climate policies and best practices addressing diversity and excellence at institutions of higher education.

    U.S. & Global Diversity & Inclusion Undergraduate Requirement - Approved Courses

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    This is a list of courses that were approved by the Diversity Council to fulfill the \u27U.S. & Global Diversity & Inclusion\u27 undergraduate requirement

    Diversity Hiring Language Memo

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    A letter from the then Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs Chaouki Abdallah concerning the addition of language to faculty position postings. This recommendation originated from the Diversity Council (as noted by Abdallah)

    Recommendations for the Future Goals and Structure of the UNM Division for Equity and Inclusion

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    This report, approved December 2017, is the culmination of work and insight concerning DEI that was produced from a task force constituted by President Chaouki Abdallah that September. The report begins in the recognition of the unique place the University finds itself in being the only reasearch-intensive and minority-serving flagship univesity in the United States (pg. 1), and structures the goals for DEI around a principle of excellence-and-equity (ibid)

    Diversity Council Framework for Strategic Action, Plan and Recommendations

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    A 2013 document from the assembled Diversity Council at that time that outlines a number of recommendations and initiatives to improve the university’s faculties to “address issues of inequity that impede student success” (pg. 1)

    Division for Equity & Inclusion, Website

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    The few pages from the Division for Equity and Inclusion (DEI) website. The landing page, diverse.unm.edu, is first given, showing quick links to various services and information relevant to the DEI. Additional pages of this piece of evidence give other resources and documentation available on the site, including the DEI’s Mission and Vision statements (pg. 4), and some background historical information on this university program (pg. 5)