2 research outputs found

    Informe de l'activitat notificada al registre del conjunt mínim bàsic de dades d'atenció primària (CMBD-AP) - 2010

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    CMBD; Registre del conjunt mínim bàsic de dades; Atenció primàriaPrimary Care; Minimum Basic Data Set; MBDSCMBD; Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos; Atención primariaL’objectiu general del registre del conjunt mínim bàsic de dades de l’atenció primària (CMBD-AP) és disposar d’informació sobre morbiditat de la població atesa als centres d’atenció primària. Aquesta informació, basada en criteris homogenis que permetin la seva integració i comparabilitat, ha de servir per millorar la qualitat dels processos de planificació, gestió i avaluació dels serveis d’atenció primària, tant específicament com en relació amb el conjunt de serveis sanitaris de Catalunya. El CMBD-AP forma part de l’aplicació CMBD del Pla de Sistemes del CatSalut que recull informació de diferents registres (hospitals d’aguts, salut mental, sociosanitari, urgències)

    Obstetric interventions in two groups of hospitals in Catalonia: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Childbirth assistance in highly technological settings and existing variability in the interventions performed are cause for concern. In recent years, numerous recommendations have been made concerning the importance of the physiological process during birth. In Spain and Catalonia, work has been carried out to implement evidence-based practices for childbirth and to reduce unnecessary interventions. To identify obstetric intervention rates among all births, determine whether there are differences in interventions among full-term single births taking place in different hospitals according to type of funding and volume of births attended to, and to ascertain whether there is an association between caesarean section or instrumental birth rates and type of funding, the volume of births attended to and women's age. Methods: Cross-sectional study, taking the hospital as the unit of analysis, obstetric interventions as dependent variables, and type of funding, volume of births attended to and maternal age as explanatory variables. The analysis was performed in three phases considering all births reported in the MBDS Catalonia 2011 (7,8570 births), full-term single births and births coded as normal. Results: The overall caesarean section rate in Catalonia is 27.55% (CI 27.23 to 27.86). There is a significant difference in caesarean section rates between public and private hospitals in all strata. Both public and private hospitals with a lower volume of births have higher obstetric intervention rates than other hospitals (49.43%, CI 48.04 to 50.81). Conclusions: In hospitals in Catalonia, both the type of funding and volume of births attended to have a significant effect on the incidence of caesarean section, and type of funding is associated with the use of instruments during delivery. © 2014 Escuriet et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd