22 research outputs found

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    Ohlédnutí za konferencí XB-CON

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    Research concerning the experience of implementation of CRM in companies

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    There is a short output of research done among respondents concerning financial services in the Czech Republic and this is compared to foreign experience. This article points out that CRM should not be primarily understood as software only, but increasingly as management philosophy. Up-to-date technologies are considered only instrumental means when enforcing customer-focu- sed strategy. One part of the research deals with connections, problems and possibilities of use of CRM in practice, in particular with customers ́ lifetime values (CLV), implementation of CRM in a company and problems and expectations from the point of view of the company ́s marketing activities and focused on the process of evaluation of the efficiency of CRM implementation, particularly on the metric of successful implementation and its effects.. However, organizations are still awaiting the improv ed market share promises and are rather slower at acquiring new customers. The speed of development in technologies such as the Inter- net, automation engines, interaction management and mobile communications is enabling this to happen, changing the way businesses interact and communicate with their customers but slower than in other European countries. This report is also analysing use of CRM system from marketing section‘s point of view. On the basis of the information given in the thesis, CRM - customer relationship management can be defined as one of the basic sources of competitiveness of a company at the beginning of the 21st century

    The Perception of CSR Activities in a Selected Segment of McDonald’s Customers in the Czech Republic and Its Effect on Their Purchasing Behavior—A Case Study

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    This case study presents the results of research which focused on the perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities by customers in a target segment of a selected fast-food chain in Czechia and its impact on their purchasing behavior. A total of 264 duly completed questionnaires were analyzed. Furthermore, the article presents the specifics of the development and fulfillment of the CSR concept in Czechia and at the same time points out differences in the implementation of the McDonald’s CSR concept at the global level compared to its implementation at the national level in the Czech environment. Statistical dependence between age as well as education and understanding the essence of CSR was proven, while no correlation was identified when it comes to gender. Among factors affecting the purchasing decision-making process in the target segment of a selected company, CSR activities (i.e., the environmental mindset of the company) rank fourth after price, quality, and recommendations from friends. The results of this research can be applied to other restaurant establishments in Czechia, taking into consideration their target segments, and used for further research into the awareness and effect of CSR on consumer purchasing behavior and its comparison at the international level

    Význam značky a marketingové komunikace knihovny – příklad vybrané studijní a vědecké knihovny

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    Tento příspěvek si klade za cíl na příkladu vybrané studijní a vědecké knihovny doložit význam optimálního nastavení marketingové komunikace a ukázat na význam značky pro dosahování stanovených marketingových cílů a zajištění udržitelného rozvoje knihovny. Ve vybrané destinaci bylo realizováno šetření na vzorku 220 respondentů se zohledněním cílových segmentů knihovny. Využita byla rovněž analýza známosti a příznivosti pro hodnocení image knihovny. Značka a její řízení má v neziskovém sektoru svá specifika a ne jinak je tomu v knihovnictví. V zahraničí se jedná dokonce o specializovaný vědní obor. Z dostupných statistických údajů v České republice je patrný pokles registrovaných čtenářů a i nepatrný pokles návštěvníků knihoven. Právě značka a vhodně nastavená marketingová komunikace zohledňující vývojové trendy mohou ovlivnit tyto statistiky a zajistit udržitelnost knihoven. Výsledky výzkumu přispěly ke korekčním opatřením v rámci plánované strategie vybrané knihovny.This research article aims to substantiate the importance of optimum marketing communication and show the significance of branding in achieving set marketing goals and ensuring the sustainable development of a selected education and research library. A survey involving a sample of 220 respondents was conducted at the particular site, taking into account the library’s target segments. Also utilized in evaluating the library’s image was an analysis of the awareness and favorability of its brand. A brand and managing it has specific features in the non-profit sector, which also applies to the library industry. In some countries, there is even a specialized scientific discipline devoted to this. Based on available statistics, the Czech Republic has seen a noticeable decrease in the number of registered library members as well as a slight drop in the number of library visits. Branding and appropriate marketing communication that reflects the latest trends can have a positive influence on these statistics and ensure the sustainability of libraries. The research results have contributed to the adoption of corrective measures in planning the strategy of the selected library

    Chosen mobile marketing tools of tour operators

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    Příspěvek pojednává o potenciálu využití mobilního marketingu a jeho nástrojů u touroperátorů v České republice. Cílem této práce bylo seznámit se s moderními nástroji mobilního marketingu a analyzovat současný stav využití tohoto typu marketingu na úrovni touroperátorů v České republice. Hlavním nástrojem pro zjištění tohoto stavu byl průzkum sdílený s vybranými cestovními kancelářemi. Tento průzkum byl zaměřen na identifikaci nástrojů používaných cestovními kancelářemi, pro jaké cíle byly tyto nástroje použity a s jakými výsledky. Druhým krokem průzkumu byla analýza aktuálního stavu optimalizace webových stránek jednotlivých cestovních kanceláří pomocí online nástroje od Google. Cílem tohoto kroku bylo zjistit, které cestovní kanceláře mají web vhodný pro mobilní zařízení a jaký typ optimalizace používají.This paper deals with the potential for use of mobile marketing and its instruments at tour operators in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work was to become familiar with the modern instruments of mobile marketing and analyze the current state of usage of this type of marketing on the level of tour operators in the Czech Republic. The main tool for finding out this state was a survey shared with selected tour operators. This survey was aimed at identifying the tools used by tour operators, for which objectives were these tools used and with which resultes. The second step of the survey consisted of analyzing the current state of website optimization of individual travel agencies with the online tool from Google. The goal of this step was to find out which tour operators have a mobile-friendly website and what type of optimization are they using

    Analysis of instruments used by czech firms for supporting their marketing activities

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    According to some experts marketing activities in Czech firms are no so widely and commonly used as in comparable markets. The aim of this paper is therefore to reveal the role of marketing in companies and to identify tools mostly used for supporting their marketing activities. This article is the output of the so called “specific research” conducted at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, which was focused on firms from the Pilsen and Karlovy Vary region and should serve as a study for other projects and surveys. There participated 29 firms in this research. Following hypotheses were formulated before canvassing: 1. Marketing management is rather an intuitive then a systematic process. 2. Worldwide customer orientation is exerted in Czech firms too. 3. Product quality is perceived as the biggest competitive advantage. Whereas the first one has not been unambiguously approved nor disproved – although some firms carry out their marketing activities intuitively (the majority of them does not), many of them are not able to identify their own weaknesses, a lot of them do not perform any situational analy- sis. More than thirty per cent of the surveyed firms use no information system for supporting their marketing activities. On the other hand, Czech firms do not miss out the role of customers and their needs. It is a priority within the situational analysis for more than eighty-five per cent of companies. Furthermo- re, changes in the customers ́ preferences or their behaviour are pursued and evaluated mostly regularly. The third hypothesis has been approved too as the quality of products and services mentioned by more than third of all respondents leads the imaginary chart. Nevertheless, not only quality of product belongs to key factors while the quality of related services is very important as well. On the contrary, the former trend of focusing on price retreats

    Chosen mobile marketing tools of tour operators

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    This paper deals with the potential for use of mobile marketing and its instruments at tour operators in the Czech Republic. The aim of this work was to become familiar with the modern instruments of mobile marketing and analyze the current state of usage of this type of marketing on the level of tour operators in the Czech Republic. The main tool for finding out this state was a survey shared with selected tour operators. This survey was aimed at identifying the tools used by tour operators, for which objectives were these tools used and with which resultes. The second step of the survey consisted of analyzing the current state of website optimization of individual travel agencies with the online tool from Google. The goal of this step was to find out which tour operators have a mobile-friendly website and what type of optimization are they using

    Multi-Dimensional Assessment of a Bavarian and Czech University: A Case Study of Sustainability Implementation

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    Evaluating the effectiveness of sustainability implementation at Higher Education Institutions is still challenging, due to less multi-dimensional approaches. Purpose is to present a new assessment - Sustainable Maturity model (SuMa model) for evaluating the implementation of sustainability at two universities in a border region with different maturity profiles through an internationally designed case study. Therefore, internal documents were analyzed, and interviews were conducted. The pilot implementation of this model showed that it can also be used internationally to evaluate the current state of sustainability implementation. As the assessment results prove, the critical point is effectiveness of strategy implementation and communication. Also, a lack of common understanding of sustainability still exists. The case study shows that the cultural and historical differences that exist in rural areas matters for implementing sustainability. The new SuMa assessment-model is a very suitable tool that delivers relevant indicators for measurable and comparable results over time and, above all, helps and supports the implementation of sustainability across all activities in the higher education landscape. It thus offers the possibility of being a standardized tool used worldwide

    Fundraisongový plán neziskové organizace - případová studie Hospic Svatého Lazar v Plzni

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    Úkolem fundraisingu je nastavit a udržet vztahy mezi neziskovou organizací a jejím okolím. Vytvoření stabilního a diverzifikovaného okruhu donátorů příspívá k dlouhodobé udržitelnosti subjektu. Public relations je významnou činností, která fundraising provází a její výsledky lze využít k dalším fundraisingovým aktivitám. Na základě vyhodnocení aktuální situace ve vnitřním i vnějším okolí vybrané neziskové organizace, je stanovena strategie na další období. Jsou analyzovány činnosti, které přispívají k současnému stavu, vyhodnoceny jejich klady, zápory a perspektiva jejich dalšího využití. Poté jsou stanoveny činnosti, které by měly zajistit nejen kvalitní informace pro okolí hospice, ale jejich konečným výsledkem by mělo být zajištění dostatečného objemu prostředků na provoz zařízení. Fundraisingové plány slouží k podrobnému popisu činností, které budou prováděny, jejich časovému rozložení, odhadu výše získaných finančních prostředků, vyhodnocování údajů během období a jejich možná průběžná úprava. Je vhodné vytvořit několik variant plánů, vzhledem k nenadálým okolnostem lze pak vybrat odpovídající variantu. Tento článek slouží jako případová studie pro fundraisingové plánování neziskové organizace poskytující sociální služby.The task of fundraising is to set up and maintain relations between a non-profit organization and those surrounding it. The creation of a stable and diverse circle of donors contributes to the long-term sustainability of the entity. Public relations is an important activity that accompanies fundraising and whose results can be utilized for other fundraising activities. Based on an evaluation of the current situation in the internal and external environment of the chosen non-profit organization, a strategy for the next period is determined. Activities that contribute to the current situation are analysed; the advantages, disadvantages, and the prospect of their further use are evaluated. Then, activities are determined that should not only provide quality information for the hospice environment, but the end result should be to ensure sufficient funds for the continued operation of the facility. Fundraising plans serve to describe in detail those activities that will take place, scheduling, an estimation of funds raised, and an evaluation of data for the period and their possible continuous modification. It is advisable to create several alternatives to such plans due to unforeseen circumstances, making it possible to select an appropriate alternative. This article serves as a case study for the fundraising planning of a non-profit organization providing social services