547 research outputs found

    Characterization of the canine CLCN3 gene and evaluation as candidate for late-onset NCL

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    BACKGROUND: The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL) are a heterogenous group of inherited progressive neurodegenerative diseases in different mammalian species. Tibetan Terrier and Polish Owczarek Nizinny (PON) dogs show rare late-onset NCL variants with autosomal recessive inheritance, which can not be explained by mutations of known human NCL genes. These dog breeds represent animal models for human late-onset NCL. In mice the chloride channel 3 gene (Clcn3) encoding an intracellular chloride channel was described to cause a phenotype similar to NCL. RESULTS: Two full-length cDNA splice variants of the canine CLCN3 gene are reported. The current canine whole genome sequence assembly was used for gene structure analyses and revealed 13 coding CLCN3 exons in 52 kb of genomic sequence. Sequence analysis of the coding exons and flanking intron regions of CLCN3 using six NCL-affected Tibetan terrier dogs and an NCL-affected Polish Owczarek Nizinny (PON) dog, as well as eight healthy Tibetan terrier dogs revealed 13 SNPs. No consistent CLCN3 haplotype was associated with NCL. CONCLUSION: For the examined animals we excluded the complete coding region and adjacent intronic regions of canine CLCN3 to harbor disease-causing mutations. Therefore it seems to be unlikely that a mutation in this gene is responsible for the late-onset NCL phenotype in these two dog breeds

    Variant detection and runs of homozygosity in next generation sequencing data elucidate the genetic background of Lundehund syndrome

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    Runs of homozygosity for Lundehund specific regions in 500-SNP windows. The chromosomal position of ROH regions, number of SNPs in these regions (n), size in base pairs (size_bp), canine genes (gene) and human orthologues (human gene) are shown. (XLSX 88 kb

    Genetic correlations between conformation traits and radiographic findings in the limbs of German Warmblood riding horses

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    Studbook inspection (SBI) data of 20 768 German Warmblood mares and radiography results (RR) data of 5102 Hanoverian Warmblood horses were used for genetic correlation analyses. The scores on a scale from 0 to 10 were given for conformation and basic quality of gaits, resulting in 14 SBI traits which were used for the correlation analyses. The radiographic findings considered included osseous fragments in fetlock (OFF) and hock joints (OFH), deforming arthropathy in hock joints (DAH) and distinct radiographic findings in the navicular bones (DNB) which were analyzed as binary traits, and radiographic appearance of the navicular bones (RNB) which was analyzed as a quasi-linear trait. Genetic parameters were estimated multivariately in linear animal models with REML using information on 24 448 horses with SBI and/or RR records. The ranges of heritability estimates were h2 = 0.14–0.34 for the RR traits and h2 = 0.09–0.50 for the SBI traits. Negative additive genetic correlations of rg = -0.19 to -0.56 were estimated between OFF and conformation of front and hind limbs and walk at hand, and between DNB and hind limb conformation. There were indications of negative additive genetic correlations between DAH and all SBI traits, but because of low prevalence and low heritability of DAH, these results require further scrutiny. Positive additive genetic correlations of rg = 0.37–0.52 were estimated between OFF and withers height and between OFH and withers height, indicating that selection for taller horses will increase disposition to develop OFF and OFH. Selection of broodmares with regards to functional conformation will assist, but cannot replace possible selection against radiographic findings in the limbs of young Warmblood riding horses, particularly with regards to OFF

    X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (ED1) in men, mice, and cattle

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    Ectodermal dysplasias are a large group of rare genetic disorders characterized by impaired development of hair, teeth, and eccrine glands in humans, mice, and cattle. Here, we review the cloning, mutation analyses, and functional studies of the known causative genes for the X-chromosomal anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (ED1) in these species. Mutations in the ectodysplasin 1 (ED1) gene are responsible for X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. The ED1 gene encodes a signaling molecule of the tumor necrosis factor family that is involved in development of ectodermal appendages. The bovine disorder may serve as an animal model for human ED1

    Tracing selection signatures in the pig genome gives evidence for selective pressures on a unique curly hair phenotype in Mangalitza

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    Selection for desirable traits and breed-specific phenotypes has left distinctive footprints in the genome of pigs. As representative of a breed with strong selective traces aiming for robustness, health and performance, the Mangalitza pig, a native curly-haired pig breed from Hungary, was investigated in this study. Whole genome sequencing and SNP chip genotyping was performed to detect runs of homozygosity (ROH) in Mangalitza and Mangalitza-crossbreeds. We identified breed specific ROH regions harboring genes associated with the development of the curly hair type and further characteristics of this breed. Further analysis of two matings of Mangalitza with straight-coated pig breeds confirmed an autosomal dominant inheritance of curly hair. Subsequent scanning of the genome for variant effects on this trait revealed two variants potentially affecting hair follicle development and differentiation. Validation in a large sample set as well as in imputed SNP data confirmed these variants to be Mangalitza-specific. Herein, we demonstrated how strong artificial selection has shaped the genome in Mangalitza pigs and left traces in the form of selection signatures. This knowledge on genomic variation promoting unique phenotypes like curly hair provides an important resource for futures studies unraveling genetic effects for special characteristics in livestock

    Influence of priors in Bayesian estimation of genetic parameters for multivariate threshold models using Gibbs sampling

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    Simulated data were used to investigate the influence of the choice of priors on estimation of genetic parameters in multivariate threshold models using Gibbs sampling. We simulated additive values, residuals and fixed effects for one continuous trait and liabilities of four binary traits, and QTL effects for one of the liabilities. Within each of four replicates six different datasets were generated which resembled different practical scenarios in horses with respect to number and distribution of animals with trait records and availability of QTL information. (Co)Variance components were estimated using a Bayesian threshold animal model via Gibbs sampling. The Gibbs sampler was implemented with both a flat and a proper prior for the genetic covariance matrix. Convergence problems were encountered in > 50% of flat prior analyses, with indications of potential or near posterior impropriety between about round 10 000 and 100 000. Terminations due to non-positive definite genetic covariance matrix occurred in flat prior analyses of the smallest datasets. Use of a proper prior resulted in improved mixing and convergence of the Gibbs chain. In order to avoid (near) impropriety of posteriors and extremely poorly mixing Gibbs chains, a proper prior should be used for the genetic covariance matrix when implementing the Gibbs sampler

    A 4 Mb High Resolution BAC Contig on Bovine Chromosome 1q12 and Comparative Analysis With Human Chromosome 21q22

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    The bovine RPCI-42 BAC library was screened to construct a sequence-ready ~4 Mb single contig of 92 BAC clones on BTA 1q12. The contig covers the region between the genes KRTAP8P1 and CLIC6. This genomic segment in cattle is of special interest as it contains the dominant gene responsible for the hornless or polled phenotype in cattle. The construction of the BAC contig was initiated by screening the bovine BAC library with heterologous cDNA probes derived from 12 human genes of the syntenic region on HSA 21q22. Contig building was facilitated by BAC end sequencing and chromosome walking. During the construction of the contig, 165 BAC end sequences and 109 single-copy STS markers were generated. For comparative mapping of 25 HSA 21q22 genes, genomic PCR primers were designed from bovine EST sequences and the gene-associated STSs mapped on the contig. Furthermore, bovine BAC end sequence comparisons against the human genome sequence revealed significant matches to HSA 21q22 and allowed the in silico mapping of two new genes in cattle. In total, 31 orthologues of human genes located on HSA 21q22 were directly mapped within the bovine BAC contig, of which 16 genes have been cloned and mapped for the first time in cattle. In contrast to the existing comparative bovine–human RH maps of this region, these results provide a better alignment and reveal a completely conserved gene order in this 4 Mb segment between cattle, human and mouse. The mapping of known polled linked BTA 1q12 microsatellite markers allowed the integration of the physical contig map with existing linkage maps of this region and also determined the exact order of these markers for the first time. Our physical map and transcript map may be useful for positional cloning of the putative polled gene in cattle. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to EMBL and have been assigned Accession Numbers AJ698510–AJ698674