156 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular disease in a cohort exposed to the 1940-45 Channel Islands occupation

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    BACKGROUND To clarify the nature of the relationship between food deprivation/undernutrition during pre- and postnatal development and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in later life, this study examined the relationship between birth weight (as a marker of prenatal nutrition) and the incidence of hospital admissions for CVD from 1997–2005 amongst 873 Guernsey islanders (born in 1923–1937), 225 of whom had been exposed to food deprivation as children, adolescents or young adults (i.e. postnatal undernutrition) during the 1940–45 German occupation of the Channel Islands, and 648 of whom had left or been evacuated from the islands before the occupation began. METHODS Three sets of Cox regression models were used to investigate (A) the relationship between birth weight and CVD, (B) the relationship between postnatal exposure to the occupation and CVD and (C) any interaction between birth weight, postnatal exposure to the occupation and CVD. These models also tested for any interactions between birth weight and sex, and postnatal exposure to the occupation and parish of residence at birth (as a marker of parish residence during the occupation and related variation in the severity of food deprivation). RESULTS The first set of models (A) found no relationship between birth weight and CVD even after adjustment for potential confounders (hazard ratio (HR) per kg increase in birth weight: 1.12; 95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.70 – 1.78), and there was no significant interaction between birth weight and sex (p = 0.60). The second set of models (B) found a significant relationship between postnatal exposure to the occupation and CVD after adjustment for potential confounders (HR for exposed vs. unexposed group: 2.52; 95% CI: 1.54 – 4.13), as well as a significant interaction between postnatal exposure to the occupation and parish of residence at birth (p = 0.01), such that those born in urban parishes (where food deprivation was worst) had a greater HR for CVD than those born in rural parishes. The third model (C) found no interaction between birth weight and exposure to the occupation (p = 0.43). CONCLUSION These findings suggest that the levels of postnatal undernutrition experienced by children, adolescents and young adults exposed to food deprivation during the 1940–45 occupation of the Channel Islands were a more important determinant of CVD in later life than the levels of prenatal undernutrition experienced in utero prior to the occupatio

    Castratie van biggen met CO2 /O2-verdoving = Castration of piglets using CO2 /O2-anaesthesia

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    In this study the safety was investigated of the use of carbon dioxide anaesthesia during castration of piglets. In addition, the technical and practical criteria were determined for anaesthetic devices that can be used by a farme

    Maatregelen die het ongewenst gedrag van beren verminderen = Reducing male finishing pig behaviour by management measures

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    To reduce sexual behaviour and aggression in non-castrated male pigs measures were compared. Extra feeders and an obstacle in the pen reduced skin lesions and lameness

    Vermindering transportstress bij beren

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    The transport of pigs to the slaughterhouse is a crucial link in establishing a sustainable, careful, and profitable pig meat chain. From the point of view of animal welfare, but also in terms of health, product quality, economy, working conditions and environment, a good quality transport is essential to keep the valued quality within the entire chain. In addition, it is also of interest to minimise the spread of germs, both from animal to animal and from animal to environment and vice versa. The attention to good quality transport gets even more important because of the developments of fattening boars. Boars are more sensitive to changing conditions than their un-castrated conspecifics and easier stressed and more aggressive. The aim of this project was to find potential problems and solutions for the transport of finishing pig boars to slaughter house. Focus was not only on the technical side of the issue, but also on the perceptions and preferred solutions of different parties in the chain

    Effect van exploratievoedering en hokbezetting op het welzijn van vleesvarkens = Effect of exploration feeding and space on welfare of growing finishing pigs

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    To improve welfare of growing-finishing pigs the effect of exploration feeding and space allowance were tested and resulted in less skin

    Effect van vermindering diercontacten op pleuritis bij vleesvarkens = Effect of less animal contacts on pleuritis in growing and finishing pigs

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    In opdracht van het Productschap Vee en Vlees hebben de Animal Sciences Group van Wageningen UR, de Faculteit Diergeneeskunde, Veterinair Centrum Someren en Intervet onderzocht of het aantal vleesvarkens met pleuritis aan de slachtlijn verminderd kan worden. Reden voor het onderzoek is de toename van het aantal vleesvarkens met pleuritis aan de slachtlijn. Het doel van het onderzoek was nagaan of door strikte toepassing van all in – all out en het niet mengen van dieren (dieren blijven van geboorte tot afleveren als toom bij elkaar) het aantal dieren met pleuritis aan de slachtlijn verminderd kan worde

    Voersysteem voor het individueel voeren van vleesvarkens: 'Voeren op maat' : de ontwikkeling van een nieuw voersysteem binnen project 'Vitale vleesvarkens'

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    Om het resultaat van vleesvarkens te verhogen, is een ontwikkeltraject in gang gezet voor het voersysteem 'Voeren op maat'. Hiermee kunnen vleesvarkens individueel gevoerd worden op basis van individuele dierherkenning. In dit ontwikkeltraject is het systeem beoordeeld op de vooraf gestelde eisen

    Voersysteem voor het leren eten van jonge biggen: 'Jong geleerd, oud gedaan' : de ontwikkeling van een nieuw voersysteem binnen project 'Vitale vleesvarkens'

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    Om de voeropname in de eerste dagen na spenen te verhogen, is een ontwikkeltraject in gang gezet voor het voersysteem 'Jong geleerd, oud gedaan'. Hiermee wordt aan biggen reeds voor spenen een voersysteem aangeleerd dat na spenen hetzelfde blijft. Hierbij wordt gebruik gemaakt van het leren eten van de zeug en het pavlov effect. In dit ontwikkeltraject is het systeem beoordeeld op de vooraf gestelde eisen
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