6 research outputs found

    The exploration of service quality and its measurement for private higher education institutions

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    The strategic importance of service excellence for service industries places the focus on service quality leadership, service quality management systems, service quality dimensions and the measurement of service quality. Many businesses such as private higher education institutions (PHEIs) regard service quality excellence as the single most important and distinct competence for survival and sustainability. The paucity of literature on the topic does not reflect the substantial growth of PHEIs in South Africa, and this paper explores service quality in this context. This exploratory study focuses on service quality (general insights), the need for service quality management and measurement at PHEIs, and the practical value of the SERVQUAL methodologies. The research approach is exploratory in the sense that it involves a literature review and an empirical application of the SERVQUAL instrument at a PHEI. The results (with internal validity) indicate the following three factors: the increasing strategic importance of service quality at PHEIs; good service quality levels at the PHEI studied; and why and how SERVQUAL (and SERVPERF) can benefit PHEIs.Key words: service quality management, service leadership, service quality dimensions, service quality management systems, private higher education institutions (PHEIs), exploratory study, service quality measurement, SERVQUA

    The impact of leadership practices on service quality in private higher education in South Africa

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    In recent years, higher education institutions in South Africa and, more specifically, private higher education institutions, have faced increasing pressures on many fronts. These pressures include increased competition, changing technology and greater emphasis on efficient and effective management. The aim of this article is to report on the findings of a study that investigated the impact of leadership practices on service quality in private higher education (PHE) in South Africa as a source of competitive advantage. Literature suggests that leadership impacts positively on quality and, equally importantly, on service quality. Principals at these PHE institutions have a notable influence on the quality of service rendered to the students. Using a quantitative methodology and a cross-sectional survey research design, the study was conducted on five campuses of a prominent PHE provider across South Africa. Two survey instruments were used, namely the Leadership Practices Inventory questionnaire and the SERVQUAL questionnaire. Correlation analysis was used for data analysis. Findings of this study indicate a strong positive linear correlation between the leadership practices of principals and the service quality at these institutions. Thus the empirical findings complement and add to existing literature by emphasising the positive impact of leadership on service quality in PHE.Business Managemen

    Leading and motivating pharmaceutical sales teams through a strategic alliance strategy.

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    Existing literature confirms that effective leadership contributes to motivation in a way that enhances organisational performance. This article confirms this view and reports on research that was conducted in a pharmaceutical organisation in South Africa that investigated the relationship between leadership behaviour of sales managers and the motivation of sales teams. A quantitative dominant mixed methods approach was used for this research with a correlational design and the inclusion of content analysis. Data were collected from a population of 60 respondents in a multinational pharmaceutical organisation, using a survey questionnaire. Factor analysis on the questionnaire confirmed four leadership behaviours, namely team, supportive, autocratic and directive leadership. The findings showed that Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) for autocratic leadership and motivation was the highest with an r-value of 0.574, indicating that during the implementation of a strategic alliance strategy, the strongest relationship existed between autocratic leadership behaviour and motivation. Furthermore, the findings of the content analysis of the open ended questions indicated that task-oriented leadership behaviour could be the strongest motivating behaviour for sales team members when they implement strategies.Business Managemen

    Micro-milling work-holding devices employing adhesive forces

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    IngenieursweseBedryfsingenieursweseMicro-parts are often very fragile rendering conventional, mechanical work-holding fixtures unsuitable for them since they exert large straining forces. Furthermore, macroworkholding devices occupy a large space which impedes high precision required in micromilling. Although some micro-clamping fixtures exist, they are limited to specific part shapes and in most cases expensive to manufacture. Hence this paper focuses on the application of adhesive forces namely electrostatic, surface tension and van-der-Waals forces; in work-holding strategies for micro-milling operations. An analysis is given as to their applicability with reference to micro-milling cutting forces

    A top management perspective of total quality service dimensions for private higher education institutions in South Africa

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    The growing need for higher education in Africa with the concurrent explosive growth of private higher education institutions in South Africa indicates the concomitant need for quality assurance of these institutions. This article presents leadership perspectives on the strategic need for developing a service quality excellence framework for private higher education institutions, a need which arises from the limitations of conventional quality assurance instruments, and highlights the importance of a holistic approach to service quality management in terms of a total quality service framework. The development of such a framework is being done in two phases: (1) from a top management perspective (the qualitative phase) and (2) from the perspective of academics and students (the quantitative phase). This article explains the first phase of the research with the focus on prominent South African private higher education institutions offering degree qualifications. In-depth semi structured interviews were conducted with 15 principals (CEOs or top managers) of these institutions. A thematic analysis approach was followed to identify service quality dimensions as the point of departure for the eventual development of a total quality service framework

    The exploration of service quality and its measurement for private higher education institutions

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    The strategic importance of service excellence for service industries places the focus on service quality leadership, service quality management systems, service quality dimensions and the measurement of service quality. Many businesses such as private higher education institutions (PHEIs) regard service quality excellence as the single most important and distinct competence for survival and sustainability. The paucity of literature on the topic does not reflect the substantial growth of PHEIs in South Africa, and this paper explores service quality in this context. This exploratory study focuses on service quality (general insights), the need for service quality management and measurement at PHEIs, and the practical value of the SERVQUAL methodologies. The research approach is exploratory in the sense that it involves a literature review and an empirical application of the SERVQUAL instrument at a PHEI. The results (with internal validity) indicate the following three factors: the increasing strategic importance of service quality at PHEIs; good service quality levels at the PHEI studied; and why and how SERVQUAL (and SERVPERF) can benefitt PHEIs