1,750 research outputs found

    Simulation of inhomogeneous distributions of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice via a massively parallel implementation of nonequilibrium strong-coupling perturbation theory

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    We present a nonequilibrium strong-coupling approach to inhomogeneous systems of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. We demonstrate its application to the Mott-insulating phase of a two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model in the presence of a trap potential. Since the theory is formulated self-consistently, the numerical implementation relies on a massively parallel evaluation of the self-energy and the Green's function at each lattice site, employing thousands of CPUs. While the computation of the self-energy is straightforward to parallelize, the evaluation of the Green's function requires the inversion of a large sparse 10d×10d10^d\times 10^d matrix, with d>6d > 6. As a crucial ingredient, our solution heavily relies on the smallness of the hopping as compared to the interaction strength and yields a widely scalable realization of a rapidly converging iterative algorithm which evaluates all elements of the Green's function. Results are validated by comparing with the homogeneous case via the local-density approximation. These calculations also show that the local-density approximation is valid in non-equilibrium setups without mass transport.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Economic and Organizational Aspects of Cooperative Feedlots

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    The cooperative organization of specialized large-scale feedlots, described in this bulletin, is not the only means open to South Dakota farmers and investors who want to enter the feeding business. A study of the cooperative feedlot was made because so little is known of its potential comparted with other forms of business organization. In no case should it be inferred that the Economics Department, South Dakota State College, is recommending that farmers and investors follow this route in all instances. Other ways of organizing a cattle feeding business include individual proprietorships with ample credit, private corporations, vertical integration, and partnerships

    Theoretical Description of Coherent Doublon Creation via Lattice Modulation Spectroscopy

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    Using a recently developed strong-coupling method, we present a comprehensive theory for doublon production processes in modulation spectroscopy of a three-dimensional system of ultracold fermionic atoms in an optical lattice with a trap. The theoretical predictions compare well to the experimental time traces of doublon production. For experimentally feasible conditions, we provide a quantitative prediction for the presence of a nonlinear "two-photon" excitation at strong modulation amplitudes.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Molecular Image Analysis: Quantitative Description and Classification of the Nuclear Lamina in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    The nuclear lamina is an intermediate filament network that provides a structural framework for the cell nucleus. Changes in lamina structure are found during changes in cell fate such as cell division or cell death and are associated with human diseases. An unbiased method that quantifies changes in lamina shape can provide information on cells undergoing changes in cellular functions. We have developed an image processing methodology that finds and quantifies the 3D structure of the nuclear lamina. We show that measurements on such images can be used for cell classification and provide information concerning protein spatial localization in this structure. To demonstrate the efficacy of this method, we compared the lamina of unmanipulated human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) at passage 4 to cells activated for apoptosis. A statistically significant classification was found between the two populations

    Cryptochromes and neuronal-activity markers colocalize in the retina of migratory birds during magnetic orientation

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    Migratory birds can use a magnetic compass for orientation during their migratory journeys covering thousands of kilometers. But how do they sense the reference direction provided by the Earth’s magnetic field? Behavioral evidence and theoretical considerations have suggested that radical-pair processes in differently oriented, light-sensitive molecules of the retina could enable migratory birds to perceive the magnetic field as visual patterns. The cryptochromes (CRYs) have been suggested as the most likely candidate class of molecules, but do CRYs exist in the retina of migratory birds? Here, we show that at least one CRY1 and one CRY2 exist in the retina of migratory garden warblers and that garden-warbler CRY1 (gwCRY1) is cytosolic. We also show that gwCRY1 is concentrated in specific cells, particularly in ganglion cells and in large displaced ganglion cells, which also showed high levels of neuronal activity at night, when our garden warblers performed magnetic orientation. In addition, there seem to be striking differences in CRY1 expression between migratory and nonmigratory songbirds at night. The difference in CRY1 expression between migrants and nonmigrants is particularly pronounced in the large displaced ganglion cells known to project exclusively to a brain area where magnetically sensitive neurons have been reported. Consequently, cytosolic gwCRY1 is well placed to possibly be the primary magnetic-sensory molecule required for light-mediated magnetoreception

    Vortex dynamics in layered superconductors with correlated defects: influence of interlayer coupling

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    We report a detailed study of the vortex dynamics and vortex phase diagrams of two amorphous Ta_0.3Ge_0.7/Ge multilayered films with intrinsic coplanar defects, but different interlayer coupling. A pinned Bose-glass phase in the more weakly coupled sample exists only below a cross-over field H* in striking contrast to the strongly coupled film. Above H* the flux lines are thought to break up into pancake vortices and the cross-over field is significantly increased when the field is aligned along the extended defects. The two films show different vortex creep excitations in the Bose-glass phase.Comment: zip file: 1 RevTex, 5 figures (png

    Visualizing landscapes of the superconducting gap in heterogeneous superconductor thin films: geometric influences on proximity effects

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    The proximity effect is a central feature of superconducting junctions as it underlies many important applications in devices and can be exploited in the design of new systems with novel quantum functionality. Recently, exotic proximity effects have been observed in various systems, such as superconductor-metallic nanowires and graphene-superconductor structures. However, it is still not clear how superconducting order propagates spatially in a heterogeneous superconductor system. Here we report intriguing influences of junction geometry on the proximity effect for a 2D heterogeneous superconductor system comprised of 2D superconducting islands on top of a surface metal. Depending on the local geometry, the superconducting gap induced in the surface metal region can either be confined to the boundary of the superconductor, in which the gap decays within a short distance (~ 15 nm), or can be observed nearly uniformly over a distance of many coherence lengths due to non-local proximity effects.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Compressional and extensional tectonics in low-medium pressure granulites from the Larsemann Hills, east Antarctica

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    AbstractMeta-sediments in the Larsemann Hills that preserve a coherent stratigraphy, form a cover sequence deposited upon basement of mafic–felsic granulite. Their outcrop pattern defines a 10 kilometre wide east–west trending synclinal trough structure in which basement–cover contacts differ in the north and the south, suggesting tectonic interleaving during a prograde, D1 thickening event. Subsequent conditions reached low-medium pressure granulite grade, and structures can be divided into two groups, D2 and D3, each defined by a unique lineation direction and shear sense. D2 structures which are associated with the dominant gneissic foliation in much of the Larsemann Hills, contain a moderately east-plunging lineation indicative of west-directed thrusting. D2 comprises a colinear fold sequence that evolved from early intrafolial folds to late upright folds. D3 structures are associated with a high-strain zone, to the south of the Larsemann Hills, where S3 is the dominant gneissic layering and folds sequences resemble D2 folding. Outside the D3 high-strain zone occurs a low-strain D3 window, preserving low-strain D3 structures (minor shear bands and upright folds) that partly re-orient D2 structures. All structures are truncated by a series of planar pegmatites and parallel D4 mylonite zones, recording extensional dextral displacements.D2 assemblages include coexisting garnet–orthopyroxene pairs recording peak conditions of ∼ 7 kbar and ∼ 780°C. Subsequent retrograde decompression textures partly evolved during both D2 and D3 when conditions of ∼ 4–5 kbar and ∼ 750°C were attained. This is followed by D4 shear zones which formed around 3 kbar and ∼ 550°C.It is tempting to combine D2–4 structures in one tectonic cycle involving prograde thrusting and thickening followed by retrograde extension and uplift. The available geochronological data, however, present a number of interpretations. For example, D2 was possibly associated with a clockwise P–T path at medium pressures around ∼ 1000 Ma, by correlation with similar structures developed in the Rauer Group, whilst D3 and D4 events occurred in response to extension and heating at low pressures at ∼ 550 Ma, associated with the emplacement of numerous granitoid bodies. Thus, decompression textures typical for the Larsemann Hills granulites maybe the combined effect of two separate events.C. J. Carson, P. G. H. M. Dirks, M. Hand, J. P. Sims & C. J. L. Wilso