11 research outputs found

    Epstein-Barr virus LMP2A signaling <it>in statu nascendi </it>mimics a B cell antigen receptor-like activation signal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The latent membrane protein (LMP) 2A of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is expressed during different latency stages of EBV-infected B cells in which it triggers activation of cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinases. Early studies revealed that an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) in the cytoplasmic N-terminus of LMP2A can trigger a transient increase of the cytosolic Ca<sup>2+ </sup>concentration similar to that observed in antigen-activated B cells when expressed as a chimeric transmembrane receptor. Even so, LMP2A was subsequently ascribed an inhibitory rather than an activating function because its expression seemed to partially inhibit B cell antigen receptor (BCR) signaling in EBV-transformed B cell lines. However, the analysis of LMP2A signaling has been hampered by the lack of cellular model systems in which LMP2A can be studied without the influence of other EBV-encoded factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have reanalyzed LMP2A signaling using B cells in which LMP2A is expressed in an inducible manner in the absence of any other EBV signaling protein. This allowed us for the first time to monitor LMP2A signaling <it>in statu nascendi </it>as it occurs during the EBV life cycle in vivo. We show that mere expression of LMP2A not only stimulated protein tyrosine kinases but also induced phospholipase C-γ2-mediated Ca<sup>2+ </sup>oscillations followed by activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and induction of the lytic EBV gene <it>bzlf1</it>. Furthermore, expression of the constitutively phosphorylated LMP2A ITAM modulated rather than inhibited BCR-induced Ca<sup>2+ </sup>mobilization.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data establish that LMP2A expression has a function beyond the putative inhibition of the BCR by generating a ligand-independent cellular activation signal that may provide a molecular switch for different EBV life cycle stages and most probably contributes to EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disorders.</p

    Men Show Reduced Cardiac Baroreceptor Sensitivity during Modestly Painful Electrical Stimulation of the Forearm: Exploratory Results from a Sham-Controlled Crossover Vagus Nerve Stimulation Study

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    This paper presents data from a transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation experiment that point towards a blunted cardiac baroreceptor sensitivity (cBRS) in young males compared to females during electrical stimulation of the forearm and a rhythmic breathing task. Continuous electrocardiography, impedance cardiography and continuous blood-pressure recordings were assessed in a sex-matched cohort of twenty young healthy subjects. Electrical stimulation of the median nerve was conducted by using a threshold-tracking method combined with two rhythmic breathing tasks (0.1 and 0.2 Hz) before, during and after active or sham transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation. Autonomic and hemodynamic parameters were calculated, and differences were analyzed by using linear mixed models and post hoc F-tests. None of the autonomic and hemodynamic parameters differed between the sham and active conditions. However, compared to females, male participants had an overall lower total cBRS independent of stimulation condition during nerve stimulation (females: 14.96 ± 5.67 ms/mmHg, males: 11.89 ± 3.24 ms/mmHg, p = 0.031) and rhythmic breathing at 0.2 Hz (females: 21.49 ± 8.47 ms/mmHg, males: 15.12 ± 5.70 ms/mmHg, p = 0.004). Whereas vagus nerve stimulation at the left inner tragus did not affect the efferent vagal control of the heart, we found similar patterns of baroreceptor sensitivity activation over the stimulation period in both sexes, which, however, significantly differed in their magnitude, with females showing an overall higher cBRS

    A randomized vagus nerve stimulation study demonstrates that serum aldosterone levels decrease with age in women, but not in men

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    Abstract In this randomized, sham-controlled study, we explored the effects of acute transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) on serum aldosterone in 20 younger (21–26 years) and 19 older (40–70 years) healthy participants. Blood samples were collected on two different days before and after a 20-min application of active tVNS at the inner tragus or sham stimulation of the earlobe. Irrespective of the stimulation mode, aldosterone levels decreased from pre- to post-stimulation in both the young (active: β = − 1.610 (− 2.855, − 0.365), p = 0.022; sham: β = − 0.857 (− 2.102, 0.388), p = 0.257) and the old cohort (active: β = − 1.969 (− 3.234, − 0.703), p = 0.005; sham: β = − 1.334 (− 2.600, − 0.069), p = 0.063). Although this decline was significant during active tVNS, the difference in estimated β-coefficients between active and sham stimulation was not statistically significant in either cohort. Nevertheless, aldosterone concentrations showed a significant interaction effect between sex and age (p = 0.001). Among all study participants, younger women (23.3 ± 1.6 years) had the highest mineralocorticoid levels (pre active: 172.1 ± 102.0 pg/ml, pre sham: 214.3 ± 82.3 pg/ml), whereas the lowest were observed in older females (59.4 ± 9.4 years) (pre active: 104.9 ± 85.8 pg/ml, pre sham: 81.1 ± 53.8 pg/ml). This post hoc analysis did not suggest that active auricular tVNS reduces serum aldosterone levels compared to sham stimulation in healthy subjects. However, serum aldosterone levels differed among subjects depending on their age and sex, irrespective of tVNS

    Toll-Like Receptor Stimulation Enhances Phagocytosis and Intracellular Killing of Nonencapsulated and Encapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae by Murine Microglia▿ †

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are crucial pattern recognition receptors in innate immunity that are expressed in microglia, the resident macrophages of the brain. TLR2, -4, and -9 are important in the responses against Streptococcus pneumoniae, the most common agent causing bacterial meningitis beyond the neonatal period. Murine microglial cultures were stimulated with agonists for TLR1/2 (Pam3CSK4), TLR4 (lipopolysaccharide), and TLR9 (CpG oligodeoxynucleotide) for 24 h and then exposed to either the encapsulated D39 (serotype 2) or the nonencapsulated R6 strain of S. pneumoniae. After stimulation, the levels of interleukin-6 and CCL5 (RANTES [regulated upon activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted]) were increased, confirming microglial activation. The TLR1/2, -4, and -9 agonist-stimulated microglia ingested significantly more bacteria than unstimulated cells (P < 0.05). The presence of cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of actin polymerizaton, blocked >90% of phagocytosis. Along with an increased phagocytic activity, the intracellular bacterial killing was also increased in TLR-stimulated cells compared to unstimulated cells. Together, our data suggest that microglial stimulation by these TLRs may increase the resistance of the brain against pneumococcal infections

    Toll-Like Receptor Prestimulation Increases Phagocytosis of Escherichia coli DH5α and Escherichia coli K1 Strains by Murine Microglial Cells ▿ †

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    Meningitis and meningoencephalitis caused by Escherichia coli are associated with high rates of mortality. When an infection occurs, Toll-like receptors (TLRs) expressed by microglial cells can recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns and activate multiple steps in the inflammatory response that coordinate the brain's local defense, such as phagocytosis of invading pathogens. An upregulation of the phagocytic ability of reactive microglia could improve the host defense in immunocompromised patients against pathogens such as E. coli. Here, murine microglial cultures were stimulated with the TLR agonists Pam3CSK4 (TLR1/TLR2), lipopolysaccharide (TLR4), and CpG oligodeoxynucleotide (TLR9) for 24 h. Upon stimulation, levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha and the neutrophil chemoattractant CXCL1 were increased, indicating microglial activation. Phagocytic activity was studied after adding either E. coli DH5α or E. coli K1 strains. After 60 and 90 min of bacterial exposure, the number of ingested bacteria was significantly higher in cells prestimulated with TLR agonists than in unstimulated controls (P < 0.01). Addition of cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of actin polymerization, blocked >90% of phagocytosis. We also analyzed the ability of microglia to kill the ingested E. coli strains. Intracellularly surviving bacteria were quantified at different time points (90, 150, 240, and 360 min) after 90 min of phagocytosis. The number of bacteria killed intracellularly after 6 h was higher in cells primed with the different TLR agonists than in unstimulated microglia. Our data suggest that microglial stimulation by the TLR system can increase bacterial phagocytosis and killing. This approach could improve central nervous system resistance to infections in immunocompromised patients

    The role of combined SNV and CNV burden in patients with distal symmetric polyneuropathy

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    Purpose: Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders of the peripheral nervous system. Copy-number variants (CNVs) contribute significantly to CMT, as duplication of PMP22 underlies the majority of CMT1 cases. We hypothesized that CNVs and/or single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) might exist in patients with CMT with an unknown molecular genetic etiology

    Biomarkers predict outcome in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A

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    Background Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A) is the most common inherited neuropathy, a debilitating disease without known cure. Among patients with CMT1A, disease manifestation, progression and severity are strikingly variable, which poses major challenges for the development of new therapies. Hence, there is a strong need for sensitive outcome measures such as disease and progression biomarkers, which would add powerful tools to monitor therapeutic effects in CMT1A. Methods We established a pan-European and American consortium comprising nine clinical centres including 311 patients with CMT1A in total. From all patients, the CMT neuropathy score and secondary outcome measures were obtained and a skin biopsy collected. In order to assess and validate disease severity and progression biomarkers, we performed qPCR on a set of 16 animal model-derived potential biomarkers in skin biopsy mRNA extracts. Results In 266 patients with CMT1A, a cluster of eight cutaneous transcripts differentiates disease severity with a sensitivity and specificity of 90% and 76.1%, respectively. In an additional cohort of 45 patients with CMT1A, from whom a second skin biopsy was taken after 2-3 years, the cutaneous mRNA expression of GSTT2, CTSA, PPARG, CDA, ENPP1 and NRG1-Iis changing over time and correlates with disease progression. Conclusions In summary, we provide evidence that cutaneous transcripts in patients with CMT1A serve as disease severity and progression biomarkers and, if implemented into clinical trials, they could markedly accelerate the development of a therapy for CMT1A

    The role of combined SNV and CNV burden in patients with distal symmetric polyneuropathy

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    PURPOSE: Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders of the peripheral nervous system. Copy-number variants (CNVs) contribute significantly to CMT, as duplication of PMP22 underlies the majority of CMT1 cases. We hypothesized that CNVs and/or single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) might exist in patients with CMT with an unknown molecular genetic etiology. METHODS: Two hundred patients with CMT, negative for both SNV mutations in several CMT genes and for CNVs involving PMP22, were screened for CNVs by high-resolution oligonucleotide array comparative genomic hybridization. Whole-exome sequencing was conducted on individuals with rare, potentially pathogenic CNVs. RESULTS: Putatively causative CNVs were identified in five subjects (~2.5%); four of the five map to known neuropathy genes. Breakpoint sequencing revealed Alu-Alu-mediated junctions as a predominant contributor. Exome sequencing identified MFN2 SNVs in two of the individuals. CONCLUSION: Neuropathy-associated CNV outside of the PMP22 locus is rare in CMT. Nevertheless, there is potential clinical utility in testing for CNVs and exome sequencing in CMT cases negative for the CMT1A duplication. These findings suggest that complex phenotypes including neuropathy can potentially be caused by a combination of SNVs and CNVs affecting more than one disease-associated locus and contributing to a mutational burden