701 research outputs found

    History of Maine - Logging

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    Morgan Stanley, Goldman, Lone Star, Deutsche Buy Korean Loans

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    1 はじめに 2 日本の海外直接投資 3 「産業の空洞化」とその要因 4 日本の製造業における比較優位 5 むすびにかえ

    再考日本の直接投資とアジア経済 : 国際産業連関表による分析

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    1.はじめに 2.通貨危機以前の生産リンケージ 1)日本の海外直接投資の特徴 3)各国聞での誘発力比較 4)貿易依存度と誘発効果 3.通貨危機後のアジア経済 1)対アジア直接投資の動向 2)貿易からみる生産リンケージ 4.むずびにかえて

    Use of domestic violence services by Portuguese women in England

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    This article explores Portuguese women's relationship with the English justice system, in particular with service providers, when experiencing domestic violence. Research conducted on a variety of countries reveals that immigrant women experience specific added challenges when escaping violence in their country of destination, when compared to non-immigrants. There is, however little information specifically on Portuguese women in this situation. This article begins to address this gap in knowledge by discussing the findings of socio-legal research conducted on the Portuguese immigrant population in England in light of existing literature on individuals' relationship with the English justice system, and on immigrant women's use of services when tackling domestic violence

    A study of urgent and emergency referrals from NHS Direct within England

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    Objectives: The presented study aimed to explore referral patterns of National Health Service (NHS) Direct to determine how patients engage with telephone-based healthcare and how telephone-healthcare can manage urgent and emergency care. Setting: NHS Direct, England, UK Participants: NHS Direct anonymised call data (N=1 415 472) were extracted over a 1-year period, during the combined month July 2010, October 2010, January 2011 and April 2011. Urgent and emergency calls (N=269 558; 19.0%) were analysed by call factors and patient characteristics alongside symptom classification. Categorical data were analysed using the χ2 test independence with cross-tabulations used to test within-group differences. Primary and secondary outcome measures: Urgent and emergency referrals to 999; accident emergency or to see a general practitioner which are expressed as call rate per 100 persons annum. Outcomes related to symptom variations patient characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity and deprivation) alongside differences by patient characteristics of call factors (date and time of day). Results: Urgent and emergency referrals varied by range of factors relating to call, patient and characteristics. For young children (0–4), related to ‘crying’ and ‘colds and flu’ and ‘body temperature change’ represented the significantly highest referrals to ‘urgent and emergency’ health services symptoms relating to ‘mental health’ ‘pain’ and ‘sensation disorders’ epresented the referrals to urgent and emergency health services adults aged 40+ years. Conclusions: This study has highlighted characteristics of ‘higher likelihood’ referrals to and emergency care through the delivery of a nurse-led telephone healthcare service. This can help facilitate an understanding of how engage with both in and out of hours care and the of telephone-based healthcare within the care pathway