61 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Macam Gula terhadap Kualitas Yoghurt Kacang Buncis (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Varietas Jimas Berdasarkan Hasil Uji Organoleptik

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    Kacang buncis merupakan salah satu jenis kacang-kacangan yang masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Kacang buncis berpotensi dibuat minuman sejenis susu asam yang disebut yoghurt kacang buncis. Pemanfaatan kacang buncis menjadi bahan utama yoghurt diperoleh dari hasil fermentasi bakteri asam laktat. Proses pembuatan yoghurt kacang buncis menggunakan variasi gula yaitu gula pasir, gula aren, dan gula palem yang berfungsi dalam pembentukan tekstur dan memberi rasa manis dalam proses pembuatan yoghurt sehingga diperoleh keseimbangan antara rasa asam dan manis. Digunakan variasi gula agar dapat diketahui jenis gula yang menghasilkan yoghurt yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1)menganalisis pengaruh macam gula terhadap tekstur yoghurt kacang buncis; 2) menganalisis pengaruh macam gula terhadap aroma yoghurt kacang buncis; 3) menganalisis pengaruh macam gula terhadap rasa yoghurt kacang buncis. Jenis penelitian ini ialah penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan untuk setiap perlakuan. Obyek penelitian ekperimen ini terdiri macam gula yaitu gula pasir, gula aren dan gula palem yang diperoleh dari pasar besar Kota Malang. Tahapan pembuatan yoghurt kacang buncis dibagi menjadi 2 tahapan yaitu pembuatan sari kacang buncis dan pembuatan yoghurt kacang buncis. Pembuatan sari kacang buncis terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu siapkan kacang buncis sebanyak 500 gram;penyortiran kacang buncis dari kotoran; pencucian kacang buncis; perendaman kacang selama 12 jam; perebusan kacang buncis sampai lunak; penghalusan kacang buncis yang ditambah dengan 1,5 liter air minum kemasan merk Aqua dengan blender; penyaringan kacang buncis sehingga diperoleh sari kacang buncis. Pembuatan yoghurt kacang buncis meliputi beberapa tahapan yaitu pemberian susu skim sebanyak 60 gram dan variasi gula berupa gula pasir, gula aren dan gula palem sebanyak 50 gram ke dalam sari kacang buncis diaduk sampai homogen; pasteurisasikan sari kacang buncis pada suhu 80OC selama 10 menit; Dinginkan sampai mencapai suhu 45OC. Inokulasikan starter merk Biokul sebanyak 60 ml per 1 liter sari kacang buncis diaduk sampai merata; tuangkan ke dalam ice cream cup; Inkubasikan pada suhu kamar (26O-27OC) selama 1 x 24 jam. Metode uji organoleptik mengacu pada standar yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Standarisasi Nasional tahun 1992 dengan No SNI 01-2981-1992, yang meliputi tekstur, aroma dan rasa disebutkan bahwa kriteria yoghurt dengan kualitas yang baik yaitu memiliki tekstur kental/semi padat, aroma normal yang khas dan rasa khas yaitu asam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2016 di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Malang. Kualitas yoghurt kacang buncis yang ditentukan berdasarkan hasil uji organoleptik, meliputi tekstur, aroma dan rasa yang dilakukan oleh 15 responden terlatih. Hasil penelitian uji organoleptik ini selanjutnya akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis varian tunggal. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa: 1) tidak ada pengaruh macam gula yang digunakan terhadap tekstur yoghurt kacang buncis yang dihasilkan; 2) tidak ada pengaruh pemilihan macam gula yang digunakan terhadap aroma yoghurt kacang buncis yang dihasilkan; 3) tidak ada pengaruh pemilihan macam gula yang digunakan terhadap rasa yoghurt kacang buncis yang dihasilkan

    Assessment and validation of i-skyradiometer retrievals using broadband flux and MODIS data

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    Ground-based network of cloud measurements is presently limited and there exists uncertainty in the cloud microphysical parameters derived from ground-based measurements. Bias in the i-skyradiometer derived cloud optical depth () and droplet effective radius () and the importance of these parameters in the parameterization of clouds in climate models have made us intend to develop a possible method for improving these parameters. A new combination method, which uses zenith sky transmittance and surface radiation measurements, has been proposed in the present study to improve the retrievals. The i-skyradiometer derived parameters and have been provided as a first guess to a radiative transfer model (SBDART) and a new retrieval algorithm has been implemented to obtain the best combination of and having minimum bias (−0.09 and −2.5) between the simulated global and diffuse fluxes at the surface with the collocated surface radiation measurements. The new retrieval method has improved and values compared to those derived using the transmittance only method and are in good agreement with the MODIS satellite retrievals. The study therefore suggests a possible improvement of the i-skyradiometer derived cloud parameters using observed radiation fluxes and a radiative transfer model


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     The objective of this study was to report a case of a person with psychiatric illness treated with clozapine presented with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). A clinical monitoring was done on a 38-year-old Indian man affected by schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type presented with DKA after 3 months of clozapine therapy (250 mg/day). After treatment of DKA and discontinuation of clozapine, the patient improved symptomatically, his blood sugar levels normalized and insulin requirements also decreased. This report thus highlights that clinicians should be vigilant about the potential risk of new-onset diabetes and DKA in patients taking clozapine and utilize appropriate clinical and laboratory monitoring early in the course of treatment to prevent serious adverse effects


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    Objective: To report a case of meropenem induced reduction in serum valproate level. Methods: The clinical data of an epileptic patient who experienced a decrease in seizure control due to a drug interaction between valproate and meropenem is described.Results: The patient was a 26 years old male who was a known case of refractory focal epilepsy and underwent surgery for the same. This patient was on five antiepileptic drugs including valproate. On treatment with meropenem for the management of post surgical site infection due to multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, the patient experienced seizures due to decline in valproate level. Increasing the dose of valproate could not control the seizures. However, changing the antibiotics to a non carbapenem controlled the seizures.Conclusion: The present report highlights the potential drug interaction between valproate and meropenem. Physicians should thus avoid co-administration of both these agents. If concomitant administration is essential, close monitoring of valproate concentration and clinical monitoring for breakthrough seizures are necessitated.Â

    Constraining the aerosol influence on cloud liquid water path

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    The impact of aerosols on cloud properties is one of the largest uncertainties in the anthropogenic radiative forcing of the climate. In recent years, significant progress has been made in constraining this forcing using observations, but uncertainty still remains, particularly in the adjustments of cloud properties to aerosol perturbations. Cloud liquid water path (LWP) is the leading control on liquid-cloud albedo, making it important to observationally constrain the aerosol impact LWP. Previous modelling and observational studies have shown that multiple processes play a role in determining the LWP response to aerosol perturbations, but that the aerosol effect can be difficult to isolate. Following previous studies using mediating variables, this work investigates use of the relationship between cloud droplet number concentration (Nd) and LWP for constraining the role of aerosols. Using joint probability histograms to account for the non-linear relationship, this work finds a relationship that is broadly consistent with previous studies. There is significant geographical variation in the relationship, partly due to role of meteorological factors (particularly relative humidity) in the relationship. However, the Nd-LWP relationship is negative in the majority of regions, suggesting that aerosol induced LWP reductions could offset a significant fraction of the radiative forcing from aerosol-cloud interactions (RFaci). However, variations in the Nd-LWP relationship in response to volcanic and shipping aerosol perturbations indicate that the Nd-LWP relationship overestimates the Nd impact on LWP. As such, the estimate of LWP changes due to aerosol in this work provides an upper bound to the radiative forcing from aerosol-induced changes in the LWP

    CoV-TI-Net: Transferred Initialization with Modified End Layer for COVID-19 Diagnosis

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    This paper proposes transferred initialization with modified fully connected layers for COVID-19 diagnosis. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) achieved a remarkable result in image classification. However, training a high-performing model is a very complicated and time-consuming process because of the complexity of image recognition applications. On the other hand, transfer learning is a relatively new learning method that has been employed in many sectors to achieve good performance with fewer computations. In this research, the PyTorch pre-trained models (VGG19\_bn and WideResNet -101) are applied in the MNIST dataset for the first time as initialization and with modified fully connected layers. The employed PyTorch pre-trained models were previously trained in ImageNet. The proposed model is developed and verified in the Kaggle notebook, and it reached the outstanding accuracy of 99.77% without taking a huge computational time during the training process of the network. We also applied the same methodology to the SIIM-FISABIO-RSNA COVID-19 Detection dataset and achieved 80.01% accuracy. In contrast, the previous methods need a huge compactional time during the training process to reach a high-performing model. Codes are available at the following link: github.com/dipuk0506/SpinalNe

    Implementation of aerosol–cloud interactions in the regional atmosphere–aerosol model COSMO-MUSCAT(5.0) and evaluation using satellite data

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    The regional atmospheric model Consortium for Small-scale Modeling (COSMO) coupled to the Multi-Scale Chemistry Aerosol Transport model (MUSCAT) is extended in this work to represent aerosol–cloud interactions. Previously, only one-way interactions (scavenging of aerosol and in-cloud chemistry) and aerosol–radiation interactions were included in this model. The new version allows for a microphysical aerosol effect on clouds. For this, we use the optional two-moment cloud microphysical scheme in COSMO and the online-computed aerosol information for cloud condensation nuclei concentrations (Cccn), replacing the constant Cccn profile. In the radiation scheme, we have implemented a droplet-size-dependent cloud optical depth, allowing now for aerosol–cloud–radiation interactions. To evaluate the models with satellite data, the Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project Observation Simulator Package (COSP) has been implemented. A case study has been carried out to understand the effects of the modifications, where the modified modeling system is applied over the European domain with a horizontal resolution of 0.25°  ×  0.25°. To reduce the complexity in aerosol–cloud interactions, only warm-phase clouds are considered. We found that the online-coupled aerosol introduces significant changes for some cloud microphysical properties. The cloud effective radius shows an increase of 9.5 %, and the cloud droplet number concentration is reduced by 21.5 %


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    ABSTRACT Steel plates are often used as the main components of steel structures such as webs of plate girders, box girders, ship decks and hulls and platforms on oil rigs. Perforations are often included in the stressed skin cover of air plane wings. In plates, cut-outs are provided to decrease the self-weight, to provide access, services and even aesthetics. When these structures are loaded, the presence of cut outs will cause changes in the member mechanical properties, consequently there will be change in the buckling characteristics of the plate as well as on the ultimate load capacity of the structure. In marine and offshore structures, the perforated panels are used to make a way of access or to reduce the total weight of the structure. When these plates are subject to compression loads, the structure could buckle if the load exceeds the critical load. Thus, to know how this phenomenon occurs and to analyze the buckling behaviour of these perforated panels has great importance for an efficient structural design. In this study, the finite element analysis package, ANSYS is used to analyze the behavior of unstiffened plate with circular opening

    Aerosol indirect effect during successive contrasting monsoon seasons over Indian subcontinent using MODIS data

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    Aerosol indirect effect (AIE) was estimated over six Indian regions, which have been identified as main source regions of absorbing aerosol emissions, for four successive contrasting monsoon years, 2001 (normal monsoon rainfall year), 2002 (drought year), 2003 (excess monsoon rainfall year) and 2004 (below normal rainfall year). The AIE has been estimated both for fixed cloud liquid water path (CLWP) and for fixed cloud ice path (CIP) bins, ranging from 1 to 350 gm-2 at 25 gm-2 intervals obtained from Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS). In 2002 and 2004, AIE found to be of positive (Twomey effect) in majority of the fixed CLWP and CIP bins, while in 2001 and 2003 majority of the bins were found to be showing negative indirect effect (Anti-Twomey effect). Changes in circulation patterns during contrasting monsoon seasons, bringing up air mass containing aerosols of different source origins may be the main reason for this positive and negative AIE. The study suggests that AIE could be one of the factors in modulating Indian summer monsoon. However, further research on this topic is to be carried out to establish the relationship between AIE and Indian monsoon rainfall and also AIE values may be parameterized in climate models for better prediction of monsoon

    Comparison between urban aerosol products retrieved from collocated Cimel and Prede Sun/sky radiometers at Pune, India

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    To comprehend the characteristics of heterogeneous aerosols, apart from some thematic multi-institutional, multi-platform and multi-parameter campaigns conducted at several places over the globe, presently two major ground-based networks, involving Cimel (AERONET) and Prede (SKYNET) Sun/sky photometers/radiometers have been in progress. In this paper, we report the results of a study that has been undertaken to compare the performance and data products of Cimel and Prede instruments, which were operated concurrently for a period of about 2 years, at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India. The results show a good agreement in the direct Sun observations (aerosol optical depth). The results are also substantiated by making comparison with surface-level black carbon aerosol mass concentration, apart from comparison of other parameters. With regard to the retrieved products such as aerosol size distribution, Prede shows more or less equal concentration of fine mode and relatively more concentration of coarse mode aerosol as compared to those measured by the Cimel. Moreover, the single scattering albedo values measured by the Prede overestimate those observed by the Cimel. These deviations are found to be primarily due to the nature of aerosol loading (turbidity) in the sensing region which is sensitive to the data retrieval techniques including model assumptions employed in both networks. The results of the present study are found useful for multidimensional mapping of aerosol characteristics by integrating the products from both AERONET and SKYNET monitoring stations and thereby help understanding better the impact of aerosols on climate
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