30 research outputs found

    Religiosity, Alcohol Use Attitudes, and Alcohol Use in a National Sample of Adolescents

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate alcohol use attitudes as a mediator of the relationship between religiosity and the frequency of past month alcohol use in a national sample of adolescents. Data were drawn from 18,314 adolescents who participated in the 2006 and 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Variables included religiosity, alcohol use attitudes, and past month frequency of alcohol use. Structural equation modeling was used to test alcohol use attitudes as a mediator of the relationship between religiosity and frequency of alcohol use and to test model invariance across 4 racial/ethnic groups. Results suggest that alcohol use attitudes partially mediate the relationship between religiosity and frequency of alcohol use. Furthermore, while the pattern of these relationships is similar across racial/ethnic groups, the magnitude of alcohol use attitudes on frequency of alcohol use differed. Implications for prevention programs include targeting alcohol use attitudes in a variety of settings

    Synergistic effects of high early-life stress exposure and HIV infection on reaction time variability

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    Addressing comorbidities contributing to cognitive impairment in people living with HIV (PLWH) remains imperative. Prior studies utilizing reaction time intra-individual variability (RT-IIV), a robust behavioral marker of cognitive dysfunction, demonstrate increased cognitive impairment in adults living with HIV who have high early life stress (ELS) exposure relative to those with low-ELS exposure. Yet, it is unknown whether RT-IIV elevations are due to high-ELS alone or both HIV-status and high-ELS. In the current study, we explore the potential additive effects of HIV and high-ELS exposure on RT-IIV to better characterize the independent and combined effects of these factors on RT-IIV among PLWH. We assessed 59 PLWH and 69 HIV-negative healthy control (HC) participants with either low or high ELS on RT-IIV during a working memory task (1-back). We observed a significant interaction between HIV status and ELS exposure on RT-IIV, PLWH who had experienced high ELS demonstrating RT-IIV elevations relative to all other groups. In addition, RT-IIV was significantly associated with ELS exposure in PLWH, but not in the HC group. We also observed associations between RT-IIV and measures of HIV-disease severity (plasma HIV viral load, nadir CD4) among PLWH. Taken as a whole, these findings provide novel evidence of the combined effects of HIV and high-ELS exposure on RT-IIV, and thus suggest HIV-related and ELS-related neural abnormalities may act in an additive or synergistic manner to affect cognition. Such data warrant further investigation into the neurobiological mechanisms associated with HIV and high-ELS exposure that contribute to increased neurocognitive dysfunction among PLWH

    Sociodemographic Determinants of Nonadherence to Depression and Anxiety Medication among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

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    Psychiatric medication nonadherence continues to be a leading cause of poor health outcomes for individuals experiencing homelessness. Identifying the sociodemographic factors that contribute to medication nonadherence may help guide strategies to care for and support this group. This study examined 200 adults with depression diagnoses and active anti-depressant prescriptions (Mage = 43.98 ± 12.08, 59.4% Caucasian, 58.5% male, 70% uninsured, 89.5% unemployed) and 181 adults with anxiety diagnoses and active anti-anxiety prescriptions (Mage = 43.45 ± 11.02, 54.4% Caucasian, 57.5% male, 66.3% uninsured, 88.9% unemployed) recruited from six homeless-serving agencies in Oklahoma City. Self-reported sociodemographic variables included: age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, monthly income, employment status, and health insurance status. Adjusted logistic regression analyses revealed that employed (OR = 4.022, CI0.95: 1.244–13.004) and insured (OR = 2.923, CI0.95: 1.225–6.973) participants had greater odds of depression medication nonadherence. For anxiety, being employed (OR = 3.573, CI0.95: 1.160–11.010) was associated with greater odds of anxiety medication nonadherence, whereas having depression and anxiety diagnostic comorbidity (OR = 0.333, CI0.95: 0.137–0.810) was associated with lower odds of anxiety medication nonadherence. Interventions aimed at facilitating accessible prescription acquisition or otherwise reducing barriers to prescription medications for employed adults, including those with health insurance, may benefit adherence, but more research is needed. Future studies would benefit from using a qualitative approach to better delineate nuanced barriers to psychiatric medication adherence

    The development of a diversity mentoring program for faculty and trainees : a program at the Brown Clinical Psychology Training Consortium

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    Faculty and student diversity have become important and explicit goals of academic and research institutions (Brown, 2004). Diversity has been defined as the whole array of human characteristics that shapes our experience, including, but not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender, culture, disability, socioeconomic background, age, religion, and language. There are compelling reasons to increase diversity in the biomedical workforce. Diversity is beneficial to scientific research in that diverse research teams are known to solve complex scientific problems by bringing together contrasting perspectives, leading to more refined scientific questions, hypotheses, and study design (Bickel et al., 2002). Diverse research teams are also thought to be more likely and willing to challenge prevailing assumptions and offer contrasting perspectives to traditional orthodoxy (Harding, 1998)

    Depressive Symptoms and Resilience among Hispanic Emerging Adults: Examining the Moderating Effects of Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, Family Cohesion, and Social Support

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    Emerging adulthood has been described as a difficult stage in life and may be particularly stressful for Hispanic emerging adults who are disproportionately exposed to adversity and chronic sociocultural stressors. To better prevent and treat depressive disorders among Hispanic emerging adults, more research is needed to identify and understand modifiable determinants that can help this population enhance their capacity to offset and recover from adversity and sociocultural stressors. As such, this study aimed to (1) examine the association between resilience and depressive symptoms among Hispanic emerging adults, and (2) examine the extent to which intrapersonal resources (e.g., mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation strategies) and interpersonal resources (e.g., family cohesion, social support) moderate the association between resilience and depressive symptoms. To examine these aims, 200 Hispanic emerging adults (ages 18-25) from Arizona (n = 99) and Florida (n = 101) completed a cross-sectional survey, and data were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression and moderation analyses. Findings from the hierarchical multiple regression indicate that higher resilience was associated with lower depressive symptoms. Findings from the moderation analyses indicate that family cohesion, social support, and emotion regulation strategies (e.g., cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression) functioned as moderators; however, mindfulness and distress tolerance were not significant moderators. Findings from this study add to the limited literature on resilience among Hispanics that have used validated measures of resilience. Furthermore, we advance our understanding of who may benefit most from higher resilience based on levels of intrapersonal and interpersonal resources