454 research outputs found

    Characterization of Microdevices by Nanoindentation

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    Approximate controllability for some integrodifferential measure driven system with nonlocal conditions

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    In this work, we focus on a specific category of nonlocal integrodifferential equations. The development of a few new sufficient postulates that guarantee solvability and approxi- mative controllability is described here. We apply the theory of the resolvent operator in the sense of Grimmer, as well as the fixed point strategy and the theory of the Lebesgue-Stieljes integral, in the context of the space of regulated functions. In light of this, the prevalence of our findings is greater than that which is found in the literature. At last, and example is comprised that exhibits the significance of developed theory

    Improving the depth sensitivity of time-resolved measurements by extracting the distribution of times-of-flight

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    Time-resolved (TR) techniques provide a means of discriminating photons based on their time-of-flight. Since early arriving photons have a lower probability of probing deeper tissue than photons with long time-of-flight, time-windowing has been suggested as a method for improving depth sensitivity. However, TR measurements also contain instrument contributions (instrument-response-function, IRF), which cause temporal broadening of the measured temporal point-spread function (TPSF) compared to the true distribution of times-of-flight (DTOF). The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the IRF on the depth sensitivity of TR measurements. TPSFs were acquired on homogeneous and two-layer tissue-mimicking phantoms with varying optical properties. The measured IRF and TPSFs were deconvolved using a stable algorithm to recover the DTOFs. The microscopic Beer-Lambert law was applied to the TPSFs and DTOFs to obtain depth-resolved absorption changes. In contrast to the DTOF, the latest part of the TPSF was not the most sensitive to absorption changes in the lower layer, which was confirmed by computer simulations. The improved depth sensitivity of the DTOF was illustrated in a pig model of the adult human head. Specifically, it was shown that dynamic absorption changes obtained from the late part of the DTOFs recovered from TPSFs acquired by probes positioned on the scalp were similar to absorption changes measured directly on the brain. These results collectively demonstrate that this method improves the depth sensitivity of TR measurements by removing the effects of the IRF. Ā© 2013 Optical Society of America

    DĆ©veloppement dā€™un algorithme pour la surveillance de lā€™incidence du cancer colorectal Ć  MontrĆ©al avec les banques donnĆ©es mĆ©dico-administratives de la RAMQ

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    Contexte : Les meĢthodes actuelles, dā€™identification des cas de cancer, utiliseĢes au QueĢbec et ailleurs sont connues pour sous-estimer le fardeau du cancer, en particulier pour certains sous- groupes de population. Les algorithmes utilisant des donneĢes de facturation constituent des options peu couĢ‚teuses pour ameĢliorer la qualiteĢ de la surveillance du cancer, mais nā€™ont pas eĢteĢ mis en place au niveau populationnel. Objectifs : Nos objectifs eĢtaient de : 1) deĢvelopper un algorithme permettant lā€™identification des cas de cancer colorectal (CCR) en utilisant, au niveau populationnel, les donneĢes des hospitalisations et de facturation ; 2) valider lā€™algorithme ; et 3) deĢcrire les caracteĢristiques des cas nouvellement captureĢs. MeĢthodes : Nous avons jumeleĢ les donneĢes de facturation des meĢdecins, des hospitalisations et du fichier des tumeurs (FiTQ) pour 2 013 430 reĢsidents montreĢalais aĢ‚geĢs de 20 et plus entre le 1er avril 2000 et le 31 mars 2010. Nous avons compareĢ les performances de trois algorithmes baseĢs sur des codes de diagnostics et diffeĢrentes sources de donneĢes. Nous avons valideĢ les cas de CCR identifieĢs en utilisant les codes dā€™acte de traitement, la reĢpartition par site et les tendances temporelles. Nous avons deĢcrit les cas identifieĢs selon lā€™aĢ‚ge, le sexe, le statut socioeĢconomique et les types de traitement. ReĢsultats : Notre algorithme baseĢ sur les codes de diagnostics et de traitement identifie 11 476 des 12 933 cas incidents de CCR contenus dans le FiTQ ainsi que 2 317 cas nouvellement captureĢs. Nos cas ont des tendances globales dans le temps et des distributions par site similaires aux donneĢes existantes, ce qui augmente notre confiance en lā€™algorithme. Notre algorithme a captureĢ, en termes de pourcentage, plus dā€™individus aĢ‚geĢs de 50 ans et moins chez les cas de CCR nouvellement captureĢs : 8,2 % contre 5,3 %. De plus, les cas nouvellement captureĢs sont plus susceptibles de vivre dans des zones favoriseĢes socioeĢconomiquement. Conclusions : Notre algorithme fournit un portrait plus complet de lā€™incidence du CCR aĢ€ lā€™eĢchelle de la population que les meĢthodes actuelles dā€™identification. Il pourrait eĢ‚tre utiliseĢ pour estimer les tendances de lā€™incidence aĢ€ long terme, aider aĢ€ la surveillance en temps opportun et supporter les interventions, au QueĢbec et dans dā€™autres provinces ou pays ayant des donneĢes similaires.Background: Cancer case ascertainment methods used in Quebec and elsewhere are known to underestimate the burden of cancer, particularly for certain subgroups. Algorithms using claims data are a low-cost option to improve the quality of cancer surveillance but have not been implemented at the population-level. Objectives: Our objectives were to 1) develop a colorectal cancer (CRC) case ascertainment algorithm using population-level hospitalization and physician billing data, 2) validate the algorithm, and 3) describe the characteristics of newly-captured cases. Methods: We linked physician billing, hospitalization, and tumour registry data for 2,013,430 Montreal residents aged 20 + (2000ā€“2010). We compared the performance of three algorithms based on diagnostic codes and different data sources. We validated cases using receipt of treatment, site distribution, and time trends. We described identified cases according to age, sex, socioeconomic status, and treatment patterns. Results: Our algorithm based on diagnosis and treatment codes identified 11,476 of the 12,933 incident CRC cases contained in the tumour registry as well as 2,317 newly-captured cases. Our cases share similar overall time trends and site distributions to existing data, which increases our confidence in the algorithm. Our algorithm captured, proportionally more individuals aged 50 and younger among newly captured CRC cases: 8.2% vs. 5.3%. Additionally, newly captured cases were more likely to live in socioeconomically advantaged areas. Conclusions: Our algorithm provides a more complete picture of population-wide CRC incidence than existing case ascertainment methods. It could be used to estimate long-term incidence trends, aid in timely surveillance, and to inform interventions, in both Quebec and other jurisdictions
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