9 research outputs found

    Quelles solutions à la hausse continue de la facture publique pétroliÚre : maintien des appuis à la consommation ou libre fixation des prix par le marché ?

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    This paper focuses on the effects of oil subsidies removal on households’ welfare in Senegal. The methodology is based on the estimations of gas and electricity demand functions using data from the Poverty Follow-up Survey. The results suggest a gas subsidies removal in the whole country even though such a policy is still useful to preserve the atmosphere. Regarding the electricity, the findings suggest to revisit the billing system as it favours richer households. Leave gas and electricity market prices could be the right option as their share in households’ total expenditures is low. It is also recommended to use the saved funds in order to stimulate the economic activity

    Characterization of strains of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus isolated from groundnut (Arachis hypogea), rice (Oryza sativa) and maize (Zea mays) in Senegal

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    The contamination of certain food crop with aflatoxin poses a real public health problem for consumers and causes many market losses for exporters. Thus, several research works are oriented in the direction of developing methods to combat aflatoxinogenic fungus. This study aimed at identifying and characterizing strains of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus on groundnut, maize and rice seeds grown or imported into Senegal. Four species (A. niger, A. tamarii, A. flavus and A. parasiticus) were isolated from the seeds with incidences ranging from 0 to 100% depending on the samples and their provenance. Six strains of A. flavus and 3 strains of A. parasiticus have been identified and characterized on CYA and G25N culture media. The characterization focused on the morphological characteristics (color and appearance, mycelial growth) of the colonies on the different culture media, and on some microscopic characteristics such as the density of sporulation (production of conidia) and the appearance of the conidiophore. Strains of A. flavus were more frequent on groundnuts and isolates with the same traits were also identified from rice and maize samples, hence the 3 strains of A. parasiticus were isolated

    Quelles solutions à la hausse continue de la facture publique pétroliÚre : maintien des appuis à la consommation ou libre fixation des prix par le marché ?

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    This paper focuses on the effects of oil subsidies removal on households’ welfare in Senegal. The methodology is based on the estimations of gas and electricity demand functions using data from the Poverty Follow-up Survey. The results suggest a gas subsidies removal in the whole country even though such a policy is still useful to preserve the atmosphere. Regarding the electricity, the findings suggest to revisit the billing system as it favours richer households. Leave gas and electricity market prices could be the right option as their share in households’ total expenditures is low. It is also recommended to use the saved funds in order to stimulate the economic activity

    Prise en charge de l’hematome extradural a Dakar. A propos de 40 cas

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    Introduction L’hĂ©matome extradural est une affection rare mais grave car engage rapidement le pronostic vital. Il s’agit d’une urgence thĂ©rapeutique nĂ©cessitant par consĂ©quent une prise en charge rapide.Objectif L’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, diagnostiques et thĂ©rapeutiques de l’hĂ©matome extradural depuis l’avĂšnement du scanner dans notre pays.Patients et mĂ©thode Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective multicentrique rĂ©alisĂ©e dans quatre de nos hĂŽpitaux durant une pĂ©riode de huit ans, de juillet 1994 Ă  juin 2002. Nous avons pu collecter 40 dossiers de patients traumatisĂ©s cranioencĂ©phaliques prĂ©sentant un hĂ©matome extradural Ă  la tomodensitomĂ©trie cĂ©rĂ©brale.RĂ©sultats Sur 1296 patients ayant consultĂ© pour un traumatisme cranio-encĂ©phalique toute gravitĂ© confondue, 40 ont prĂ©sentĂ© un hĂ©matome extra dural soit 3,09%. L’age moyen Ă©tait de 26.1 ans avec une frĂ©quence maximale entre 11 et 20 ans. Le sex. Ratio est de 9.1. Les accidents de la voie publique reprĂ©sentent l’étiologie la plus frĂ©quente avec 55% des cas. Le dĂ©lai de consultation est long avec une moyenne de 2 Ă  3 jours. L’examen clinique retrouve des signes d’hypertension intracrĂąnienne chez 87,5% des patients, un dĂ©ficit moteur chez 30% des patients, des troubles de la conscience dans 55% des cas. Les rĂ©sultats scannographiques ont montrĂ© une localisation temporo pariĂ©tale prĂ©dominante (72,5%) . 87,5% des patients ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une prise en charge chirurgicale. L’évolution est favorable dans 75% des cas. Nous avons notĂ© 20% de mortalitĂ©.Conclusion L’hĂ©matome extradural constitue l’urgence neurochirurgicale type. Son pronostic est bon si traitĂ© prĂ©cocement

    L\u27approche du programme girmac pourla gestion de la biodiversite et des ressources environnementales transfrontieres dans le delta du fleuve senegal

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    The coastal region and the river basins are constituted of remarkable natural sceneries, receiving a diversity of socioeconomic functions further to the expansion and growth of human activities. An ignorance of the hydrology of urban watershed, the clogging of rainfall waterways and the uses of the humid zones as habitat represents a perfect illustration of voluntary ignorance of the functioning rules of the nature which puts man facing constant and perpetual serious risks and hazards of uncontrolled natural calamities. A better understanding of the environmental functions catalyst of the integrated management of water resources and approaches of environmental restoration is one of the essential components of the GIRMaC program. In fact, a lack of consideration of environmental concerns and notably the provision of flows with environmental function in our rural development policy had cost to the Delta not only a loss of productiveness but also the phenomena of desertification. The partitioning of the protected areas constitutes a factor of fragility to substitute by the creation of biosphere reserves which will contribute to regulate pressures linked to the division of ecosystems and integrated human vectors to give them access to the environmental services provided by the biodiversity. GIRMaC program got down to create the conditions of a functioning cooperation and decision framework at the national, regional and local levels in Senegal. The preparative diagnosis in the establishment of an integrated management program of marine and coastal resources in Senegal revealed the fragility of the situations of the islets of ecosystem conservation and resources of the Senegal River Delta. That\u27s why GIRMaC program supported creation of a Cross-border Biosphere Reserve in the Senegal River Delta and adapted its financing requirements to an institutional framework appropriated for a successful participative local management


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    Background and purpose: Neurosurgeons face a lot of pitfalls while dealing with brain tuberculomas. Our purpose is to set an algorithm . Methods: From 1996 to 2001 ,the authors reported 4 patients harbouring brain tuberculomas who have been hospitalised at our neurosurgical department .Medical reports of theses 4 patients were outlined and the authors discussed on diagnosis approach difficulties ,neuroimaging studies and the evolution for every patient. Results: Sex studies shows 3 males for 1 female .Median age is 40 years old .A1l for patients have been tested negative to H.I.V. For 2 patients a progressive lung tuberculosis existed and for one patient we find an history of lung tuberculosis. Intractable seizures were the first symptoms for 3 patients and only one expressed signs of intracranial hypertension with slow setting of hemiparesis. Brain C-T scan findings were for 3 patients a ring enhanced lesion surrounded with oedema characteristic of tuberculomas. For one patient neuroimaging study mimicked meningioma and the diagnosis has been done after surgery. For the last patient the good therapeutic response attested on serial C-T scan ,under antituberculosis treatment ,lead to the diagnosis of brain tuberculomas .The follow up demonstrated a good evolution for 3 patients and only one died after a post surgery status epilepticus. Conclusion: Because e of the high endimicity of tuberculosis on developing countries neurosurgeon practicing on theses area should be aware on brain s tuberculomas .Though every time that C-T scan shows a ring enhanced lesion with the context of lung tuberculosis ,one should start an antituberculosis treatment .Lack of good therapeutic response may lead to perform cerebral biopsy and later surgical resection of the lesion . Key words: brain tuberculomas; antituberculosis chemotherapy; surgery Objectif: L\'approche diagnostique et thrapeutique des tuberculomes, est remplie d\'cueils. L\'objectif de cette tude est de proposer un algorithme de dcision thrapeutique et diagnostique. Matriel et methods: Les auteurs rapportent sur une priode de 6 ans (1996- 2001), 4 cas de patients porteurs de tuberculomes intracrniens. Nous rapportons quatre observations cliniques qui ont t analys selon leurs caractres cliniques, para cliniques et thrapeutiques en insistant sur le profil volutif de chaque patient . Rsultats: Il s\'agit de 3 hommes et une femme dont l\'ge moyen lors du diagnostic tait de 40 ans. Tous ces patients avaient une srologie H.I.V. ngative .Chez 2 patients il existait une notion de tuberculose pulmonaire volutive dont une associe une tuberculose pritonale .Chez un patient dans les antcdents on notait dune tuberculose pulmonaire traite. Les circonstances de dcouverte ont t chez 3 patients une pilepsie rebelle et associe chaque fois un dficit post-critique ; chez un seul patient le tableau clinique correspondait l\'installation progressive d\'un dficit hmicorporel dans un contexte de syndrome d\'hypertension intracrnienne. Le scanner crbral a montr chez 3 patients une lsion vocatrice de tuberculome sous la forme d\'un nodule homogne dont le rehaussement se fait en cocarde entour d\'dme .Chez un patient ,l\'aspect scannographique orientait vers un mningiome et le diagnostic a t redress aprs la chirurgie . Chez une patiente, la bonne rponse thrapeutique avec disparition de l\'image au scanner nous a fait retenir le diagnostic de tuberculome crbral. Deux patients ont t biopsis par trpano-ponction avec une histologie concluante. Trois patients ont bnficie d\'une chirurgie d\'exrse en bloc avec poursuite en post-opratoire du traitement anti tuberculeux sur une priode de 12 mois .L volution a t bonne chez 3 patients .Un patient est dcd dans un tableau d\'tat de mal pileptique post-opratoire. Conclusion: partir de cette exprience et des donnes de la littrature, les auteurs ont tabli un algorithme. L\'endmicit de la tuberculose dans nos rgions, doit imposer un traitement anti-tuberculeux d\'preuve devant une neuro-imagerie vocatrice et devant l\'absence d\'une rponse thrapeutique franche, il est licite de procder d\'abord une biopsie crbrale et enfin l\'exrse en bloc. Af. Jnl Neurological Sciences Vol.23(1) 200

    Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications of Conjoined Nerve Root Anomalies: A Senegalese Study of Three Cases

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    Background & Aim: Conjoined nerve root is defined as two adjacent nerve roots that share a common dural envelope at some points during their course from the thecal sac. This study reports our experience of conjoined roots involving three cases in Dakar. Methods & Materials/Patients: This is a consecutive study from 2013 to 2015 involving patients supported for disc herniation and who have presented conjoined nerve root anomalie s. Results: Three patients aged 32, 35 and 55 including two men have been concerned. Clinical analysis was done on sciatica with neuropathic occurrences in one case and lumbosciatica in two cases. The Lasegue sign was present in two patients at 45°. All three patients benefited a lumbar computerized tomography (CT scan) highlighting a degenerative disc disease with two in L5S1 space and one in L4L5 space. The imaging has not objectified radicular emerging anomalies. MRI objectified only one big root. A surgical root decompression was realized through interlaminar discectomy approach; foraminotomy and full laminectomy enabling diagnosis in intraoperative period. The evolution was favourable in all three cases with full recession of sympto matology. Conclusion: This study is the first Senegalese series on the lumbo-sciatica by anomaly of root emergence and highlights especially the difficulties for the diagnosis of these anomalies like other sub-Saharan African countries where expansion of MRI for the diagnosis is low, and still very expensive. MRI provides guidance signs and a large root appearance can warn about the existence of these anomalies. A good root release improves the symptoms