2,881 research outputs found

    A multiwavelength numerical model in support of quantitative retrievals of aerosol properties from automated lidar ceilometers and test applications for AOT and PM10 estimation

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    Abstract. The use of automated lidar ceilometer (ALC) systems for the aerosol vertically resolved characterization has increased in recent years thanks to their low construction and operation costs and their capability of providing continuous unattended measurements. At the same time there is a need to convert the ALC signals into usable geophysical quantities. In fact, the quantitative assessment of the aerosol properties from ALC measurements and the relevant assimilation in meteorological forecast models is amongst the main objectives of the EU COST Action TOPROF ("Towards operational ground-based profiling with ALCs, Doppler lidars and microwave radiometers for improving weather forecasts"). Concurrently, the E-PROFILE program of the European Meteorological Services Network (EUMETNET) focuses on the harmonization of ALC measurements and data provision across Europe. Within these frameworks, we implemented a model-assisted methodology to retrieve key aerosol properties (extinction coefficient, surface area, and volume) from elastic lidar and/or ALC measurements. The method is based on results from a large set of aerosol scattering simulations (Mie theory) performed at UV, visible, and near-IR wavelengths using a Monte Carlo approach to select the input aerosol microphysical properties. An average "continental aerosol type" (i.e., clean to moderately polluted continental aerosol conditions) is addressed in this study. Based on the simulation results, we derive mean functional relationships linking the aerosol backscatter coefficients to the abovementioned variables. Applied in the data inversion of single-wavelength lidars and/or ALCs, these relationships allow quantitative determination of the vertically resolved aerosol backscatter, extinction, volume, and surface area and, in turn, of the extinction-to-backscatter ratios (i.e., the lidar ratios, LRs) and extinction-to-volume conversion factor (cv) at 355, 532, and 1064 nm. These variables provide valuable information for visibility, radiative transfer, and air quality applications. This study also includes (1) validation of the model simulations with real measurements and (2) test applications of the proposed model-based ALC inversion methodology. In particular, our model simulations were compared to backscatter and extinction coefficients independently retrieved by Raman lidar systems operating at different continental sites within the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET). This comparison shows good model–measurement agreement, with LR discrepancies below 20 %. The model-assisted quantitative retrieval of both aerosol extinction and volume was then tested using raw data from three different ALCs systems (CHM 15k Nimbus), operating within the Italian Automated LIdar-CEilometer network (ALICEnet). For this purpose, a 1-year record of the ALC-derived aerosol optical thickness (AOT) at each site was compared to direct AOT measurements performed by colocated sun–sky photometers. This comparison shows an overall AOT agreement within 30 % at all sites. At one site, the model-assisted ALC estimation of the aerosol volume and mass (i.e., PM10) in the lowermost levels was compared to values measured at the surface level by colocated in situ instrumentation. Within this exercise, the ALC-derived daily-mean mass concentration was found to reproduce the corresponding (EU regulated) PM10 values measured by the local air quality agency well in terms of both temporal variability and absolute values. Although limited in space and time, the good performances of the proposed approach suggest it could possibly represent a valid option to extend the capabilities of ALCs to provide quantitative information for operational air quality and meteorological monitoring

    Calibration of a Multichannel Water Vapor Raman Lidar through Noncollocated Operational Soundings: Optimization and Characterization of Accuracy and Variability

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    Abstract This paper presents a parametric automatic procedure to calibrate the multichannel Rayleigh–Mie–Raman lidar at the Institute for Atmospheric Science and Climate of the Italian National Research Council (ISAC-CNR) in Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, using as a reference the operational 0000 UTC soundings at the WMO station 16245 (Pratica di Mare) located about 25 km southwest of the lidar site. The procedure, which is applied to both channels of the system, first identifies portions of the lidar and radiosonde profiles that are assumed to sample the same features of the water vapor profile, taking into account the different time and space sampling. Then, it computes the calibration coefficient with a best-fit procedure, weighted by the instrumental errors of both radiosounding and lidar. The parameters to be set in the procedure are described, and values adopted are discussed. The procedure was applied to a set of 57 sessions of nighttime 1-min-sampling lidar profiles (roughly about 300 h of measurements) covering the whole annual cycle (February 2007–September 2008). A calibration coefficient is computed for each measurement session. The variability of the calibration coefficients (∼10%) over periods with the same instrumental setting is reduced compared to the values obtained with the previously adopted, operator-assisted, and time-consuming calibration procedure. Reduction of variability, as well as the absence of evident trends, gives confidence both on system stability as well as on the developed procedure. Because of the definition of the calibration coefficient and of the different sampling between lidar and radiosonde, a contribution to the variability resulting from aerosol extinction and to the spatial and temporal variability of the water vapor mixing ratio is expected. A preliminary analysis aimed at identifying the contribution to the variability from these factors is presented. The parametric nature of the procedure makes it suitable for application to similar Raman lidar systems

    Is right angular gyrus involved in the metric component of the mental body representation in touch and vision? A tdcs study

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    Several studies have found in the sense of touch a good sensory modality by which to study body representation. Here, we address the “metric component of body representation”, a specific function developed to process the discrimination of tactile distances on the body. The literature suggests the involvement of the right angular gyrus (rAG) in processing the tactile metricity on the body. The question of this study is the following: is the rAG also responsible for the visual metric component of body representation? We used tDCS (anodal and sham) in 20 subjects who were administered an on-body distance discrimination task with both tactile and visual stimuli. They were also asked to perform the same task in a near-body condition. The results allow us to confirm the role of rAG in the estimation of tactile distances. Further, we also showed that rAG might be involved in the discrimination of distances on the body not only in tactile but also in visual modality. Finally, based on the significant effects of anodal stimulation even in a near-body visual discrimination task, we proposed a higher-order function of the AG in terms of a supramodal com-parator of quantities

    Infodemiological patterns in searching medication errors: Relationship with risk management and shift work

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    INTRODUCTION: Western world health care systems have been trying to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in order to respond properly to population aging and non-communicable diseases epidemic. Treatment of the elderly population is becoming complex due to the high number of prescribed drugs because of multimorbidity. Errors in drugs administration in different health care related settings are an actual important issue due to different causes. Aim of this observational study is to measure the online interest in seeking medication errors information related to risk management and shift work. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated Google Trends® for popular search relating to medication errors, risk management and shift work. Relative search volumes (RSVs) were evaluated from 2008 to 2018. A comparison between RSV curves related to medication errors, risk management and shift work was carried out. Then, we compared the world to Italian search. RESULTS: RSVs were persistently higher for risk management than for medication errors (mean RSVs 069 vs. 48%) and RSVs were stably higher for medication errors than shift work (mean RSVs 48 vs. 22%). In Italy, RSVs were much lower compared to the rest of the world, and RSVs for medication errors during the study period were negligible. Mean RSVs for risk management and shift work were 3 and 25%, respectively. RSVs related to medication errors and clinical risk management were correlated (r=0.520, p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Google Trends® search query volumes related to medication errors, risk management and shift work are different. RSVs for risk management are higher, and they are correlated with medication errors. Also, shift work search appears to be lower. These results should be interpreted in order to correctly evaluate how to decrease the number of medication errors in different health care related setting

    Employment among Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    To date, there are heterogeneous studies related to childhood cancer survivors’ (CCS) employment rates. Given the importance of this topic, we aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the prevalence of employment among CCS and to examine its association with socio-demographic and clinical factors. We followed the PRISMA guidelines to search for pertinent articles in relevant electronic databases. Eighty-nine articles comprising 93 cohorts were included. The overall prevalence of employment was 66% (CI: 95% 0.63–0.69). Subgroup meta-analyses showed that lower rates were found for central nervous system tumor survivors (51%, CI: 95% 0.43–0.59), and for CCS treated with cranial-radiotherapy (53%, CI: 95% 0.42–0.64) or haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (56%, CI: 95% 0.46–0.65). The studies conducted in Asia highlighted employment rates of 47% (CI: 95%, 0.34–0.60). Univariate meta-regressions identified the following socio-demographic factors associated with higher rates of employment: a female gender (p = 0.046), a higher mean age at the time of investigation (p = 0.00), a longer time since diagnosis (p = 0.00), a higher educational level (p = 0.03), and a married status (p = 0.00). In conclusion, this systematic review and meta-analysis provides evidence that two-thirds of CCS are employed worldwide. Identifying vulnerable groups of CCS may allow for the design of multidisciplinary support strategies and interventions to promote employment in this population

    68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT-Based Radiomic Analysis and PRRT Outcome: A Preliminary Evaluation Based on an Exploratory Radiomic Analysis on Two Patients

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    Aim: This work aims to evaluate whether the radiomic features extracted by 68Ga-DOTATOC-PET/CT of two patients are associated with the response to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) in patients affected by neuroendocrine tumor (NET). Methods: This is a pilot report in two NET patients who experienced a discordant response to PRRT (responder vs. non-responder) according to RECIST1.1. The patients presented with liver metastasis from the rectum and pancreas G3-NET, respectively. Whole-body total-lesion somatostatin receptor-expression (TLSREwb-50) and somatostatin receptor-expressing tumor volume (SRETV wb-50) were obtained in pre- and post-PRRT PET/CT. Radiomic analysis was performed, extracting 38 radiomic features (RFs) from the patients' lesions. The Mann–Whitney test was used to compare RFs in the responder patient vs. the non-responder patient. Pearson correlation and principal component analysis (PCA) were used to evaluate the correlation and independence of the different RFs. Results: TLSREwb-50 and SRETVwb-50 modifications correlate with RECIST1.1 response. A total of 28 RFs extracted on pre-therapy PET/CT showed significant differences between the two patients in the Mann–Whitney test (p < 0.05). A total of seven second-order features, with poor correlation with SUVmax and PET volume, were identified by the Pearson correlation matrix. Finally, the first two PCA principal components explain 83.8% of total variance. Conclusion: TLSREwb-50 and SRETVwb-50 are parameters that might be used to predict and to assess the PET response to PRRT. RFs might have a role in defining inter-patient heterogeneity and in the prediction of therapy response. It is important to implement future studies with larger and more homogeneous patient populations to confirm the efficacy of these biomarkers

    A multistate epidemic outbreak of Salmonella Goldcoast infection in humans, June 2009 to March 2010: the investigation in Italy.

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    After an urgent inquiry into a suspected international outbreak of Salmonella Goldcoast infection was launched by Hungary in October 2009 a nation-wide multidisciplinary investigation was carried out in Italy. The aims were to verify whether the higher than expected number of cases of S. Goldcoast infection that had occurred in Italy in the previous months were linked to the outbreak in Hungary and to determine their origin. Between June 2009 and March 2010, 79 confirmed cases of S. Goldcoast infection were identified. Of these, 17 were part of three different point-source outbreaks probably associated with the consumption of salami. Eating salami was also reported by 20 of the 39 sporadic cases that could be interviewed. Fifteen strains of S. Goldcoast isolated from the cases were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. They shared more than 90% homology with the Hungarian epidemic strain and were also highly similar to S. Goldcoast strains that had been isolated in Italy from pigs and pork-containing food items in 2009 and 2010. Although the origin of the outbreak and the common source linking the Hungarian and the Italian cases could not be definitively identified, our results suggest a possible zoonotic connection of the outbreak cases with the pork production chain