240 research outputs found

    Semantic Source Code Models Using Identifier Embeddings

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    The emergence of online open source repositories in the recent years has led to an explosion in the volume of openly available source code, coupled with metadata that relate to a variety of software development activities. As an effect, in line with recent advances in machine learning research, software maintenance activities are switching from symbolic formal methods to data-driven methods. In this context, the rich semantics hidden in source code identifiers provide opportunities for building semantic representations of code which can assist tasks of code search and reuse. To this end, we deliver in the form of pretrained vector space models, distributed code representations for six popular programming languages, namely, Java, Python, PHP, C, C++, and C#. The models are produced using fastText, a state-of-the-art library for learning word representations. Each model is trained on data from a single programming language; the code mined for producing all models amounts to over 13.000 repositories. We indicate dissimilarities between natural language and source code, as well as variations in coding conventions in between the different programming languages we processed. We describe how these heterogeneities guided the data preprocessing decisions we took and the selection of the training parameters in the released models. Finally, we propose potential applications of the models and discuss limitations of the models.Comment: 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2019): Data Showcase Trac

    Commands as AI Conversations

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    Developers and data scientists often struggle to write command-line inputs, even though graphical interfaces or tools like ChatGPT can assist. The solution? "ai-cli," an open-source system inspired by GitHub Copilot that converts natural language prompts into executable commands for various Linux command-line tools. By tapping into OpenAI's API, which allows interaction through JSON HTTP requests, "ai-cli" transforms user queries into actionable command-line instructions. However, integrating AI assistance across multiple command-line tools, especially in open source settings, can be complex. Historically, operating systems could mediate, but individual tool functionality and the lack of a unified approach have made centralized integration challenging. The "ai-cli" tool, by bridging this gap through dynamic loading and linking with each program's Readline library API, makes command-line interfaces smarter and more user-friendly, opening avenues for further enhancement and cross-platform applicability.Comment: 5 page

    Detecting Missing Dependencies and Notifiers in Puppet Programs

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    Puppet is a popular computer system configuration management tool. It provides abstractions that enable administrators to setup their computer systems declaratively. Its use suffers from two potential pitfalls. First, if ordering constraints are not specified whenever an abstraction depends on another, the non-deterministic application of abstractions can lead to race conditions. Second, if a service is not tied to its resources through notification constructs, the system may operate in a stale state whenever a resource gets modified. Such faults can degrade a computing infrastructure's availability and functionality. We have developed an approach that identifies these issues through the analysis of a Puppet program and its system call trace. Specifically, we present a formal model for traces, which allows us to capture the interactions of Puppet abstractions with the file system. By analyzing these interactions we identify (1) abstractions that are related to each other (e.g., operate on the same file), and (2) abstractions that should act as notifiers so that changes are correctly propagated. We then check the relationships from the trace's analysis against the program's dependency graph: a representation containing all the ordering constraints and notifications declared in the program. If a mismatch is detected, our system reports a potential fault. We have evaluated our method on a large set of Puppet modules, and discovered 57 previously unknown issues in 30 of them. Benchmarking further shows that our approach can analyze in minutes real-world configurations with a magnitude measured in thousands of lines and millions of system calls

    On the Feasibility of Transfer-learning Code Smells using Deep Learning

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    Context: A substantial amount of work has been done to detect smells in source code using metrics-based and heuristics-based methods. Machine learning methods have been recently applied to detect source code smells; however, the current practices are considered far from mature. Objective: First, explore the feasibility of applying deep learning models to detect smells without extensive feature engineering, just by feeding the source code in tokenized form. Second, investigate the possibility of applying transfer-learning in the context of deep learning models for smell detection. Method: We use existing metric-based state-of-the-art methods for detecting three implementation smells and one design smell in C# code. Using these results as the annotated gold standard, we train smell detection models on three different deep learning architectures. These architectures use Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) of one or two dimensions, or Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) as their principal hidden layers. For the first objective of our study, we perform training and evaluation on C# samples, whereas for the second objective, we train the models from C# code and evaluate the models over Java code samples. We perform the experiments with various combinations of hyper-parameters for each model. Results: We find it feasible to detect smells using deep learning methods. Our comparative experiments find that there is no clearly superior method between CNN-1D and CNN-2D. We also observe that performance of the deep learning models is smell-specific. Our transfer-learning experiments show that transfer-learning is definitely feasible for implementation smells with performance comparable to that of direct-learning. This work opens up a new paradigm to detect code smells by transfer-learning especially for the programming languages where the comprehensive code smell detection tools are not available

    Open Source Adoption In Large US Companies

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    Various organizations increasingly adopt open source software, both on desktop PCs and servers. Since the first movements in open source in the 1960’s its growth has lead to new approaches in software development, licensing, and distribution, as well as in software vendors’ business models. The literature includes very interesting studies regarding prospective benefits, business models and case studies. However, the adoption of open source in large, global companies and its relationship with factors such as profitability, revenues and industry sector has not yet been researched. This study aims to answer these questions based on data we collected from Fortune 1000 companies and provides a method that can be applied in similar contexts

    Identifying Bugs in Make and JVM-Oriented Builds

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    Incremental and parallel builds are crucial features of modern build systems. Parallelism enables fast builds by running independent tasks simultaneously, while incrementality saves time and computing resources by processing the build operations that were affected by a particular code change. Writing build definitions that lead to error-free incremental and parallel builds is a challenging task. This is mainly because developers are often unable to predict the effects of build operations on the file system and how different build operations interact with each other. Faulty build scripts may seriously degrade the reliability of automated builds, as they cause build failures, and non-deterministic and incorrect build results. To reason about arbitrary build executions, we present buildfs, a generally-applicable model that takes into account the specification (as declared in build scripts) and the actual behavior (low-level file system operation) of build operations. We then formally define different types of faults related to incremental and parallel builds in terms of the conditions under which a file system operation violates the specification of a build operation. Our testing approach, which relies on the proposed model, analyzes the execution of single full build, translates it into buildfs, and uncovers faults by checking for corresponding violations. We evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and applicability of our approach by examining hundreds of Make and Gradle projects. Notably, our method is the first to handle Java-oriented build systems. The results indicate that our approach is (1) able to uncover several important issues (245 issues found in 45 open-source projects have been confirmed and fixed by the upstream developers), and (2) orders of magnitude faster than a state-of-the-art tool for Make builds

    Definitions of a Software Smell

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    Many authors have defined smells from their perspective. This document attempts to provide a consolidated list of such definitions

    Global software development in the freeBSD project

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    Freebsd is a sophisticated operating system developed and maintained as open-source software by a team of more than 350 individuals located throughout the world. This study uses developer location data, the configuration management repository, and records from the issue database to examine the extent of global development and its effect on produc-tivity, quality, and developer cooperation. The key findings are that global development allows round-the-clock work, but there are some marked differences between the type of work performed at different regions. The effects of multiple dispersed developers on the quality of code and productiv-ity are negligible. Mentoring appears to be sometimes as-sociated with developers living closer together, but ad-hoc cooperation seems to work fine across continents

    Software engineering for deep learning applications: usage of SWEng and MLops tools in GitHub repositories

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    The rising popularity of deep learning (DL) methods and techniques has invigorated interest in the topic of SE4DL, the application of software engineering (SE) practices on deep learning software. Despite the novel engineering challenges brought on by the data-driven and non-deterministic paradigm of DL software, little work has been invested into developing AI-targeted SE tools. On the other hand, tools tackling more general engineering issues in DL are actively used and referred to under the umbrella term of ``MLOps tools''. Furthermore, the available literature supports the utility of conventional SE tooling in DL software development. Building upon previous MSR research on tool usage in open-source software works, we identify conventional and MLOps tools adopted in popular applied DL projects that use Python as the main programming language. About 70% of the GitHub repositories mined contained at least one conventional SE tool. Software configuration management tools are the most adopted, while the opposite applies to maintenance tools. Substantially fewer MLOps tools were in use, with only 9 tools out of a sample of 80 used in at least one repository. The majority of them were open-source rather than proprietary. One of these tools, TensorBoard, was found to be adopted in about half of the repositories in our study. Consequently, the use of conventional SE tooling demonstrates its relevance to DL software. Further research is recommended on the adoption of MLOps tooling by open-source projects, focusing on the relevance of particular tool types, the development of required tools, as well as ways to promote the use of already available tools
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