222 research outputs found

    Local Magnetic Inhomogeneities in Lightly Doped BaFe2_2As2_2

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    We report 75^{75}As NMR measurements in BaFe2_2As2_2 doped with Ni. Like Co, Ni doping suppresses the antiferromagnetic and structural phase transitions and gives rise to superconductivity for sufficiently large Ni doping. The spin lattice relaxation rate diverges at TNT_N, with a critical exponent consistent with 3D ordering of local moments. In the ordered state the spectra quickly broaden inhomogeneously with doping. We extract the average size of the ordered moment as a function of doping, and show that a model in which the order remains commensurate but with local amplitude variations in the vicinity of the dopant fully explains our observations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Investigating Source Conditions and Controlling Parameters of Explosive Eruptions: Some Experimental-Observational- Modelling Case Studies

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    Explosive volcanic eruptions are complex systems that can generate a variety of hazardous phenomena, for example, the injection of volcanic ash into the atmosphere or the generation of pyroclastic density currents. Explosive eruptions occur when a turbulent multiphase mixture, initially predominantly composedf of fragmented magma and gases, is injected from the volcanic vent into the atmosphere. For plume modelling purposes, a specific volcanic eruption scenario based on eruption type, style or magnitude is strictly linked to magmatic and vent conditions, despite the subsequent evolution of the plume being influenced by the interaction of the erupted material with the atmosphere. In this chapter, different methodologies for investigating eruptive source conditions and the subsequent evolution of the eruptive plumes are presented. The methodologies range from observational techniques to large-scale experiments and numerical models. Results confirm the relevance of measuring and observing source conditions, as such studies can improve predictions of the hazards of eruptive columns. The results also demonstrate the need for fundamental future research specifically tailored to answer some of the still open questions: the effect of unsteady flow conditions at the source on the eruptive column dynamics and the interaction between a convective plume and wind

    Long range order and two-fluid behavior in heavy electron materials

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    The heavy electron Kondo liquid is an emergent state of condensed matter that displays universal behavior independent of material details. Properties of the heavy electron liquid are best probed by NMR Knight shift measurements, which provide a direct measure of the behavior of the heavy electron liquid that emerges below the Kondo lattice coherence temperature as the lattice of local moments hybridizes with the background conduction electrons. Because the transfer of spectral weight between the localized and itinerant electronic degrees of freedom is gradual, the Kondo liquid typically coexists with the local moment component until the material orders at low temperatures. The two-fluid formula captures this behavior in a broad range of materials in the paramagnetic state. In order to investigate two-fluid behavior and the onset and physical origin of different long range ordered ground states in heavy electron materials, we have extended Knight shift measurements to URu2_2Si2_2, CeIrIn5_5 and CeRhIn5_5. In CeRhIn5_5 we find that the antiferromagnetic order is preceded by a relocalization of the Kondo liquid, providing independent evidence for a local moment origin of antiferromagnetism. In URu2_2Si2_2 the hidden order is shown to emerge directly from the Kondo liquid and so is not associated with local moment physics. Our results imply that the nature of the ground state is strongly coupled with the hybridization in the Kondo lattice in agreement with phase diagram proposed by Yang and Pines.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Uncommon evolutions and complications of common benign liver lesions

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    Frequently encountered on abdominal imaging studies, the majority of common benign liver lesions are asymptomatic, confidently diagnosed by imaging, and do not require further workup, follow-up, or treatment. The increasing use of multimodality liver imaging, has allowed the recognition of uncommon evolutions of common benign liver lesions such as size changes, fibrotic regression, and content and vascularization changes, and their complications such as rupture, hemorrhage, thrombosis, extrinsic compression, and malignancy. The purpose of this pictorial review is to describe and illustrate the incidence and diagnostic features of these uncommon evolutions and complications on cross-sectional imaging, mainly on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, with emphasis on those imaging clues which are helpful in the differential diagnosis or indicate the need for treatment
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