15 research outputs found

    Exertion Perception When Performing Cutting Tasks in Poultry Slaughterhouses: Risk Assessment of Developing Musculoskeletal Disorders

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    Brazil is the leader in poultry meat exports, in which most products are in the form of cuts. This study analyzed the exertion perception of poultry slaughterhouses workers when performing cutting tasks, as well as the influence of knife sharpness on the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders by Occupational Repetitive Action (OCRA) method. Participants (n = 101) from three slaughterhouses were asked to rate their perceived exertion on the Borg scale during the cutting task when the knife was well and poorly sharpened. The OCRA results showed that the score for cutting with a dull knife was greater (43.57 ± 13.51) than with a sharp knife (23.79 ± 3.10) (p < 0.001). Consequently, there was a significant increase in the risk level of acquiring upper-limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSD) by using a “poorly sharpened” knife (29%; p < 0.001; Borg scale 2–8). Thus, maintaining well-sharpened knives for optimal performance of the cutting task (fewer technical actions) is suggested, as well as including knife sharpening in the standard operating procedure to reduce musculoskeletal disorders

    Disponibilidade de fósforo em função das adições de calagem e de um bioativador do solo Phosphorus availability due to additions of liming and soil bioactivator

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    A adoção de sistemas de manejo que propiciem um incremento no teor de matéria orgânica, ou de uma fração desta (ácidos orgânicos, por exemplo), pode promover a redução da adsorção de fósforo (P), pela formação de complexos que bloqueiam os sítios de adsorção de P na superfície dos óxidos de ferro e de alumínio. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos interativos entre doses de ácido cítrico mais ativador enzimático e calagem na disponibilidade de algumas formas de (P) em dois solos: Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico, textura muito argilosa e Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico, textura média. Conclui-se que o efeito de doses de bioativador do solo nos teores de Pi e Pt é menos expressivo no Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico, principalmente, quando o calcário foi incorporado ao solo. No Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico de textura média, o bioativador do solo foi mais efetivo em alterar o poder tampão de P desse solo, representado pelo P-rem, em ambas as formas de aplicação do calcário.The adoption of management systems that may offer an increase in the organic matter level or of a fraction of it (organic acids, for instance) can contribute to reduce the P adsorption on the surface of the iron and aluminum oxides. The present work aimed to evaluate the interactive effects between acid citric doses plus enzymatic activator and the availability of some phosphorus forms in a soil of strong clay texture and in a medium texture soil, submitted to the application of superficial and incorporated liming. Two types of soil were utilized: Distroferric Red Latosol, with strong clay texture, and loam Distrophic Red Latosol. We conclude that the effect of levels of soil bioactivator in the Pi and Pt contents is less expressive in Distroferric Red Latosol, mainly when the calcareous was incorporated to the soil; while in loam Red Distrophic Latosol, the bioactivator of the soil was more effective in altering the P buffering capacity of this soil, represented by P-rem, in both forms of calcareous application

    Avaliação postural de surfistas profissionais utilizando o método Portland State University (PSU)

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    Introdução: Apesar da popularidade do surfe, ainda são escassos estudos referentes às conseqüências advindas da prática desse esporte. O objetivo deste estudo descritivo foi identificar quais as incidências de desvios posturais em surfistas profissionais e se elas têm relação com o tempo de prática do surfe e com o tempo como profissionais. Materiais e Métodos: Participaram 17 surfistas profissionais com 13,7±3,9 anos de tempo de prática do surfe e 3,9±4,1 anos como surfistas profissionais. Para a avaliação postural foi utilizado o mPaa mmétodo Portland State University (PSU) e para o tratamento estatístico utilizou-se a correlação de Spearman e Pearson (p?0,05). Resultados: Apesar de 70,6% dos atletas terem apresentado desvio lateral de ombros, 94,1% ombros projetados anteriormente, 70,6% aumento da curvatura lombar e 76,5% joelhos hiperestendidos, esses desvios não são considerados relevantes segundo o método PSU, já que a média do Índice de Correção Postural (ICP) foi de 86,6±5,0% (níveis considerados como boa postura). O tempo de prática do surfe e o tempo como profissional não apresentaram correlação significativa com os desvios encontrados e com o ICP. Discussão: Embora a análise postural dos surfistas utilizando o PSU não tenha apresentado desvios posturais acentuados, observaram-se assimetrias que provavelmente podem ser decorrentes das características da própria modalidade

    Análise Cinemática da Digitação em Teclado Tradicional de Microcomputador com Diferentes Inclinações

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    Introdução: O uso do computador tem levado a um aumento de todos os tipos de problemas relacionados às extremidades músculo-esqueléticas superiores. Sendo assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi comparar as variáveis cinemáticas angulares da articulação do punho na atividade de digitação, com e sem a utilização das hastes de inclinação do teclado. Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa descritiva do tipo estudo de caso. Materiais e Métodos: O sujeito utilizado na pesquisa foi um indivíduo do sexo feminino, com 23 anos de idade. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se uma câmera Sony®, modelo DSC-P32, 60 Hertz e o software DGEEME®, versão 0,98b. Para comparar as características cinemáticas das duas situações (com e sem hastes do teclado) utilizou-se o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon, p<0,05. Resultados: No teclado com hastes, a máxima flexão do punho foi de 5,55o e a máxima extensão foi de 27,87°, enquanto que no teclado sem hastes foi de 13,72º de flexão e 19,38º de extensão. Existiu diferença significativa entre a digitação no teclado com e sem hastes (p<0,01). Verificou-se que o punho permaneceu 71,8% e 52,2% do tempo em posições classificadas como muito boa e caracterizadas como neutra no teclado com e sem hastes, respectivamente. Discussão: O teclado sem hastes de inclinação proporciona uma postura do punho mais adequada, permanecendo a maior parte do tempo em uma posição classificada como muito boa durante a digitação

    Association of bodily discomfort with occupational risk factors in poultry slaughterhouse workers

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    Brazil is classified as the second largest world chicken meat producer and leading exporter. This study aimed at analyzing the characteristics of bodily discomfort in poultry slaughterhouse workers, and its associations with the occupational risk factors. The study included 312 workers, 207 females and 105 males. A body map for evaluating discomfort and an interview regarding organizational issues andcriteria of the OCRA method were used. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test (p≤0.05) were used. It was found that 85.9% of respondents performed repetitive tasks, 98.1% took rest breaks, 44.6% performed job rotation (2-7 tasks), 40.4% used tools and 62.5% felt cold. Additionally, 71.2% felt discomfort in at least one body region and the body regions most frequently cited were shoulders (50.3%) and arms (34.3%). There was association between body discomfort and individuals’ sex (p<0.001), task characteristics (repetitive and non-repetitive) (p=0.001), use of tools (p=0.008) and perception of cold (p<0.001).Brasil es el segundo mayor productor de aves del mundo y líder en exportación. Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de investigar las causas de las incomodidades corporales y los factores de riesgo laboral entre los trabajadores de mataderos de aves. El estudio abarcó 312 trabajadores, 207 mujeres y 105 hombres. Se utilizó el mapa del cuerpo humano para evaluar las incomodidades corporales, una entrevista sobre temas organizacionales y el método OCRA. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva Chi-cuadrado (p≤0,05). Los resultados apuntaron que 85,9% hacían tareas repetitivas, 98,1% efectuaban pausas, 44,6% realizaban rotación de tareas (2-7 tareas), 40,4% usaban herramientas y 62,5% sintieron frío. Además, 71,2% sintieron incomodidad en alguna parte de su cuerpo. Las más mencionadas fueron hombros (50,3%) y brazos (34,3%). Incluso, se identificó relación entre incomodidad corporal y sexo (p<0,001), características de la tarea (repetitiva y no repetitiva) (p=0,001), uso de herramientas (p=0,008) y percepción de frío (p<0,001)

    Thermographic Evaluation of the Hands of Pig Slaughterhouse Workers Exposed to Cold Temperatures

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    Brazil was rated the fourth leading producer and exporter of pork meat in the world. The aim of this study was to evaluate the temperature of the hands of pig slaughterhouse workers and its relation to the thermal sensation of the hands and the use of a cutting tool. The study included 106 workers in a pig slaughterhouse. An infrared camera FlirThermaCAM E320 (Flir Systems, Wilsonville, OR, USA) was used to collect the images of the dorsal and palmar surfaces of both hands. A numerical scale was used to obtain the thermal sensation. Chi-square test, Pearson correlation and Student’s t test or Wilcoxon were used (p ≤ 0.05). The majority of workers felt cold in the hands (66%) and workers who used the knife felt the coldest. There was an association between the thermal sensation and the use of knife (p = 0.001). Workers who used the tool showed correlation between the thermal sensation and the temperatures of the left fingers, with a difference between the temperatures of the right and left hands of those who used the knife (p ≤ 0.05). The hands (left) that manipulated the products presented the lowest temperatures. Findings indicate that employers of pig slaughterhouses should provide gloves with adequate thermal insulation to preserve the health of workers’ hands

    The Use of Personal Protective Equipment: Finger Temperatures and Thermal Sensation of Workers’ Exposure to Cold Environment

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    This study analyzed the finger temperatures of poultry slaughterhouse workers and its association with personal and organizational variables, bodily discomfort perception, and cold thermal sensation. The study included 143 poultry slaughterhouse workers. A thermograph was used to measure finger temperature and an interview to collect worker data. There were two groups: workers who used a tool and those without. The binary logistic regression, Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used (p &#8804; 0.05). Most workers presented at least one finger with an average temperature &#8804;15 &#176;C (66.4%) and &#8804;24 &#176;C (99.3%), perceived their cold hands, and wore three overlapping gloves (57.3%). There were no associations between finger temperatures (&#8804;15 &#176;C) and the analyzed variables. The chance of feeling cold for a worker who used a tool was greater than for a worker who did not (OR = 3.19, 95% CI 1.46; 6.94). There was a difference between the finger temperatures of each hand on both surfaces and the analyzed groups (p &lt; 0.01). The temperature of each finger with its respective contralateral was different in the little fingers (no tool), index, middle, ring, and little fingers (using a tool) (p &lt; 0.05). The use of several overlapping gloves was not sufficient to promote thermal insulation of the hands

    Association of bodily discomfort with occupational risk factors in poultry slaughterhouse workers

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    Brazil is classified as the second largest world chicken meat producer and leading exporter. This study aimed at analyzing the characteristics of bodily discomfort in poultry slaughterhouse workers, and its associations with the occupational risk factors. The study included 312 workers, 207 females and 105 males. A body map for evaluating discomfort and an interview regarding organizational issues and criteria of the OCRA method were used. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square test (p≤0.05) were used. It was found that 85.9% of respondents performed repetitive tasks, 98.1% took rest breaks, 44.6% performed job rotation (2-7 tasks), 40.4% used tools and 62.5% felt cold. Additionally, 71.2% felt discomfort in at least one body region and the body regions most frequently cited were shoulders (50.3%) and arms (34.3%). There was association between body discomfort and individuals’ sex (p0.001), task characteristics (repetitive and non-repetitive) (p=0.001), use of tools (p=0.008) and perception of cold (p0.001)