21 research outputs found

    Scientometric approach of productivity in scholarly economics and business

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    Some scientometric studies attempt to explain the factors affecting a country’s scientific output, which is usually measured by proxy variables such as the number of articles and citations in internationally-renowned journals. This paper highlights the main drivers for scientific output in economics and business, namely, financing of education and research, population size, the number of scholarly journals and English as the official language. We use multiple OLS regressions and data provided by Web of Knowledge and the World Bank covering 56 nations. The study also highlights the relationship between scientific output and the efficiency in using the research funding. The rankings of sample countries show that there is a learning process at national level, the output being doubled by efficiency

    The physiology of glutamic acid

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    Glutamic acid (abbreviated as Glu or E) is a non-essential amino acid, whose salt is known as glutamate (also known as sodium glutamate, monosodium glutamate, Natrium Glutaminat, E 621). Human excessive consumption of nutrients having a high glutamate level (beer yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae Meyen,), certain mushrooms, tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), soy (Glycine max.(L).Merr.)), may rise the blood level of the substance, as glutamate is adsorbed very quickly in the alimentary duct (unlike the glutamic acid). The glutamic acid obtained through crystallization from kelps belonging to the orders of Laminariales and Fucales of class Phaeophyta (brown algae) more specific the specie Saccharina japonica (Laminaria japonica), is accountable for the human perception of the fifth basic sense of taste – umami (delicious in Japanese). Through the industrial production of glutamate there is made a product that potentiates the taste of food. Glutamate is part of a class of chemical substances known as excitotoxins, where a high level of substance in the human blood stimulates excessively the specific cellular receptors, leading to a higher cellular permeability to Ca+2. This mutation can cause damage (cytotoxicity and cell death) at the level of brain areas that are unprotected by the blood-brain barrier. On the top of the neurotoxicity hypothesis in case of human consumption of large amounts, glutamate and aspartate interfere with the visceralgia transmission

    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Gambling

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    Introduction. Gambling is a well-known social issue, which seems to address immediate needs of a large portion of population in the entire world. Throughout various periods of curfews enacted by the medical authorities, the society experiences various challenges, a fact that puts a great amount of psychological pressure on gamblers and their families, that is rather difficult to be asssessed.Aim. The presentation seeks to assess the effects of anti-pandemic social measures, especially those imposed after March 2020, on mental wellfare and behaviour of bettors. By assessing the intentions and measures related to sport competitions in the near future, we tried to identify the overall impact on spending routines and lifestyle from any available data.Materials and method. The paper found sources in the psychological and medical literature in order to identify spending routines of bettors and pathological behaviours, as expressed in DSM-5. The paper also discusses the factors introduced into society by coronavirus and the restrictions that accompanied the phenomenon of gambling. Sources from the international media are used to assess the intended measures upon gambling industry and the possible general impact on the mental health of the Romanian population.Results. The changes of some social routines, imposed upon population in the context of coronavirus, are simply supposed to be accompanied by increases in depression and anxiety. The new economic and societal challenges bring with them the risk of increasing mental health disturbances among the gamblers.Conclusion. Worldwide gambling spending has decreased during the pandemic. Various attempts of assessing whether this is a bad phenomenon or not should take into consideration the amount of money left in the economy by these measures, the unpaid taxes from a reduced activity in gambling, the psychiatric impact upon diagnosed gamblers. New lockdowns imposed on the population are possible in the near future, so better ways to deal with the impact upon gamblers are necessary.</p

    Оценка статуса питания и привычек питания у спортсменов

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    Departamentul Clinic, Facultatea Medicină şi Farmacie, Universitatea Dunărea de Jos, Galaţi, România, Conferința ştiinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională ”Promovarea sănătăţii – o prioritate a sănătăţii publice” 22-24 iunie 2016 Orhei, Republica MoldovaThe principles of healthy eating nutritional recommendations found in athletes, however, in their case, the caloric and nutritional adaptations specific target: age, type of sport, stage preparation, timing and conduct of the exercise. The present study aims to evaluate the dietary and nutritional status of a batch of 62 male athletes, aged 12 to 18 years in professional Football Sports Club „Danube – Galati”.Принципы здорового питания описаны в рекомендациях по питанию спортсменов, однако необходимо приспособить калории в зависимости от возраста, практикуемого спорта, этапа подготовки и видов упражнений. В статье авторы оценивают питательный рацион и привычки питания у 62-х спортсменов-мужчин, в возрасте от 12 до 18 лет, профессиональных футболистов спортивного клуба «Дунай – Галаць»

    3D Deep object recognition for mobile robots

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    Object recognition is a computer vision technique for identifying objects in images or videos. Object recognition is a key output of deep learning and machine learning algorithms. The goal is to teach a computer to do what comes naturally to humans: to gain a level of understanding of what an image contains. Object recognition is applied in many areas of computer vision, including image retrieval, security, surveillance, automated vehicles systems and machine inspection. It has been proposed to solve a certain problem: the need of an interface capable to recognize relevant objects in a 2D image and send the information to a mobile robot so that it can use the information to perform the tasks it has. Tasks like knowing what kind of objects are in that environment and distinguish between, for example, an office and a bedroom. In order to do that, 3D mechanisms and deep learning algorithms is going to be applied to the 2D image and achieve reasonable results. The results obtained after doing several experiments are going to be analyzed using the confusion matrix tool and the main parameters computed in order to see the accuracy of the proposed model and its future improvements.El reconocimiento de objetos es una técnica de visión computacional para identificar objetos en imágenes o videos. El reconocimiento de objetos es un resultado clave de los algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo y aprendizaje automático. La meta es enseñar a un ordenador hacer lo que a los seres humanos nos viene de naturaleza: ganar un cierto nivel de entendimiento de lo que contiene una imagen. El reconocimiento de objetos se aplica en muchas áreas dentro de la visión computacional, incluyendo recuperación de imágenes, seguridad, vigilancia y sistemas para vehículos autónomos entre otros. Se ha propuesto resolver un cierto problema: la necesidad de una interfaz capaz de reconocer objetos relevantes en una imagen en 2D y enviar la información a un robot móvil para que la utilice a la hora de realizar sus propias tareas. Tareas como conocer qué tipo de objetos se encuentran a su alrededor y distinguir entre, por ejemplo, una oficina y un dormitorio. Para llevarlo a cabo se utilizarán mecanismos de trabajo en 3D y algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo para aplicarlos a la imagen 2D inicial y así obtener unos resultados razonables. Los resultados obtenidos después de realizar varios experimentos se analizarán utilizando una herramienta llamada matriz de confusión y se calcularán los principales parámetros para ver la precisión del modelo presentado y sus futuras mejoras.Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    A Modular Approach for the Analysis of Blockchain Consensus Protocol Under Churn (Poster)

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    Blockchain is an emerging technology that gained a lot of attention in the last years. Many different consensus protocols have been proposed to improve both the scalability and the resilience of existing blockchain. However, all these solutions have been defined for rather static settings. We propose a modular approach for analysing and comparing different consensus protocols used in blockchain under churn


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    We demonstrate the efficiency of the conjunctival microcirculation evaluation via the processing technique, the analysis and the imagistic interpretation (using CorelDRAW and MATLAB) of the photos capturing the evolution of the conjunctival microcirculation throughout the course of the disease in children and teens with type 1 diabetes, on a prospective clinical study on a lot of 100 children with type 1 diabetes and values of glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin which illustrate a precarious metabolic control. The analysis through software techniques of the photos capturing the conjunctival circulation in a standardized area led to the elaboration of a numerical description of the pixels distribution providing values which reflect the density of the microvascularization in the corresponding sector. The average value of the black and white pixels was named index of the conjunctival circulation and was used as a tool to emphasise the emergence of the conjunctival microcirculatory modifications which were analysed in relation with the control batch and in correlation with the duration of the disease. In the case of diabetic children, the conjunctival index registered an average value of 450.55 exceeding the value of 250.17 which represents the average value of this parameter in healthy children. There are also significant differences of the conjunctival index depending on the duration of the disease; it displays a continuous increase for a duration of the disease up to 10-11 years, followed by a decrease. The technique proposed might represent a useful method in the surveillance of the conjunctival microcirculation in patients suffering from diabetes. In the study described here, it permitted the highlighting of some early manifestations, identifiable at the level of the conjunctival vessels, modifications which can be attributed to the diabetic disease

    Comparative study regarding the wear of gearwheels manufactured through additive technologies

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    The article presents the results of the experimental research on the wear of gearwheels manufactured by an additive technology. It was realized eight gearwheels with the same module and number of teeth by means fused deposition modelling technology from different materials, including PLA, ABS, CarbonFil, nylon. In order to determine the teeth wear, pitting, thinning of teeth at the base in a gear that requires a continuous and constant operation, a demonstration set-up was designed and realized to highlight the mechanical loads of the eight gearwheels made by additive technologies


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    The beginning of a pregnancy brings with it oral changes in a woman’s body and can also have an impact on health. The first three months of pregnancy are critical, and proper oral rehabilitation during this period can help maintain the health of teeth and gums for both mother and fetal development. This article explores tips and precautions for oral rehabilitation in the first three months of pregnancy. During the first three months of pregnancy ( first quarter ), oral hygiene is particularly important, as hormonal fluctuations can increase susceptibility to dental and gingival problems. Anesthesia in dentistry in the first 3 months of pregnancy is a sensitive and complex subject. In general, you try to avoid exposure to chemicals and drugs in this activity, especially in the first 3 months, which are considered critical for embryonic development. However, there are situations where anesthesia may be needed to treat severe pain or to perform essential dental procedures

    Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR Genotyping of 89 SNPs in Romanian Spotted and Romanian Brown Cattle Breeds and Their Association with Clinical Mastitis

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    Mastitis is the most common production disease in the dairy sector worldwide, its incidence being associated with both cows’ exposure to bacteria and the cows’ genetic make-up for resistance to pathogens. The objective of our study was to analyse 89 missense SNPs belonging to six genes (CXCR2, CXCL8, TLR4, BRCA1, LTF, BOLA-DRB3), which were found to be associated with genetic resistance or susceptibility to mastitis. A total of 298 cattle (250 Romanian Spotted and 48 Romanian Brown) were genotyped by Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) and a chi-squared test was used for genetic association studies with clinical mastitis. A total of 35 SNPs (39.3%) among the selected 89 SNPs were successfully genotyped, of which 31 markers were monomorphic. The polymorphic markers were found in two genes: TLR4 (rs460053411) and BOLA-DRB3 (rs42309897, rs208816121, rs110124025). The polymorphic SNPs with MAF > 5% and call rates > 95% were used for the association study. The results showed that rs110124025 in the BOLA-DRB3 gene was significantly associated with mastitis prevalence (p ≤ 0.05) in both investigated breeds. Current results show that the SNP rs110124025 in the BOLA-DRB3 gene can be used as a candidate genetic marker in selection for mastitis resistance in Romanian dairy cattle