23 research outputs found

    The role of business-service offices in the economy of medium-sized cities

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    In the Netherlands over the last fifteen years business-service activities have decentralized towards the intermediate provinces and the regions around the large cities in the west. A survey, based on postal questionnaires, was conducted to analyze this sector in thirteen medium-sized cities in the intermediate provinces. Work in this paper centers on the role of the business-service offices in the urban economy. From Pred's information-circulation theory it is argued that this role can be demonstrated by the following measures: the amount of local inputs, the degree of external control, the size of regional exports, and the size of the business-service sector (both in terms of employment and establishments). It is demonstrated that business services are not so reliant on a local market and on the manufacturing sector as has been assumed formerly. However, there are differences between the different types of offices. In a consideration of the role of business services in the economy of medium-sized cities it is shown that there are important variations between the cities studied. Initial advantages, the region in which the city is situated, planning policies, and the nature of the market are some factors accounting for the variations. Given the strong degree of regional export orientation, the intermediate function of business services and their recent and possible future growth, these results suggest that regional and urban policies, which in the Netherlands concentrate on stimulating indigenous development opportunities in the cities and regions themselves, need to reexamine the role of business services in the economy.

    Consultancy services and the urban hierarchy in Western Europe

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    A cross-national survey of the relationship between the evolving organisation and structure of consultancy service enterprises and the urban hierarchy in Europe has been undertaken. Primate cities in Europe are still the preeminent foci for business services performing strong national and international control. The relationship between markets for consultancy services and the urban hierarchy is complex, but it is possible to suggest a typology of firms on the basis of client characteristics and location. Caution is necessary about assuming that the provision of consultancy services through networks is organised along hierarchical lines that mirror administrative hierarchies.

    Estudo sobre a utilização de Rhodnius neglectus para xenodiagnósticos realizados em marsupiais (Didelphis) The utilization of Rhodnius neglectus in xenodiagnosis: a study performed on opossums

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    Em marsupiais (Didelphis), portadores de infecção natural pelo T. cruzi, procurou-se levar a efeito xenodiagnósticos com o emprego de ninfas de Rhodnius neglectus e de Triatoma infestans e através do exame periódico de lotes formados por cinco insetos. Pôde-se observar o melhor rendimento por parte do exame do intestino posterior, mediante dissecção. O tempo ótimo foi situado no intervalo correspondente a 15 e 20 dias, e a eficiência de R. neglectus foi superior. Esse resultado, aliado à facilidade de sua manutenção em laboratório, sugere a utilização rotineira desse triatomíneo para fins de xenodiagnóstico.<br>Third and fourth instars of Rhodnius neglectus and Triatoma infestans were fed on wild opossums (Didelphis) with natural infeccions by Trypanosoma cruzi and, examined at regular 3.5 days intervals. Best results were obtained with rectum examinations and the infeccion was more easily detected from the 15th to the 20th days. R. neglectus showed better performance than T. infestans and so its utilisation in the xenodiagnosis technique is suggested