170 research outputs found

    On the arithmetic of a family of degree-two K3 surfaces

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    Let P\mathbb{P} denote the weighted projective space with weights (1,1,1,3)(1,1,1,3) over the rationals, with coordinates x,y,z,x,y,z, and ww; let X\mathcal{X} be the generic element of the family of surfaces in P\mathbb{P} given by \begin{equation*} X\colon w^2=x^6+y^6+z^6+tx^2y^2z^2. \end{equation*} The surface X\mathcal{X} is a K3 surface over the function field Q(t)\mathbb{Q}(t). In this paper, we explicitly compute the geometric Picard lattice of X\mathcal{X}, together with its Galois module structure, as well as derive more results on the arithmetic of X\mathcal{X} and other elements of the family XX.Comment: 20 pages; v2 with some all additions and clarifications suggested by the refere

    Experimental value of the specific surface energy of the cleavage 10.4 calcite rhombohedron in the presence of its saturated aqueous solution

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    In this study, we describe a method to obtain experimental values of the surface energy of calcite. A zenithal imaging device was used to acquire pictures of droplets of CaCO3 saturated aqueous solution on the surface of a calcite crystal sample. Pictures were used to measure the contact angle between the droplets and the {10.4} calcite surfaces. The method is discussed along with its geometrical ground, as well as the theoretical foundation of the contact angle calculation. A comparison is made with the literature data; a good agreement is found between our experimental values and those obtained from the more recent ab initio calculations

    Structure and equation of state of interaction site models for disc-shaped lamellar colloids

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    We apply RISM (Reference Interaction Site Model) and PRISM (polymer-RISM) theories to calculate the site-site pair structure and the osmotic equation of state of suspensions of circular or hexagonal platelets (lamellar colloids) over a range of ratios of the particle diameter over thickness. Despite the neglect of edge effects, the simpler PRISM theory yields results in good agreement with the more elaborate RISM calculations, provided the correct form factor, characterizing the intramolecular structure of the platelets, is used. The RISM equation of state is sensitive to the number of sites used to model the platelets, but saturates when the hard spheres, associated with the interaction sites, nearly touch; the limiting equation of state agrees reasonably well with available simulation data for all densities up to the isotropic-nematic transition. When properly scaled with the second virial coefficient, the equations of state of platelets with different aspect ratios nearly collapse on a single master curve.Comment: 10 Pages, 11 Figures, Typesetted using RevTeX

    Pain and Death in O Monstro by Humberto De Campos

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    This article aims to investigate the construction of Pain and Death in O Monstro by Humberto de Campos In the narrative there are three dominant characters Pain Death and Man Death is present in literature since ancient civilization as can be seen in Gilgamesh written in Mesopotamia probably around the years 2150 - 1400 BCE to the present days as a driving force of narratives Therefore we will look for authors who dealt with the relationship between death pain and man in the literary universe As a theoretical support we will build on the literary scholarship of Edgar Morin 1997 and Philippe Ari s 2012 Hoggard 2022 and Sonja Loidl 201

    Effects of music preference and selection on stress management

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaIn this busy society of ours, people push their limits to work better and harder/longer in order to remain competitive with their peers. The activities of the working population have increased daily which have, in turn, created more stressful situations and conditioned the welfare as well as the physical and mental abilities of the person. Nonetheless, working longer hours does not necessarily improve productivity nor performance. In order to prevent the negative consequences of this increasing trend, the evolution of performance throughout the workday should be more closely monitored.It is acknowledged that, during the day, the user is subjected to various factors that can affect his performance, such as stress. Stress is an ever-present factor these days and can be considered a major health problem. However, there also positives aspects, and this has made it an increasingly interesting topic of study in the scientific community. This work focuses on the interaction of stress with music, a broad phenomenon which is present in all societies. More specifically, we study the effects of music on human stress levels and emotions while performing daily activities, through the analysis the performance, try to understand how decreases along the day and how different types of music affect this phenomenon. The hypothesis presented here is analysed through a research study, which enables us to understand the effect of music on people and on their lives, more precisely in their performance at work. The results show not only that the type of music matters, but also that it is important to note the individual’s objective in each moment, as well as his personal preferences regarding music. With the results the aim is to create a music recommendation system based on the user’s stress level and the user’s performance, through the user’s interaction with the computer.Na sociedade atual as pessoas são cada mais vezes testadas até aos seus limites para poderem trabalhar mais e melhor, a fim de manter a competitividade ao máximo nível. As atividades do dia a dia da população continuam aumentar, o que cria situações de mais stress condicionando o bem-estar, bem como as capacidades físicas e mentais da pessoa. No entanto, trabalhar mais horas não significa necessariamente uma melhora da produtividade ou performance. A fim de evitar as consequências negativas desta tendência crescente, a evolução da performance ao longo de um dia de trabalho deve ser acompanhado mais de perto. É importante perceber que durante o dia as pessoas estão sujeitas a vários factores que podem afetar a sua performance, como o stress. O stress é um factor cada vez mais presente nos dias de hoje e pode ser considerado um problema. No entanto, há também aspectos positivos, tornando-se um tema cada vez mais interessante de estudo na comunidade científica. Neste trabalho é realizado um estudo, que terá como objectivo perceber a interação do stress com a música, um fenómeno presente em todas as sociedades. Especificamente, estudar os efeitos da música a nível de stress e emoções durante a execução das atividades diárias, através da análise da performance, no qual tentamos entender como está decresce ao longo do dia e como diferentes tipos de musica afeta este fenómeno. Esta hipótese apresentada é analisada através do estudo da performance, no qual nos permite entender os efeitos da musica nas pessoas e na suas vidas, mais precisamente das suas performance durante os seus trabalhos. Os resultados demonstra nos que não é so importante o tipo de musica, mas tambem é importante perceber o objectivo do utilizador bem como as suas preferencias musicais. Com os resultados obtidos o principal objectivo é criar um sistema de recomendação de musica baseado nos níveis de stress e performance do utilizador, através da interação do utilizador com o computador.The activities of working population increase daily in our society, which create more stressful situations and condition the welfare as well as the physical and mental abilities of the person. Stress is a factor more present these days and can be considered a problem. However, there also positives aspects, making it an increasingly interesting topic of study in the scientific community. In this work a study will be carried out that will focus on the interaction of stress with music, a broad phenomenon, present in all societies. Specifically, we will be study the effects of music on human stress level while performing daily activities
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