431 research outputs found

    Photos View in a Relative Timeline Based on Subject Age

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    Many users have photo libraries that include photos taken over a long period of time, e.g., over several years. Photo library applications can index such photos and enable viewing a timeline of photos of particular persons or pets. However, there is no easy way to see a comparison, e.g., a side-by-side view of two different entities at the same age. This disclosure describes techniques to provide such a view. With user permission, age information for various individuals in their photo library is obtained, e.g., by seeking user input via a user interface. When a user requests a comparison view, such information for each individual is utilized to identify photos of the individuals taken at a similar age. The identified photos are displayed on a relative timeline such that photos taken near a similar age are shown close to each other

    Enabling Parallel Conversations In A Group Video Call

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    In a multi participant video conference (VC), it can be intimidating to start socializing or open a new subject. The sequential nature of microphone-passing obliges a participant uninterested in the present topic to wait it out before attempting to change topics. On the contrary, in a physical gathering, small groups of people form naturally to discuss topics of local and temporary interest, evolve, then disband. This disclosure describes techniques to simulate within VCs the natural social behavior of humans. A virtual conference hall is defined where avatars of VC-attendees are displayed. An attendee can whisper to nearby avatars. Two or more avatars can retire to a corner to discuss a topic of mutual interest. An attendee can lurk (walk through) the conference hall listening to local discussions before deciding to join one. While local discussions occur in parallel, a principal speaker may continue to address, theatre-style, all participants

    Smart Directional Fan

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    Room fans are typically stationary devices that circulate air around an area (e.g. a room), often through propulsion of air caused by radial rotation of angled fan blades, with the intent of cooling the area and/or occupants of the area. Many room fans are capable of oscillating, or changing the orientation of the fan, often along a linear range of motion in a “sweeping” pattern. While this configuration can effectively circulate air around a substantial portion of an area, it can fail to account for any people in the area. For instance, if a person is moving around the area, the fan can fail to follow the person

    Smart Thermally Controlled Bedding

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    Thermally controlled bedding refers to an article of bedding (e.g. a blanket, pillowcase, comforter, mattress, pillow, etc.) that can be controllably heated and/or cooled, such as to a set intensity or temperature. One or more Internet of Things (IoT) devices can be in communication with the thermally controlled bedding to provide efficient climate control for a user

    Video Conference Voting System

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    A system and method for voting via video conference are disclosed. The system is organized by meeting IDs, voting is done by joining a meeting ID to vote on a matter. The system is implemented via an application interface. When voting, each participant will move from the “Waiting” to the “Voted” section in the current task interface, without revealing what they voted for. Participants can click an eye icon to peek at what other people have voted, after voting. Once voting is done, a checkmark is clicked by a participant, which reveals the scores in bar graph style. The system calculates the winning score (in green) or conflicting scores (in red) if the votes were too far apart. The system is versatile and offers features such as change of voting scale, import and export of voting results, “moderator” and “spectator” users with specified rights, and robot login to allow monitoring

    Crowdsourced Road Structure Condition Data

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    A system and method are disclosed for developing an accurate and free system for providing data on road structure conditions and to let users know what obstacles drivers encounter along their ride. The accelerometer data from multiple smartphones mounted on vehicles traveling along a road is fed back to data centers. The vibration data of dash mounted phones are identified, possible potholes are detected as peaks in the accelerometer data and registered with the user\u27s location. The location of the device is derived from the current system of combining GPS, Wifi and Bluetooth data to identify precise location. Data from thousands of users are merged, to create a heat map that provides the city and drivers, information about the best/worst roads and potholes/bumps along the way. Cities could use this data to know how to use their resources better and users could plan their route for comfort or safety

    Production mechanisms of leptons, photons, and hadrons and their possible feedback close to lightning leaders

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    It has been discussed that lightning flashes emit high-energy electrons, positrons, photons, and neutrons with single energies of several tens of MeV. In the first part of this paper we study the absorption of neutron beams in the atmosphere. We initiate neutron beams of initial energies of 350 keV, 10 MeV, and 20 MeV at source altitudes of 4 km and 16 km upward and downward and see that in all these cases neutrons reach ground altitudes and that the cross-section areas extend to several km2. We estimate that for terrestrial gamma-ray flashes approximately between 10 and 2000 neutrons per ms and m2 are possibly detectable at ground, at 6 km, or at 500 km altitude. In the second part of the paper we discuss a feedback model involving the generation and motion of electrons, positrons, neutrons, protons, and photons close to the vicinity of lightning leaders. In contrast to other feedback models, we do not consider large-scale thundercloud fields but enhanced fields of lightning leaders. We launch different photon and electron beams upward at 4 km altitude. We present the spatial and energy distribution of leptons, hadrons, and photons after different times and see that leptons, hadrons, and photons with energies of at least 40 MeV are produced. Because of their high rest mass hadrons are measurable on a longer time scale than leptons and photons. The feedback mechanism together with the field enhancement by lightning leaders yields particle energies even above 40 MeV measurable at satellite altitudes

    Desenvolvimento de modelo de rede neural h?brida para identifica??o de infarto com uma ?nica deriva??o

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    Doen?as cardiovasculares s?o a maior causa de mortes no mundo, sendo respons?veis por cerca de 17,9 milh?es de mortes anualmente. O infarto agudo do mioc?rdio (IAM) ? ca- racterizado pela oclus?o de uma art?ria coron?ria, a qual pode levar ? necrose do m?sculo card?aco pela falta de oxigena??o decorrente da aus?ncia de fluxo sangu?neo. O principal exame utilizado no diagn?stico do IAM ? o eletrocardiograma (ECG), a partir do qual di- ferentes perspectivas da atividade el?trica do cora??o podem ser monitoradas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma rede neural h?brida, empregando redes neurais convolucionais e recorrentes, capaz de identificar o IAM em sinais de ECG utilizando uma ?nica deriva??o eletrocardiogr?fica, visando a implementa??o em disposi- tivos vest?veis, como smartwatches. Para isso, buscou-se identificar qual comprimento de sinal e conjunto de hiperpar?metros apresentaria as melhores m?tricas de desempenho ao receber os sinais de ECG como entrada da rede. Ao aplicar o conjunto de teste utilizando o comprimento de sinal e conjunto de hiperpar?metros ideais, observou-se uma acur?cia de 84,23%, precis?o de 74,47%, sensibilidade de 74,19% e F1-Score de 74,33%
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