2,483 research outputs found

    Nanotechnology in the food industry

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    Nanotechnology has revolutionized the food sector by providing precious materials to be guaranteed food quality, safety, and management. It is used in all stages of food production. Nanotechnology enhances quality, avoids decay by microbial contamination, and can reveal food spoilage. The application of nanomaterials in food processing offered a choice for modifying foods based on the consumers’ nutritional needs and tastes. The nanozymes (nanomaterials engineered) are used to create biosensors that can detect heavy metals, mycotoxins, food contaminants, and adulterants with sensitivity, ability to recognize the target, and detection time better than immunological and chromatographic tests. The nanocomposites are used to extend the shelf life of fruit, prevent enzyme activities, and decrease the decay and browning of fruit. The nanoparticles inserted into biodegradable biopolymer-based films give good mechanical and barrier properties. Nanomaterials are employed in edible coatings to increase food preservation and packing performance. Using nanomaterials in the recycling units of food industries sustains valuable energy resources and decreases waste. Bio-nanomaterials are employed in active and intelligent packaging to avoid interactions between active molecules. The nanoparticles can have toxic effects and an environmental impact. Unfortunately, the detection of chronic exposure to these nanomaterials in food products is little studied. It should be intensified to assure food safety

    Bio discarded from waste to resource

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    The modern linear agricultural production system allows the production of large quantities of food for an ever-growing population. However, it leads to large quantities of agricultural waste either being disposed of or treated for the purpose of reintroduction into the production chain with a new use. Various approaches in food waste management were explored to achieve social benefits and applications. The extraction of natural bioactive molecules (such as fibers and antioxidants) through innovative technologies represents a means of obtaining value-added products and an excellent measure to reduce the environmental impact. Cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries can use natural bioactive molecules as supplements and the food industry as feed and food additives. The bioactivities of phytochemicals contained in biowaste, their potential economic impact, and analytical procedures that allow their recovery are summarized in this study. Our results showed that although the recovery of bioactive molecules represents a sustainable means of achieving both waste reduction and resource utilization, further research is needed to optimize the valuable process for industrial-scale recovery

    The New Challenge of Green Cosmetics: Natural Food Ingredients for Cosmetic Formulations

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    : Nowadays, much attention is paid to issues such as ecology and sustainability. Many consumers choose "green cosmetics", which are environmentally friendly creams, makeup, and beauty products, hoping that they are not harmful to health and reduce pollution. Moreover, the repeated mini-lock downs during the COVID-19 pandemic have fueled the awareness that body beauty is linked to well-being, both external and internal. As a result, consumer preferences for makeup have declined, while those for skincare products have increased. Nutricosmetics, which combines the benefits derived from food supplementation with the advantages of cosmetic treatments to improve the beauty of our body, respond to the new market demands. Food chemistry and cosmetic chemistry come together to promote both inside and outside well-being. A nutricosmetic optimizes the intake of nutritional microelements to meet the needs of the skin and skin appendages, improving their conditions and delaying aging, thus helping to protect the skin from the aging action of environmental factors. Numerous studies in the literature show a significant correlation between the adequate intake of these supplements, improved skin quality (both aesthetic and histological), and the acceleration of wound-healing. This review revised the main foods and bioactive molecules used in nutricosmetic formulations, their cosmetic effects, and the analytical techniques that allow the dosage of the active ingredients in the food

    Weight Loss Supplements

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    : Being overweight or obese can predispose people to chronic diseases and metabolic disorders such as cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer, which are costly public health problems and leading causes of mortality worldwide. Many people hope to solve this problem by using food supplements, as they can be self-prescribed, contain molecules of natural origin considered to be incapable of causing damage to health, and the only sacrifice they require is economic. The market offers supplements containing food plant-derived molecules (e.g., primary and secondary metabolites, vitamins, and fibers), microbes (probiotics), and microbial-derived fractions (postbiotics). They can control lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, reduce appetite (interacting with the central nervous system) and adipogenesis, influence intestinal microbiota activity, and increase energy expenditure. Unfortunately, the copious choice of products and different legislation on food supplements worldwide can confuse consumers. This review summarizes the activity and toxicity of dietary supplements for weight control to clarify their potentiality and adverse reactions. A lack of research regarding commercially available supplements has been noted. Supplements containing postbiotic moieties are of particular interest. They are easier to store and transport and are safe even for people with a deficient immune system

    Aplikasi Suasana Relaksasi dalam Rancangan Rumah Kecantikan Surabaya

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    Relaksasi dapat didefinisikan sebagai suatu kondisi dari keadaan tegang ke keadaan rileks, sehingga tercipta perasaan yang tenang dan nyaman. Suasana yang tenang dan nyaman tersebut berusaha diaplikasikan dalam rancangan Rumah Kecantikan Surabaya melalui berbagai aspek arsitektural, sehingga obyek rancang dapat hadir sebagai sesuatu yang ‘rileks'. Lingkungan yang berada di sekitar obyek rancang menjadi tantangan tersendiri dalam proses merancang, terutama dalam menciptakan suasana relaksasi itu sendiri. Untuk menghadirkan sesuatu yang dapat ‘dirasakan' pada setiap desain dalam obyek rancang, perancang harus mempertimbangkan setiap keputusan desain agar dapat mempresentasikan suasana relaksasi yang menjadi tema rancangan

    Penataan Zona Taman Hutan Raya Gunung Kunci Di Kawasan Perkotaan Sumedang

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    Surat Keputusan (SK) Menteri Kehutanan Nomor 297/Menhut-II Tahun 2004 direncanakan sebagai tempat edukasi publik dan kawasan peresapan air. Kawasan Tahura yang semakin mengecil karena difungsikan sebagai lokasi pembuangan sampah dan berkembangnya permukiman penduduk. Analisis dilakukan dengan teknik komparasi antara Kebijakan RDTR Perkotaan Sumedang tahun 2005 dan Masterplan Tahura Tahun 2011 dan analisis Kesesusaian Lahan . Dari hasil analisis ini akan dilakukan penataan zona-zona untuk kawasan Gunung Kunci

    Hypoid gear vehicle axle efficiency

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.In this paper, a study of a hypoid gear vehicle axle is presented. Using a custom rig, load-independent losses have been accurately measured and the effect of viscosity on spin loss has been quantified. Solution methods for the calculation of component losses are presented and combined into a complete thermally coupled transient model for the estimation of axle efficiency. An analysis of hypoid gear kinematics reveals a simplification, commonly adopted by other researchers, regarding the velocity of the point of contact in hypoid gears, to be in error. As a result, the calculation of lubrication parameters has been improved. Finally, experimental measurements are compared to the generated simulation results for a number of operating scenarios and satisfactory correlation is observed
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