48 research outputs found
O3 – prizadevanja na področju medicinske informatike za e-zdravstveno regijo
The Open Three (O3) Consortium is promoting the adoption of Open Source in e-health on regional, European and World-wide levels. This project aims to contribute to the development of e-health through the study of Healthcare Information Systems and the contemporary proposal of new concepts, designs and solutions for the management of health data in an integrated environment of hospitals, Regional Health Information Organizations and citizens (home-care, mobile-care and ambient assisted living). Some concrete technical solutions in the field of medical informatics are presented in this paper. The applications presented are the heart of the Radiology information system, which is open to other health institutions, thus forming a basis for the realization of e-health integration. The formation of a genuine e-health region is just one step forward.Konzorcij Odprti trije (O3) si prizadeva za sprejetje odprtega vira v e-zdravstvu na regionalnem, evropskem in svetovnem nivoju. Projekt si prizadeva prispevati k razvoju e-zdravstva s pomočjo preučevanja informacijskega sistema zdravstvenega varstva ter sodobnih predlogov novih zasnov, načrtov in rešitev za upravljanje z zdravstvenimi podatki v integriranem okolju bolnišnic, regionalnih organizacijah zdravstvene informatike in pri državljanih (v domači negi, mobilni negi in v primeru bivanja z asistenco v okolju). V prispevku so prikazane nekatere konkretne tehnične rešitve na področju medicinske informatike. Prikazane aplikacije so bistvo radiološkega informacijskega sistema, ki je odprt drugim zdravstvenim institucijam in tako predstavlja temelj za realizacijo e-zdravstvene integracije. Tako je oblikovanje prave e-zdravstvene regije oddaljeno le še za korak
An analysis of teacher’s development in the information technology enhanced learning is made with the reference to lileflong learning needs of the society. The relationship between teacher’s profession and occupation is described and a classification of their differences is proposed. Lifelong learning is defined and different points of view are presented in order to clarify the term and describe the links between lifelong learning and e-learning. It seems that modern information technology support is going to be the foundation of the efficient and cost-effective lifelong learning. To come to this point the e-learning has still to become inexpensive, user friendly, actively motivating, multimedia supported, widely accessible and much better connect learning itself with day to day practice. Innovations in information technology supported learning are answering these needs. On the other hand new technology in learning processes is creating new means of communication, knowledge transfer and social relations which is resulting in completely new learning and teaching concepts.Analiza razvoja učitelja u u učenju pomoću informatičkih tehnologija napravljena je s obzirom na potrebu cjeloživotnog učenja u društvu. Opisan je odnos između profesije i zanimanja i predložena je klasifikacija različitosti. Definirano je cjeloživotno učenje, te su dana različita gledišta da bi se razjasnio pojam i objasnile veze između cjeloživotnog učenja i e-učenja. Čini se da će moderna informatička tehnologija biti temelj učinkovitog i jeftinog cjeloživotnog učenja. Da bi se došlo do te točke e-učenje mora postati jeftinije, lakše za korištenje, mora poticati aktivnost, podržavati multimediju, široko dostupno, i bolje povezati učenje sa svakodnevnom praksom. Inovacije u učenju pomoću informacijskih tehnologija odgovaraju na ove potrebe. Nove tehnologije u procesu učenja stvaraju nove načine komunikacije, nove načine prijenosa znanja i nove društvene odnose, što rezultira novim konceptima učenja
An analysis of teacher’s development in the information technology enhanced learning is made with the reference to lileflong learning needs of the society. The relationship between teacher’s profession and occupation is described and a classification of their differences is proposed. Lifelong learning is defined and different points of view are presented in order to clarify the term and describe the links between lifelong learning and e-learning. It seems that modern information technology support is going to be the foundation of the efficient and cost-effective lifelong learning. To come to this point the e-learning has still to become inexpensive, user friendly, actively motivating, multimedia supported, widely accessible and much better connect learning itself with day to day practice. Innovations in information technology supported learning are answering these needs. On the other hand new technology in learning processes is creating new means of communication, knowledge transfer and social relations which is resulting in completely new learning and teaching concepts.Analiza razvoja učitelja u u učenju pomoću informatičkih tehnologija napravljena je s obzirom na potrebu cjeloživotnog učenja u društvu. Opisan je odnos između profesije i zanimanja i predložena je klasifikacija različitosti. Definirano je cjeloživotno učenje, te su dana različita gledišta da bi se razjasnio pojam i objasnile veze između cjeloživotnog učenja i e-učenja. Čini se da će moderna informatička tehnologija biti temelj učinkovitog i jeftinog cjeloživotnog učenja. Da bi se došlo do te točke e-učenje mora postati jeftinije, lakše za korištenje, mora poticati aktivnost, podržavati multimediju, široko dostupno, i bolje povezati učenje sa svakodnevnom praksom. Inovacije u učenju pomoću informacijskih tehnologija odgovaraju na ove potrebe. Nove tehnologije u procesu učenja stvaraju nove načine komunikacije, nove načine prijenosa znanja i nove društvene odnose, što rezultira novim konceptima učenja
Digitalne razlike in e-izobraževanje
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in widening access to adult learning in many directions. ICT, especially the Internet, is changing all aspects of life and functioning of the modern society. Online learning is expanding in the developed world and becoming an increasingly important way of teaching and learning. Nevertheless, the use of ICT in the learning processes is mostly still partial and incoherent. Qualitative changes in this domain (integration of the ICT-based forms of communication and interaction, and information sources outside the traditional educational environment) have not yet been made. E-learning outside formal settings is mostly aimed at improving adult literacy and basic education. The new technology can make many learning programs accessible to the adults without direct access to education and can also become an important basis for provision of information guidance and counseling. Here, adult educators are still faced with several challenges, for instance, how to widen access to ICT in rural and less developed areas, how to improve digital skills and how to make e-learning more accessible to all learners.Informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT) se z namenom razširitve dostopa do izobraževanja odraslih lahkouporabljajo na mnoge načine. IKT, zlasti internet, spreminja vse vidike življenja in delovanja sodobne družbe. Spletnoučenje v razvitem svetu se širi in postaja vse pomembnejša oblika poučevanja in učenja, vendar je uporaba IKT vučnem procesu večinoma delna in nepovezana. Kvalitativne spremembe v uporabi IKT v izobraževanju (z integracijoračunalniško podprtih oblik komunikacije in interakcije ter informacijskih virov zunaj tradicionalnega izobraževalnegaokolja) še niso bile v celoti dosežene. E-izobraževanje zunaj formalnih okoliščin je pogosto povezano z izboljšanjempismenosti odraslih in osnovnega izobraževanja. Nova tehnologija se lahko uporabi za številne izobraževalne programeza odrasle, ki se izobraževanja sicer ne morejo udeležiti, lahko pa je tudi pomembno orodje informiranja in svetovanja.Izobraževalce odraslih na tem področju čakajo še mnogi izzivi, npr. kako razširiti dostop do IKT na podeželju in manjrazvitih območjih, kako izboljšati digitalne kompetence in kako oblikovati e-učenje, ki bo dostopno vsem udeležencem
User-Centred E-Health: Engaging Users into the e-Health Design Process
Being familiar with the benefits of e-Health, Telekom Slovenia and the Faculty of Medicine from the University of Maribor along with other partners have initiated an e- Health project. In order to achieve high and effective user adoption of e-Health services, the user-centred design approach is used in the-Health project. Since broadly known conventional UCD methods and techniques are not completely appropriate for a large diversity of users, this paper describes how we have modified traditional UCD methods to support study researchers for carrying out their user studies with older adults on the example of a SOS@home service
Empowering Diabetes Patient with Mobile Health Technologies
Chronic diseases, especially diabetes mellitus, are huge public health burden. Therefore, new health care models for sharing the responsibility for care among health care providers and patients themselves are needed. The concept of empowerment promotes patient’s active involvement and control over their own health. It can be achieved through education, self-management, and shared decision making. All these aspects can be covered by mobile health technologies, the so-called mHealth. This term comprises mobile phones, patient monitoring devices, tablets, personal digital assistants, other wireless devices, and numerous apps. Many challenges of diabetics can be addressed by mHealth, including glycemic control, nutrition control, physical activity, high blood pressure, medication adherence, obesity, education, diabetic retinopathy screening, diabetic foot screening, and psychosocial care. However, mHealth plays only minor role in diabetes management, despite numerous apps on the market. Namely, these apps have many shortcomings and the majority of them does not include important functions. Moreover, these apps lack the perceived additional benefit by the user and the ease of use, important factors for acceptance of mHealth. Studies of diabetes apps regarding usability and accessibility have shown moderate results. Beside improvements of apps usability, the future of diabetes mHealth lies probably in personalized education and self-management with the help of decision support systems. At the same time, work on artificial pancreas is in progress and smartphone could be used as user interface