418 research outputs found

    Acoustic Bubble Propulsion and Rotation for MEMS Devices

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    The goal of this thesis research is to investigate acoustic wave actuated devices’ abilities spatially in different media and with various designs. Self-trapped bubble oscillation generates cavitation at the open end of the micro channel under a continuous sound wave. The cavitation generates propulsion from the opening through to the end of the micro channel. Researchers generally have found bubbles undesirable because of their non-linear effect in many applications. Therefore, there has been much research conducted in the area of eliminating the bubbles in liquid media. However, the use of bubbles can be beneficial in some applications like bubble powered actuators, switchers, and so forth. This research ensures the availability and feasibility of the bubble powered actuator for future medical applications. In the current research, the actuator works with the principle of an oscillating bubble cavitation. The bubble cavitation and oscillation effect create a propulsion effect through the designed tubes. The captured bubbles generate force against to contact surface. The force against this force from the contact surface causes propelling. Different frequencies oscillate the bubbles in different lengths. Thus, the length of the bubble that is captured in the channel has an impact on the oscillation frequency by the sound wave, since the changes in lengths of the bubble also differ the oscillating frequency. In different oscillating frequencies can be used not only for a planar propulsion but also for bilateral and three dimensional propulsion. In addition, with various designs, a device has an ability to substantiate many kind of motion in liquid media which means that propulsion effect can also use for circular or vortex motion purposes. In this research, up to 400 RPM circular and 70 mm/s instantaneous propelling speed are achieved in several designs by self-trapped and blocked micro-bubbles’ oscillations under acoustic wave in water media. In this novel study, availability and feasibility of acoustically oscillated micro-bubble based propulsion is demonstrated in spatial and rotational movement for future MEMS applications

    Determining the yields and percentages of retail cuts from holstein bull carcasses marketed in South Marmara Region of Turkey

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’nin Güney Marmara bölgesinde piyasaya sunulan Holstein karkaslarında ileri-işlem özellikleri ve değerli et oranlarının belirlenmesidir. Veri seti özel bir mezbahadan elde edilen 311 baş saf Holstein erkek sığıra ait verileri kapsamaktadır. Ortalama kesim öncesi ağırlığı 510.27±5.11 kg; sıcak karkas ağırlığı 273.07±2.75 kg; sıcak karkas randımanı ise % 53.57±0.15 olarak belirlenmiştir. Ortalama soğuk karkas ağırlığı 266.34±2.67 kg ve ortalama karkas kemik içeriği oranı ise % 19.05±0.09’dur. Bununla birlikte, biftek, rosto, bonfile, pirzola ve kontrfileden oluşan değerli et ortalamaları sırasıyla 17.17±0.19 kg, 3.35±0.05, 2.74±0.04 kg, 8.74±0.11 kg ve 4.65±0.06 kg’dır. Toplam değerli et verimi 36.66±0.42 kg, değerli et oranı % 13.74±0.06, ileri-işlem firesi 8.19±0.11 kg ve ileri işlem fire oranı % 3.11±0.04’tür. İstatistiksel analizler, kesim yaşı grupları arasında önemli farklılıkların bulunduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, kesim öncesi ve karkas ağırlıkları ile incelenen tüm özellikler arasında anlamlı korelasyonlar bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmadan elde verilerin Türkiye sığır eti sektöründe karkas değerlendirmesinin etkili bir biçimde yapılabilmesi konusunda yararlı olacağı düşünülmektedir.The objective of this study was to determine further-processing characteristics and share of valuable cuts in Holstein carcasses marketed in South Marmara Region of Turkey. The data-set collected from a commercial slaughterhouse included observations of 311 purebred Holstein bulls. The mean values were determined 510.27±5.11 kg for pre-slaughter weight, 273.07±2.75 kg for hot carcass weight and 53.57±0.15 % for hot carcass dressing. Mean cold-carcass weight was 266.34±2.67 kg and mean carcass bone content was 19.05±0.09 %. In addition, the means for valuable cuts including rib, roast, sirloin, cutlet and strip loin were 17.17±0.19 kg, 3.35±0.05, 2.74±0.04 kg, 8.74±0.11 kg and 4.65±0.06 kg, respectively. Total yield of valuable retail cuts were 36.66±0.42 kg with the percentage of 13.74±0.06 % and the processing loss was 8.19±0.11 kg with the percentage of 3.11±0.04 %. Statistical analysis revealed that highly significant differences were observed between slaughter age groups. Moreover, significant correlations were found between pre-slaughter / carcass weights and all carcass traits analyzed. The present results may be useful for an effective evaluation of carcass characteristics in beef market of Turkey

    Evaluation of candidate gene effects and environmental factors on reproductive performance of Holstein cows

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    This study investigated the impact of nine polymorphisms located in the CSN2, CSN3, CSN1S1, CSN1S2, OLR1, LALBA, STAT1, DGAT1 and LGB genes, and environmental factors including calving year, season and parity on reproductive traits. The analysis was conducted on 165 Holstein-Friesian cows. Genotypes were identified using PCR-RFLP. The data of reproductive traits for four lactations were evaluated. Statistical analysis was carried out using least squares of the GLM procedures. Results indicated that CSN2 had significant effects on days before first insemination and first insemination to pregnancy interval. The SNP at the CSN3 was significantly associated with gestation length. A novel effect of OLR1-C223A on age at first calving was observed in the present study. Moreover, DGAT1 and LGB markers were significantly associated with calving interval and days before first insemination, respectively. In addition, significant environmental effects were as follows: calving year with days before first oestrus, days open, and first insemination to pregnancy interval; season with days open, first insemination to pregnancy interval, and calving interval; parity with days before first oestrus and days open. The present results and novel associations may therefore be useful and indicative for future studies on a genetic basis of cattle reproduction traits.Keywords: cattle, environmental effects, genetic marker, Holstein-Friesian, reproduction parameter

    Arthroplasty as a Choice of Treatment in Hip Surgery

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    The hip joint bears the most load in the human body. For this reason, it carries the potential risk of degenerative arthritis in individuals with a functionally active lifestyle. The main goal in the treatment of degenerative arthritis is to achieve pain relief and create a hip joint range of motion close to normal. Even today, it is not possible to transform the hip joint, which has been degenerated due to several reasons and worn out due to the physiological properties of the cartilage structure, back to its natural state. Osteotomies, resection arthroplasties and hip arthrodeses, which are designed to compensate the load distribution affecting the hip and relieve the pain, are still employed methods. Total hip arthroplasty, on the other hand, is an alternative solution for the problem. Cemented, cementless and hybrid methods are widely used for this purpose in total hip arthroplasties. The purpose of hip prosthesis surgery is to shape the bone tips and to fill the fragments with various materials and keep these two structures as separate surfaces. Total hip arthroplasty consists of a femoral component placed in the medullas of the femur and an acetabular component placed in the acetabulum. In this article we will review the aims, causes, types and techniques of total hip arthroplasty

    The predictive role of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio in children with simple febrile seizures

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    Aim: To evaluate the predictive roles of biochemical and complete blood count parameters in the diagnosis of febrile seizures by comparing these between patients with simple febrile seizures and febrile patients without seizures. Methods: One hundred fifty-two children (66 girls and 86 boys), aged 6-60 months presenting with fever symptoms presenting to our hospital’s pediatric emergency department between January 2015 and January 2020 were included in the study. Demographic data, complete blood count parameters and biochemical parameter levels were compared between the two groups. These were divided into a patient group with simple febrile seizures (n = 74) and a febrile control group without seizures (n = 78). Results: Comparison of biochemical parameters revealed significantly higher glucose, CRP, and ALT levels in the febrile seizure group, while Ca and Na were significantly lower. Comparison of complete blood count parameters revealed significantly higher white blood cell (WBC), neutrophil, red cell distribution width, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) values in the febrile seizure group, while hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, lymphocytes, and mean platelet volume were significantly lower. Conclusions: We think that in addition to markers such as WBC, leukocytes, and CRP for evaluating inflammation in patients with febrile seizures, simple, easily available, and inexpensive tests such as NLR and PLR can also be useful for assessing inflammation

    Procjena nekih čimbenika okoliša i genetskih čimbenika (CSN3 i AGPAT6) na prinos i sastav mlijeka u sanske koze

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    This study was designed to determine the effect of some environmental factors on milk yield and composition in Saanen goats and the effect of CSN3 and AGPAT6 gene polymorphisms on milk production traits. Saanen goats were genotyped for milk traits, and the samples were collected during the lactation, and the milk yield/compositions of each goat were specified. In terms of the CSN3 and AGPAT6 genes, the genotypes were defined by PCR-RFLP. The milk yield (MY), lactation length (LL), protein, fat, total solid (TS), solid not fat (SNF), casein, lactose rates and yields were as follows; 388.9 ± 17.5 kg, 243 ± 5.81 days, 3.29 ± 0.05%, 3.59 ± 0.07%, 11.60 ± 0.13%, 8.43 ± 0.06%, 2.57 ± 0.04%, 4.31 ± 0.03%, 11.21 ± 0.47 kg, 12.79 ± 0.64 kg, 40.95 ± 1.82 kg, 29.53 ± 1.31 kg, 8.82 ± 0.37 kg, 15.40 ± 0.74 kg respectively. The determined genotype and allele frequencies of CSN3 and AGPAT6 gene were as follows; FF (%99.20), MF (%0.80), F (0.996), M (0.004); GG (%12), GC (%43.20), CC (%44.80), G (0.336), C (0.664). The impacts of lactation length on all milk yield parameters (protein, fat, TS, SNF, casein, lactose, MY) (PG), the herd was found to be monomorphic (FF) for the CSN3 gene. The effect of the AGPAT6 gene on milk traits in Saanen goats was determined not to be statistically significant. Environmental factors, such as maternal age and lactation length, were found to significantly affect some milk traits in Saanen goats. So consideration of factors such as maternal age or lactation length could be useful for improving breeding strategies for dairy goats.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se odredili učinci čimbenika okoliša te učinci genskih polimorfizama CSN3 i AGPAT6 na prinos i sastav mlijeka u sanske koze. Tijekom laktacije koza provedena je genotipizacija te prikupljani uzorci za utvrđivanje prinosa i sastava mlijeka. Genotipovi gena CSN3 i AGPAT6 određeni su PCR-RFLP-om. Prinos mlijeka (MY), duljina laktacije (LL), udio proteina, udio masnoće, udio suhe tvari (TS), udio nemasne suhe tvari (SNF), udio kazeina, udio laktoze bili su kako slijedi: 388,9 ± 17,5 kg, 243 ± 5,81 dana, 3,29 ± 0,05 %, 3,59 ± 0,07 %, 11,60 ± 0,13 %, 8,43 ± 0,06 %, 2,57 ± 0,04 %, 4,31 ± 0,03 %. Prinos u kg za protein, masnoću, suhu tvar, nemasnu suhu tvar, kazein i laktozu bili su kako slijedi: 11,21 ± 0,47 kg, 12,79 ± 0,64 kg, 40,95 ± 1,82 kg, 29,53 ± 1,31 kg, 8,82 ± 0,37 kg, 15,40 ± 0,74 kg. Utvrđeni genotipovi i učestalost alela gena CSN3 i AGPAT6 bili su: FF (99,20 %), MF (0,80 %), F (0,996), M (0,004), GG (12 %), GC (43,20 %), CC (44,80 %), G (0,336), C (0,664). Statistički znakoviti utjecaji utvrđeni su za: duljinu laktacije na pokazatelje prinosa mlijeka (proteine, masnoću, TS, SNF, kazein, laktozu, MY) (P G), dok je stado za gen CSN3 bilo monomorfno (FF). Učinak gena AGPAT6 na svojstva mlijeka nije bio statistički znakovit. čimbenici kao što su dob majke i duljina laktacije znakovito su utjecali na svojstva mlijeka sanske koze, stoga bi oni mogli biti korisni za unapređenje uzgojnih strategija mliječnih pasmina koza

    An HPLC Method for the Determination of Saxagliptin in Human Plasma with Fluorescence Detection

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    A sensitive and selective HPLC method with fluorometric detection was developed for the determination of saxagliptin (SGX) in human plasma and applied to a pharmacokinetic study. SGX was precolumn derivatized with fluorescamine, and the fluorescent derivative was separated on an RP C18 column using a mobile phase composed of acetonitrile-10 mM orthophosphoric acid by isocratic elution with flow rate of 1.3 ml/min. The method was based on the measurement of the derivative using fluorescence detection at 378 nm, with excitation at 463 nm. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 3.0“100.0 ng/ml. LOD and LOQ were found to be 0.15 and 0.5 ng/ml, respectively. Intraday and interday RSD values were less than 2.84%. The plasma concentration“time profile and pharmacokinetic parameters such as AUC0–t, AUC0–∞, Cmax, tmax, t1/2, were calculated according to the assays