8 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical Examination on the Effects of Malathion and Onosma Nigricaule (Boraginaceae) on the Leptin in Renal Tissues of Mice

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    AimThe purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the plant extract, which is obtained from Onosma nigricaule due to the oxidation parameters caused in mice by Malathion that is used as an insecticide in agriculture, on leptin in renal tissues in an immunohistochemical way.Material-MethodsA total of 48 male mice were used in our study. 6 groups were determined as the control (group 1), maize oil which is the transport agent of malathion (group 2), normal saline which is the transport agent of plant extract (group 3), Onosma nigricaule (group 4), malathion (group 5) and Onosma nigricaule plant extract + malathion (group 6) group. The localization of leptin in the renal tissue was determined using the method of Streptavidin-Biotin- Peroxidase. Hematoxylin-eosin and triple staining methods were used for histological and pathological examinations.ResultsNo lesion was determined in renal tissues of the control group, normal saline group, maize oil group, Onosma nigricaule malathion and onosma nigricaule + malathion groups. Leptin immunoreactivity was determined with a weak intensity in renal tubulus proximalis and distalis epithelial cells of mice in the onosma nigricaule group, and onosma nigricaule + malathion group and with a high intensity in tubulus proximalis of other groups.ConclusionThis study conducted on mice revealed that malathion, which is commonly used as insecticide in Turkey, affects leptin activities in renal tissue of mice

    Investigation of the Antibiotic Residue Levels in Honey produced in Ardahan Province

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    Bal sahip olduğu özellikleri ve sağlıklı bir gıda maddesi olması nedeniyle tüketiciler tarafından tercih edilen hayvansal orjinli bir üründür. Bal arılarında görülen American foulbrood (AFB) ve European foulbrood (EFB) gibi hastalıklar ciddi kayıplara yol açmaktadır. Bu hastalıklar ile mücadelede antibakteriyel ajanların kullanımı ise bal ve bal ürünlerinde kalıntı sorununa neden olmaktadırlar. Olası antibiyotik kalıntıları nihai tüketici olan insanlarda antibiyotik direnci ve allerjik reaksiyonlar gibi ciddi sorunlar oluşturmaktadır. Bu nedenle, gerek Avrupa Birliği gerekse ülkemizde arı yetiştiriciliğinde antibiyotik kullanımı yasaklanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Ardahan ve ilçelerinden toplanan 180 adet bal numunesi antibiyotik (sulfonamid ve streptomisin) kalıntısı yönünden analiz edildi. Direk üreticilerden sağlanan numunelerin kalıntı analizi ticari kit (Ridascreen) kullanılarak ELISA yöntemiyle gerçekleştirildi. Bulguların istatistiki karşılaştırmaları için variyans analizi metodu uygulanmış, gruplar arası önem kontrolleri Duncan-testi ile tespit edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, streptomisin için numunelerin %37sinde, sulfonamid için ise numunelerin %52sinde kalıntı tespit edilmiştir. Streptomisin için en yüksek kalıntı düzeyi (ortalama 5.57 ppm) Posof ilçesinde, sulfonamid içinse ortalama 2.79 ppm ile Çıldır ilçesinden alınan örneklerde ölçülmüştür. Sonuç olarak, üreticilerin antibiyotik kullanımı hakkında bilgilendirilmeleri ve antibiyotik kalıntısı bakımından kontrollerin daha sık yapılması gerektiği düşünülmektedir.Owing to special properties and being a healthy food, honey is an animal originated product, preferred by consumers. Diseases such as American foulbrood (AFB) and European foulbrood (EFB) seen in honeybees lead to serious economical losses. The use of antibacterial agents against these diseases results in residual problems in honey and honey products. Possible antibiotic residues cause serious problems, such as antibiotic resistance and allergic reactions in people who are the ultimate consumers. Therefore, the use of antibiotics in honeybee keeping has been forbidden in the EU countries and in our country. In this study, 180 honey samples obtained from Ardahan and its towns were analysed for the antibiotic residues (sulphonamides and streptomycin). Residual analyses of samples obtained directly from the procuders were carried out by using ELISA commercial test kits (Ridascreen). Variance analysis method was applied for statistical comparisons and the differences between groups were determined by Duncan test. According to the results, 37 and 52% of the samples contained residues for streptomycin and sulfonamides, respectively. Maximum residue levels for streptomycin (mean 5.57 ppm) were measured in samples taken from Posof and for sulfonamide (mean 2.79 ppm) in samples taken from çıldır. As a result, beekeepers should be educated about the use of antibiotics and the inspections determining the antibiotic residue should be made more often

    Effects of Cysteamine, Putrescine and Cysteamine-Putrescine Combination on 3-Methylcholanthrene-Induced Fibrosarcoma in Mice

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    Bu çalışmada farelerde 3-metilkolantren (3-MC) ile indüklenen fibrosarkoma üzerine sisteamin, putresin ve sisteamin-putresin kombinasyonunun etkileri araştırıldı. Araştırmada Mus musculus albino ırkı, 2-3 aylık ve 202.0 g ağırlığında olan toplam 135 adet erkek fare kullanıldı. Fareler her grupta 15 adet olacak şekilde 9 gruba ayrıldı. Fareler standart diyet ve su ile ad libitum olarak beslendi. Birinci grup negatif kontrol grubu olarak tutuldu. İkinci gruba deri altı yolla 0.2 ml susam yağı, üçüncü gruba deri altı yolla 3-MC enjekte edildi. Dördüncü gruba içme suyuyla %0.1 oranında sisteamin, beşinci gruba %0.1 oranında putresin, altıncı gruba %0.1 oranında sisteamin ve %0.1 oranında putresin karışımı ad libitum olarak verildi. Yedinci gruba deri altı yolla 0.2 ml 3-MC çözeltisi (1 mg 3-MC/0.2 ml susam yağı) ve bir ay sonra içme suyuyla %0.1 oranında sisteamin, sekizinci gruba deri altı yolla 0.2 ml 3-MC çözeltisi ve bir ay sonra içme suyuyla %0.1 oranında putresin, dokuzuncu gruba deri altı yolla 0.2 ml 3-MC çözeltisi ve bir ay sonra içme suyuyla %0.1 oranında sisteamin %0.1 oranında putresin karışımı ad libitum olarak verildi. Bir yılın sonunda ferelerin dokuları morfolojik ve histopatolojik olarak değerlendirildi. Araştırma sonucunda 3-MC ile indüklenen fibrosarkomaya karşı çoktan aza doğru putresin, sisteaminputresin ve sisteaminin koruyucu etki gösterdiği belirlendi.In this study the effects of cysteamine, putrescine and the combination of cysteamine and putrescine were investigated in mice with 3-Methylcholanthrene (3-MC) induced on fibrosarcoma. A total of 135 adult male Mouse (Mus musculus) albino, 2-3 months old and weighting 20±2.0 g was used in this study. Mice in each group were divided 15 consisting of 9 individual. The first group was kept as a negative control group. The second group received subcutaneous injection of 0.2 ml sesame oil, and the third group was given subcutaneously 3-MC (1 mg/0.2 ml sesame oil). The 4th, 5th and 6th groups recived 0.1% cysteamine, 0.1% putrescine and 0.1% cysteamine 0.1% putrescine mix with drinking water ad libitum respectively. The 7th, 8th and 9th groups were injected with 0.2 ml of 3-MC solution. After 1 month 0.1% cysteamine, 0.1% putrescine and 0.1% cysteamine 0.1% putrescine combinations were administrated in drinking water to 7th, 8th and 9th groups respectively. After 1 year of all experiments mice tissues were evaluated morphologic and histopathologically. As a result were respectively demonstrated protective effect of putrescine, cysteamineputrescine and cysteamin against 3-MC induced fibrosarcoma

    Immunohistochemical Examination on the Effects of Malathion and Onosma Nigricaule (Boraginaceae) on the Leptin in Renal Tissues of Mice

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    Amaç Bu çalışmada, tarımda bir insektisit olarak kullanılan malathion’un neden olduğu oksidasyon parametreleri üzerine Onosma nigricaule (Boraginaceae)’den elde edilen bitkisel özütün böbrek dokusunda leptin üzerine etkisinin immunohistokimyasal olarak araştırılması amaçlandı. Materyal-Metot Çalışmamızda, toplam 48 adet erkek fare kullanıldı. Gruplar; kontrol (grup 1), malathion’un taşıt maddesi olan mısır yağı (grup 2), bitki özütünün taşıt maddesi olan serum fizyolojik (grup 3), malathion (grup 4), Onosma nigricaule (grup 5), ve Onosma nigricaule + malathion grubu (grup 6) olmak üzere toplam 6 grup olarak belirlendi. Böbreklerden alınan kesitlere leptin immunoreaktivitesini belirlemek için Streptavidin-Biotin-Peroksidaz Kompleks tekniği uygulandı. Hazırlanan kesitlere histolojik incelemeler için hematoksilen-eosin ve Crossman’ın üçlü boyama yöntemi kullanıldı. Bulgular Kontrol grubu ile taşıt kontrol grupları olan serum fizyolojik grubu ve mısır yağı grupları ile Onosma nigricaule, malathion ve Onosma nigricaule + malathion gruplarının böbrek dokularında herhangi bir lezyon tespit edilmedi. Diğer yandan, kontrol, mısır yağı, serum ve malathion grubundaki farelerin tubulus proksimalis ve tubulus distalis epitel hücrelerinde güçlü leptin immunoreaktivite görülmesine karşın Onosma nigricaule ve Onosma nigricaule + malathion grubu farelerde ise zayıf leptin immunoreaktivitesi tespit edildi. Sonuç Fareler ile yaptığımız çalışmada, yurdumuzda insektisit olarak yaygın kullanılan malathion’un fare böbreğinde leptin aktivitelerini etkilediği görülmüştür.Aim The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the plant extract, which is obtained from Onosma nigricaule due to the oxidation parameters caused in mice by Malathion that is used as an insecticide in agriculture, on leptin in renal tissues in an immunohistochemical way. Material-Methods A total of 48 male mice were used in our study. 6 groups were determined as the control (group 1), maize oil which is the transport agent of malathion (group 2), normal saline which is the transport agent of plant extract (group 3), Onosma nigricaule (group 4), malathion (group 5) and Onosma nigricaule plant extract + malathion (group 6) group. The localization of leptin in the renal tissue was determined using the method of Streptavidin-BiotinPeroxidase. Hematoxylin-eosin and triple staining methods were used for histological and pathological examinations. Results No lesion was determined in renal tissues of the control group, normal saline group, maize oil group, Onosma nigricaule malathion and onosma nigricaule + malathion groups. Leptin immunoreactivity was determined with a weak intensity in renal tubulus proximalis and distalis epithelial cells of mice in the onosma nigricaule group, and onosma nigricaule + malathion group and with a high intensity in tubulus proximalis of other groups. Conclusion This study conducted on mice revealed that malathion, which is commonly used as insecticide in Turkey, affects leptin activities in renal tissue of mice

    Effects of cysteamine on 3-methylcholanthrene - induced fibrosarcoma in mice

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    Tümörlerin biyolojilerinin anlaşılması, korunma ve tedavi yöntemlerinin geliştirilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada farelerde 3-metilkolantrenle (3-MC) indüklenen fibrosarkoma üzerinde sisteaminin koruyucu etkileri araştırıldı. Deneyde yaklaşık 202.0 g ağırlığında beyaz erkek fareler (Mus musculus albino) kullanıldı. Fareler her grupta 15 adet olacak şekilde beş gruba ayrıldı, standart diyet ve su ile ad libitum olarak beslendi. Birinci gruptaki hayvanlara hiçbir ilaç uygulaması yapılmadı. İkinci gruptaki farelere susam yağı (0.2 ml, deri altı), üçüncü gruba sisteamin (%0.1 suda oral), dördüncü gruptaki farelere 3-metilkolantren çözeltisi (1 mg/0.2 ml susam yağı) 0.2 ml hacimde deri altı yolla enjekte edildi. Beşinci gruba 3-metilkolantren çözeltisi (1 mg/0.2 ml susam yağı) 0.2 ml deri altı ve %0.1 oranında suda çözdürülmüş sisteamin oral yolla ad libitum olarak verildi. Hayvanlar 4 ay süreyle takip edildi. Süre sonunda servical dislokasyonla ötanazi edilen farelerin otopsileri yapıldı. Organlardaki morfolojik değişiklikler ve alınan doku örneklerindeki tümöral oluşumlar histopatolojik yöntemlerle araştırıldı. Araştırma sonucunda sisteaminin farelerde 3-metilkolantrenle indüklenen fibrosarkoma karşı koruyucu etki gösterdiği belirlendi.Understanding the biology, developing methods for prevention and treatment of tumors is of great importance. The present study was investigated protective effects of the cysteamine on 3-methylcholantrene-induced fibrosarcoma in mice. In the experiment, white male mice (Mus musculus albino) were used approximately 20±2.0 g in weight. Divided into five groups, per group of 15 mice and were fed ad libitum with a standard diet and water. No drug was performed in the first group of animals. Sesame oil (0.2 ml volume) for the second group of mice were injected subcutaneously. The third group was given in drinking water 0.1% solution of cysteamine (ad libitum). 3-methylcholantrene solution (1 mg/0.2ml sesame oil) were injected for the fourth group of mice subcutaneously with 0.2 ml volume. The five group was performed 0.2 ml volume of 3-methylcholantrene solution (1 mg/0.2 ml sesame oil) subcutaneously and 0.1% dissolved in water was ad libitum disintegrating orally. Animals were observed for 4 months. The mice that euthanasiaded cervical dislocation were autopsied at the end. Morphological changes in organs and tissue samples taken from tumor formation was investigated with histopathological methods. In conclusion ıt is suggested that cysteamine has a protective effect on 3-methyl-cholantrene-induced fibrosarcoma in mice

    The protective effects of cysteamine, putrescine, and the combination of cysteamineand putrescine on fibrosarcoma induced in mice with 3-methylcholanthrene

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    In this study, the protective effects of cysteamine, putrescine, and the combination of cysteamine and putrescine were investigated in mice with fibrosarcoma induced with 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC). A total of 135 adult male albino mice (Mus musculus), 23 months old and weighing 20 ± 2.0 g, were used in this study. All groups (each consisting of 15 mice) were fed ad libitum. The experimental groups were Group 1 (drinking water), Group 2 (0.2 mL sesame oil s.c.), Group 3 (1 mg 3-MC/0.2 mL sesame oil), Group 4 (0.1% cysteamine), Group 5 (0.1% putrescine), Group 6 (0.1% cysteamine putrescine), Group 7 (1 mg 3-MC/0.2 sesame oil 0.1% cysteamine), Group 8 (1 mg 3-MC/0.2 mL sesame oil 0.1% putrescine), and Group 9 (1 mg 3-MC/0.2 mL sesame oil 0.1% cysteamine 0.1% putrescine). Experimental groups were given cysteamine and/or putrescine mixed with drinking water right after being injected with 3-MC subcutaneously. After 7 months, the mice were euthanized by means of cervical dislocation and were evaluated morphologically and histopathologically. The results showed that the number of tumors of 3-MC-induced fibrosarcoma were reduced from the highest to the lowest by cysteamine, cysteamine putrescine, and putrescine, respectively

    Investigation of antifungal and antioxidant properties of Capparis ovata methanolic extracts

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    Caper plant belonging to the genus Capparis (family Capparaceae) is a plant used in traditional medicine to cure various illnesses since ancient times. Studies have shown significant medicinal properties of various Capparis species. This study was designed to examine in vitro antifungal and antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts of Capparis ovata buds. It was determined that Capparis ovata inhibited the NO radical in a dose-dependent manner and exhibited reducing power activity. According to the standard pyrocatechol graph, 1 mg of Capparis ovata contains 19.64 µg of phenolic equivalent of pyrocatechol. In vitro antifungal susceptibilty testing of Capparis ovata methanolic extract against eight different fungal strains were determined by broth macrodilution method. According to MIC values of in vitro antifungal activity testing Capparis ovata has moderate antifungal activity.  In conclusion, Capparis ovata was found to have a significant antifungal and antioxidant potential. Hence, this plant could have the potential to be used against fungal and oxidative stress  related many disease conditions