106 research outputs found

    A suspected virus infection of the oral mucosa in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    During the winter 1980 reindeer herds in the Tornedalen area, along the Finnish border, were hit by grazing difficulties. Thus minor parts of the reindeer her*ds in this area were given supplementary feed in pens. Some of the supplementary fed animals were taken ill and some deaths occurred. According to the owners sick animals showed loss of appetite and signs of fever. A total of 8 carcasses were necropsied at The National Veterinary Institute. In 5 of these cases oral lesions were observed. The histological investigation of the oral mucosa revealed intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, inter- and intracellular oedema and vesicle formation. An electron-microscopical study of 2 of the cases confirmed the histological findings. At the bacteriological investigations Coli, ß-haemolyzing streptococci, Conrynebacterium pyogenes and Fusobacterium necrophorum could be indentified. The found bacteria were all considered secondary invaders. Serological samples from four affected reindeer flocks were tested for antibodies against BVD-, P13 and IBR-virus as well as Chlamydia. A few samples showed low positive titres for agents tested but for BVDV. The result of the investigation indicates that a still unidentified virus could be the primary cause of this enzootically appearing disease of the oral mucosa in reindeer.Misstanke om virusinfektion i munnslemhinnan på svensk ren.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Under vintern 1980 drabbades renhjordar i Tornedalsområdet av betessvårigheter. Av denna anledning fördes mindre flockar, ur hjordarna, till inhägnader och tillskottsutfodrades. En del av de tillskottsutfodrade djuren insjuknade och dödsfall inträffade. Enligt djurägarna förlorade de sjuka djuren aptiten och uppvisade tecken på feber. Av de döda renarna erhölls åtta fôr obduktion vid Statens Veterinärmedicinska anstalt. Hos fem av de obducerade renarna forelåg skador i munhålan. Vid histologisk undersokning av munslemhinnan påvisades intracytoplasmatiska inklusionskroppar, inter- och intracellulärt ödem och vesikelbildningar. Elektronmikroskopisk undersokning av två av fallen konfirmerade de histologiska undersökningarna. Vid de bakteriologiska undersökningarna påvisades våxt av kolibakterier, ß-hemolyserande streptokocker, Corynebacterium pyogenes och Fusobacterium necrophorum. I samtliga fall betraktades dessa som sekundårinfektio-ner. Serologiska undersökningar företogs, i fyra flockar dår dödsfall förekommit, avseende forekomst av antikroppar emot BVD-virus, Pi3 och IBR-virus samt Chlamydia. Ett mindre antal prover uppvisade positiva titrar fôr de undersökta agens utom vad avser BVD. Resultaten av undersökningarna indikerar att ett annu ej identifierat virus kan vara primärorsak till de enzootiskt upptrådande utbrotten av sjukliga förändringar i munhålen hos ren

    Poverty: A Major Cause of Criminality in Women in Pakistan

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    Millions of people and communities worldwide experience poverty. This research examines the complex relationship between poverty and crime, showing how economic hardship can lead to criminality in Punjab Pakistan. The research synthesizes material to explain how poverty causes crime.The relationship between poverty and crime has long fascinated experts, policymakers, and the public. Numerous studies have linked poverty to higher crime rates, especially in underprivileged neighborhoods. Due to limited access to education, healthcare, and work, poverty can foster crime. This research discusses strain, social disorganization, and relative deprivation ideas that explain poverty-crime. These beliefs argue that economically disadvantaged people are more inclined to turn to crime to meet their wants and advance socially. The abstract also examines how poverty may affect crime. It describes how economic deprivation can affect educational attainment, healthcare access, and social mobility, raising the likelihood of crime.  Data was collected from 5 major prisons in Punjab Pakistan by the researcher herself through the Questionnaire. Major findings included, a lack of genuine prospects and the promise of quick money can lead some to unlawful activities, perpetuating poverty and crime. Poverty-crime policy consequences are also discussed in the research. Poverty reduction through social welfare, education, and job creation is stressed to lower crime rates. Evidence-based socioeconomic initiatives can interrupt the poverty-crime cycle in underprivileged communities. Poverty and crime have a complicated relationship. Poverty is a major factor in crime, as this research shows from the literature. It proposes a holistic approach that addresses poverty's core causes to reduce crime and promote community well-being. Key Words:  Women, Poverty, Unemployment, Criminality, Prisons, Punjab, Pakistan

    A suspected virus infection of the oral mucosa in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    In 1980 a rather high frequency of reindeer, supplementarily fed in pens, were taken ill and deaths occurred as well. In five out of eight carcasses necrophsied oral lesions were observed. Histologically the mucosa, surrounding these lesions, was charasterized by the presence of intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, inter- and intracellular oedema and vesicle formation. Fusobacterium necrophorum, Coll, betahaemolizing streptococci, and Cory neb acterium pyogenes found in the lesions were all considered secondary invaders. Serological samples from disease stricken herds were tested for antibodies against BVD-, P13-, and IBR-virus as well as Chlamydia. Low positive titres were observed but for BVDV. The result indicates that a thus far unidentified virus might be the primary cause of this enzootically occurring disease

    Phytochemical composition of calyx extract of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) genotypes

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    Thirty five roselle genotypes were evaluated at the experimental field of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University during August 2015 to February 2016. Based on agronomic performance 15 genotypes were selected for the analysis of phytochemical composition and the nutritional quality of calyx extract. The objective of the research was to estimate phytochemical constituents such as carotenoid, flavonoid, phenol, anthocyanin, vitamin C content and antioxidant activity of calyx extract of roselle. The genotype BUM-003 (873.61 μg/g) contained high amount of phenol among the 15 genotypes followed by BUM-007 (867.84 μg/g) and the lowest (481.57 μg/g) in genotype 4561. The high amount of carotenoid was estimated in the genotypes BUM-003, BUM-004, BUM-007 (30.18, 30.95, 29.69 μg/g, respectively). The genotypes 1740 (7.07 μg/g) and 4561 (7.73 μg/g) contained less amount of carotenoid. All the genotypes contained high amount of anthocyanin (>80 μg/g) except 1740, 4561, BUM-002. High amount of flavonoid was estimated in the calyx extract of the genotypes BUM-003 (399.15 μg/g) and BUM-004 (407.34 μg/g). The highest amount of antioxidant was estimated in the genotype BUM-002 (492.87 μg/g) followed by 4385 (488.09 μg/g) and 4920 (487.99 μg/g). Antioxidant activity was determined by 2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) radical scavenging assay and maximum was found in the genotype 4920 (95.09%) followed by 4385 (94.12%), BUM-002 (93.55%) and minimum (72.83%) in the genotype 4537. The highest amount of vitamin C was estimated in the genotypes BUM-003 (312.97 μg/g) and the lowest in the genotype 4561 (26.20 μg/g). From the overall phytochemical composition it might be concluded that the calyces of the genotypes 4385, 4920, BUM-002, BUM-003, BUM-004, BUM-007 are the excellent source of natural antioxidants. The calyx extract of the genotype BUM-004 contain the highest amount of carotenoids (31μg/g), ascorbic acid (424.19μg/g), antioxidant (485.85 μg/g BHT eqv) and antioxidant activity (94.50 %). The genotype 4537 contain the highest amount anthocyanins (87.7 μg/g and) and flavonoid (404.40μg/g). The genotype BUM-003 (869.45 μg/g) contained the highest amount of phenol in the calyx extract.Keywords: Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), nutrition, chemical composition, calyx extrac

    2-[2-(1,3-Dioxoisoindolin-2-yl)acetamido]­acetic acid

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    The title mol­ecule, C12H10N2O5, is non-planar with dihedral angles of 89.08 (7) and 83.21 (7)° between the phthalimide and acetamide mean planes, and the acetamide and acetic acid mean planes, respectively. In the crystal, symmetry-related mol­ecules are linked via N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming an undulating two-dimensional network. There are also a number of weak C—H⋯O inter­actions, leading to the formation of a three-dimensional arrangement

    In vitro and in vivo anthelmintic activity of terminalia arjuna bark

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) bark locally used as an anthelmintic. Lethal median concentration (LC50 values) of methanolic extract of T. arjuna bark in egg hatch and larval development tests against Haemonchus contortus ova and larva were found to be 645.65 and 467.74 μg mL-1, respectively. Inadult motility assay, efficacy of the extract was evident by the mortality of H. contortus at different hours post exposure. Invivo results revealed maximum (87.3%) egg count percent reduction (ECR) in sheep treated with crude methanolic extract @ 3 g kg-1 body weight on day 11 post-treatment (PT). The data revealed dose-dependent anthelmintic activity both in the invitro and in vivo studies, thus justifying its use in the traditional medicine system of Pakista

    Groundwater Contamination Study of Faisalabad and Sargodha Metropolitan Cities

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    The groundwater is one of the most important sources for fulfilling daily needs. Groundwater for drinking purposes is the biggest source in Pakistan, but due to population explosion, the rapid development of industrialization, deforestation, urbanization and unplanned housing schemes on agricultural lands are the major reasons for groundwater contamination and deterioration. The work emphasized evaluating the physicochemical characteristics of the groundwater of the two cities of Punjab, Faisalabad and Sargodha for drinking purposes. Overall thirty samples were collected in triplicate, fifteen from each city, Faisalabad and Sargodha, respectively. Physicochemical parameters, trace elements and microbiological analysis were conducted. The results revealed that the quantities of Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na), Chloride (Cl-), and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) were significantly higher than the permissible limits of WHO in the majority of the samples from Sargodha, while TDS, Total Hardness (TH), were higher in most samples of Faisalabad. The studied trace elements Aluminum (Al), Chromium (Cr), Arsenic (As), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Selenium (Se), Cadmium (Cd), and Lead (Pb) were found under safe limits of WHO except Cr, Cd, Se and Mn in Sargodha city and in Faisalabad Se and Cd were found to be crossing WHO levels in few locations. The samples from Faisalabad were found microbiologically unsafe as compared to Sargodha. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the area's most dominant anion was chloride. Many processes are involved in changing water chemistry, and the water quality was controlled by rock water interaction and evaporation procedures. The study concluded that the area's water was brackish; due to this, the water was found unsuitable for drinking purposes. Therefore, the supply of safe water and water treatment plant installations are highly recommended in these areas


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    For rainfed ecology, water is the most limiting natural resource and its effective utilization is indispensable in order to optimize crop water productivity. A field study on wheat crop was carried out to asses the impact of different irrigation depths through sprinkler irrigation system at three phonological stages viz. tilleing, anthesis and grain filling. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used in the trail and had three repeats.  The area under study received 195 mm seasonal rainfall. Supplemental irrigation depths at three phonological stages, using small quantities of water through sprinkler irrigation system, significantly promoted the crop growth. The irrigation depth 25 mm gave the maximum output for biological yield (6504 ), grain yield (2030 ), thousand grain weight (28), plant height (87 ) and spike length (10 ). The highest water productivity of 0.97 kg/m3 was achieved with 25 mm supplemental irrigation depth when applied at tillering and anthesis stages

    Investigation of Gastrointestinal Parasites in Dairy Cattle of Tehsil Babozai, District Swat

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    A study was conducted from January, 2018 to August, 2018 in different wards of Tehsil Babozai, district Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to investigate and find out the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in dairy cattle. For this purpose, a total number of 116 fecal samples from cattle were randomly collected from different wards of district Swat and a well-structured questionnaire having the information about the cattle age, sex, parity, management, body conditions, fecal consistency, and disease were filled. Result showed overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites (37%), species observed in this study were Protozoan (6.89 %) as Eimeria bovis, Nematodes (60.34%), as Ostertagia ostertagi (30%), followed by Trichostrongylus spp. (19%), Haemonchus contortus (5%), Strongyloides papillosus (3.44%), Cooperia spp. (1.7%), Toxocara canis  (0.8%). Trematodes (5.17%) as Paramphistomum spp. and Fasciola hepatica, however, only one species of Cestodes (0.8%) such as Moniezia expansa was observed. Statistical analysis revealed that there is no significant variation in prevalence of cattle in relation to age, sex, parity, management, fecal consistency, body condition, disease, however high prevalence showed in young cattle < than 3 years having poor body condition due to animia and diseases. These all factors and conditions are greatly associated with parasitic infection in cattle of Swat. Our study concludes that gastrointestinal parasites such as Liver fluke and roundworms cause the biggest problems for Swatian producers and need to be eradicated

    catena-Poly[[triphenyl­tin(IV)]-μ2-[3-(cyclo­hexyl­carbamo­yl)propanoato-κ2 O 1:O 3]]

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    The Sn atom in the polymeric title compound, [Sn(C6H5)3(C10H16NO3)]n, is five-coordinated within a trans-C3O2 donor set that defines an approximate trigonal-bipyramidal geometry. The carboxyl­ate ligand is monodentate and the amide O atom bridges a symmetry-related Sn atom, generating a chain along [010] with a linear topology. An intra­molecular carboxyl­ate–carbonyl N—H⋯O hydrogen bond is responsible for the curved conformation within the carboxyl­ate ligand
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