1,211 research outputs found
Pemukiman masyarakat Depok Lama sebagai kontribusi historis perkotaan di
Indonesia sebagai proses pembentukan permukiman dari keragaman etnis menjadi
kelompok marga, sebagai perwujudan nilai-nilai, tradisi, warisan dan budaya serta
religi yang terwujud dalam lingkungan permukiman masyarakat dan menjadi wajah
struktural kota Depok
Kawasan Perdagangan sebagai Potensi Wisata Belanja
Pariwisata diidentikan kunjungan ke objek wisata dengan kekayaan alam dan budaya saat ini berkembang objek agrowisata
ataupun desa wisata. Tidak bisa dipungkiri perkembangan dan kemajuan industri pariwisata mengikut selera masyarakat sesuai dengan minat dan tujuan yang diharapkan.
Tujuan wisata tidak hanya karena kebesaran alam dan keunikan culture sebuah daerah tertentu
Peran Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Keolahragaan dalam Mengatasi Keterlantaran Pendidikan Jasmani di SD
A study ofvarious literature reveals that well-held physical education at elementary school can guarantee the growth of physical and moral quality in the child. But in reality the implementa tion ofphysical education at elementary school has been confronted with various problems ranging from inadequate equipment and facilities and limited time allocations and to low-quality teachers. The continuing occurrence ofthese various constraints has caused physical education at elementary school to experience a condition of neglect at levels ranging from a pedagogic one to a philosophical one. Such a reality ofthe neglect ofphysical education as mentioned above represents a crisis entangling various factors in its roots. There fore, any effort to overcome it must be done by means Ofa synergism among and involving various concerned parties in the reconstruction ofphysical education at elementary school. Higher educational insti tutions ofsports hold a vital role in drawing up and bringing about quality physical education at various levels ranging from the nursery school to college. This strategic r.ole obliges them to have a vision capable to accomodate the expanding demands ofsociety, including in it howthat vital role can be actualized in overcoming the weakening pedagogic level ofphysical education teachers at elementary school. This article will analyze and lay open the role that ought to be conducted by higher educational institutions ofsports
Upaya yang Perlu D1kembangkan dalam Melaksanakan Kurikvlum Fleksibel
Kesenjangan antara pendidikan dan dunia kcrja, merupakanmasalah yang dilematis. Bnoyak faktor yang diperkirakan sebagaipenyebabnya. Salah satu diantaranya kurikulum yang disajikanoleh lembaga pcndidikan jurang mengarah pada penumbuhandunia kerja dan USAha yang dibutuhkan uotuk mcmasuki duniakerja.Hampir tiga tahun kurikulum fieksibel diberlakukan di lcmba~ga-Iembaga pendidikan tenaga kependidikan tcnnasuk di JurosanPendidikan Olahraga FPOK IKIP Yogyakarta. Memang masihbelum cukup waktu mengehaluasi berhasil tidaknya kurikulumterscbut, karena menurut Nasution (1985 : 221) pada hakekatnyapcnilaian kurikulum dapat cti1ihal dari hasilnya, yaitu kedudukan.kehidupan atau prestasi para lulusannya. Hal ioi mcngidcntiflkasikanbahwa masih harus menunggu waktu. Namun dcmikian lahimyakurikulum fieksibel merupakan su:J.tu pendckatan perbaikanke arah terciptanya lulusan yang mempunyai kesempatan lebihterbuka untuk terjun ke dunia kerja. Akan tetapi karena konsepperbaikan meminta situasi yang baru, maka harus terjadi pengembanganyang melibatkan berbagai kemampuan uotuk mcngoptimalkankurikulum tersebul.Unluk melaksanakan kurikulum fieksibel harus diiringiadanya upaya Perubahan dari tatanao yang paling rendah, yaitujurusan. Perubahan pada tingkar jurusan dapat dilakukan seandainyasetiap pengajar juga "mengalami Perubahan sikap, yakniperubahan sikap mengajar dengan perencanaannya masing-masingmenjadi mengajar dalam koordinasi
Kemampuan Guru Pendidikan Jasmani Dalam Menyusun Rencana Dan Praktik Pembelajaran Bervisi Karakter
: This study aims to reveal the physical education teachers' ability in writing character visionbased lesson planning and instructional practice, the teachers' beliefs related to character teaching and learning, and the prototype construction of effective sports education model to be applied in shaping the students' character. This study used a descriptive method with a population of physical education teachers of 50 SMPs in the City of Yogyakarta. A random sampling was administered to get 32 physical education teachers from 28 SMPs. The data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis was conducted through character content identification from all the lesson plans and tracing the teachers' beliefs on the teaching and learning of character. From the results it can be concluded that: (1) the physical education teachers in the City of Yogyakarta still have low competence in integrating character education as realized in the lesson plans; (2) the understading of the physical education teachers on character teaching and learning is still relatively superficial with unsystematic thinking pattern; and (3) the practice of character teaching and learning by the physical education teachers of SMP in the City of Yogyakarta tends to be passive internalization
Peran Guru sebagai Model dalam Pembelajaran Karakter dan Kebajikan Moral melalui Pendidikan Jasmani
The Teacher\u27s Role as a Model in Teaching Character and MoralVirtues through Physical Education. Problems of students\u27 bad character andmorality always appear in the field of education. This may result from the fact thateducation in Indonesia emphasizes intellectual development only, while otheraspects, such as personality, affective factors, and moral virtues, receive lessattention. Schools and teachers actually play an important role and have aresponsibility for students\u27 learning both in the cognitive and affective aspects. Inother words, improvement of and emphasis on the cognitive aspect such as skills inreading, language, mathematics, and science aimed at preparing students to enterthe global world should be balanced against the improvement of their affectiveaspect. This means that character building and moral virtue teaching must not beignored
Sistem Terotori Ruang Kegiatan Ekonomi Masyarakat pada Kawasan Bisnis di Perkotaan Studi Kasus: Kawasan Bisnis Tanah Abang - Jakarta
Kegiatan kehidupan masyarakat di perkotaa melahirkan keragaman kawasan denganfungsi yang berbeda, diantaranya kawasan bisnis. Fenomena empiris perkembangankawasan bisnis Tanah Abang memperlihatkan kegiatan-kegiatan ekonomi yangdilakukan oleh masyarakat dengan batas dan intensitas penggunaan ruang yangberagam. Pemilihan dan pengusaan ruang-ruang untuk aktivitas dan kegiatan ekonomimasyarakat menciptakan sistem teritori yang berbeda dari kegiatan ekonomi yang adapada kawasan bisnis Tanah Abang. Fenomena kegiatan ekonomi dalam kajian ini inginmeneliti seberapa jauh sistem teritori dari kegiatan produksi dan kegiatan distribusiyang dilakukan oleh masyarakat pada kawasan bisnis Tanah Abang. Setiap sistemseting kegiatan ekonomi yang menempati ruang dengan bentuk spasial yang berbedadigunakan untuk mengetahui pola kehidupan dari segregasi sistem teritori dan ruangyang digunakan. Sehingga mengetahui intensitas penggunaan ruang dari masingmasingkegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Pendekatan perilakumasyarakat dalam sistem penggunaan ruang untuk kegiatan ekonomi pada kawasanTanah Abang akan dikaji dengan paradigm fenomenologi untuk menggali informasimengenai fenomena spasial aktivitas dan kegiatan ekonomi. Cara berfikir induktifkualitatifdipilih untuk mengungkap fenomena dan membangun pemahaman mendalamtentang sistem teritori ruang kegiatan ekonomi yang ada di kawasan bisnis TanahAbang-Jakarta
St~tegi Pengembangan Perg"uruan Tinggi Keolahragaan Menghadapi Tantangan Masa Depan : ~Tudi Kasus Fakultas Limo Keolahragaan Uny
The globalization has revieled the fast growing complexity in our society. If, there fore, isof crucial importance for society, including high institution ofsport discipline, to adopt tangibleparadigm and strategy so as to remain keeping abreast with all dynalnics. The high institutionof sport discipline having no sense of future and dynamic anticipationof merely equipping itselfwith temporary reaction will be crushed by the changes in our sociaty and, in tum, it willgradually"die out".Welcoming this challeging globalitation era, the high institution of sport discipline is leftbehind in tenns of its human recaurses aspecton studies of sport, science development. Thehigh institution of sport discipline has not yet shown is capability to statify the society's need.The development of science and tecnology in the high institution of sport discipline has beenexperiencing slow development in to comparison to the development of sport world.Four strategies need developing to face the future challenge the high institution of spoetdiscipline, firstly, carrying out changeover management syitematically, totally,essentially with "the main goal of the renewed orientation. Scondly, developing the academic, quality.T/lirdely,translating the concept of link and match into reality according to what society needs. Finally,developing national and International role in having concern on high institution of sportdiscipline and national and International sport organizations
Evaluasi Implementasi Kurikulum Fik Tahun2000 Menurut Persepsi Dosen dan Mahasiswa
This article is based on a research conducted to get a description of the implementation of the State University of Yogyakarta' s Faculty ofSports Sciences' curriculum ofthe year of 2000 viewed from the lecturers' and students' perception. The specific aim ofthe research has been to figure out the obstacles found by lecturers and students in implementing the curriculum that year. The research subjects have been the lecturers and students of the course programs known as the PJKR, PKO, and IKORA Course Programs. Quota sampling has been used, obtaining a sample comprising 34 lecturers and 203 students. The sample has also been classified on the basis of representatives for the course subjects and for various fields ofstudy they belong to. Data collection has been done by means of a survey using questionnaires and interviews as well as a curriculum evaluation matrix specifically developed for the re~earch. A descriptive data analysis has been conducted on both quantitative and qualitativedata.' From the analysis it is found that the aforesaid curriculum of the year 2000 has been implemented in the three course programs but there have been technical and substantive constraints. (a) The resource books for the lectures have been limited. (b) Many of these books have been in a foreign language. (c) The students' learning process have still been too much dependent on the lecturers. (d) The semester credit points al10cated to some course subjects have not been considered sufficient. (e) There has been a lack of instructional equipment and media. (f) A part of tb.e formulation of tb.e material in tb.e curriculum b.as not been adequately systematic on the basis ofscientific sequencing. The students have not yet been able to ful1y and properly understand the meaning and concept of the curriculum and the teaching-learning process at a university. They have been able to respond only after being stimulated by questions asked in interviews. Nevertheless, the questionnaires and interviews have yielded information concerning their obstacles in implementing the curriculum as fol1ows: (a) many of the resource books have been in a foreign language; (b) there have not been any bound copies of course materials written in Bahasa Indonesia by the lecturers; (c) the lecturers have not explained the syl1abus; (d) learning motivation or interest has been low in relation to certain course subj ects; and (e) it has been difficult to meet the lecturers for final assignment consultation. The limited resource books, many ofthem in a foreign language, and the limited bound copies of course materials in Bahasa Indonesia have caused the students to be unable to learn to an optimum way, particularly in relation with theoretical course subjects whether they belong to the social or exact sciences' group
The Effect of Peer Atachment and Tolerance on Social Competence In Adolescents
This study aims to examine the effect of peer attachment and tolerance simultaneously and separately on social competence among adolescents. This research employed a quantitative ex-post facto design, which was conducted in the city of Yogyakarta involving 364 adolescents as sample, consisting of 190 females and 174 males. Data were collected through adaptation of SSRS-R for social competence scale with 35 items, of IPPA-R for peer attachment scale with 25 items and modified TDC for tolerance scale with 13 items. The instrument was validated through content validity and reliability based on Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for social competence with the value of 0.804, Cronbach’s Alpha for peer attachment scale with the value of 0.704 and Cronbach’s Alpha for tolerance scale with the value of 0.690. Data were then analyzed through multiple regression analysis with the result of significance 0.000 (p <0.05). The results show that: (1) there is an effect of peer attachment and tolerance simultaneously on the adolescents’ social competence ; (2) there is an effect of peer attachment on the adolescents’ social competence; and (3) there is an effect of tolerance on the adolescents’ social competence. Therefore, it can be concluded that peer attachment and tolerance affect the adolescents’ social competence. Peer attachment and tolerance can be strong predictors of social competence among adolescents
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