5,790 research outputs found

    Implications of Low Energy Supersymmetry Breaking at the Tevatron

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    The signatures for low energy supersymmetry breaking at the Tevatron are investigated. It is natural that the lightest standard model superpartner is an electroweak neutralino, which decays to an essentially massless Goldstino and photon, possibly within the detector. In the simplest models of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking, the production of right-handed sleptons, neutralinos, and charginos leads to a pair of hard photons accompanied by leptons and/or jets with missing transverse energy. The relatively hard leptons and softer photons of the single e^+e^- \gamma \gamma + \EmissT event observed by CDF implies this event is best interpreted as arising from left-handed slepton pair production. In this case the rates for l^{\pm} \gamma \gamma + \EmissT and \gamma \gamma + \EmissT are comparable to that for l^+l^- \gamma \gamma + \EmissT.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, tables correcte

    Tau Polarizations in the Three-body Slepton Decays with Stau as the NLSP

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    In the gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking models with scalar tau as the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle, a scalar lepton may decay dominantly into its superpartner, tau lepton, and the lightest scalar tau particle. We give detailed formulas for the three-body decay amplitudes and the polarization asymmetry of the outgoing tau lepton . We find that the tau polarizations are sensitive to the model parameters such as the stau mixing angle, the neutralino to slepton mass ratio and the neutralino mixing effect.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, RevTe

    Curvaton Scenario with Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis

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    We discuss the curvaton scenario with the Affleck-Dine baryogenesis. In this scenario, non-vanishing baryonic entropy fluctuation may be generated even without primordial fluctuation of the Affleck-Dine field. Too large entropy fluctuation is inconsistent with the observations and hence constraints on the curvaton scenario with the Affleck-Dine baryogenesis are obtained. We calculate the baryonic entropy fluctuation (as well as other cosmological density fluctuations) in this case and derive constraints. Implications to some of the models of the curvaton are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages,2 figure

    O(a^2) cutoff effects in lattice Wilson fermion simulations

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    In this paper we propose to interpret the large discretization artifacts affecting the neutral pion mass in maximally twisted lattice QCD simulations as O(a^2) effects whose magnitude is roughly proportional to the modulus square of the (continuum) matrix element of the pseudoscalar density operator between vacuum and one-pion state. The numerical size of this quantity is determined by the dynamical mechanism of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and turns out to be substantially larger than its natural magnitude set by the value of Lambda_QCD.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    Curvatons in the minimally supersymmetric standard model

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    Curvaton is an effectively massless field whose energy density during inflation is negligible but which later becomes dominant. This is a novel mechanism to generate the scale invariant perturbations. I discuss the possibility that the curvaton could be found among the fields of the minimally supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), which contains a number of flat directions along which the renormalizable potential vanishes. The requirements of late domination and the absence of damping of the perturbations pick out essentially a unique candidate for the MSSM curvaton. One must also require that inflation takes place in a hidden sector. If the inflaton energy density can be radiated into extra dimensions, many constraints can be relaxed, and the simplest flat direction consisting of the Higgses H_u and H_d would provide a working example of an MSSM curvaton.Comment: 16 pages, 1 Figur

    Layered Higgs Phase as a Possible Field Localisation on a Brane

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    So far it has been found by using lattice techniques that in the anisotropic five--dimensional Abelian Higgs model, a layered Higgs phase exists in addition to the expected five--dimensional one. The exploration of the phase diagram has shown that the two Higgs phases are separated by a phase transition from the confining phase. This transition is known to be first order. In this paper we explore the possibility of finding a second order transition point in the critical line which separates the first order phase transition from the crossover region. This is shown to be the case only for the four--dimensional Higgs layered phase whilst the phase transition to the five--dimensional broken phase remains first order. The layered phase serves as the possible realisation of four--dimensional spacetime dynamics which is embedded in a five--dimensional spacetime. These results are due to gauge and scalar field localisation by confining interactions along the extra fifth direction.Comment: 1+15 pages, 12 figure

    Non-Bunch-Davies Initial State Reconciles Chaotic Models with BICEP and Planck

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    The BICEP2 experiment has announced a signal for primordial gravity waves with tensor-to-scalar ratio r=0.20.05+0.07r=0.2^{+0.07}_{-0.05} [arXiv:1403.3985]. There are two ways to reconcile this result with the latest Planck experiment [arXiv:1303.5082]. One is by assuming that there is a considerable tilt of rr, Tr\mathcal{T}_r, with a positive sign, Tr=dlnr/dlnk0.570.27+0.29\mathcal{T}_r=d\ln r/d\ln k\gtrsim 0.57^{+0.29}_{-0.27} corresponding to a blue tilt for the tensor modes of order nT0.530.27+0.29n_T\simeq0.53 ^{+0.29}_{-0.27}, assuming the Planck experiment best-fit value for tilt of scalar power spectrum nSn_S. The other possibility is to assume that there is a negative running in the scalar spectral index, dnS/dlnk0.02dn_S/d\ln k\simeq -0.02 which pushes up the upper bound on rr from 0.110.11 up to 0.260.26 in the Planck analysis assuming the existence of a tensor spectrum. Simple slow-roll models fail to provide such large values for Tr\mathcal{T}_r or negative runnings in nSn_S [arXiv:1403.3985]. In this note we show that a non-Bunch-Davies initial state for perturbations can provide a match between large field chaotic models (like m2ϕ2m^2\phi^2) with the latest Planck result [arXiv:1306.4914] and BICEP2 results by accommodating either the blue tilt of rr or the negative large running of nSn_S.Comment: v1:5 pages, double column; v2: 6 pages, double column, the option of negative running of scalar spectral index and some references were added; v3: Matched the PLB versio

    A More Minimal Messenger Model of Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking?

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    This Letter addresses a provocative question: ``Can the standard electroweak Higgs doublets and their color-triplet partners be the messengers of a low energy gauge-mediated SUSY breaking?" Such a possibility does not seem to be immediately ruled out. If so, it can lead to a very economical scheme with clear-cut predictions quite distinct from those of the conventional gauge-mediated scenario. Namely, we get (i) a single light Higgs below the original SUSY- breaking scale; (ii) tan(beta) = 1; (iii) flavor non-universal, but automatically flavor-conserving soft scalar masses; (iv) a light colored scalar with peculiar phenomenology. The familiar mu problem looses its meaning in this approach.Comment: 10 pages, LATEX, no figure

    Particle Production of Vector Fields: Scale Invariance is Attractive

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    In a model of an Abelian vector boson with a Maxwell kinetic term and non-negative mass-squared it is demonstrated that, under fairly general conditions during inflation, a scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations for the components of a vector field, massive or not, whose kinetic function (and mass) is modulated by the inflaton field is an attractor solution. If the field is massless, or if it remains light until the end of inflation, this attractor solution also generates anisotropic stress, which can render inflation weakly anisotropic. The above two characteristics of the attractor solution can source (independently or combined together) significant statistical anisotropy in the curvature perturbation, which may well be observable in the near future

    Sneutrino condensate as a candidate for the hot big bang cosmology

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    If inflationary paradigm is correct, then it must create conditions for the hot big bang model with all observed matter, baryons and the seed perturbations for the structure formation. In this paper we propose a scenario where the inflaton energy density is dumped into the bulk in a brane world setup, and all the required physical conditions are created by the right handed neutrino sector within supersymmetry. The scalar component of the right handed Majorana neutrino is responsible for generating the scale invariant fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation, reheating the Universe at a temperature~Trh109T_{rh}\leq 10^{9} GeV, and finally generating the lepton/baryon asymmetry, nB/s1010n_{B}/s\sim 10^{-10}, with no lepton/baryon isocurvature fluctuations.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Some discussion on neutrino masses and baryogenesis, and other small changes adde